American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 417 Arriving at the branch universe

"very good."

Ultron nodded with satisfaction. Then, he raised his hand, and six rays of light of different colors flew into Hela's body. Hela's body and clothes quickly recovered.

Soon, Hela transformed back into the majestic goddess of death. Of course, the dark circles under her eyes were still there, which was her trademark.

"My power is back."

Hela was very excited, but these powers came from Ultron, and he could take them back at any time. In addition, use less.

"The power of the Infinity Stones?"

Hela asked: "I didn't expect you to collect all the infinite gems. Odin also had the idea of ​​​​infinity gems back then, but I don't know why he suddenly gave up collecting gems."

"That's his business, Hela. Gather the old team here and wait for my call."

Ultron didn't say much and activated the space gem to disappear.

Ultron's attitude made Hela a little dissatisfied, and then she shook her head and took revenge first.

"Thor, my good brother, I will come to you in a moment."

Hela gritted her teeth and said, at this moment, a memory suddenly came to her mind, a ridiculous memory of living with Odin.

In this memory, she was a carefree little girl, either playing around or going against Odin every day.

And Odin, although she screamed in anger every time, he never really blamed her. The two of them were like a real father and daughter, full of warmth.

"There must be something wrong with my brain. When I was a kid, all I had was training, punishment, and killing."

Hela's expression was a little complicated, and then she shook her head and her expression became cold again.

She is the goddess of death, Hela, an instrument of war raised by Odin.

Hela shouted loudly: "Fenrir, and my death soldiers, resurrect them."

Ultron's next target is Dormammu from the dark dimension. When Dormammu saw him covered in infinite gems, he immediately started to rob him.

In the dark dimension, Dormammu is a single universe, so he is naturally not afraid of Ultron.

Unfortunately, Dormammu underestimated Ultron so much that he hid in the depths of the dark dimension and did not dare to come out.

"Dormammu, I'm here to cooperate with you."

Ultron has no intention of killing Dormammu, and of course, he can't kill him unless he regains his strength.

Dormammu asked warily: "Robot, what do you want to cooperate with?"

Ultron said: "Destroy the Earth with me."

"I made an agreement with a mage not to invade the earth again."

Dormammu said: "I cannot break this magical oath."

"I can help you break this magical oath."

Ultron said: "The Strange in this universe is dead, and his agreement with you is not difficult to break."

Ultron has slaughtered an entire universe of life and is no stranger to magicians. In fact, he has killed many gods as well as magicians.

Breaking the magical oath is not difficult at all for Ultron because he has the Reality Stone, the universal wishing stone.

"Is that so?"

Dormammu was a little moved, and he asked: "Why do you want to destroy the earth? What do you want?"

"My goal is to kill the Machine Demon."

Ultron said: "I need your magical abilities to help me deal with his magic.

Dormammu, in the universe where the Machine Demon is located, you were killed by him, and he also occupied your dark dimension and became the new dark lord. "

Ultron used to be at the multi-level level. Although he couldn't enter the main universe, he could sense some information about the main universe. For example, Dormammu was killed by Andrew. However, he didn't know exactly how it was done.

"The mechanical devil from another universe? He killed me? How is this possible?"

Dormammu asked in a mixture of shock and anger: "In the dark dimension, even if Duo Mammu wants to kill me, it's not that easy."

Ultron said: "I don't know the specific details, but the Machine Demon King is definitely your enemy. After this is done, I won't care what you do, because I will leave this universe."

Dormammu hesitated and said: "Okay, as long as you help me lift the magic oath, I will invade the earth with you. However, I am not your subordinate, we are collaborators."

"no problem."

Ultron smiled. Thanos, Hela, Dormammu, and himself, no matter who the Machine Demon King looks for as a helper, he will be dead this time.

"I am indeed not interested in this universe, but I am very interested in the main universe because it is noisier than other universes."

Ultron's eyes were cold: "After killing the Machine Demon King, I will enter the main universe, kill all the life inside, and restore peace to the universe."

In the branch universe, New York Port, with a green light, Andrew, Odin, Howard Stark, and Hulk appeared out of thin air.

As for the zombie Scarlet Witch, Gnar and the second mount, they are in Andrew's small space.

Andrew and others came to this universe not through quantum channels, but through the power of time. This universe is a time branch of the main universe. They can come here using time magic and space magic.

"Is this really the port of New York?"

Howard looked at the depressed port in front of him, which was full of broken ships and no one was working. You know, New York's port is one of the most prosperous ports in the world, with a large number of ships coming in and out every day.

"This is New York in 2023."

Andrew said: "Alice, send a few drones to film the situation in New York. When you return, make a documentary."

Odin asked in confusion: "Made into a documentary? Mechanical Demon King, what do you want to do?"

Andrew smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to scare the people and let them know how terrifying Thanos is when he snaps his fingers."

"You are really a dedicated devil. You never forget to collect souls wherever you go."

Odin complained, and Andrew shrugged and said: "I am very professional when it comes to being a demon king.

Without talking about this, go to the Avengers' new base and see if they have any clues about Ultron. "

After speaking, Andrew opened a portal and everyone walked in.

The Avengers' new base is outside New York. At this time, Tony, Rocket, Nebula, Rhodes, Ant-Man, and Dr. Banner go to space to find traces of 'Vision'. Only Steve, Natasha, Hawkeye, Thor stayed behind.

Andrew and others did not hide. The intelligent system discovered them immediately on Friday and sounded the alarm.

Steve hurriedly rushed out of the door with Natasha and Hawkeye. When he saw everyone on the lawn, he was about to speak when he suddenly noticed Hulk and asked in shock:

"Banner, why are you back? You've also changed your look. Well, you're carrying a hammer and not wearing a shirt. Isn't it a little too wild?"

"It's Hulk, not Banner."

Hulk shouted and stamped his foot on the ground. The ground shook and the glass in front of him shattered.

Hawkeye said in surprise: "This is Hulk, not Banner. Wait, wasn't Hulk fused by Banner?"

Steve frowned and asked Friday to raise the alert level. If Hulk went crazy, it would be no joke.

Howard stepped forward and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm one of my own. Where is Tony? I am his biological father, Howard Stark, who has been dead for many years."


Everyone looked confused, what the hell, Tony's biological father, who had been dead for many years, came to find him?

"Sir, this joke is not funny. Although you do look like Howard, he has been dead for many years, and you are too young."

Steve said dissatisfiedly that Howard's body was only about twenty years old.

"Steve, I'm not kidding, we come from other universes, and you've caused a huge problem this time."

Howard said: "You are really ignorant and fearless when you use quantum bombs to blow up the quantum realm."

Everyone became more and more shocked, Howard Stark from other universes? Isn't this a little too bizarre?

"Even if you come from another universe, how can you be Tony's father when you are so young?"

Steve still didn't believe it, and Howard wanted to say something else. Andrew turned his hand, and the three Steves' consciousnesses left their bodies at the same time and entered the main universe.

They saw Steve from the main universe discussing with Peggy when to register, and they also saw Hawkeye adjusting his vibranium arm.

At the same time, Natasha was drinking alone in a bar, with a group of men she knocked down lying at her feet.

Then, Andrew sent the consciousness of the three people back to their bodies, and the three people looked at each other. Are these people really from other universes?

"Your quantum experiment caused Ultron, who possesses six Infinity Stones, to enter this universe. This Ultron once slaughtered an entire universe of life. He is more dangerous than Thanos."

Andrew said: "I have some grudges with him, so I came to your universe to deal with him. Do you have any clues about him?"

"Ultron, is that Ultron? Not Vision?"

Everyone was surprised, and Steve said: "We do have some clues. Let's talk about it after we go in, uh, are you really Howard?"

"If it's true, don't be surprised that I'm so young. The Carter in my universe is as young as me."

Howard put his arm around Steve's shoulders familiarly and said, "They were supposed to have a wedding last year, but it never happened because they were too busy."

"The me in that universe is much happier than I am."

Steve sighed, and Andrew said: "You are not bad at all. After Carter died, you kissed her niece fiercely."


Howard immediately let go of Steve's shoulders and said with contempt: "I didn't expect you to be such a captain. I misjudged you."

After saying this, Howard secretly gave Steve a middle finger, good job.

Odin immediately wrote down this incident in a small notebook, and went back to tell Hela about it, letting her know that those superheroes are all scumbags.

Natasha and Hawkeye heard about this for the first time and looked at Steve in surprise.

Steve looked embarrassed and asked, "How do you know about this?"

"You guessed it, Steve, as a man, you have to have a beginning and an end. If you leave Sharon behind, she might go dark and become a bad woman."

Andrew said, Natasha and Hawkeye looked at Steve with contempt, I dare you to give up after all.

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