Steve became more and more embarrassed and hurriedly welcomed everyone into the hall. Odin asked: "I am Thor's father, the God King Odin. Where is Thor?"

"God King Odin?"

Everyone was shocked at first, and then excited. With such a big shot here, it was safe.

Hawkeye pointed at Thor sleeping in the corner and said, "Your son is there."

Odin turned around and saw a fat man sleeping on a chair. He was wearing elastic pants and a gray coat. His hair and beard were extremely sloppy. He was holding a wine bottle in his hand and was snoring.

Odin's mouth twitched a little. He pointed at Thor and asked, "You said that ball is my son?"

Hawkeye couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, that's the ball."


Odin was furious. He had never imagined that Thor would become like this. He blasted a golden thunder directly. Thor was blown away on the spot, smashed through the glass and fell outside.

Natasha complained: "Did the glass in our base offend you?"

Thor woke up with a start, got up and shouted loudly: "Who dares to sneak attack the great God of Thunder?"

"You're like this, do you deserve to be called the God of Thunder? You're the god of football, right? The ball that's so fat that it's like a ball!"

Odin continued to release thunder and lightning to strike Thor while cursing loudly. Thor was shocked when he saw Odin: "Odin, aren't you dead? Hey, stop striking, it hurts."

"You are the God of Thunder, but you can't even withstand such a small amount of thunder and lightning?"

Looking at Thor who kept 'dancing' in the thunder and lightning, Odin became more and more angry. The golden thunder kept hitting Thor. Thor raised his hands to resist and screamed repeatedly.

I have confirmed that the other person is indeed Odin. This thunder and lightning of love cannot be faked.


Thor originally wanted to say something, but just as he spoke, tears suddenly fell. Odin was stunned and couldn't help but stop attacking.

Then, Thor rushed over, hugged Odin and cried loudly: "Father, I miss you so much. I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations. Asgard is gone..."

All the anger in Odin's heart disappeared in an instant. He could see that Thor was living a miserable life and his heart was full of pain.

"I don't know what the Thor of your world is like. The Thor of our world is very miserable."

Natasha walked to Andrew and sighed: "First my parents died, then Asgard was destroyed, and I had to flee to Earth.

Halfway through, the Asgard fleet was overtaken by Thanos, and only half of the spacecraft escaped. The rest were all destroyed, and even Loki was killed.

Thor vowed revenge, but in the end, he, like the rest of us, lost, and Thanos snapped his fingers and took away half of his remaining people.

He blamed himself very much for this and stayed in the house every day without going out. Gradually, he became like this, a ball. "

"It's quite tragic, but it's not his fault. It's mainly his irresponsible father who left a mess for him."

Andrew said, Odin gave Andrew a middle finger and patted Thor's back to comfort him, which made Thor cry even louder.

Natasha glanced at Andrew in surprise, who is this person? How dare you even despise the God King Odin?

"It's such a touching father-son relationship."

Howard sighed: "By the way, Steve, where is my son?"

Looking at young Howard, Steve's mouth twitched a little. He told Vision, or Ultron, and then said: "Tony and the others flew the spaceship to find traces of Ultron."

"Let them come back, they are no match for Ultron."

Howard said: "By the way, in this universe, I seem to have a granddaughter. Can you please inform them to come over? Tony in my universe has never had a child, and he still wants to die every day. I was so angry that I almost faked the corpse."

"You've already cheated. Let me call and ask Pepper."

Steve complained, and then he used quantum communication to contact Tony.

Tony asked: "Steve, what's the matter? Don't tell me that something happened to the earth again?"

Steve said: "Well, Tony, your biological father who has been dead for many years has come to see you."


Tony looked confused, Captain, are you drunk or on some drug?

Steve said: "I won't be able to tell for a while. Tony, come back first. Your quantum bomb has caused a huge trouble."

"Big trouble?"

Tony was stunned for a moment, then said: "Okay, let's go back right away. Anyway, we can't find any clues about Vision."

Then, Tony took people back to the Avengers base. When he got off the plane, he saw his daughter playing with a robot bird.

The robot bird was so magical that it could turn into a watch and put it on Morgan's hand. Morgan was very happy and said to a young man: "Grandpa, this is so fun."

"Grandpa has something more fun."

Howard's young face smiled like a chrysanthemum. He controlled his watch to display a dinosaur scene and said, "This is a real projection. Those dinosaurs can be touched and ridden."


Morgan excitedly ran to a dwarf dinosaur that was eating grass, tried to touch it, and found that it was no different from the real thing. He was overjoyed and wanted to climb up.

"Hey, Morgan, stop playing around."

Tony was shocked and hurried over to stop Morgan. He looked at Howard warily and asked, "Who are you, and why do you want my daughter to call you grandpa? You are about the same age as my son."

"No matter how big or small, I am your biological father who has been dead for many years."

Howard said dissatisfied, and Morgan also said: "That's grandpa, he has a lot of good things."

Tony was about to get angry when Hawkeye came over and explained the matter.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Andrew beside him and asked in surprise: "Are you the Ghost Rider who graduated from the Academy of Heaven Stealing the limelight? Are the things I dreamed about true?"

"Heavenly Stealth Academy?"

Everyone was confused when they heard this. Is there still this academy in heaven? Still accepting people?

"It seems that not only Tony dreamed about you, but you also dreamed about Tony, so that's easy."

Andrew said: "I am the Ghost Rider. Because of your death-seeking behavior, Ultron came to this universe. I came here specifically to stop him, lest he use your universe as a springboard to invade my universe."

If it were Tony from the main universe, he would definitely keep defending and making excuses for himself, but Tony from this universe was silent and even regretful.

Tony sighed: "I didn't know this was going to happen. I just wanted to blow up that wall. Ghost Rider, why can't we go back to the past?"

"Because your past is us, and your universe is the future branch of our universe."

Andrew said: "This battle is not going to be easy, so be prepared. Ultron knows I'm coming to Earth and will launch an attack soon."

Tony's eyes flashed and he asked, "Do you have a grudge against Ultron?"

Andrew said: "I have no grudge against him, but he has grudge against me. You don't have to think too much. No Ultron will let go of his old father named Tony Stark."

Tony's old face darkened, Ultron was definitely the biggest stain in his life, he was a super unfilial son.

"Tony, don't worry, I will help you."

Howard took Morgan over from Tony's hand and said, "In our Stark family, I have always been the only one who beats my son, and no son beats me."

"Well, Mr. Howard, you are the father of Tony in your universe, not mine."

Tony looked at Howard's young face and said, "Also, weren't you dead? Why were you resurrected and still so young? What skin care products did you use?"

Everyone, especially Pepper and Natasha, looked at Howard. They wanted to know this answer.

"First of all, from a DNA point of view, I am definitely your biological father. Secondly, your universe is the future branch of our universe. From a physical point of view, I am also your biological father."

Howard said: "As for why I was resurrected and why I was so young? It's the power of magic, so I won't say more."

"But you already have a son named Tony, and I can't still be your son."

Tony argued that he didn't want to have a twenty-year-old as his father.

"This can be explained by quantum mechanics..."

Then, the two great scientists debated non-stop on the matter of ‘am I your biological father?’. Various scientific theories emerged from their mouths, making everyone around them... drowsy.

There was no way, these theories were too advanced, and no one except Dr. Banner could understand them at all. Morgan's eyes turned into mosquito nets, and Pepper hurriedly picked her up and went to play with the dinosaurs.

"This is the weirdest father and son I've ever seen."

Rocket complained, and then he pointed to the area where lightning kept popping up in the distance and asked: "I just wanted to ask, what's going on over there?"

"An old father is training his son, hoping that he will regain his original vitality."

Andrew said: "What a pity, that son just wants to drink beer and sleep."

"Another strange father and son pairing."

Rocket was speechless. At this time, Hulk walked up to Dr. Banner with a hammer and said with disgust: "You are so ugly. You are uglier than Banner in our world."

Dr. Banner said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Hulk, this is a personal attack. Also, I am ugly because you are ugly. You look exactly like me, okay?"

"I'm ugly with my features, but you're ugly as a whole."

Hulk said: "Let's have a fight and let me see if you are a weakling?"

"I don't like to do anything now..."

Before Dr. Banner could finish speaking, he was punched away by the Hulk. Then, the Hulk rushed towards Dr. Banner with a bang, and the two quickly struggled with each other. Well, okay, it was Hulk who beat Banner unilaterally. PhD.

Natasha asked Andrew curiously: "Banner and Hulk in your world were separated?"

"Yes, Dr. Banner also has a fiancée, but she has never been able to get married because of her body shape."

Andrew smiled and Natasha understood instantly and gave Andrew a roll of her eyes.

Andrew glanced at the nebula over there, glanced at Ant-Man, and asked, "Why isn't Captain Marvel here?"

Rocket complained: "Maybe I'm going to get a new hair style."

"The signal is not good and we can't contact her."

Natasha said: "It will probably take some time before I can come back."

"This is not possible, a war is about to break out."

Andrew concentrated on sensing the energy fluctuations of Captain Marvel. After a moment, he waved his right hand, and a narrow space door appeared in front of him.

Then, Andrew reached into the space door, grabbed the shoulder of Captain Marvel, who was discussing things with someone, and brought her back to Earth.

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