Chapter 360 Agreement

"Five hundred years to gain freedom?"

Nal was a little excited. Five hundred years is naturally a very long time for humans, but for a god like Nal who has lived for tens of billions of years, it is as short as a yawn.

"You don't have to worry about me using this method to deal with you."

Andrew said: "With your strength, if you want to trick someone, you must be mentally calculating and unintentional. If you know this method in advance, I will never be able to trick you."

"Then you still need to tell me?"

Nal snorted. The method he taught Andrew would never harm himself.

Gnar thought for a moment and said: "I can help you, but after I am free, you have to return half of the symbiote to me. I need the symbiote to fight for me.

In addition, you cannot tell other people about my information, we must sign a contract. "

"Okay, there are countless Nars in the multiverse, so I don't need to trouble you."

Andrew smiled and said that he had no intention of cheating on Nal. The reason is very simple. Five hundred years later, he will definitely be a polyamorous person. When Nal will be free, it will be fine if he doesn't mess with him. If he dares to mess with him, he will shoot him directly. Return to the symbiote planet and continue sealing.

For other demon kings, five hundred years can't improve their strength, but Andrew went from a newborn Heavenly Father God to a top Heavenly Father God in five years.

Five hundred yuan per liter is more than enough.

Gnar didn't know this, so he didn't take much precaution against Andrew. He complained: "Countless Gnar? Don't tell me, you plan to get rid of the other Gnar too?"

"It depends on whether your method works well. If it works well, why not?"

Andrew said: "A Gnar, a Black Death Sword, plus a planet's symbiote, tsk tsk, this is a big gift package."

"You are overthinking it. The Black Death Sword is not in my hand."

Nall said: "After I died in the battle, the Black Death Sword was picked up by a mortal. If nothing else happens, he should be a famous figure in the universe by now."

The person who currently owns the Black Death Sword is named Geer, the God-Slayer Geer. We will talk about him later.

"That's a pity, but even without the Black Death Sword, the harvest is rich enough."

Andrew said, and Nardao said: "You can see it openly. Speaking of which, you are just Heavenly Father God. Why can you travel through the multiverse?"

Andrew smiled and said: "This is not my ability, it is technology developed by humans."

"Technology? Technology that travels through the multiverse?"

Nal didn't quite know what technology was, so he decided that after he was free, he would go find someone to ask what technology was.

If you want to be diverse, you must enter other universes.

Nall said: "Demon King, before we formally sign the contract, I need to make a few things clear to you.

First of all, I am immortal. As long as there is darkness in this world, I will never die and can only be sealed. Therefore, there is no way you can kill me.

Secondly, I believe that no matter which universe I am in, I will never treat anyone as a younger brother, so my suggestion is to ask him to agree to do things for you.

The specific number of times can be discussed, and as long as it's not too much, he will agree. "

"That's okay too."

Andrew thought for a while and nodded. Naturally, he would not easily believe Naal's words. Who knows if this guy is praising his talent in disguise?

When the time comes, Andrew will observe and judge for himself.


Nall said: "We sign a contract, and I will tell you the method. This method will probably succeed 80% of the time. Once successful, you will at least get a powerful soul."

"That's good."

Andrew nodded, and then the two signed a contract, and Nall told Andrew the method.

Andrew pondered for a while, nodded and said: "This method has a very high success rate indeed."

This time I made the right choice. The person who knows Nal best is definitely Nal.

Nall said: "Of course, okay, if nothing happens, you can leave. We will see you again in five hundred years."

"Don't worry, tell me some information about the God Group by the way."

Andrew said: "There is a group of gods parasitic on my planet. He is about to wake up. I want to kill him, but I am worried that other groups of gods will come to visit."

"You want to kill the Celestials?"

Nar's eyes lit up. You said this, but I'm not sleepy anymore. He said: "Demon King, as soon as you kill the young god group, the other god groups will immediately come to beat you. Those bastards like to fight in groups the most. .”

The war between Gnar and the Celestials lasted for many years, so he knew the Celestials very well - there was a long time between the first battle and the decisive battle.

"In other words, you can't touch the young gods group?"

Andrew was not disappointed. If the young gods were easy to deal with, he would have killed them long ago. How could they tolerate him staying in the core of the earth?

"Just because you can't kill doesn't mean you can't move. There is a compromise."

Nall said: "In order to deal with the Celestials, I once developed a dark magic array, which can absorb the cosmic energy from the Celestials.

Demon King, if you are a 20% symbiote, I will give you this magic circle.

The young god group cannot resist this magic circle at all. By then, he will become weaker and weaker until he completely falls into dormancy.

Don't worry, as long as you don't kill him, the Celestial God Group will not be able to sense anything. The birth of each Celestial God Group takes a long time. "

Nal basically gave away 20% of the symbionts for nothing. He had no choice but to hate the Celestials the most in his life.


Andrew readily agreed that symbiotes were nothing to him who could travel across the multiverse, and he could have as many as he wanted.

Nall said: "Happy, by the way, remember not to be discovered by the servants of the God Group.

The planets that are parasitized by the Celestial Group have slaves left by the Celestial Group. On the one hand, they monitor the situation, and on the other hand, they prevent the extinction of intelligent life. "

Andrew nodded: "I know, those slaves are called Eternals."

"The Eternals? Those monsters don't seem to be called that. Forget it, it's not important."

Nal shook his head and said: "In short, I will give you the formation, and you can figure out the rest by yourself."

"Okay, Nar, I have to say that you are a professional in dealing with the Celestial Team."

Andrew smiled and said, this magic circle is very valuable and can be used not only to deal with the gods, but also other demons.

Of course, with the Eternals around, this magic circle cannot be used in the main universe for the time being, but it can be used in other universes, such as the universe where the bully Spider-Man lives.

After all, there is no living person in that universe for a long time. In addition, if you are operating in that universe, even if something happens, you can escape immediately.

No matter how powerful the God Team is, can they still chase them to the next door?

"Absorb the power of the young Celestial God Group and put him into a dormant state, so that he can be thoroughly studied."

Andrew secretly thought that it was only a matter of time before he faced off against the Celestials. The better he knew about them, the higher his chance of winning.

In fact, Reborn Hell has been studying the Celestial Head and Egg's brain, and the progress is very good.

In addition, the lowest level of the Celestial God group is the Heavenly Father God. The energy of a Heavenly Father God is very considerable. If used to make bombs, it can easily blow up a planet.

"That is, when it comes to dealing with the Celestials, there is absolutely no one more professional than me."

Nall said proudly: "If they weren't so numerous, I would have killed them all."

"Whether you're alone or in a group, they're a group beating you."

Andrew smiled and said: "Nar, thank you for your guidance. We will meet again in five hundred years."

After saying that, Andrew activated the time magic and left from the dark space.

"Celestial Team, we will meet again in five hundred years."

Nal murmured to himself that after being sealed for so long, he now only had one wish: to kill all the gods and not even leave any seeds for them.

"Peter, thank you for your help."

In the laboratory, Andrew nodded to the bully Spider-Man, and then he said: "I'll call Gwen back and take you back to my universe."

The bully Spider-Man, who became very weak due to the use of dark space, nodded and said: "Okay, I am very curious about your universe and your hell."

"My universe is much more lively than yours. Every few months there is a catastrophe. It used to be city level, but now it's basically planet-destroying level."

Andrew laughed. The bully Spider-Man was stunned when he heard this, and then he complained: "This is not called fun, is it called horror?"

"In my opinion, it's lively and there are always big shows to watch."

Andrew smiled, then he called Spider-Gwen back, then he turned on the collider and took the two of them back to the main universe.

On the other side of the main universe, the main body will entertain the two of them. As for the right-hand clone, he returns to the parallel universe. Then, he flies into the sky, grabs it from the air, and takes away the entire laboratory, leaving only a big pit in place.

Such a good thing must not be left to others and taken back to hell for the female Doctor Octopus to continue researching.

After doing this, Andrew appeared out of thin air on a high mountain. Then, he opened his hands, and countless souls flew in front of him. They were all the souls of people who had died before.

“A little hell on earth, constructed.”

A pitch-black magic circle appeared out of thin air at Andrew's feet, and countless demonic energy surged out, blended with his soul, and turned into black foundation stones.

What cornerstone?

As the cornerstone of a small hell on earth, Andrew plans to use a large number of souls to open up a small hell in the world, and then, with the small hell as the core, collect the souls of the earth.

Andrew will not waste such a good universe. He will continue to obtain souls from this universe.

You know, even if nothing is done, tens of millions of people will die every year on the earth, which means that the guaranteed income is tens of millions of souls every year.

Let’s not talk about Andrew’s creation of a little hell on earth.

In a remote abandoned church in the main universe, Casillas is leading a group of Karma Taj traitors to absorb the dark magic emanating from the altar.

Casillas and others have absorbed the magic power for several months. Compared with before, their temperament has become very evil and gloomy.

At the same time, dark circles appeared around their eyes, with burning ashes looming around them. They looked very unconventional.

"Why did the teacher absorb dark magic and nothing changed, but we became like this?"

Casillas is a little puzzled. Although he doesn't care much about appearance, is he a proper villain like this?

At this moment, Dormammu's will came, and he asked Casillas: "Casillas, did you catch the symbiote that you were asked to capture before?"

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