American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 361 Take the lead

"Before the Peace Knights took action, I sealed several symbiotes."

Casillas nodded and asked: "Supreme Dormammu, why do you want to capture those symbiotes?"

"Because I thought of a god."

Dormammu said excitedly: "During this period, I have been thinking about who to help me deal with the Machine Demon King. When the time comes, I will personally deal with the man who stole my magic power and beat, ahem, that Ancient One, who is inseparable from me. .

I thought about many people, including the Hell Demon, but in the end, I gave up on the idea.

Those bastards stabbed them in the back every day, so if you take advantage of them a little, treating them as allies is no different than committing suicide. "

Casillas wanted to laugh a little. He knew that Ancient One liked to watch the Hell Demon King stab him in the back the most, and he smiled every time he watched it.

Casillas asked: "The symbiote can't deal with the Machine Demon, right? They can't even deal with the Peace Knights."

"Of course they can't, but Gnar, the symbiote god behind them, can."

Dormammu said: "Nar is a very ancient dark god. At his peak, even the gods did not dare to underestimate him."

Dormammu told Gnar's story, and then he continued: "Although Gnar is in a desperate situation now, no matter how depressed he is, he will at least have the strength of God the Heavenly Father, and it will not be a problem to contain the Machine Demon King.

After all, his body is in the main universe. "

Casillas' eyes narrowed slightly, but he said excitedly on the surface: "That's great. The Machine Demon King is contained, and Kama Taj will definitely not be able to stop us."

"Of course."

Dormammu said: "Casillas, use the symbiote to locate the symbiote planet where Gnar is, and then you go find him.

You tell him that I am willing to help him regain his freedom and provide him with dark energy, and he will help me deal with the Machine Demon. "

"Yes, the great Dormammu."

Casillas respectfully agreed that after obtaining the dark magic power, it would not be difficult for him to teleport across galaxies.

"Very well, Casillas, when I devour this universe, you can get everything you want."

Dormammu nodded with satisfaction, and his consciousness gradually dissipated. He could not stay for too long and would be easily discovered by Ancient One and the Machine Demon King.

"Everything I want, I can indeed get."

Casillas's eyes flashed, and then he shouted to the others: "I'm going to carry out the mission assigned by my lord. You guys continue to absorb the dark magic. The day will come when we attack Kama Taj and make Ancient One pay the price. Not far away.”

"Yes, senior brother."

The traitors nodded excitedly. Ancient Yi deceived them and claimed that they had the secret to immortality. They wanted to make Ancient Yi pay the price.

Dark magic makes these traitors very powerful. Ancient One is so strong because of dark magic, and now, they also have dark magic.

Casillas nodded and turned to the next room. Then, he took out the sealed symbiote and used magic to locate the symbiote planet.

No one knew that while casting the spell, Casillas used magic to quietly turn on a mobile phone in his arms.

Then, the phone automatically typed, and after a while, all these words were automatically deleted and disappeared.

Why not send it out? Because there is no need, as long as this phone is connected to the Internet, everything on it will be shared with Alice simultaneously.

After doing this, Casillas turned off his mobile phone. Although Dormammu probably didn't understand technology, he was right to be cautious. This was why he gave up the glory of the mage and chose to use his mobile phone.

The news about Casillas quickly reached Andrew. Andrew was a little surprised that Dormammu was also interested in Gnar?

Gnar is very popular.

"Isn't this a coincidence? Dormammu, are you afraid that Casillas can't stab you to death?"

Andrew smiled, took one step forward, and headed to the symbiote planet - the location of the planet. Andrew had already learned about it from the parallel universe.

On the surface, the symbiote planet looks like a deserted planet without any life, but underneath the entire planet is full of sleeping symbiotes, numbering in the millions.

And in the core of the planet, Gnar's soul is sealed - his body was destroyed by the Celestials, and only his soul remained.

"Now it depends on whether Nar's method works. If it works, I can get his soul regardless of whether Nar surrenders or not."

Andrew smiled slightly and began to make preparations. It would take Casillas at least several hours to lock the position of the planet. In terms of time, it was definitely enough.

In the darkness, Nall was in a daze as always. He had no choice but to be sealed here. Apart from sleeping, he could only be in a daze.

Most of the time, Gnar was asleep, but before the symbiote had any abnormality, he woke up immediately to see if there was any chance.

As a result, there was nothing, so Gnar could only be in a daze.

"Damn God Group, when I get out of the seal, I will make sure you look good."

Gnar gritted his teeth. At this moment, he suddenly sensed that the symbiotes were in chaos. It seemed that someone was taking action against the symbiotes, and the number of symbiotes decreased rapidly.

Nal was overjoyed. What he feared most was that there would be no change. As long as there was change, any change would be fine.

Immediately afterwards, a huge energy fluctuation came from outside the seal. As expected, the symbiotes united to fight the enemy.

"Fight, the more intense the better."

Gnar shouted excitedly. Just as he expected, the fighting outside became more and more intense. There was even an attack that shook the entire planet, and the number of symbiotes suddenly decreased by more than 100,000.

"Quasi Heavenly Father Level!"

Gnar became more and more excited. If all the symbiotes were eliminated, he would be able to leave here in less than five hundred years.

"It seems that the symbiote has offended people, and these traitors really deserve it."

Nar snorted secretly. At this moment, the planet shook again. Then, Nar discovered that a crack appeared in the seal.

Nar was ecstatic and hurriedly rushed to the crack, only to find that the crack was very small and was being repaired quickly. If nothing goes wrong, the crack would be completely healed after three breaths.

Gnar had waited for billions of years for such an opportunity to appear. Without even thinking about it, he directly used a piece of soul power to escape from the crack.

"I am free."

Nal was so excited that at this moment, a bolt of hellfire fell from the sky, instantly turning Nal's soul power into ashes.


Naru yelled, "Isn't this too fast?" He died without even seeing what was going on outside.

Of course, the soul power was not completely fruitless. Before it died, it heard a sentence: "You symbionts are so brave, how dare you mess with me? I will burn you all to ashes."

"It's the projection of the Demon King of Hell. He wants to burn the planet with hellfire."

Null's eyes lit up. Although he couldn't get out now, it would be the same if he could get out in five hundred years. Anyway, it was only a short period of five hundred years.

At this moment, the planet shook again, and then, another crack appeared in the seal. Like before, Gnar rushed to the crack immediately.

The cracks this time are larger than before, but only a few. They will heal after more than ten breaths.

Nall hesitated a little. At this time, the voice of the devil came from outside: "Begging for mercy, serve me? Dedicate everything to me?"

"Shet, those symbiotes actually begged for mercy from the enemy? Do you still have the backbone? You should fight until death and leave no one behind."

Naer cursed loudly, gritted his teeth, and a ray of light separated from his soul and flew towards the crack.

This spiritual light is Gnar's main consciousness. It is immortal and makes it easy to escape from the symbiote planet.

It is a pity to lose the soul, but it is not a big problem. As long as Gnar gives him a hundred years of effort, he can turn back into the famous symbiote god who thinks he is famous.

Why is Nar so decisive?

Because the symbiote is so useful, the Hell Demon King will definitely agree. By then, he will not be able to escape the seal for fifty thousand years, let alone five hundred years.

Gnar's main consciousness left the seal very smoothly. He was about to cheer when he suddenly saw a man with a group of symbiotes watching him.

What shocked Gnar even more was that he was surrounded by a small space. In other words, he jumped from a large prison into a small prison.

"Did you see that? I said, he will definitely run out stupidly, am I right?"

Andrew said proudly: "I, your new master, have no plans left."

"The master is mighty, the master is wise."

The symbiotes shouted in unison, each and every one of them was being a jerk.

Nall blinked, then reacted and roared: "Are you trying to trick me?"

Obviously, everything that happened before was performed by the Demon King and the symbiosis. The two cracks were also deliberately created by the Demon King. The purpose was very simple, forcing him to give up his soul and escape with only his main consciousness.

This way, he can easily trap himself.

It's just that Nall doesn't understand why the other party's prediction is so accurate. Also, when did those symbiotes surrender?

Although the symbiote has no bones, but there are so many of them gathered together, why should they resist and scream once or twice?

Everyone knows the answer to the previous question, so I won’t go into details. As for the latter question, it’s because Andrew used a space gem to isolate the seal from the outside.

Then, Andrew swept across the planet with sonic instruments and hellfire. After the symbionts resisted to no avail, they bowed down and shouted: "I have seen the Demon King."

Andrew sneered: "I'm trying to trick you. What's wrong? Can't you afford to trick you?"

"The Demon King."

Naal gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I happen to lack a handy weapon."

Andrew reached into the void with his right hand, fished out Nar's soul from the seal, and said, "Your soul can be used as the main material, and your main consciousness can be used as the weapon spirit."

Nall was furious when he heard this: "You want to refine me into a divine weapon, do you know who I am?"

"I know, the loser who was defeated by the gods and betrayed by his own creation, Gnar."

Andrew said: "This devil is at the height of his power. It is your blessing that you can be my weapon. You will become famous in the universe together with me.

At that time, no one will remember that you were a loser. They will only remember that you are the magic weapon of my mechanical demon king, a powerful, invincible, resentful weapon that makes all enemies fearful. "

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