American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 443 Eight Hammers

"How come the power of fear has decreased today?"

At the bottom of the sea, the big snake was a little surprised. Then he shook his head. The problem was not big. Although there were fewer, there were still more than before the disaster.

In about a month, he will regain his strength, break the seal and gain freedom.

"That bastard Odin actually came to me and asked me to forgive him. It's simply ridiculous. I will never let him die too easily."

Thinking of what happened before, Orochi gritted his teeth and said that there was no possibility of easing the hatred between him and Odin.

At the same time, Nick Fury and Hill spent a lot of effort to finally find Hydra's base in the North Pole, which is full of ice and snow.

This base has long been abandoned. Nick Fury and Hill wore thick clothes and walked down with the robot - this robot was obtained by Nick Fury through various means and was equivalent to their bodyguard.

Soon, the two saw Skadi's Hammer, which was partially frozen. The hammer's handle was golden and had a crescent-shaped decoration. It looked a bit strange.

"This is……"

As soon as he saw the hammer, Nick Fury became possessed and reached out to hold it.

Seeing this, Hill hurriedly shouted: "Fury, wait, let's check first."

Nick Fury didn't listen, and held the handle of Skadi's Hammer hard. The Skadi's Hammer shook violently, a dazzling blue light lit up on the hammer, and the ice on it suddenly shattered.

Then, Nick Fury raised Skadi's Hammer, and blue light spread to him, forming a blue-green armor with a strange luminous pattern on the chest.

Hill was stunned. Didn't he say that no one could pick it up? Why did Nick Fury pick it up so casually?

No matter how you look at it, Nick Fury does not have the noble qualities required by Quake, but he does have negative qualities, quite a few.

This Hammer of Skati is the hammer left by the Serpent, the God of Fear. To pick it up, what matters is not the character, but the qualifications, the qualifications to create a lot of fear.

In this regard, Nick Fury takes the cake.

"I am fear."

Nick Fury raised the Hammer of Skadi and shouted loudly. It was obvious that he was completely controlled by the hammer.

Nick Fury officially became Orochi's Lord Skyhammer.

Hill sensed something was wrong and shouted: "Fury, put down that hammer, there's something wrong with it."

Nick Fury turned a deaf ear. He felt that he was full of power, an unprecedented and wonderful power.

Seeing this, Hill asked the robot to step forward and snatch the hammer. Nick Fury waved the robot upside down, hitting the wall with a bang and falling apart.

Hill was startled and turned around to run away. Nick Fury turned around and raised his hammer towards her. Then, a beam of ice flew out, fell on Hill and turned into ice, freezing her inside.

Hill is not dead, just frozen.

"Scadi's Hammer?"

Orochi immediately sensed that his hammer was being picked up, and was immediately overjoyed. He hurriedly sensed the hammer, and soon, he contacted Nick Fury.

"My lord."

Nick Fury said respectfully, and Orochi was very satisfied. He said excitedly: "Bring the hammer to the sealing place... Uh, wait, don't break the seal yet."

With the Hammer of Skadi, the seal can indeed be broken, but after the seal is broken, Odin will definitely come to the door immediately.

Odin is not afraid of Orochi, but coupled with the Mechanical Demon King and the Ancient One, he will most likely be re-sealed before his strength has been restored.

Therefore, there is no rush, restore strength first, and at the same time, make plans on the earth.

"I have hidden seven hammers in a treasure house. You go and bring them to Earth."

Orochi ordered: "Then, distribute the hammer to the strong men on the earth so that they can be used by me. In addition, find a way to cause disaster. The bigger the better.

The day I leave the seal, the earth will be filled with fear, and I will not be afraid of anyone who comes. "

"My Lord, leave it to me. No one on earth is more familiar with disasters than I am."

Nick Fury said confidently: "Currently, the earth is being invaded by monsters. I will contact the aliens behind the monsters and work with them to create a world-destroying disaster.

As for those hammers, I would have the superheroes hold them so no one can stop those monsters. "

"Very well, no wonder you can hold my hammer."

The big snake was very satisfied and said: "Go ahead and do it. After it is done, I will never treat you badly. You will be my follower."

"Thank you, my lord."

Nick Fury hesitated for a moment and asked: "My lord, do you know why the earth is full of disasters?"

This is Nick Fury's obsession, and even if he becomes Lord Skyhammer, he still won't forget it.

"Why is the earth full of disasters? It may have something to do with the Mechanical Demon King. I will tell you more slowly after I get out."

Orochi said. Nick Fury did not ask any questions and respectfully sent Orochi away. Then, he turned to look at Hill, thought about it, and decided to leave a hammer for him. After all, he has been with him for so many years and he is one of his own.

"Give one to Hill, there are six left, which superheroes should be divided among them?"

Nick Fury turned into a blue light and flew towards outer space, while secretly thinking: "Well, Tony Stark must get a share, he is the most suitable candidate to be the villain.

Dr. Banner also wants one, Natasha, and Hawkeye also want one, they are all my old subordinates..."

"Nick Fury actually turned black? No, he was originally black."

Andrew looked at Nick Fury flying out of space, and was a little surprised - Nick Fury had his hands and feet on him. This guy was an unstable factor, and Andrew would not ignore him.

If nothing else, Nick Fury’s matter should be driven by the force of fate.

"That's fine. Nick Fury has been around for so long. It's time to get his lunch. Doesn't he want to know the truth about the world? When he dies, I will tell him slowly."

Andrew smiled. He was currently short of manpower. Nick Fury was not good at other things, but he was still very good at conspiracy.

This disaster will definitely be more exciting with his participation.

Time flies, and more than half a month has passed.

At noon this day, on the Pacific Ocean, little Hela was fighting monsters with a group of superheroes.

Xiao Hela shouted loudly, and dozens of black giant swords formed a mountain of swords that emerged from the sea. They penetrated a sheep-shaped monster and hung it on the mountain, howling in pain.

Then, Xiao Hela gathered her sword and chopped off the head of the sheep-shaped monster.

It wasn't over yet, Xiao Hai turned his hand, and the sword mountain decomposed into countless black swords and shot at the monster next to him. The monster was instantly riddled with holes, screamed and retreated, and fell into the sea with a roar.

"Death Witch, well done!"

When the audience saw this scene, they applauded loudly. In the past half month, Xiao Hela had killed hundreds of monsters by herself. Her performance was outstanding. Coupled with some of her own characteristics, she was called the Death Witch by the people.

This is not a bad title, it represents the people's recognition of Xiao Hela.

Without Little Hela, the monsters would not have been cleaned up so cleanly in more than half a month. He is worthy of being the disciple of Ghost Rider, as powerful and reliable as his master.

Little Hela carried the giant sword, smiled at the camera that no one else could see, and turned to kill other monsters.

He is ruthless and ruthless on the battlefield, but he is cheerful and lively at ordinary times. This contrast, coupled with his strong strength, has made Xiao Hela's popularity skyrocket.

Compared to Little Hela, Mindy doesn't like to talk. She is a practical person and keeps moving quickly. She installs the plasma bomb invented by Tony on the monster. The monster is paralyzed by the electricity and cannot move.

The superheroes took the opportunity to attack the monsters, beating them until they screamed and retreated, causing huge waves on the sea.

With Mindi and Xiao Hela helping, everyone felt much more relaxed and even had time to chat.

"With such strong newcomers, maybe one day we can really retire."

Dr. Banner lifted up a huge monster, smashed it against another monster, and said with a smile.

Hawkeye on the side nodded expectantly. He had wanted to retire for a long time, but how could he retire when the earth was like this?

"You want to retire on your own, I, Tony Stark, am only eighteen years old, why should I retire?"

Tony put his hands on a monster's head and said while activating the shock wave.

Unless he beats up Andrew Wang and becomes the best superhero, he, Tony Stark, will never retire. Even if he dies, he will crawl out of the coffin and continue to work overtime on research.

He is a man who wants to become the king of overtime.

Everyone booed, you are an uncle in his forties, why are you pretending to be a teenager?

Rod, who was in charge of logistics, said: "Tony, don't worry, you won't retire, because you are a funny character, a funny character, and you will never retire."

Everyone laughed, and Tony rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to these guys.

"Hull's popularity has risen so fast in the past half month. Now there are news about her everywhere on TV and in newspapers."

Falcon said with envy on his face. Compared to Little Hela, his popularity was pitifully low, and no one even knew of his existence.

The reason why Falcon is here is because he is required to observe the situation from the sky and at the same time drive away the TV station's helicopter.

That's right, helicopters will come over for filming. It was too dangerous some time ago and they didn't dare to come. After Xiao Hela and Mindy joined, the danger has been greatly reduced. Many TV stations have taken the risk to come over to film for the sake of ratings.

"She is the disciple of Ghost Rider. She is strong and good-looking. It is normal to be red. It would be strange not to be red."

Natasha said that both Kuaishou and Bugle TV were run by Ghost Rider, and they kept touting them. In addition, Xiao Hela was very capable, so it was normal for her to be popular.

Tony looked unhappy when he thought of Bugle TV, that bastard TV station that used to criticize him and praise Ghost Rider every day a few years ago.

Forget it, the problem is, they are still doing this now, stepping on his apprentice who praises Ghost Rider. If he couldn't buy it, he would definitely kill everyone inside.

You have been treating me as a stepping stone?

"Speaking of which, the monster seems to have made little progress in the past half month?"

Steve grabbed the head of a monster, smashed the opponent's neck with his steel fist, and said at the same time: "There are just more and more."

"They encountered the most difficult problem in the history of science, magic."

Tony sighed and said: "I guess those aliens are smashing their heads in pain now, just like me back then."


Dr. Reed and Dr. Banner sighed at the same time. For scientists, magic is a nightmare.

At this moment, Rhodes from the logistics office shouted: "There is a group of new monsters approaching you. Be careful. There are quite a lot of them. We will send reinforcements there immediately."

"It seems that those aliens are prepared to compensate for quality with quantity."

Tony sneered and said, not afraid at all, and the same goes for everyone else. Unless the number of monsters reaches a certain level, or there is a qualitative change, human beings have basically stabilized.

Moreover, in the future, there will be more and more mechas.

Soon, a group of monsters arrived, and little Hela was about to get a jackpot. At this moment, a dazzling colorful light fell from the sky and hit a fanged monster.

The fanged monster wailed and sank into the sea and fled to the side. Immediately afterwards, the colorful light disappeared, and the blond man Thor appeared in front of everyone holding Thor's hammer, wearing a red cloak and a suit of armor.

Thor asked excitedly: "Do you miss me?"

To Thor's expectation, no one paid any attention to him. Tony pretended to ask: "Who is this guy? Do you know him?"

"I don't know him. He's stupid. He appears out of nowhere. Be careful. He might also be an enemy."

Everyone nodded. Little Hela looked at Thor with a look of disgust on his face. He was even stupider in person than on the screen. He knew at a glance that he was Odin's biological child.

"Hey, you guys are going too far. Okay, I know I haven't been here for a while, but I'm busy."

Thor was annoyed at first, then smiled awkwardly, and swung his hammer and hit the chin of the fang monster that rushed towards him. The fang monster flew out on the spot and landed on the sea with a rumble.

Compared to before, Thor's strength has obviously improved a lot.

After Odin fell into slumber, rebellions broke out in many places in the Nine Realms. Thor led an army to put down the rebellion every day and had no time to come to Earth.

After finally getting rid of the rebels, Jane said that Asgard's system must be reformed. The original system was too old and obviously had problems. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people rebelling.

Many Asgardians opposed Jane's reforms, but Thor agreed with Jane, and the couple spent a lot of effort to finally get Asgard to start reforming.

After staying in Asgard for a long time, Thor's hands were a little itchy. He heard Heimdall say that there were monsters on the earth, and he came to fight the monsters like he was on vacation.

"Thor, if you have any questions, wait until you finish beating the monsters. By the way, the blood of these monsters will pollute the environment. Don't cause too many wounds."

Steve stopped joking and shouted loudly. At this moment, the superheroes were in close combat with the monster group. At the same time, Scarlett came over with several reinforcements, and the situation was very stable.

Superheroes are not vegetarians, their strength is constantly improving.

Thor heard Steve's voice and subconsciously grabbed the hammer. Then he shouted: "I know, by the way, what's going on with your steel mecha? It's quite fun."

"Decepticon mechas are not toys."

As Natasha spoke, she sprayed cold air on a crab monster, making it freeze there and unable to move.

In addition to the basic functions, each mecha will also add some special functions according to the driver's preferences, such as Natasha's cold air, Tony's electric shock and shock wave, etc.

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