American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 309 Breaking the news

"If nothing else, the zombies are preparing for the next wave of attack, a big attack."

Steve looked at the experimental building and said, "I wonder what special zombies they will send out next?"

Tony speculated: "Superheroes are basically dead. The next zombies may be mages, aliens, mutants, or aliens, such as Thor and the Asgardians."

Andrew said casually: "It may also be the most powerful country on earth."

"The most powerful country on earth?"

Everyone was stunned, and Tony asked: "You mean they will send American troops? If that's true, then... great."

"I feel offended."

The American military's face was a little dark, but the audience nodded repeatedly. If it was really the American military, then the next step would be easy.

Andrew looked puzzled: "Who told you that the United States is the most powerful country on earth?"

“Isn’t the United States the most powerful country on earth?”

Everyone looked shocked when they heard this, and Rhodes said: "Don't tell me that in addition to history books, political books and geography books are also wrong?"

"You guys really have no common sense at all."

Andrew looked disgusted: "The most powerful country on earth has super technologies such as defense shields and starships. If they become zombies in the parallel universe, there will be a fierce battle next."

"Defense shield, starship? Real or fake?"

Everyone was stunned: "Speaking of which, where is your common sense? Why don't we know about it at all?"

Spider-Woman complained: "Here we go again, baffling common sense."

President Ellis asked in shock and anger: "CIA, FBI, why do I know nothing about such a powerful country on earth?"

The two directors looked blank: "We don't know either. How can there be a country on earth stronger than the United States?"

"Check, use all your strength to investigate. The Ghost Rider never lies. If he says there is something, there must be something."

President Ellis shouted loudly, his eyes full of anger. There is no country on earth that is more powerful than the United States.

"Is there actually a country more powerful than the United States on earth?"

Nick Fury was stunned, and then he laughed miserably. He was really incompetent. Not only did he not know about Hydra and Kama Taj, he didn't even know that there was a country on earth that was more awesome than the United States.

"How dare I say that I know everything?"

Nick Fury covered his face. Even with his shamelessness, he wanted to hit a wall at this time. It turns out that I don't know anything.

Outside the experimental building, Tony asked Andrew: "Are you serious, or are you kidding?"

"Of course it's true. I can make tens of millions per second. How can I have time to joke with you?"

Andrew said: "Actually, that country is not the most terrifying. There is still a special race on the earth that was once regarded as a god by humans. Although they are small in number, each of them is very powerful.

It would be great fun if they turned into zombies too. "

"A special race that we worship as gods? Similar to Thor?"

Everyone became more and more shocked. Tony couldn't help but slap his forehead and said, "Is this the Earth I know? Why are there so many things I don't understand?"

Steve couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wang, can you give us a detailed introduction?"

"You'll know when you see them."

Andrew smiled and said to the ghost girl Ava: "The zombies shouldn't attack again so soon. Ava, let's go and find a place to help you heal your body."

"Okay." Ava nodded directly without refusing.

Then, Andrew took Ava and jumped onto the flying skateboard, flew away quickly, and quickly disappeared.

Tony rolled his eyes and said with a displeased look on his face: "I hate people who show off."

Natasha complained: "He seemed to say a lot, but also seemed to say nothing."

Everyone was also speechless. Which country is the most powerful, and who are the gods? Can't we just finish talking and leave?

You might as well not say anything like this. Do you know how many people will be unable to sleep tonight because of your words?

Spider-Woman gritted her teeth and said: "My boyfriend, riding on my skateboard, pulling other women with him, disappeared, disappeared..."

Jessica laughed and said, "No, they just went to study the body. Spider-Woman, do you want to wear clothes while studying the body? The one named Ava seems to have a good figure."

Spider-Woman looked at Jessica and really wanted to punch her, what should she do?

At this time, people from the special forces and the military rushed over to support. Seeing that the situation would not change for the time being, Steve took everyone back to Hell's Kitchen to rest.

Ordinary zombies, special forces and the military are enough to deal with them, not to mention a large number of heavy-duty robots helping to harvest the lives of zombies.

The superheroes began to retreat, and the Kuaishou live broadcast officially ended. Luo Shan said: "Although I hate to say this, we will see you next time."

In Hell's Kitchen, Strange said to everyone: "Wang and I will go back to the New York Temple to rest. When the checkpoint is built, or when an instrument to detect the zombie virus is developed, you can contact me."

Rhodes asked curiously: "How do I contact you? Is it through some magic ritual, or a magic whistle, an owl messenger, or something?"

"You can call or send an email. With Mr. Stark's ability, it is not difficult at all to find my mobile phone number."

Strange was speechless. Then, he and Wang opened the portal and left. What greeted them was the 'disinfection ceremony' of the New York Temple.

"Rhode, magicians are not primitive people."

Scarlett said, and Rhodes spread his hands and said, "I'm not saying they are primitive people, I just think they are more mysterious. To be honest, the phone calls and emails don't match the mage's style at all."


Tony's eyes flashed, and then he shook his head, "We are allies for now, we will talk about it later."

Then, Tony turned to look at the Wasp and said, "Miss Hope, I want all the information on the quantum channel, including the construction drawings. Are there any questions?"

When others heard this, they all looked at Wasp Girl. Wasp Girl hesitated and said, "My father is probably not dead yet. As long as you agree to help me save my father, I can give you the blueprint of the quantum channel."

"The trouble your father caused is not ordinary."

Tony snorted and said, "If he is really not dead, I will find a way to save him."


The Wasp thanked her, and then she took out a small box from her waist. Inside the box was a hard drive the size of a fingernail.

The Wasp activated the Pym particle device and the hard drive returned to normal size. Then, she solemnly handed the hard drive to Tony Stark.

The hard drive contained the quantum channel information. Tony made two copies, one for himself and the other for the Defense Bureau.

Needless to say, if the Defense Bureau gets the information, it means Andrew gets the information.

"Next, we have many things to study, including instruments to detect zombie viruses, antidotes to treat zombies, quantum channels, etc."

Tony said: "Dr. Banner, Dr. Reed, and Miss Hope, follow me to Stark Tower. There are enough instruments there for our research."

Although Stark Tower is located in Midtown, it did not suffer much damage due to its strong defense measures and can still operate normally.

In addition, Pepper, Happy and the others have already moved to Hell's Kitchen.

Dr. Banner and Dr. Reed nodded at the same time: "Okay."

"No problem, but I need to go to Pim Technology Company first."

Wasp said that she went to Pym Technology Company to get the method of making Pym Particles.

Dr. Pym did not teach Hope how to make Pym particles. Fortunately, Darren Krause knew how to make Pym particles, so he took this opportunity to take away all the data on the server.

"Okay, we'll wait for you at Stark Tower."

Tony nodded and left first with Dr. Banner and Dr. Reed. In addition to them, the United States and the Defense Agency would also join in the research.

If an antidote to the zombie virus can be found, this battle will be easier to fight.

Before leaving, Wasp said to Scott Lang: "You decide for yourself whether you want to be a superhero or not. Call me then."

After that, the Wasp left, and Scott Lang hesitated. Being a superhero was indeed very profitable, but it was also very dangerous. Several new superheroes had died in battle before, and even their bodies were not intact.

Scott quickly decided that he wanted to be a superhero for the simple reason that his daughter Cassie wanted him to be a superhero.

My daughter hopes that, let alone being a superhero, even picking up the moon in the sky, Scott can do it with all his strength.

Thus, the superhero, the second generation Ant-Man, was officially born.

"Steve, take the superheroes to calm the people. Their mood is a little unstable."

At this time, Carter's voice sounded: "I will take care of the outside matters as soon as possible."

Steve smiled and said: "Okay, when this matter is over, I will give you the vibranium shield, my Captain Carter."

"Dog food is prohibited on public channels."

Rhodes and others booed, while Steve laughed and led everyone to appease the people.

The role of superheroes is not only to fight, they are also the spiritual pillar of the people.

The fighting subsided for the time being, and everyone finally had time to count the losses. This statistics made everyone feel extremely distressed, including President Ellis.

New York is the economic core of the United States, and Manhattan is the core of New York. The disaster broke out in midtown Manhattan, causing immeasurable economic losses. There is no doubt that the stock market will collapse.

In addition, not a lot of people died this time, including many prominent people. After all, the disaster broke out in Zhongcheng.

At the same time, a large number of people were forced to leave New York. They were unable to return home until the disaster subsided. They had to live with others or enter resettlement sites, which filled their hearts with hesitation and pain.

Thousands of words, various emotions, finally turned into one sentence: "Facker Disaster, Facker Hank Pym."

Others suffered heavy losses, but Andrew made a lot of money. A large number of zombie souls were added to the account every minute. The harvest this time may be far greater than before.

No matter which universe there are, there are always more good people.

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