American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 414 Avengers 4 Universe

During the Ultron Crisis and Cybertron Crisis, other countries basically suffered no losses. Only the United States and a few island countries were unlucky.

Los Angeles and Chicago in the United States were both hit hard, with many people dead. At the same time, countless electrical appliances were damaged, and Chicago directly turned into a primitive society.

To help the two cities recover, a huge amount of US dollars is needed. Even if the United States has a nuclear-powered money printing machine, it is a bit unsustainable.

After all, New York is still rebuilding and requires a lot of money.

In addition, the United States has lost another aircraft carrier fleet. What is even worse is that due to this impact, soldiers on other aircraft carriers have requested to retire.

This is normal, and everyone can see it. Sooner or later, the entire U.S. aircraft carrier fleet will attack - there is no way, aliens especially like to destroy U.S. aircraft carriers.

When President Ellis saw this, he simply broke the pot, stopped developing aircraft carriers, and devoted all his efforts to manufacturing spaceships.

This disaster was not completely without benefits. There were a large number of Decepticon wreckage left behind, including even the fallen King Kong.

In addition, there are a large number of damaged Cybertron fighter planes and whale spaceships in Chicago. This is undoubtedly a big gift package for the United States.

Other countries have also received a lot of good things. If nothing happens, the earth's technology will advance by leaps and bounds in the next period of time. However, no one knows how much time the earth has.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed. Tony walked out of the Malibu villa, pressed his temple and said, "Jarvis, get me a glass of iced orange juice. I have a headache."

A robot immediately slid over to get Tony iced orange juice.

"You don't have a headache when you work overtime, but you get a headache when you sleep? Tony, it seems like your body has changed into the shape of working overtime."

Pepper complained that she was putting out various children's toys and transforming her home into a cozy style.

Don't get me wrong, Pepper isn't pregnant yet, she's just getting ready.

Seeing these toys, Tony's head hurt even more: "I said, as for that? Although we are starting to prepare to have a child, you are not pregnant yet, okay?"

Pepper said: "I'm usually busy, so I'll take advantage of the free time these days to prepare. I don't know if I will have time in the future.

Tony, we have to get pregnant as soon as possible so we don't have doctors calling us every day.

No one will look at me with sympathy every day, and no one will persuade me to adopt a child. "

Speaking of the latter, Pepper's face was a bit dark, and so was Tony's. The bad jokes played by Ghost Rider earned him a lot of sympathetic looks and calls from doctors during this period.

No matter how Tony explained it, everyone looked like they understood, which almost made him angry to death.

"That bastard Ghost Rider, I'll beat him up sooner or later."

Tony snorted coldly, and Pepper said, "Wait until I'm pregnant with my child, and then it won't matter if you die."

"...I didn't expect you to be such a little pepper."

Tony complained, he took a sip of the orange juice handed to him by the robot, and said: "The reason why I have a headache is not because of sleeping, but because of a dream I had.

The dream is another world. That world is not as chaotic as our world, but there are also SHIELD, Avengers, Hydra and so on.

In that world, there was no Ghost Rider. I was the leader of the Avengers. I led everyone to defeat various enemies, such as the Chitauri and Ultron.

Unfortunately, we lost to Thanos, who used the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe, including Spider-Man, well, another Spider-Man, different from the one in our universe. "

Pepper was a little surprised when she heard this. She stopped and asked, "In other words, under your wise leadership, the Avengers failed?"

Tony's old face darkened, and he said what the truth was, no, can you speak?

"It's the me in the dream, not the real me. I'm not that useless."

Tony immediately distanced himself from the relationship and said: "After that, Steve and I fell out and lived in seclusion in the mountains. You and I also had a daughter named Morgan, who is super cute and says she loves me three thousand times a day."

Pepper looked disgusted: "Morgan? What's my weird uncle's name?"

"That's the name."

Tony nodded and said: "A few years passed like this, and suddenly, Steve came to me with Ant-Man and said that they had found a way to save the world and make up for their regrets.

I didn't agree at first, but after your persuasion, I reconciled with Steve and returned to the Avengers. "

Pepper said: "Am I trying to persuade you? I'm probably tired of staying in the mountains with you for too long."

"What a sad fact."

Tony complained, and he continued: "After that, I made a device that can go back to the past through the quantum world, but for some reason, there is a wall blocking the past. We tried many methods, but we couldn't break through that wall.

Eventually, I built a quantum bomb and tried to blow the wall down.

The content of the dream almost ends here. The whole process was just vague and I didn't know too many details. "

"Quantum bomb?"

Pepper complained: "Typical Tony Stark seeking death behavior."

"Pepper, it was a personal attack."

Tony was dissatisfied and said with a headache: "According to Ghost Rider, dreams are things in parallel worlds, which means that this thing really happened.

This dream I had may have something to do with another me blowing up the wall. "

"You mean, you are quantum entangled with another you?"

Pepper was stunned. The last time quantum entanglement occurred was Old Ant-Man, which resulted in a zombie disaster. Old Ant-Man went bankrupt and is still working to pay off his debts.

"It's possible."

Tony said: "I'll go to Dr. Pym to check it out."

"Tony, don't take any chances."

Pepper said worriedly: "The last crisis has not passed yet, and Stark Group's stock price has been at a low level. If you take risks again, the group may have big problems.

More importantly, you will be in danger, Dr. Pym almost died last time. "

"Don't worry, I will inform Aunt Carter about this and let her make the decision."

Tony said, and Pepper breathed a sigh of relief, and then she sighed: "It's better to get pregnant as soon as possible."

"Pepper, you have changed."

Tony's face darkened, and he left the villa to find Dr. Pym.

What Tony didn't know was that Tony's behavior of blowing up the wall in another world successfully caused problems in the defense of the main universe.

As mentioned before, the world where Avengers 4 is located is a branch of the main universe. Its past is the present of the main universe. It was blocked by the Ancient One with the time stone, so they cannot return to the past.

Because it is a branch, the Avengers 4 universe is also protected by special energy. Tony's behavior caused a crack in this energy. Although it was quickly repaired, it was still noticed by interested people.

On a certain planet, the god-like Ultron was fighting with the observer. The two fired energy waves at each other at the same time. The two energy waves collided fiercely in the air, and the surrounding space continued to vibrate.

At the same time, the ground rumbled and cracked, and the surrounding forests were directly flattened by the energy aftermath, creating an apocalyptic scene.

Generally speaking, the observer is not Ultron's opponent. The energy wave is suppressed bit by bit by the opponent. At the same time, the observer is in tatters. It is obvious that he has suffered a lot of injuries in the past month or so.


The observer secretly gritted his teeth. His specialty was peeping and observation, and his combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of Ultron, who had destroyed all life in the universe.

In the end, the observer's energy wave failed completely. Ultron's energy wave bombarded the observer, and the observer flew out, collapsing the mountains behind him.

"Hey, is there a gap in the main universe?"

Ultron was about to pursue when he suddenly sensed something was going on in the main universe. His eyes flashed, and the six infinity gems between his eyebrows and chest shone brightly, and a large amount of gem energy was injected into his body.

Then, Ultron teleported to the sky above the observer, rushed down, and sunk into the ground with the observer until he reached the lava layer.

The observer roared and wanted to resist. At this moment, Ultron's body turned into a seal, sealing him on the planet.

"Seal me? Ultron, what do you mean? You should know that you can't seal me."

The observer frowned. In less than three months, he would be able to escape from the seal.

"It's enough to seal you for a while. I'll go to the main universe to kill the Machine Demon King, and then come back to find you."

Ultron snorted coldly, and the six dimmed infinity stones left his body and traveled through space to the outside of the main universe.

Then, the six Infinity Stones, carrying Ultron's consciousness, entered the Avengers IV universe through the gaps in the main universe.

"Is this a branch of the main universe? That's okay."

Ultron sensed the earth and looked for a body suitable for him. Soon, he found Vision's body in an experimental base.

In this universe, Vision tragically died twice, once by Wanda and the other by Thanos. After his death, his body was collected by the United States into the newly established Skyward Sword Bureau in the name of official property.

The full name of the Skyward Sword Bureau is the 'Smart Weapon Observation and Response Center'. They are studying Vision's body at the experimental base and want to resurrect him.

"Human beings in any world deserve the same death."

Sensing what Skyward Sword Bureau had done, Ultron snorted coldly, and six infinity stones shuttled through the void and entered Vision's body.

Among them, the Mind Stone fell between Vision's eyebrows, and the other five Infinity Stones were on Vision's chest.

Then, Vision, or rather Ultron, opened his eyes and suddenly levitated from the bed.

The surrounding researchers discovered this situation immediately and exclaimed. At this moment, a yellow energy wave erupted from Ultron, and the entire experimental base was instantly razed to the ground, and everyone inside died.

Ultron flew out of the ruins, frowning a little. Because he spent too much power to seal the observer, and entered the new universe, his strength dropped a lot, only to the level of an ordinary single universe.

"That's enough. That Mechanical Demon King is just a Heavenly Father God."

Ultron secretly thought: "The Machine Demon King will definitely come to this universe, and when the time comes, I will make him pay the price.

Before that, I need to find some helpers. If nothing else happens, the Machine Demon King will come with helpers. "

Thinking of this, Ultron turned into a ray of light and flew into the sky, quickly left the earth and disappeared.

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