American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 40 Times Square


Toad nodded, and the disheveled Big Steel Tooth growled to express his understanding - there was something wrong with his IQ, he didn't know how to speak, he was like a beast.

"You two leave quietly without being discovered."

Magneto warned that there are Professor X's undercover agents in the Brotherhood of Mutants, which is why they often do bad things to those X-Men.


Toad took Da Gangya and turned around to leave. Unfortunately, although they were careful enough, Professor Charles' undercover agent discovered some clues - their car had been tampered with.

Therefore, when Toad and Da Gangya were about to catch the little naughty boy, they were stopped by the X-Men who arrived. After a fierce battle, Toad and Da Gangya retreated, and Wolverine Logan and the little naughty boy were brought back by the X-Men. New York.

"Why does the painting style become like this?"

In the coffee shop next to Times Square, Andrew looked at the citizens in the square who kept taking photos and videos with the Ypsilon-level mutants, and couldn't help but complain.

Gwen, who was sitting opposite Andrew, said, "Isn't it because of your Daily Bugle report?"

A few days ago, Andrew's words caused Ypsilon-level mutants to gather in Times Square. The management was dissatisfied with this and asked the police to drive away the mutants.

If it were anything else, the mutants would definitely retreat. The problem is, this is their only chance to turn back into ordinary people, so no matter how the police drive them away, they would rather die than leave.

Director George was greatly troubled by this. At this time, the "Daily Bugle" wrote in detail the reasons why mutants gathered in Times Square. As a result, Times Square became an internet celebrity check-in place.

That’s right, it’s a place where Internet celebrities check in, tourists, and citizens come here to find mutants to take photos and post on Twitter. When the management sees that tourists don’t care, they no longer drive away mutants.

Most mutants are resistant to this, because the tourists look at them like they would go to a zoo to see an animal exhibit.

However, there were also mutants who silently held up signs - five dollars for a photo, ten dollars for a video, and twenty dollars for a special video.

Internet tools like Kuaishou, Twitter, and Facebook are gradually changing life.

“The Daily Bugle reports only the truth.”

Andrew said: "Okay, that's almost it. I'll take you back to the Osborne Group. It's not very safe here."

Gwen took a sip of coffee and asked in confusion: "Not too safe? No way, the police station specially sent a team to protect this place."

"There are too many forces around."

Andrew pointed around and introduced to Gwen: "The red-haired woman over there is Dr. Jean Gray in the X-Men, and the bald wheelchair man next to her is the famous Professor X."


Gwen blinked and said weakly: "I haven't heard of it. I've only heard of Magneto. He is the most wanted criminal in the United States and is said to have assassinated the president."

"Magneto and Professor X are mutant bipolar."

Andrew gave a brief introduction and continued: "The one over there you know is Coulson from SHIELD. The ones on the left who are out of tune with the crowd are people from the military. Hey, Psylocke?"

At this time, Andrew noticed an Asian woman with purple hair and a good figure, and couldn't help but be startled - if he remembered correctly, the woman should be the mutant Psylocke.

The problem is, the ages don't seem to match up. It seems that the Psylockes in this world are a little different from those in the movies.


"Hellfire Club hired me. The Black King and White Queen are also very concerned about mutants turning back into ordinary people."

Psylocke, who is a mercenary as a mercenary and a model as a secondary job, said: "But there are too many forces here, and they don't want to be noticed, so they hired me to come here to find out the information."

Qin asked in surprise: "Aren't you supposed to keep your employer's secret secret?"

"Who can keep a secret in front of this bad old man?"

Lingdie sneered and said: "Professor, if you have an answer, remember to give me a copy, and I will split it 50-50 with you."

Professor Charles laughed dumbly. He was about to speak when he suddenly looked to the right with a look of astonishment on his face: "Why did they come out? Weren't they allowed to stay in the college?"

Professor Charles was talking about Wolverine Logan and Rugrat. They also came to Times Square. The reason was very simple. Rugrat wanted to become an ordinary person, so the macho Wolverine took the risk to accompany her - Wolverine and others thought Magneto is targeting him.

Logan, with his wild hair, looked at the expectant mutants opposite and asked the little naughty: "Little naughty, do you really want to become an ordinary person?"

"I never wanted to be a mutant."

The little naughty guy replied very definitely: "I just want to go back to my old life now. I don't want to touch others and they will turn into mummies."

Logan shook his head and said, "I respect your choice, but can you really become an ordinary person by staying here?"

"If you can't stay for one day, you can stay for two days. If you can't stay for two days, you can stay for three days. In short, I must become an ordinary person."

The little naughty guy said: "It's a pity that my appearance is no different from ordinary people, otherwise I could make some extra money."

"The looks from those people made me sick, and to be honest, I wanted to punch them."

Logan said with disgust. At this moment, the surrounding screens and the citizens' mobile phones were disturbed and a large number of fluctuations occurred. Then, three people walked towards this side menacingly, and everyone who blocked the way was pushed away by them. .

The leader of these three people was an old man wearing an ugly helmet and a reddish-brown cloak. As soon as Coulson saw him, his expression immediately changed. The person who came was the most wanted criminal in the United States, Magneto!

Magneto is surrounded by Toad and Big Steel Teeth. It is worth mentioning that the Brotherhood of Mutants is very powerful. It is completely different from the two or three big cats and kittens in the movie. The reason why Magneto only brought two people here this time , because two people are enough.

"A bunch of traitors and a bunch of disgusting humans."

When Magneto saw the people who took the video, disgust flashed in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, those people's mobile phones flew up at the same time and hit their faces hard, causing screams.

Professor Charles immediately led the X-Men to Wolverine and the Rugrats. At the same time, the police, agents, and soldiers surrounded Magneto and the three with their guns raised.

Seeing that something was wrong, the people hurriedly left the place. However, many people did not leave. They stayed nearby without fear of death, preparing to watch the next conflict.

There are few foreigners, not without reason.

Psylocke had no intention of participating in the battle. She casually found a seat and sat down, right next to Andrew and Gwen's seats.

Andrew asked Gwen: "Gwen, do you want to leave, or stay and watch the show?"

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