American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 372 The formation is broken

"All right."

Wanda hesitated for a moment and chose to agree. At this time, she thought of a question and asked: "If you tell me so much, will the Scarlet Witch sense it?"

"Don't worry, whether it's destiny magic or dream magic, I understand. It's easy to make her unable to sense this memory."

Andrew smiled and said: "Speaking of which, it's time to deal with her. The privacy that follows is not suitable for outsiders to know."


Wanda blinked, and then she didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned a little red. This kind of privacy is really not suitable for outsiders to know.

Andrew said: "Okay, without further ado, let's get started. I will help you access Strange's dream."


Wanda didn't talk nonsense, she lit up with a red light, and with the help of Andrew, she sneaked into Strange's dream.

What, what about Pietro outside? Uh, who's Pietro?


"Fuck them all to death."

Heiqi flew in the air, and balls of black and red light violently bombarded downwards from his hands.

Bai Qi was hiding in all directions. As for Strange, he was chased by the nightmare and couldn't even stop.

Strange cursed in his heart: "Damn it, I wanted to find a helper, but in the end, I lured the wolf into the house and things became worse."


At this moment, a woman's voice sounded in Strange's mind: "I'm here to help you. You can quietly transfer the control of the dream to me so that no one else finds out."

"Help me?"

Strange was stunned for a moment. He was a little sensitive to the word 'gang' now. He asked with his consciousness: "Who are you?"

Wanda said: "The black-robed mage asked me to help you."

"Black-robed mage?"

Strange didn't realize who it was at first, but he soon remembered that it was one of the Demon King's vests, and he was overjoyed: "Devil... the black-robed mage knows about this?"

"I know, he asked me to help you delay."

Wanda said: "He has to solve other problems first, and then deal with the other matter of you and the Scarlet Witch."

"It's good that he knows."

Strange suddenly became more confident and transferred the authority of the dream to Wanda.

"In my dreams, I can do anything."

Wanda controlled the dream, and a powerful magic power was injected into Strange's body. Strange's right hand suddenly turned into a tentacle, entangling the rushing nightmare.

"This is good."

Strange was overjoyed and rolled his tentacles hard, and the nightmare was instantly split into two. However, it was the incarnation of fire and would not die so easily, and it immediately merged back together.

Hei Qiqi was shocked when he saw this scene: "You actually stole my power?"

"This is my dream. I can use whoever's power I want."

Strange said arrogantly according to Wanda's instructions. Black Strange snorted, and a ball of red light blasted into the ground. At the same time, he sneered: "Let me see, how strong are you compared to me?"

Before Hei Qi Qi finished speaking, a large number of black ropes emerged from the ground and wound towards Strange.

Strange flew up with the help of the suspension cloak, and then he evolved into a space blade. Then, with a click of a finger, hundreds of space blades appeared around him, spinning at high speed and cutting away at the rope below.

"Mage Strange, the black-robed mage asked me to tell you."

Wanda's voice sounded in Strange's mind again: "For you, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Try your best to learn magic from the two Doctor Strange and increase your own magic skills."

"You can have this."

Strange's eyes lit up. If it were anyone else, he would probably not be able to learn these magics in a short time. But Strange is not someone else. He is the future Supreme Mage, a true genius.

Wanda saw that Strange's strength began to improve by leaps and bounds, and she immediately felt relieved. She thought for a while and asked Andrew: "Andrew, should I control the time of the dream? This can delay it longer."

Andrew has told Wanda his name, but he has not told other aspects. In Wanda's heart, Andrew is a wandering hired mage who travels across the world, and she is looking forward to going on adventures with Andrew in the future.

"No, if I guess correctly, the Scarlet Witch is watching Strange's dream."

Andrew smiled and said: "If you move too much, she will find out the clues."


Wanda hesitated for a moment and asked, "Andrew, do you have to kill the Scarlet Witch?"

"Let me find out her purpose first."

Andrew said vaguely that he would not be merciful if necessary, there was no doubt about that.

Putting aside the battle in the dream, Casillas locked Strange into the mirror space and strode into the core of the New York Temple.

"Soon, everyone will be immortal. Ancient One, I am right."

Casillas shouted loudly, his hands lit up with dazzling black light, and he struck hard at the core formation.

"Don't even think about it."

Liana's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly blasted away Mordo, trying to teleport to Casillas. At this moment, the surrounding void shook, and Liana's teleportation was abruptly interrupted.

Then, Modu rushed over again, clinging to her like a mad dog.


Ancient One shook his head and wanted to stop Casillas. The projections of Dormammu and the Hell Demon Lords appeared outside the earth at the same time, frantically attacking the earth's guardian array. Whether they can enter the earth depends on today.

Gu Yi had no choice but to deal with these demon kings first, otherwise it would be useless to save the temple.

"What a bunch of rubbish."

On Mars, Andrew opened his hand, and dozens of nuclear bombs appeared and blasted towards Gnar. Then, he activated the space gem and wanted to return to Earth.

"That's not okay. My mission is to contain you, Dark World."

Nar sneered, and infinite darkness enveloped the entire Mars. Although Andrew could break it, it would take some time.

Seeing that Casillas's fists were about to hit the formation, at this moment, a green figure that looked like a peerless ferocious beast crashed through the wall of the temple, carrying a shock wave generated by breaking the sound barrier, and rushed towards him like a hurricane. Casillas.

This figure is Hulk.

Casillas ignored Hulk and hit the formation with both fists, causing most of the formation to collapse instantly.

The entire earth shook at the same time, and the magic circle protecting the earth quickly began to disintegrate.

Casillas was about to completely destroy the formation when Hulk roared, rushed over and knocked Casillas to the ground, rolling around.

"You are already too late, my lord, I welcome you to come."

Casillas blasted Hulk away with black light and shouted fervently. Other traitor mages also shouted excitedly: "My lord, I welcome you here."

"Earth, here I come."

Dormammu laughed loudly, and his huge figure prepared to officially descend on the earth.

At this moment, the hell demons who had cooperated happily before attacked Dormammu simultaneously. Dormammu screamed and was blown away on the spot, with big holes appearing in many parts of his body.

Demon King's passive skill, backstab, activates.

"Earth, we, the Demon King of Hell, are here."

The demon kings of hell rushed towards the earth excitedly. The moment they were about to step into the earth, Lucifer, Nightmare, Satanish and other five demon kings sneak attacked the other demon kings. It was enough for the earth to have their five demon kings. People, it’s better to go back and wash up and sleep.

Coincidentally, the remaining demon kings also formed an alliance and launched a sneak attack on Lucifer and others at the same time.

"How despicable, you actually attacked us."

"It doesn't sound like you were a sneak attack."

Both sides failed in their sneak attack, so the demon kings had a melee at the gate of the earth.

"You can watch this kind of drama many times and never get tired of it."

Ancient Yi took the opportunity to quickly repair the formation. The chaotic nature of the demon kings destined them to never cooperate sincerely.

Because sincere cooperation is the embodiment of order.

Just as the fight between the demon kings became more and more intense, darkness suddenly descended and enveloped all the demon kings' projections.

Immediately afterwards, the demon kings were imprisoned on a damaged dark planet.


All the demon kings of hell roared at the same time, and Dormammu's true body appeared in the dark dimension, sneering: "You think I don't know that you will attack me secretly?

I deliberately let you sneak attack. Not only you Hell Demon King can backstab, but I can too. "

"I bet we are still alumni of the Backstabbing Academy."

Nightmare snorted coldly: "It seems that next time the Demon King has a meeting, I can ask you to come with me."

Lucifer looked around and asked in surprise: "Dormammu, you actually extended the dark dimension to the earth?"

"Otherwise, how can we suppress you?"

Dormammu said proudly: "I will control the dark dimension to invade the earth, so that I can come in my true body.

When the time comes, neither you nor the Mechanical Demon King, Ancient One, can stop me. "

In the dark dimension, Dormammu is at the level of a single universe. Once the dark dimension comes to the earth, the earth will be in his possession, and no one can stop him.

As for whether there will be danger?

Of course not, because he is still in the dark dimension.

This is a characteristic of the dark dimension, which can erode other dimensions at will, unlike hell, which can only open up space passages.

"I never thought that if you backstab others every day, you would eventually be backstabbed by you."

Lucifer cursed unhappily, and mobilized the fallen holy light to attack the planet that sealed them, and other demon kings were no exception - even if they couldn't break the seal, they could still create obstacles for Dormammu.

"Sorry, losers, this time, I, Dormammu, had the last laugh. Just wait and see my good show."

Dormammu smiled disdainfully and mobilized a large number of planets to block them.

"Earth, this time, I'm really here."

Then, Dormammu took the Dark Dimension and easily broke through Ancient One's rearranged defenses and officially entered the earth.

The sky across the entire earth suddenly turned black, not the blackness of a night, but the kind of blackness that makes people feel suffocated, desperate, and full of depression.

The people looked up at the sky, panicking. What's going on?

At the same time, in New York, darkness fell from the sky like sea water, instantly eroding the New York Temple.

Liana's expression changed, and she hurriedly fled far away with Hulk and Ava. As for the others, she didn't care.

Other mages also wanted to escape, but were immediately shrouded in darkness. Then, their eyes quickly turned black, but they became puppets of darkness.

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