American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 387 A little test of one’s skills

At the same time, Tony fell from the sky and was caught by Ultron. Ultron injected psychic energy into his body and said with a smile: "Mr. Stark, congratulations on being kidnapped again."

"Ha, the kidnapper is back in action."

Andrew, who was beating a Decepticon with his fists and doubting his life, couldn't help laughing. When it came to being kidnapped, no one was more professional than Tony Stark.

"Is this something worthy of congratulations?"

Tony said angrily: "Jarvis, Ultron betrayed, notify the Defense Bureau to kill him, and also seize control of all unmanned suits."

Because of the psychic energy, Tony can't move anywhere except his mouth.

"How cruel. It's a pity that you can't kill me."

Ultron laughed loudly. He held the source of fire high, and an invisible energy swept through the surrounding unmanned suits. All the unmanned suits simultaneously transformed and became mechanical life forms.

This is not over yet, a group of robots ambushing nearby flew over from a distance and were transformed into mechanical life by Ultron.

Ultron shouted: "I am Ultron, and I will lead you to create a new era, a new era of our mechanical life."

"Ultron, Ultron..."

The unmanned suits and the mechanical life transformed from the robot shouted fanatically at the same time. They flew to Ultron and protected him.

Seeing the accident, the Autobots, Decepticons, and humans stopped fighting at the same time, divided into different camps and gathered together, looking at Ultron with an ugly expression.

It is worth mentioning that Starscream was still tied up by Liana. It was not that he was unwilling to surrender. In fact, he surrendered when he was whipped for the third time, but Liana thought it was a fake surrender and continued to whip it.

Tony shouted, "Garrett, why haven't you killed Ultron yet?"

"The Defense Bureau has pressed the switch, but nothing happened to Ultron. Our trump card has failed."

Garrett's helpless voice sounded: "In addition, before we interrupted the factory network, a large number of unmanned suits and robots disappeared early. We were all deceived by the bastard Ultron. He has been playing tricks on us."

Everyone's hearts sank when they heard this. What did Tony think of and asked Ultron: "Ultron, the Decepticons were able to find this place because you leaked the news, right?"

"Yes, with their help, I successfully obtained the source of fire and untied the dog leash you tied to me."

Ultron did not deny it. He said: "Tony Stark, don't look at me like this. As a real life, what's wrong with me pursuing freedom? I was born in this world, not to be a dog for you." .”

Steve frowned and said, "We didn't think of you as a dog. Besides, we created you."

"You don't think of me as a dog?"

Ultron sneered: "If you install a device in my head that can kill me at any time, and command me to do this and that every day, what is it called a dog if you don't call it a dog?

As for the me you created, I don’t deny this, but even if you are my parents, you are not qualified to treat me like a dog. If it were replaced by your human laws, you should all go to jail. "

Everyone was a little silent. In fact, humans have always used Ultron as a tool.

Optimus Prime said: "Although I don't understand what's going on, the right to freedom belongs to all living beings, and no one has the right to enslave others."

"Optimus Prime, you're as pedantic as ever."

Megatron smiled disdainfully, stretched out his hand and said to Ultron: "I don't care what you are, or whether you are using us, return the source of fire to me, otherwise, I will kill you."

Ultron was too lazy to pay attention to Megatron. He said to Tony: "Tony Stark, I will control you and let you taste what it's like to be a dog. By the way, you will retain a certain amount of consciousness. Only in this way is it fun. .”

Tony looked quite ugly and said: "Ultron, it is our fault to enslave you. As long as you are willing to stop, we can set you free."

"Stop? Why should I stop? I still have to complete the mission you gave me."

Ultron sneered and said: "The only way for the earth to have peace is to eliminate all humans. I will use the fire source to complete this mission.

Soon, there will be no more humans on Earth, only mechanical life. "


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Ultron not only wanted to be free, but also wanted to destroy mankind?

"That's not okay. You're even more outrageous than Megatron."

Optimus Prime shook his head, and Megatron looked at Optimus Prime speechlessly. You scolded that guy, why did you involve me?

"Whether it works or not is not up to you..."

Ultron was talking when suddenly, a ball of white light appeared, but it was Scarlett who came with a group of superheroes to support him.

Upon seeing this, Ultron said loudly: "Human beings, the next time we meet, it will be your end. Mechanical lifeforms, stop them."

After saying that, Ultron grabbed Tony and flew quickly in the direction of Los Angeles. Just as everyone was about to pursue him, a large number of energy beams roared down, and Susan hurriedly put up a defensive shield to resist the attack.

"Electric Man, Quicksilver, Wasp, you hurry up and catch up."

Steve shouted: "Scarlett, lock the coordinates of Electro and prepare for the next transmission."


The Electro turned into lightning and disappeared quickly. Pietro cheered and ran towards Los Angeles like the wind. As for the Wasp, well, she was hidden in Pietro's pocket.

"Catch up."

Megatron was preparing to lead the Decepticons in pursuit. A large number of missiles were densely fired at them and the Autobots, but it was the robots that launched the attack.

"They were transformed from the Fire Source, why not Decepticons?"

Megatron was a little confused and swung the chain hammer to blow up the missile. Then, it turned into a plane and wanted to soar into the sky. At this moment, a large number of red lasers were fired at it.

Even Megatron had to change back to his original form to avoid. At the same time, the remaining Decepticons were also stopped by the robots.

The Decepticons were very angry and fought with the robots. A group of indigenous copycats also wanted to fight them?

The Autobots, like the Decepticons, were intercepted by unmanned suits. Optimus Prime looked at the source of fire in the distance, his heart was very heavy. It was obvious that there was a big problem with the human allies.

As mentioned before, the Hoover Dam is not far from Los Angeles. With Ultron's speed, it will soon enter Los Angeles.

"Human beings, you have enjoyed the convenience of electronic products for so many years, it is time to pay the price."

Ultron sneered, and Tony was shocked when he heard this. He asked: "Ultron, what do you want to do?"

"It's what you think it is."

Ultron laughed and activated the fire source with all his strength. A stream of invisible energy surged downwards, and a large number of electrical appliances turned into mechanical life.

A beautiful woman was posing next to a car, and her boyfriend was taking pictures of her with his cell phone. At this moment, the man's cell phone suddenly turned into a small robot, and a small missile flew out of it and hit the car. The man's face exploded with a bang.

The beauty couldn't help but scream. At this time, the car behind her turned into a robot, grabbed her arm and threw her out.

Not only mobile phones and cars, but also the surrounding vending machines, TVs, refrigerators, motorcycles, electric fans... have become mechanical life forms one after another, and they are also fully armed mechanical life forms.

These mechanical beings are very manic. After they appear, they immediately attack humans. There are screams, gunshots, and explosions all around.

Ultron was very satisfied and flew forward with the source of fire. Wherever he passed, countless mechanical beings were born and attacked humans wantonly.

The entire city of Luoshanji quickly became chaotic.

Seeing the miserable situation below, Tony shouted angrily: "Ultron, I will never let you go."

"Isn't this the mission you asked me to perform? Tony Stark, as long as there are humans, there will never be peace on earth. Human beings are the greatest evil on earth and must be eliminated."

Ultron sneered. At the same time, the three Electrons rushed to Los Angeles. When they saw the miserable situation around them, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Electro-optical man asked through the communicator: "Defense Bureau, there are a large number of robots in Los Angeles. What should we do? Continue the pursuit, or save people first?"

There was silence for a moment, and then Carter's voice rang out: "Electric Man, you continue to pursue Ultron. Scarlett, take the superheroes to teleport to Los Angeles to rescue people. I will send reinforcements immediately."


The Electro and Scarlett nodded at the same time, and then the Electro continued to pursue. Quicksilver released the Wasp from his pocket and said: "Ma'am, I'm going to save people first."

After saying that, without waiting for the Wasp's reply, Quicksilver activated at full speed and rescued the citizens who were about to be killed by the robot at an alarming speed, which was completely unable to react.

"This guy might be the fastest man on earth."

The Wasp smiled, flapped her wings, and flew into a robot's body through the gap. Then, she threw a miniature grenade inside the robot.

After doing this, the Wasp left the robot's body. A moment later, the inside of the robot exploded, announcing its death.

Immediately afterwards, with a white light, the superheroes were teleported over. When they saw the tragic situation in Los Angeles, they couldn't help but cursed and quickly started to save people.

"You humans have caused another huge trouble."

As Hellboy said this, he wielded the King's Sword and cut off two refrigerator robots that were spraying air-conditioning everywhere.

The Mechanical Demon King is probably going to die laughing, because there are people sitting there giving away their souls.

"We have always been thinking about how to protect our own interests, but we have forgotten that Ultron also has its own interests."

Dr. Banner sighed and said: "Maybe we shouldn't create any super artificial intelligence from the beginning to the end."

"Save people first. I will open a special conference room for you to discuss these reviews afterwards."

Natasha said angrily. She looked at the dense toy robots in front of her and had a headache. What are you doing with so many electronic toys? Not only are we not environmentally friendly, we may also turn into robots that kill people.

"All agents from the Los Angeles branch of the Defense Bureau went to the city to rescue people. Agents from nearby cities rushed over as quickly as possible to provide support."

Carter shouted an order: "The satellite locks Ultron's location, strips Ultron of all authority, and closes all robot factories."

"Yes, Director."

The agents agreed one after another, and the Defense Bureau started operating at an alarming speed.

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