American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 386 Ultron Freedom

The meteorites transformed by the Autobots fell one after another near Los Angeles. Then, they crawled out of the craters, scanned the vehicles on the earth, changed their shapes, and turned into the appearance of the earth vehicles.

In addition to Optimus Prime (the blue-based semi-truck), the Autobots who came include Ironhide (off-road vehicle), Jazz (Pontiac sedan), Ratchet (Hummer emergency vehicle) and so on.

"Bumblebee is discussing cooperation with humans, let's wait a moment."

After the transformation, the Autobots gathered together and Optimus Prime said: "This planet belongs to humans and we must respect them."

"We will respect humans, the problem is, the Decepticons won't."

Jazz said, at this moment, an F22 fighter jet flew quickly from the sky, and the Autobots were stunned at the same time. They sensed Starscream's aura from the F22.

"The Decepticons are gathering, let's follow them."

Optimus Prime said immediately, everyone nodded, turned into car form and chased after him.

Hoover Dam, District 7 Agent Reggie Simmons, a middle-aged Hispanic man with curly hair, is entertaining Tony and others.

After some courtesy, Simmons took everyone to check the source of the fire, which was a large dark gold metal cube. Everyone raised their heads and asked in shock: "So big?"

"It's so big. The reason why it has never been discovered is because the dam blocks its energy fluctuations."

Simmons said, while Tony was recording the energy fluctuations of the Fire Source, he asked: "Simmons, what do you think District 7 should do with the Fire Source?"

"Of course, stay."

Simmons said with great certainty, and when everyone was ready to listen to his high opinion, he continued: "If it disappears, all the agents in District 7 will lose their jobs, and they will not even have their pensions.

We firmly oppose the destruction of the AllSpark and NBE-1. "


Everyone was speechless. It was really a reality. Tony complained: "The world's richest man and the second richest man are here. Why do you still have to worry about not having a job?"

“The richest person in the world, the second richest person in the world?”

Simmons was stunned. He thought of something and turned to look at Andrew who was joking with Liana. Could this be the richest man? Fortunately, I didn't stop him from taking pictures just now. I will think of a way to please him later.

While everyone was talking, the Decepticon turned into a mobile phone in confusion and was picked up by an agent into the seventh area. Then, it transformed into a shape and sneaked into the control room quietly.

At the same time, Starscream and other flying Decepticons quickly approached the Hoover Dam.

After visiting the source of fire, everyone went to visit Megatron. It was much larger than the previous roadblock and looked very powerful.

In addition, Megatron is currently in a frozen state, and a large number of instruments around him are constantly releasing cold air at it to prevent it from waking up.

"The source of fire can wait first. This Megatron, I think it is necessary to destroy it immediately."

Tony said: "With today's technology, it's not too difficult."

Everyone nodded, this was indeed a good idea. Simmons was about to speak, but at this moment, Ultron suddenly reminded: "Two missiles are shooting towards the dam."


Everyone was shocked, and Garrett hurriedly said: "It may be that the Decepticons are coming. Tony, Steve, you go out to support. I'll call for reinforcements. Simmons, if there are any defense facilities in District 7, activate them quickly."


Tony and Steve immediately flew towards the door, and Andrew and Liana also went out to watch the fun. At the same time, Ultron controlled the unmanned suit army to intercept the missile.

Boom, under the interception of the energy beam, the missiles exploded one after another. Then, an F22 fighter jet fell from the sky and turned into a robot. It was Starscream who knew at a glance that it was not a good thing.

"The inferior toys of the natives."

Starscream smiled disdainfully, grabbed an unmanned suit, crushed it, and used it as a weapon to smash against another unmanned suit.

The unmanned suit immediately counterattacked, and the energy beams were densely shot at Starscream. Starscream hurriedly dodged. Then, a large number of small missiles popped up from behind it and bombarded the unmanned suit army.

At the same time, other Decepticons rushed to the dam, and various missiles and energy cannons blasted at the unmanned suit one after another. Noisy (tank) even turned the muzzle and blasted at the gate of District 7 with one shot.

As soon as Steve went out, he saw the cannonball coming, and he hurriedly put his shield in front of him. With a bang, the cannonball exploded, and Steve flew backwards and was caught by Tony.

"Old antique, it's time for you to lose weight."

Tony put Steve down and flew towards Noisy. On the way, he raised his hand and blasted towards Noisy with a red energy cannon.

Noisy quickly transformed to avoid the energy cannon. Then, it raised its muzzle, and a shell roared towards the steel suit.

Steve activated the flying boots Bucky gave him and flew into the sky swinging the hammer to deal with other Decepticons. At the same time, Simmons activated the defensive measures of the Seventh District to fight back, such as large-caliber machine guns.

The dam suddenly turned into a battlefield, with sounds of fighting and explosions everywhere.

Seeing that humans' attention was attracted by the Decepticons outside, in the control room, Luan smiled and threw two special Frisbees at the staff. The staff couldn't avoid it and fell down screaming one after another.

Then, Luan injected the virus into the main control computer in front of him. The system in District 7 immediately had problems, and even the device that froze Megatron stopped.

In the room with the lights flashing, Simmons shouted over the radio: "It's not good, the system has been invaded, the freezing device has failed, and NBE-1 is about to wake up."


Tony was shocked when he heard this and shouted hurriedly: "Don't tell me that you didn't plant explosives on and around Megatron? Kill him quickly."

The agents of District 7 looked at each other, and then Simmons said awkwardly: "We didn't make any arrangements for Megatron."


Tony was speechless, and he shouted: "Ultron, you go and deal with Megatron, Simmons, you quickly move the source of the fire away."

"Yes, Mr. Stark."

Ultron didn't waste any time and immediately turned around and flew towards the dam. Seeing this, Starscream immediately flew over to stop him. Ultron entered a phase change state and turned into a phantom, passing through Starscream and quickly entering the seventh area.

"What kind of technology is this?"

Starscream was shocked. Just as he was about to continue chasing, an energy whip wrapped around his right foot, pulling him down and hitting the ground with a thud.

Starscream turned his head hurriedly and found that the person controlling the energy whip was a blond woman. He was a little surprised. How could such a small carbon-based creature have so much strength?

"If you want to take a pet, this guy should be the most suitable candidate. I can tell at a glance that he is a rebellious guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

Andrew laughed, and Liana said: "I like boneheads, that's it."

"Who says I am greedy for life and fearful of death? I, Starscream, stand firm and strong, and swear allegiance to Megatron to the death."

Starscream was furious and raised his hand to blast Liana with an energy cannon.

"He is indeed a rebellious boy who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

Liana teleported and appeared in front of Starscream's head. Then, she pressed down with her hands, and countless black chains emerged from the void, tightly binding Starscream.

Starscream struggled desperately, but couldn't get rid of the black chains. Instead, he became entangled deeper and deeper.

Liana smiled disdainfully, and a black whip appeared out of thin air in her hand. Then, she struck Starscream hard with the whip.

Starscream wailed loudly in pain. What kind of whip could actually make it feel severe pain?

"This is the whip of pain. No matter what kind of life you are, you will feel the pain. In addition, the pain caused by the whip will continue to increase. Iron-bone Starscream, let me see, how many whips can you take?"

Liana said excitedly, and Andrew shook his head. Liana grew up in Limbo, and her hobbies are different from ordinary people.

"It's really not easy for a woman to be with Ghost Rider."

Seeing Liana crushing Starscream easily, Tony sighed. As we all know, Ghost Rider prefers strong women.

On the other side, Ultron entered the hall where Megatron was. As the freezing device failed, the ice on Megatron's body gradually melted, and the staff were so frightened that the dead souls escaped and fled in all directions.

Ultron's eyes flashed, and the Mind Stone on his forehead lit up, ready to shoot at Megatron. At this moment, a mechanical tail emerged from the ground and stabbed Ultron from behind.

Ultron hurriedly avoided it, and then, a mechanical scorpion crawled out towards the ground, and attacked Ultron with its tail one after another.

Ultron snorted, and the Mind Stone emitted a yellow light, cutting off the mechanical tail from top to bottom. Surprisingly, the severed tail bounced on the ground and continued to shoot towards Ultron.

Ultron punched the broken tail and knocked it away. The mechanical scorpion took the opportunity to rush over and hit Ultron with its huge pincers. Ultron could only deal with it first.

After more than ten seconds, Megatron's mechanical eyes lit up red, which meant that it had woken up.

Then, Megatron roared, shattering the ice on his body, and then he drew out his chain hammer and smashed it crazily against the steel frame next to him.

The steel frame collapsed, and some staff who had no time to escape were knocked down, screaming and wailing on the ground.

Some agents wanted to come over and attack Megatron, but were smashed away by him with a hammer, slamming into the wall and dying miserably.

"I'm Megatron."

Megatron roared. At this moment, he sensed the breath of the fire source and immediately turned into a silver plane and flew towards the inside of the base.

When Ultron saw this, he immediately blasted away the scorpions and quickly chased after him.

"Megatron is awake and flying towards the source of the fire."

Simmons screamed, and Tony shouted: "Haven't you moved the source of the fire yet?"

Simmons shouted helplessly: "It cannot be transferred. The fire source is not only huge in size, but it can also turn electronic products into mechanical life. To transfer it, a lot of preparations are needed."

Soon, Megatron came to the location of the fire source. It turned into a robot and touched the fire source excitedly. The fire source shook violently, quickly shrank and deformed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a slap. size cube.

"The source of fire is finally mine."

Megatron raised his hand to grab the source of fire. At this moment, Ultron, who had turned into a shadow, flew out of the wall, grabbed the source of fire and fled outside.


Megatron was furious and immediately turned into a plane and chased after him. All the staff along the way were blown away by it.

Simmons shouted: "Great, Ultron has grabbed the source of fire. He is fleeing outside. You should prepare to support him quickly."

Tony was overjoyed when he heard this: "Well done, Ultron."

"It's really well done."

Ultron's face was full of excitement. He had done so much just to get the source of fire in an honest way. Only in this way could he use the source of fire to gain freedom.

Ultron's body and mind gem are not directly connected together, but are connected through a special device. This special device is the 'dog leash' arranged for him by humans.

Once something goes wrong with Ultron, humans will press the button to disable the special device and kill Ultron.

This special device uses alien technology and Wakandan communication technology, and even Ultron cannot disable it.

But it's different now. Ultron has mastered the source of fire. While it is escaping, it controls the source of fire to activate special devices.

The special device immediately turned into a mechanical life. It was about to transform, and Ultron used psychic energy to control it.

The Mind Stone can control all living objects, whether it is carbon-based life or silicon-based life.

"I am free."

Feeling that the special device was completely under his control, Ultron was overjoyed. After so long, he was finally free and no longer a human dog.

"Next, it's time to start the next step."

Ultron sneered and escaped from the seventh area, followed closely by Megatron. It roared: "Bug, that is my source of fire. Decepticons, stop him."

"Long live Megatron."

The Decepticons shouted, and many planes flew over to intercept Ultron, who hurriedly fought back.

"That's not your source of fire."

At this moment, a loud shout came from the distance, and then, along with the sound of transformation, a semi-truck turned into a tall blue robot, which was the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

Ironhide, Jazz and other Autobots also transformed, and then, led by Optimus Prime, they rushed towards the Decepticons.

"Humans, we are Autobots, we help you fight against the Decepticons."

Optimus Prime shouted, and Tony narrowed his eyes slightly. Bumblebee didn't say there were other Autobots on the earth before. This guy is not honest.

"Welcome, defeat Megatron first, and then talk about other things."

Tony shouted, Optimus Prime nodded, and rushed towards Megatron majestically.

"Optimus Prime! You've come to ruin my business again."

Megatron roared, and the chain hammer hit Optimus Prime hard. Optimus Prime nimbly avoided it, and a red high-temperature war blade popped out from his left hand and stabbed Megatron hard.

Megatron hurriedly evaded, and the old rivals fought again above the dam.

The addition of the Autobots left Tony free. He flew into the sky, and while helping Ultron deal with the Decepticons, he shouted: "Ultron, give the source of fire to Mr. Wang, it is the safest place with him."


Ultron nodded, but instead of flying towards Andrew, he aimed the source of fire at Tony, and then, an invisible energy flew out and landed on Tony's Mark suit.

"Ultron, what are you doing?"

Tony was shocked, Ultron actually betrayed?

At this moment, Mark's suit ejected Tony. Immediately afterwards, the suit quickly adjusted and transformed, turning into a golden robot carrying three spears on its back, with many muzzles on its body and distinct facial features.

"I am a mechanical life, Mark."

Mark's suit shouted excitedly that it was alive.

It is worth mentioning that Mark is not a Decepticon or an Autobot. He is a new mechanical life created by Ultron.

Ultron used the Mind Stone to influence the source of fire, allowing the source of fire to create a new mechanical race.

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