Predator is a more thoughtful one among the Autobots and has always wanted to repair Cybertron. However, he went astray because he was too anxious.

At this time, Quintessa flew over from a distance with a group of robots. Although it was knocked on the door, it did not panic at all and seemed to have a chance to win.

Quintessa stopped in front of everyone and said with a smile: "Ghost Rider, welcome to my planet. I am the creator of life and the owner of Cybertron, Quintessa."

"The creator of life, the owner of Cybertron?"

Optimus Prime asked: "Quintessa, when did Cybertron belong to you? Why didn't I know?"

The robot behind Quintessa shouted: "Optimus Prime, shut up. Quintessa is the creator of the Transformers, including you, who were all created by it."

"I was created by it?"

Optimus Prime was shocked, and the natural enemy asked: "Since you are the Creator, why don't you stop our battle with Megatron? Let Cybertron be destroyed."

"Because I was asleep at the time. Otherwise, I would have demolished all these idiots."

Quintessa cursed. When she woke up, her home was demolished. Quintessa almost died of anger.

Quintessa ignored Optimus Prime and said to Andrew: "Ghost Rider, you are a strong man. I am willing to share Cybertron with you. With our power, we can conquer countless planets and have countless mechanical armies in the future. .”

"When have you ever seen a dinosaur team up with a rabbit?"

Andrew sneered, and the cable said next to him: "I can only eat rabbits, Quintasha, how dare you control me, I will definitely eat you."

"Cable, you are an idiot. When I made you, I must have forgotten to make a brain."

Quintessa snorted, looked at Andrew, and continued: "I am weak because my scepter was stolen by the Twelve Guardian Knights. If I can get the scepter back, I will regain the strength I had in my heyday.

The scepter is on Earth, and if you and I join forces, it will be easy to find it. When the time comes, we will conquer the universe together. "

Quintessa's staff is the staff held by King Arthur's friend Merlin, which can summon a mechanical dragon composed of twelve guardian knights.

Andrew said impatiently: "Quintasha, since you won't escape, you must have prepared some means. Use it. I still have a lot of things to do and I don't have time to waste with you."

"Ghost Rider, are you really uncooperative?"

Quintessa's face turned cold, and it said: "I know that you are far stronger than you appear, but I am not a weak person either. If you reject me, you will definitely regret it."

Andrew sneered: "What you said doesn't sound like a resentful woman that no one wants."

"Ghost Rider, your biggest mistake was bringing so many Transformers to Cybertron."

Seeing that Andrew was really not ready to cooperate, Quintasha stopped talking nonsense and said with a dazzling electric light on her body:

"As the Supreme Being of Life, I can control all Transformers. On Earth, I am no match for you, but here, you can't beat me, because Cybertron will help me."

Along with Quintessa's voice, a powerful energy emerged from the depths of the planet Cybertron and merged into her body. It was the remaining power of Cybertron.

Then, Quintessa shouted loudly, and the electric light on her body exploded, turning into countless electric snakes and rushing into the bodies of all the Transformers.

The Transformers' eyes immediately changed color, and at the same time, there was a red mark on their faces, which meant that they were all controlled by Quintessa.

"Ghost Rider, today, you will die here."

Quintessa shouted, and all the Transformers raised their weapons and pointed them at Andrew.

Faced with this scene, Andrew not only did not panic, but also laughed, and said: "Cybertron is your home court, and I am not surprised at all that you have such a performance.

The problem is, this is not Earth. "

Quintessa snorted: "So what if it's not the Earth? The Earth is your home ground. If you leave the Earth, you will only become weaker."

"It's not the Earth. I, the Demon King, don't have to pretend to be a good person anymore."

Andrew laughed loudly, his body swelled violently, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a thousand-meter-tall mechanical giant. Even those Transformers were about the same size as ants in front of him.

"How can this be?"

Quintessa was horrified. The opponent's momentum was countless times stronger than in its heyday. Even she couldn't help but tremble all over.

Quintessa was like this, not to mention the other Transformers. They fell to their knees involuntarily, not even daring to raise their heads.

"Home blessing? Don't say that Cybertron is just a broken planet. Even if it is complete, so what? It's just a planet. Didn't I destroy it?"

Andrew stamped his right foot hard, and the entire Cybertron shook. The remaining strength was directly dispersed by him and ceased to exist.

Quintessa screamed, all the lightning on her body disappeared, and there were cracks everywhere on her body. At the same time, all the robots behind it were shattered into pieces.

"Master of Machinery, I surrender, please let me go."

Quintessa begged for mercy in horror. It thought that it could deal with the Ghost Rider by absorbing the power of Cybertron. Unexpectedly, the other party has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Where has the trust between people gone? Quintessa is full of despair in this world full of deception.

"Sorry, I don't need you."

Andrew flicked his fingers lightly, and Quintasha exploded. However, Quintasha was not dead. The fire core shuttled through space, preparing to escape.

Andrew snorted coldly, and with a slight stroke of his finger, a crack appeared in the void, and Quintasha's fire core was directly sucked into it. Waiting for it to be used as an experiment and turned into material.

After dealing with Quintessa, Andrew returned to his original size. Then, he clapped his hands, and a vast energy swept through all the Transformers.

The Transformers woke up one after another, and they looked at Andrew in disbelief. Is he the Demon King of Hell, or the Mechanical Demon King who can control all machines?

Isn't this incredible? Is my teammate the devil?

"Optimus Prime, to fight against the natural enemies, as long as you join the Mechanical Hell and become my warriors."

Andrew said: "I will help you repair Cybertron and restore Cybertron to its former prosperity."

While speaking, Andrew waved his hand, and the source of fire and the leader matrix appeared in his hand at the same time.

"Patch Cybertron?"

The eyes of all the robots lit up at the same time, and the natural enemy immediately shouted: "Lord Demon King, as long as you help us repair Cybertron, you will be my master from now on."


The mechanical dinosaurs shouted at the same time, their hearts full of excitement. It turns out that the BOSS is so powerful and they will have a backer in the future.

The Autobots turned to look at Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime hesitated and asked, "Demon King, will you send us to invade other planets?"

"Normally not. My principle is that if others don't offend me, I won't offend others."

Andrew said: “However, if someone offends me, I will destroy everything about him.

Optimus Prime, don't worry, my war must be a war of justice. After all, I, the Demon King, am not a bad person. "

"You said before that you were not a good person, ouch."

Bumblebee complained, and then hit Andrew on the head. Andrew said: "I am a neutral person. I will not save people for no reason, but I will not harm people for no reason. It's that simple."

"Optimus Prime, are you going to continue to make mistakes? Whether Cybertron can be reborn depends on this time."

The natural enemy cursed in a low voice, no matter what the demon king wants to do, fix Cybertron first.

"The Demon King."

Looking at the broken Cybertron, Optimus Prime finally made a choice. He lowered his head and said, "I am willing to surrender to you, but I will not help you invade and harm others."

Fearing that Optimus Prime would offend Andrew, Yu Tiandi hurriedly said: "Master, I can do anything for you."

"Isn't it a little disgusting for you, an old man, to say this?"

Andrew looked disgusted and said, "Don't worry, Optimus Prime, I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. I'm never harsh on my own people."

Andrew was not surprised at all by Optimus Prime's choice. In order to help the people on Earth, Optimus Prime would rather destroy Cybertron's chance of resurrection. He is a true 'knight'.


Seeing Optimus Prime make his choice, the other Autobots also expressed their surrender.

"Very well, let me give you a gift first."

Andrew was very satisfied. He raised his hand, and Skyfire's fire core flew out of Optimus Prime's body. Then, he snapped his fingers, and the remains of Skyfire appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Old guy, you've made a profit, I'll use vibranium to help you repair your body."

Andrew released a large number of vibranium nanoparticles that merged into the remains of Skyfire, and soon, a brand new body appeared in front of everyone.

Then, Andrew raised the source of fire, and a burst of energy rushed into the core of Skyfire.

The core of the sky fire burst with light, turning into a ray of light and rushing into the new body. After a moment, the sky fire shook violently, opened its eyes, and announced its resurrection.

"I'm finally free... Hey, why am I not dead yet? I still feel full of energy. One of them can fight at least ten female Transformers. Is this a hallucination before death?"

Skyfire was confused. At this time, Optimus Prime hugged it excitedly and shouted: "Skyfire, great, you are resurrected."

"Optimus Prime? Don't hug me so tightly. It's easy for people to doubt my hobbies. Hey, resurrection? Optimus Prime, I have completed my mission and it's time to rest in peace. Why did you resurrect me?"

Tianhuo kept talking, although its body became younger, its heart was still old. From now on, Optimus Prime and the others would be very annoyed.

"Defend natural enemies."

Andrew shook his head and said to the natural enemy: "Give me the Cybertron information and I will see how to repair it. This is a big project and it will probably take several months."

It is very simple for Andrew to destroy Cybertron. One minute is enough. However, it is easy to destroy but difficult to build. It is not that easy to repair Cybertron.

This is a planet, and it cannot be put together casually like building blocks. Many things must be considered, such as gravity.

In addition, the destruction of Cybertron took too long, and many places had to be remodeled.

"Master, I have complete information. In addition, I have prepared a plan."

Yu Tian Enemy was overjoyed when he heard this and hurriedly passed the information to Andrew.

Andrew said while reading the information: "Defendant, my hell lacks scientific and technological talents. When Cybertron is repaired, you can go to hell to develop new devices for me."

"Master, whatever you tell me, I prefer to be a scientist than a warrior."

Yunni said that as long as Cybertron can be repaired, it can do anything.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He thought of something and said to Optimus Prime: "Optimus Prime, call all the Autobots back and let's repair the planet together.

As for the Decepticons, they can come back if they want to, but everyone must obey my orders. "

"Yes, Master."

Optimus Prime nodded, and then, using the power of the Supreme, he issued a call to the entire universe: "Autobots, return to Cybertron and repair our planet."

"Repair the planet?"

In the universe, countless Autobots, such as Inspector, Phantom, Arcee, etc., all looked excitedly in the direction of Cybertron. Then, they dropped everything and returned to Cybertron, their hometown, as quickly as possible. .

Andrew was very satisfied. He conquered Optimus Prime just for its summoning ability.

After settling these matters, Andrew made a cross-galaxy 'phone' to Hellboy and said, "Go find the descendants of Merlin and get me Merlin's scepter and the Twelve Guardian Knights."

Andrew was too lazy to do such a small thing himself, so he asked his younger brother to do it for him.

Hellboy was puzzled: "Descendant of Merlin? Which Merlin?"

"The Merlin who hung out with your ancestor King Arthur."

Andrew said: "By the way, Merlin's descendant is a beautiful woman. Although she is a bit strong, she has three doctorates. If you work harder, you might be able to catch her."

"Three doctorates? I can't afford to mess with this kind of woman. I haven't even graduated from elementary school. Besides, I have no shortage of women now."

Hellboy looked disgusted. He was indeed short of women before, but after becoming a superhero, he had more beautiful women who wanted to be his girlfriend.

Those women were super greedy for his strong body and the severed horns on his head.

"Hellboy, you have changed."

Andrew complained, he said: "Anyway, get me the scepter as soon as possible."


Hellboy put down the phone unhappily. To be honest, he was a little curious about Merlin's descendants and didn't know what they were like.

After solving this matter, Andrew began to count the harvest this time. As before, it was extremely rich.

The first is souls. This time there are two waves of disasters, so the number of soul contracts once again exceeds 100 million.

Then there are other harvests - the source of fire, the device to destroy the sun, the boss matrix, the energy column transmission device, the transforming missile, the second mount, the natural enemy, the diamond demon, Optimus Prime, the Autobots, etc.

In addition, there is the entire Cybertronian technology. Once popularized, the technological level of the Mechanical Hell will be greatly improved.

Howard and the others are happy and sad at the same time. The happy thing is that they have new knowledge to learn. The sad thing is that there is too much knowledge and they haven't finished learning the previous wave.

"Cybertron is also a big bonus."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction: "When the repair is completed, it can be used as a space fortress."

In short, Andrew once again made a lot of money, and at the same time, the Ultron Crisis and Cybertron Crisis were officially over.

Thanks to Police Officer 2000, Ming Yue Xiaoxiang, Li Yongsheng, Xiaoxiao Xieyue, uc Xiaomi, for this week’s rewards.

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