These symbiote monsters came from other cities. They devoured a large number of lives and were extremely powerful. Under the siege of them and the traitor mages, the mages quickly began to collapse.

"My Lord is coming soon."

Casillas walked excitedly towards the core formation. At this moment, Strange fell from the sky with the help of the suspension cloak and floated in front of him.


Casillas snorted coldly: "I really don't understand why Gu Yi chose you instead of me?"

"You look like this, a normal person would choose me, okay?"

Strange looked at Casillas and complained: "Uncle, how old do you have to be to play unconventional games?"

Casillas' mouth twitched a little. This guy was as annoying as ever. He said, "I will let Gu Yi know that she didn't choose me, which was her biggest mistake."

Strange held up a magic shield with both hands at the same time and shouted: "Come on."

Casillas opened his hands, the surrounding space shattered, and Strange was brought into the mirror space.

Strange was stunned. Just as he was about to do something, countless black magic ropes emerged from the void and tied him up in mid-air.

Then, a black light fell on Strange's right hand and forcibly took away his hanging ring.

"You alone are not qualified to fight with me. Strange, the future Supreme Mage, I will let you live to witness the coming of our Lord."

Casillas sneered, opened the portal and left. Strange struggled desperately, but was unable to get rid of so many magic ropes.

Strange was never a match for Casillas, not to mention that Casillas is now the ultimate enhanced version.

"Fake, once the formation is destroyed, Dormammu and the Hell Demon King will come to the earth at the same time. By then, everything will be over."

Strange is worried. Once Dormammu arrives, the earth and Christine will all die.

"Hey, wait, Christine?"

Strange suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, and said silently in his heart: "Doctor Strange from another universe, your fellow beings need your help, please come here."


Black Strange sensed Strange's call and was overjoyed. He immediately cast a spell with both hands, and a stream of consciousness and magic entered his body along the connection with Strange.

This is equivalent to the magic of divine descent.

Strange did not resist the cold magic that entered his body. He said with his consciousness: "Another me, our world is suffering from a catastrophe, please help me stop Casillas."

"You are really useless, you can't even fight Casillas."

Heiqi looked around and said with a smile: "Mirror space? A great place, just right for me to build an altar and summon the Scarlet Witch."

"Build an altar and summon the Scarlet Witch?"

Strange's expression changed drastically. While blocking Black Strange's magic power, he asked in a shocked voice, "What do you want to do?"

"I want you."

Black Strange smiled, and his magic power broke through Strange's blockade and forcibly controlled his body.

Then, black fire burst out from 'Strange''s body, instantly burning all the magic ropes, and 'Strange' fell to the ground with a bang.

In his mind, Strange roared angrily: "Have you been lying to me from beginning to end?"

"Is this weird? Strange, you don't know what kind of virtue you have?"

Hei Qiqi sneered: "With our status, how can we sincerely help others? Even when we save people, we have to be careful to avoid affecting our future."

Strange was speechless, because he was indeed not a good person, but it felt so heartbreaking to hear these words spoken by his other self.

"Although I'm not a good person, I'm not a bad person either. I don't save those people because I can't save them at all."

A voice suddenly sounded in Strange's mind. Strange and Hei Qiqi were stunned at the same time. Why is there another person?

"My body is lively enough."

Strange was speechless. At this time, the voice sounded again: "Hei Qi, I just learned about your existence. I didn't expect that I am incomplete. You can call me Bai Qi."

"It's the other half of me."

Hei Qiqi frowned: "When Strange summoned me, he also summoned you?"

"Yes, after all, we are all Doctor Strange."

Bai Qi nodded, and Strange asked in shock: "Are you schizophrenic?"

The two Doctors Strange said at the same time: "No, we are timeline split patients."


Strange is a little confused, a patient with a split timeline? What's the meaning? It sounds very high-end.

"Black Strange, I don't know what you are going to do, but you want to interfere with other universes, and I must stop you."

Bai Qiqi said: "This is also the mission of my birth."

"You wait first."

Hei Qiqi said: "I did this to resurrect Christine..."

Then, Hei Qiqi explained the plan again, he said: "In this way, not only can Christine be resurrected, but more importantly, our universe will no longer be at risk of destruction.

You are the Supreme Mage, you should support me, not stop me. No one else will be hurt except Strange. "

"..., thank you."

Strange complained, and at the same time, Bai Qi fell into silence, seeming a little moved.

Strange's heart sank. It's not surprising that Bai Qi's heart beats. If it were him, his heart would also beat. The problem is, he is the one who is going to be sacrificed now.

"Heiqi, I admit that your proposal is very attractive, but I refuse."

At this moment, Bai Qiqi said: "We cannot save another person by sacrificing others, even if it is Christine.

Dr. Black Strange, I will do everything in my power to stop you. "

Strange was overjoyed. He never thought that Bai Qi would refuse. After all, he was very confident about his own virtue.

Hei Qi Qi did not expect Bai Qi Qi to answer like this. He was silent for a moment and said: "I understand. Ancient One not only separates our time, but also separates our good and evil. I represent evil and you represent good."

Bai Qiqi said: "Maybe, but what the teacher did was not wrong. Someone must stop you."

"You can't stop me."

Hei Qiqi snorted coldly, and three consciousnesses appeared on a plain at the same time. This was the dream world.

Then, Black Qi Qi raised his hand, and a large amount of black energy poured out from the ground, entangling Strange and Bai Qi Qi with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

A dazzling golden light bloomed from Bai Qi Qi's body, destroying all the black energy. Then, he raised his hand, and a large number of golden magic ropes wrapped around Black Qi Qi.

Black Qi Qi opened his mouth, and a golden beam of light spurted out from his mouth, hitting Bai Qi Qi hard, destroying all the magic ropes wherever it passed.

Bai Qi Qi hurriedly held up the golden defensive shield. Unfortunately, the defensive shield was destroyed after only blocking it for a moment. Then, the light beam hit Bai Qi Qi and was blocked by the golden runes that lit up.

This is a protective spell blessed by Emperor Weishan, and its defensive power is astonishingly strong.

"What you did was wrong, you must turn around."

Bai Qi Qi smashed his hands on the ground, and a large amount of purple thunder blasted towards Black Qi Qi. With a move of his right hand, Black Qi Qi gathered all the thunder in his hand and blasted it back to Bai Qi Qi.

"I can't go back, and I don't want to go back."

Black Qi Qi roared, and his right hand turned into countless tentacles, blasting towards Bai Qi Qi and Strange.

Bai Qi Qi and Strange hurriedly avoided, Bai Qi Qi shouted to Strange: "Strange, here is your dream, try to control it and weaken Black Qi Qi's strength.

If we are beaten to death by him, he will completely control your body. By then, both your world and mine will be in danger. "

"How to control it?"

Strange looked confused. He had never learned dream magic.

Bai Qi Qi used magic to fight against Black Qi Qi, while shouting loudly: "Of course I control it with my heart, this is your dream."

"Control with your heart?"

Strange thought for a while and tried to control it with his heart. At this moment, a nightmare that seemed to be made of fire appeared out of thin air and slammed into him. Strange hurriedly avoided it.

This nightmare was the one swallowed by Black Strange. Without it, Strange could never control the dream.

"You can't stop me, no one can stop me."

Black Qi Qi shouted crazily. His strength was so strong that Bai Qi Qi and Strange were no match for him and were crushed by him.

"Dr. Black Strange, Dr. White Strange, what are these?"

In the mechanical hell, Andrew sensed Strange's situation and frowned slightly. This incident was quite beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, Andrew has been keeping an eye on Strange, otherwise, the Scarlet Witch might really succeed this time - he can sense the dialogue in Strange's consciousness.

Why are you staring at Strange?

Because he is the original protagonist of this plot, Andrew certainly cannot ignore it. In the last plot, he also kept staring at Ant-Man.

"Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch!"

Andrew's eyes flickered, and then he snorted coldly. It was time to deal with the Scarlet Witch. She has been so crazy and annoying.

After thinking for a while, Andrew pulled Wanda into dreamland.

Sokovia Hydra base.

Quicksilver Pietro was tied up with red light by Wanda and hung from the ceiling. Wanda held the apple and said dissatisfiedly: "Pietro, are you getting more and more courageous? You dare not even listen to my words?"

Pietro, who had gray hair, shouted: "Sister, isn't it just an apple? As for you treating me like this, I am your biological brother whose blood is thicker than water."

Wanda said: "How many times have you told me not to touch this apple? Not only did you touch it, but you actually wanted to eat it?"

"I didn't want to eat it, I was just curious and picked it up to take a look."

Pietro shouted: "You hold that apple every day, don't eat it, and use energy to keep it from spoiling. Who in the base is not curious about what's going on? Some people say that it is the legendary golden apple."

Wanda sneered: "Pick it up and take a look. Why do you open your mouth so wide? Your eyes are in your mouth?"

Pietro suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He said, "I just smelled it. Sister, I was wrong. Put me down. I promise there will be no next time. It will be very uncomfortable to hang here."

"Next time, I'll hoist you into the helicopter."

Wanda snorted and was about to cast a spell to put Pietro down. At this moment, she suddenly felt sleepy. Knowing that it was the black-robed mage who was looking for her, she immediately leaned on the table and fell asleep.

"Sister, sister... don't pretend to sleep. I really know I was wrong. Let me down."

Pietro shouted loudly, shaking in the air, but unfortunately, Wanda couldn't hear him at all.


When Wanda saw Andrew, she was excited and puzzled: "Black-robed mage, why are you looking for me at this time?"

Andrew asked: "Do you know why I keep asking you to learn dream magic?"

Wanda asked: "Why?"

"To deal with the Scarlet Witch."

Andrew told the story about the Scarlet Witch, and he said: "The Scarlet Witch has done something to you and is connected to your destiny. She can dream of you every night.

As long as you master the dream magic, you can lock her location in turn, and then I can take action to deal with her. "

"Another me? Is there a fateful connection with me?"

Wanda was very shocked. What came to her mind, she asked: "Black-robed mage, are you teaching me magic to deal with the Scarlet Witch?"

"Half and half, you have very good qualifications. In addition to wanting to deal with the Scarlet Witch, I also want to accept you as my disciple and pass on my legacy."

Andrew said: "However, as soon as I saw you, I immediately changed my mind and refused to let you call me teacher."

Wanda was puzzled: "Why?"

Andrew looked at Wanda with burning eyes and asked, "You really don't know why?"

Wanda was stunned for a moment, then an incredible idea came to her mind, and her face turned red. Then she lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito, "How do I know why?"

"You don't know? Just pretend I didn't say anything."

Andrew said, Wanda made a sound and suddenly looked up at Andrew.

Andrew looked at Wanda with a teasing look on his face. Wanda was shy and angry at the same time. The black-robed mage just liked to play tricks on her.

Andrew took Wanda's hand and said, "Wanda, I know what you mean, and I think you should know what I mean too."


Wanda lowered her head again, her heart beating fast, and she had no intention of withdrawing her hand.

To be honest, happiness came so quickly that Wanda doubted whether she was dreaming. Well, it seemed like she was indeed dreaming now.

"Okay, let's get back to business, Wanda, things have changed a bit now. The Scarlet Witch is plotting again."

Andrew said: "I need you to use dream magic to help me stop her chess pieces, but you cannot show up or be discovered by the other party."

Andrew plans to deal with Dormammu first, and then deal with Dr. Black Strange and the Scarlet Witch. There are too many variables when these parties must unite.

Wanda took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, then she raised her head and asked, "Why do you want to deal with the Scarlet Witch? She is quite pitiful."

"I used to deal with her because she might harm me."

Andrew said: "Then there was another reason. She would harm you, Wanda. The Scarlet Witch has gone crazy. She has absolutely no good intentions in entangling her fate on you."

Wanda asked: "No way? She is another me."

"What about the other you? Strange was tricked by the other one."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Wanda, in short, we must stop her."

Thanks to Three Thousand Wings Angels, Priest Mode, Ting Xin Yu, and Bai v3 Night 1251 for their rewards this week.

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