American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 308 Temporary Calm down

The person who took action was none other than the ghost girl Ava. Previously, Bill Foster sacrificed himself to let Ava escape. Ava escaped from the experimental building and hid in a nearby building.

Not long after, the quantum energy sent into Ava's body by zombie Janet was exhausted, and Ava regained her virtual ability. She hid aside, waiting for the opportunity of revenge. She wanted to avenge Bill.

Afterwards, the situation suddenly changed. Ava picked up the rocket launcher left by the agent next to her, passed through the defense cover, bombed the experimental building, and saved the superheroes.

In the laboratory, the zombie Doctor Strange was sitting cross-legged in mid-air. The Eye of Agamotto on his chest was opened, and the green light of the time gem formed a green magic circle - the time-stopping magic circle.

Suddenly, the walls of the laboratory were blasted open by rockets, gravel and flames flew everywhere, the zombie Doctor Strange fell from the air with a bang, the Eye of Agamotto suddenly closed, and at the same time, the magic circle quickly dissipated.

As soon as the magic circle dissipated, everyone returned to normal at the same time. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then launched an angry attack on the zombie superheroes and ordinary zombies.

Walking on the edge of life and death, the superheroes were full of rage. Under their fierce attack, a large number of zombies died.

Seeing that the situation was reversed, Strange felt relieved, and the audience also slapped their chests. It was so thrilling.

Andrew sensed the situation in the experimental building, jumped on the flying skateboard belonging to Gwen and flew quickly towards the experimental building.

In the experimental building, the zombie 'king' was about to go back to attack Ava. Skye stamped her foot hard, and a shock wave erupted from the zombie 'king' feet, and the zombie 'king' suddenly flew into the sky.

The zombie 'King' opened the portal, jumped in with his floating boots and appeared next to Skye. Then, he pulled his hands, and a transparent space blade appeared in his hand, and slashed towards Skye one after another.

Skye didn't dare to take the fight head-on and kept backing away. She secretly sighed in her heart: "Sister Scarlett was right. All mages are proficient in close combat."

On the other side, the zombie Doctor Strange jumped down from the experimental building and landed in front of Ava with a thud - he did not have a levitation cloak, and the levitation cloak was conscious and would not recognize a zombie as its owner.


Karma Taj has long been popularized on the Internet, and this time there are mages participating in the battle, so many mages who stayed behind in Karma Taj are watching the live broadcast on Kuaishou. They were shocked when they saw the zombie Doctor Strange.

The shock was not that Strange turned into a zombie, but that Strange controlled the Eye of Agamotto, which means that in another universe, Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme.

"The next Supreme Mage is actually that stinky guy, not Casillas and Mordo?"

The mages were very surprised. No matter in terms of qualifications or strength, it was not Strange's turn.

Casillas felt a little uncomfortable, but he quickly put it down for the simple reason that his career plan had changed, and the Supreme Mage was no longer his pursuit.

Unlike Casillas, Mordo was very dissatisfied, but not because he could not become the Supreme Mage, but because he did not think Strange was qualified to be the Supreme Mage.

Strange is indeed very talented, but he is very unruly. Not only does he practice various magics without permission, but he also often goes his own way. Mordo has a strong opinion of him.

Mordo is a very extreme person. He believes that various rules must be strictly observed. Only in this way can the balance of magic be maintained.

Mordo thought to himself: "When the Supreme Mage comes back, we must have a good talk with her. Casillas is more suitable to be the Supreme Mage."

Let's not talk about it for the moment. Next to the experimental building, the zombie Dr. Strange condensed his magic whip and whipped it hard towards Ava. Ava became virtual and quickly approached the zombie Dr. Strange.

Then, Ava regained her physical form and swung the bazooka to hit the head of the zombie Doctor Strange. The zombie Doctor Strange turned around and hit Ava with his fist shining with magic light.

Ava became invisible again. She thought for a moment, threw away the bazooka, and stabbed the zombie Doctor Strange in the brain with her right hand.

The zombie Doctor Strange backed away suddenly, stomped his big foot hard, and a large number of magic ropes came out and tied up Ava.

Ava smiled disdainfully and ignored the magic rope and rushed towards the zombie Doctor Strange. It is worth mentioning that her virtual ability cannot be maintained forever and she must return to entity from time to time, which is why she keeps flickering.

The zombie Doctor Strange opened the Eye of Agamotto again. The moment Ava's body returned to its physical form, he used time magic to fix Ava there.

Then, the zombie Doctor Strange punched Ava hard in the face, causing Ava to fly back and fall heavily to the ground.

Ava looked at the zombie Doctor Strange in disbelief, then got up and quickly fled outside - after she became insubstantial, the defensive shield could not stop her.

The zombie Dr. Strange immediately chases her away, and then he repeats his old trick of immobilizing Ava as she regains her physical form.

Then, the zombie Doctor Strange raised his hand, and a magic circle appeared in front of him. A huge python rushed out of the magic circle and bit Ava's head fiercely.

Ava's ghost appeared, but there was no way to avoid it. At the critical moment, a row of energy bullets roared in and hit the python's head one after another. The python wailed and turned into light spots and disappeared.

But it was Andrew who came over to support him. He jumped off the flying skateboard and shot at the zombie Doctor Strange with both guns.

The zombie Doctor Strange was beaten back and forth, but he was not injured because the golden runes on his body lit up and blocked all the energy bullets, but they were protective spells.

It is worth mentioning that every time an energy bullet is blocked, one of the golden runes on the zombie Doctor Strange will disappear. When all the runes disappear, the protective spell will be completely ineffective.

The zombie Doctor Strange raised his hand to cast a spell. At this moment, an energy bullet hit his shoulder, making him unable to raise his hand.

This was not over yet. Then, energy bullets hit the wrists, fingers, knees and other parts of the zombie Doctor Strange one after another. Although it did not hurt the opponent, it made him unable to fully cast the spell.

Upon seeing this, the zombie 'King' came to support the zombie Doctor Strange. Andrew used a pistol to deal with him. Soon, he, like the zombie Doctor Strange, became Andrew's target.

Gun fighting skills predict the opponent's actions in advance so that the opponent cannot counterattack.


Seeing Andrew's two guns firmly suppressing the two mages, the audience couldn't help cheering, and Skye was also amazed. Gwen's boyfriend was as strong as ever.

At this time, the zombie Doctor Strange and the zombie 'King' seemed to have received some order, and turned around and fled back to the defensive cover.

Although Andrew could easily break the defensive shield, he did not do so. He turned his attack target to the ordinary zombies surrounding him and quickly harvested their lives.

On another battlefield, other zombie superheroes also began to retreat. The superheroes snorted and chased them all the way behind.

At the same time, heavy robots also rushed over and quickly harvested the lives of ordinary zombies.

Soon, the zombie superheroes fled to the front of the experimental building. At this time, only a few zombie superheroes such as Zombie Captain America and Zombie Iron Man were left 'alive'.

"I'll give you a ride."

Andrew smiled, and three energy bullets were fired at Zombie America at the same time. Zombie America hurriedly raised his shield to resist.

At this moment, three energy bullets turned at the same time, two hit Zombie Captain America's knees, causing him to kneel down, and one flew behind the shield in an arc, piercing Zombie Captain America's head and finishing him off.

Andrew smiled and asked: "Captain, I have always been puzzled, why do your enemies always shoot your shield and not your knees?"

"Maybe I have some passive talent."

Steve smiled as he threw his shield hard at the zombie Iron Man in the sky.

Zombie Iron Man was besieged by Tony and Captain America, and was quickly defeated, falling to the ground with a thud.

Tony was so excited that the nanosuit was mine. At this moment, all the nanosuits on Zombie Iron Man retracted into the badge on his chest.

This was not over yet. Then, the sign lit up with a dazzling blue light. When the blue light disappeared, the sign emitted black smoke and was completely damaged.

Zombie Iron Man's leaky mouth opened up, seeming to be mocking Iron Man.

"Shet, this guy deliberately destroyed the nano-suit in order not to take advantage of me?"

Tony was dumbfounded, and then yelled: "Who are you, turning into a zombie and still being so disgusting?"

Steve spread his hands and said: "Not surprising, typical Tony Stark style."

Rhodes sneered: "Tony, now you know how annoying you are, right?"

Dr. Banner thought deeply: "Tony, this is you, a super annoying guy. Do you know how many times I want to beat you?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, Tony snorted in displeasure and fired an energy beam to kill the zombie Iron Man.

At this point, most of the zombie superheroes have been eliminated, including Zombie Hulk - he fell down and was seriously injured, and was hit by Strange. It has been proven that zombies have no ability to heal themselves.

"Okay, let's not waste time. Let's break through the defense shield and end this damn thing completely. I miss the coffee made by Little Pepper."

Tony shouted, and everyone nodded, but when they saw the situation inside the defensive shield, they all looked at Tony Stark speechlessly.

Tony looked up at the sky and said, "The weather is nice today, should we do some team building?"

Everyone looked at the sky full of dark clouds, all rolled their eyes, put away their weapons and stepped back helplessly.

Strange took a deep look at the zombie Doctor Strange before retreating. Am I the future Sorcerer Supreme?

Strange frowned a little at this, not because he thought he was not qualified to be the Supreme Mage, but because he didn't want to bear such a heavy responsibility.

The Supreme Mage not only represents glory, but also represents obligations and responsibilities.

"what happened?"

The audience was stunned, what happened, why did the superheroes suddenly retreat together? Didn’t you agree to solve all this completely?

At this moment, the camera turned to the defensive cover, and a row of nuclear bombs were neatly placed there.


The audience was stunned, and then many people complained: "The weather is really good today."

"Are the zombie nuclear bombs also unsaleable?"

"Shet, why do zombies use nuclear bombs?"

A large number of spectators yelled and cursed. The zombies' meaning was very clear. Don't attack the defensive shield, otherwise everyone will die together.

"The nuclear bomb is the truth."

In the President's Office, the military general saw that the enemy had prepared nuclear bombs and said excitedly: "I think we should continue to attack and completely solve all this."

"Do you think zombies only have so many nuclear bombs? Don't forget, they inherited the entire world's nuclear weapons."

President Ellis said angrily, it seems that this matter will not be solved so easily.

Although the zombie superhero was defeated, the quantum channel did not stop transmitting zombies. There were still an endless stream of zombies rushing out of the experimental building, faster than before.

In addition, the experimental building had only one exit at the beginning, but now there are exits in four directions.

The superheroes eliminated the zombies while discussing what to do next.

Andrew picked up the shield of Zombie America, studied it, threw it to Steve, and said: "This is a pure vibranium shield. There should be no such thing as Adamantium in the zombie world.

No adamantium, which means no mutants, which is good news. "

"What does Adamantium have to do with mutants?"

Steve was a little confused, but then he smiled and said: "Yes, I have two shields now."

Andrew said: "Give this shield to Ms. Carter. In some parallel universe, maybe she is the captain, Captain Carter."

Steve smiled and said: "Captain Carter? I definitely can't catch her in that universe."


Andrew shrugged. He walked up to the ghost girl Ava and asked, "Do you want to make a deal? I'll help you solve your problem, and you let me study your body."

Andrew is very interested in Ava's body. Well, don't get me wrong, he is interested in Ava's quantum state.

The quantum realm can transcend space, time, and even parallel dimensions. If it can be mastered, Andrew can travel through parallel universes at will in the future.

For now, Andrew has no idea of ​​going to other parallel universes, but when he becomes the Lord of Hell, he will go to other universes and start his own path to diversity.

Heavenly Father God, single universe, multiverse, this is the advancement route of this universe.

"Let me study your body?"

Everyone was stunned, and then they all raised their thumbs at Andrew. A pure man, he openly expressed his desire to study other women's bodies in front of his three girlfriends.

Spider-Woman gritted her teeth in anger, but she couldn't get angry because she was Spider-Woman now.

"I'm so angry. My boyfriend is chatting with other women in front of me, but I can't get angry."

Jessica gloated, and Spider-Woman glared at her angrily.

Ava looked at Andrew and said coldly: "Solve my problem? SHIELD said the same thing. As a result, they have been using me as a killer."

"I'm not S.H.I.E.L.D."

Andrew put his hand on Ava's shoulder and said, "I've never made a promise that I didn't fulfill."

As he spoke, Andrew unleashed a curse on Ava, one that made her lose her sense of pain.

Ava's cells have been in a state of constant tearing and restoration, which filled her with pain. But now that the pain was gone, she was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and even almost cried with joy.

Ava said to Andrew: "I believe you, you can do whatever research you want."

"Don't worry, I will cure you."

Andrew solemnly promised that he was sure to cure Ava, because the Wasp would soon hand over the design drawings of the quantum channel. When the time came, he would make a copy, and absorbing quantum energy would be easy.

Besides, there are Sovereigns here, and they have a deep understanding of the quantum realm.

If these methods don't work, Andrew will go to the Master Supreme to borrow the time stone and use the power of time to reverse Ava back to her childhood state.

"Actually, you still use your hands and feet?"

Spider-Woman became more and more angry, and black spider silk flew out one after another, killing the zombies. Spider-Man hurriedly hid aside. Spider-Woman was so scary now.

Thanks to this week’s Baicai Lao Yao. I don’t know what book I’m reading. Book friend 161009214056079 gave me the reward.

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