American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 39 Leech Factor

In the blink of an eye, three more days passed. At noon that day, Trask told Andrew a piece of great news—the leech factor was successfully replicated!

The leech factor is a factor that can disable mutant abilities, and Andrew needs it to act as a medium for casting spells.

Andrew was very satisfied: "We can start harvesting the souls of mutants."

In a dark alley in Hell's Kitchen, failed mutant John looked up at the sky, his young face full of numbness and despair.

John awakened as a mutant when he was eighteen years old, but this did not bring him any benefits, because he was the lowest level of Ypsilon-level mutant - he had a big head, but no superpowers. Worse still, frequent headaches.

John asked the mutant savior Professor

It's a pity that even Professor The home he kicked out.

"Perhaps death is a better option for me."

John secretly sighed, and at this moment, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he suddenly appeared in a simple and clean office, with a very beautiful blond woman sitting opposite him.

"Hello, I am the messenger of the Demon King of Hell."

Yelena smiled very kindly and said: "As long as you are willing to sign your soul after death to us in hell, we will help you return to normal and become an ordinary person."

John was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked with great excitement: "Can you help me change back to an ordinary person?"

"It's not me, it's our Demon King."

Yelena said: "As long as you sign the contract..."

John immediately said: "I'll sign, I'll sign now."

Yelena said: "I haven't finished speaking yet..."

John shouted hysterically: "Needless to say, sign it now. Where is the contract? I will sign it right away. I want to become an ordinary person again. I want to become an ordinary person again."

The smile on Yelena's face was a little stiff. If the boss hadn't said not to hit customers, believe it or not, I would have beaten you so hard that your mother wouldn't even recognize you?

"Sign it."

Yelena feebly handed over the contract. Although it was successful, why did she not feel any sense of accomplishment? Also, the knowledge I studied so hard in the past few days is completely useless.

Yelena secretly sighed: "No wonder BOSS would find mutants. They are just as desperate as we were before."

John signed the contract immediately without any hesitation, and then he couldn't wait to ask: "When can I become an ordinary person again?"

"Right now, final reminder, you will lose all memories here, but you will remember one sentence."

Yelena said: "Mutants who want to become ordinary people can go to Times Square."

After saying that, Yelena sent John away and began to receive the next guest. At the same time, other black widows, like Yelena, kept receiving mutants.

In the alley, John's consciousness returned to normal. He thought of something and hurriedly touched his head. The next moment, he touched a normal head, a normal head that had not become enlarged.

More importantly, John's headache no longer hurts, which means that he has really returned to an ordinary person.

John cried with joy. Although he didn't know why he recovered, the point was that he had recovered.

"I want to go home, I want to go home."

John stood up and shouted excitedly: "By the way, I'm going to call Rich and the others and tell them that if they want to become ordinary people, they can go to Times Square."

“My dream was to count money until my hands cramped, but now it’s turned into putting curses until my hands cramp.”

In the chairman's office, Andrew twirled his wrist and complained with an unhappy expression. There were tens of thousands of Ypsilon-level mutants in New York alone, and most of these people were willing to sell their souls to rebirth in hell.

In just one day, Andrew gained tens of thousands of soul contracts, more than the previous two disasters.

"Black Widow, mutants, it's a world full of despair."

Andrew shook his head. He had gained a lot of souls during this period, and his strength increased rapidly. He vaguely felt a hurdle. After crossing this hurdle, he and the reborn hell would undergo essential transformations.

Of course, Andrew only sees the hurdles now, and there is still a long way to go before he actually reaches that level.

Tens of thousands of mutants turned back into ordinary people. This incident naturally alarmed all the forces related to mutants, and they immediately launched an investigation.

"I never expected that someone could turn mutants back into ordinary people."

The kind-faced bald Professor

Qin Gray, a red-haired and gentle Phoenix girl, glanced at Storm speechlessly. Her colleague was a bit too naive.

"That's their choice and we should respect them."

Professor Charles said gently: "What I'm worried about is, is it possible that someone is experimenting on us mutants? Also, once this method is mastered by our enemies, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's probably not an experiment. I've checked the bodies of several mutants and there are no traces of experiments on them at all."

Jean Gray said: "But their X genes have all returned to an unawakened state, and I can't analyze why."

After a pause, Jean Gray continued: "In addition, I asked them and they didn't know why they turned back to ordinary people. I feel like they didn't lie."

"They did not lie. That memory in their minds was erased."

Professor Charles said: "They only remember one sentence, if mutants want to become ordinary people, they can go to Times Square!"

"time Square?"

Everyone was stunned, why was it Times Square? That's a New York landmark, very eye-catching.

Other forces also had this doubt. They didn't know that Andrew chose that place because it was close to the Rebirth Group, so he could pull people into the illusion while working.

"It looks like I'm going to spend a few days in Times Square."

Professor Charles said that this matter was so important that he was going to investigate it personally.

"This must be a human conspiracy. They are experimenting on mutants and preparing to exterminate us mutants."

Another mutant, Bipolar, Magneto, who was getting stronger and stronger, shouted loudly: "And those mutants are all self-degenerate traitors. They gave up their identity as gods and became mortals."

The mutants such as Toad, Big Steel Tooth (Sabre-toothed Tiger), Mystique and others all nodded. In the eyes of the radical mutants, they were the gods of the new era.

"Ruiwen, go to Times Square and keep an eye on it. You must find out who is behind this."

Magneto took two steps back and forth and ordered: "Toad, take Da Gangya to the Canadian border to help me catch a mutant. According to the intelligence I got, she can absorb the power of other mutants."

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