American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 294 Death of Bucky

Bang, Gorilla George fell heavily to the ground, making a big pit in the ground. It looked at the tall green figure in the distance in awe, rolled its eyes, and lay down in the pit pretending to be dead.

With Hulk around, Hydra was no match for the superheroes. It was beaten back and forth. When Garrett saw this, he secretly ran out from behind the instrument.

Garrett then crawled over to Pierce and retrieved two items from his body - a microcomputer and a remote control.

Garrett quietly put the microcomputer into his arms. This microcomputer contained Dr. Zola's main program. The BOSS was interested in Dr. Zola and specifically ordered him to get this computer.

"This computer can be exchanged for a lot of contributions. It seems that the mortgage can be paid off in advance."

Garrett was elated - Reborn in Hell. Ordinary houses are free, but good houses still require payment.

Then, Garrett started the communicator and whispered: "Stark, the reason why the giant rats are rushing here is because Hydra has developed a sonic device that can attract rats.

The main body of this sonic instrument is in the corner of the warehouse, and the remote control is in my hand, but it requires a password to open it. "

"A sonic device that controls mice? Great, give me the remote control and I'll crack the code right away."

Tony was overjoyed and said: "Once the crack is successful, you will no longer have to worry about the army of rats."

"Okay, come here quickly."

Garrett nodded, and soon Tony flew over to take away the remote control. Then, he flew to the sonic device to crack it.

After Tony left, Garrett looked at Pierce, who was still dead, and raised his hand to close his eyes.

Then, Garrett whispered: "I had no choice in the past, and now I... I have no choice either. Fortunately, my backer is invincible.

Old friend, don't be angry with me. I'll go to hell to buy you a drink later, and help you change into a better body, the one with nine heads. "

"It's over, it's completely over."

Everyone could see that Hydra had been defeated. Rumlow could not accept the defeat and shouted crazily: "All Hydras, detonate violent bombs and let the giant rats sweep the world."


People all over the world were shocked. This bastard actually wanted to die with everyone?

"Run quickly."

Citizens in major cities frantically hid in nearby buildings. Although the police wanted to save everyone, they could not do anything with their strength.

"Rumlow, are you crazy?"

The superheroes were furious, and Steve swung his shield, knocking Rumlow away.

"I want the whole world to feel the pain. Only by experiencing pain can there be order, and we, Hydra, are right."

Rumlow got up from the ground and shouted loudly. People all over the world yelled, "You like to go through the pain yourself, why do you want to drag us with you?"

Thinking of the tragic situation in Los Angeles, the people were extremely desperate. What was even worse was that there were no superheroes or the Peace Knights in their city.

In other words, they will be worse off than Los Angeles.

“It’s harvest time again.”

Andrew smiled, and his consciousness enveloped the world, pulling all desperate people into the illusion. The succubi began to work again. Because of the lack of manpower, Andrew also pulled Coulson and others.

Coulson asked in confusion: "Boss, there is no problem signing the contract. The problem is, after signing the contract, who will save those citizens?

Disasters will break out in dozens of cities at the same time, and we simply don’t have that many troops. "

Andrew asked: "Who told you there was a disaster?"

"No disaster?"

Coulson was stunned: "Didn't Rumlow ask all the Hydras to activate?"

"The purpose of Hydra is to rule the world, not to destroy it. The other leaders of Hydra will not agree with Rumlow's approach."

Andrew said: "Rumlow is just a high-level thug and has no authority to issue such an order."

Although the Hydras heard Rumlow's order through Kuaishou, they did not act immediately, but hesitated. The reason was simple: Rumlow did not have enough authority.

Hydra has clear order and strict hierarchy.

Immediately afterwards, the Hydras received an order from their superiors: "All Hydras, those who can lurk, continue to lurk, and those who cannot, move to Sokovia, Eastern Europe.

Also, don't detonate violent bombs and use them as bargaining chips to negotiate with governments in exchange for a smooth retreat. "

This order came from another leader of Hydra, Baron Strucker, a man wearing a single-sided glasses.

"Yes, Baron."

Hydra agreed in unison. Unlike Rumlow, Baron Strucker was at the leader level. After Pierce's death, he automatically took over Pierce's authority.

Coulson suddenly realized: "So that's it, that is to say, this wave of profit is purely free?"

"Yes, it's all for nothing. Hydra won't detonate violent bombs, but the people don't know."

Andrew smiled and said: "Hydra is really a good person, Coulson, you will greet Pierce later and give him a medal or something."

"I just want to beat him up."

The good old Coulson said angrily that he and Nick Fury were deceived by Pierce. Nick Fury respected Pierce very much and was even willing to take a bullet for him.

As a result, they are Hydra.

The people didn't know that the violent bomb would not explode, so many people chose to sign a soul contract with Andrew to avoid being bitten to death by rats.

The superheroes also didn't know about this. They were very angry and showed no mercy, and a large number of Hydras died tragically.

The bald man Sitwell was timid. When he saw the situation completely collapsed, he shouted: "Everyone, break out."

"Want to leave? In your dream, I want you to die."

Tony shouted angrily. At this time, he had cracked the sonic device and asked Jarvis to pass the technology to various countries. The problem was that the sonic device was more complicated and took a lot of time to produce, but the birth of the violent giant rat only took a short time. five minutes.

Before the sonic machine is produced, a large number of people will die.

Seeing Tony flying over, Sitwell hurriedly asked the Winter Soldier to come over to protect him, and then he shouted: "Iron Man, your parents did not commit suicide, they were killed by the Winter Soldier. I have seen the video, it is very cruel.

By the way, the Winter Soldier is the one in front of you. "

"You were the one who killed my parents? I want you to go to hell with Pierce."

Tony was stunned, and then angrily rushed towards Bucky, the Winter Soldier. It turned out that this man with metal arms who had fought with him many times was the murderer he had been looking for.

Tony only regretted that he didn't know about this earlier, otherwise, he would never have let the other person live to this day.

"do not remember."

The Winter Soldier said indifferently, while raising his metal arm to resist the laser fired by Tony, and then, using his feet, he quickly rushed towards Tony.

"I'll make you remember."

Tony opened fire, and a large number of energy beams were fired at the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier's expression changed, and he hurriedly stopped charging and kept dodging.

"Bucky, that's Bucky, I should have recognized him a long time ago."

Steve was so anxious that he gave up Rumlow and ran towards Bucky. Seeing this, Rumlow turned around and wanted to escape, but Spider-Woman blocked his way.

"I rarely want to kill someone, but today, you must die."

Spider-Woman said with murderous intent, and Rumlow snorted: "You can't kill me, Spider-Woman, you have never endured pain. People who have never endured pain are fragile."

"I'll show you what pain is."

Spider-Woman's figure was like lightning, and she quickly rushed towards Rumlow. Rumlow smiled ferociously and rushed forward.

Seeing that the Winter Soldier successfully lured Tony away, Sitwell breathed a sigh of relief and retreated with some Hydra soldiers.

Other Hydras, such as White Ghost, Spitfire and others also began to break out. The superheroes hurriedly chased them. The soldiers were okay, but these leaders must die. Even Nick Fury joined the battle with a pistol.

"Mr. Stark, let me help you."

After Spider-Man finished dealing with a Hydra, he saw Iron Man fighting the Winter Soldier and immediately ran over to help.

I saw Spider-Man firing spider webs at the Winter Soldier one after another. Although these spider webs were immediately burned by the high temperature on the Winter Soldier's body, they successfully slowed down the Winter Soldier's evasive movements.

"Well done, kid."

Tony was overjoyed, and two virus darts popped out from his shoulders and shot at the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier hurriedly avoided it, and the virus darts chased him like living creatures and kept attacking.

Spider-Man seized the opportunity, jumped up, and kicked the Winter Soldier hard with both feet.

The Winter Soldier flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground, sliding back several meters. Tony took the opportunity to control the virus dart and shoot it at the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldier raised his metal arm to block the two virus darts. Unexpectedly, the virus dart suddenly sank and fell towards the Winter Soldier's feet.

With the power of the virus dart, once hit, the Winter Soldier will be left with only a metal arm.

At the critical moment, a shield flew over and knocked away the two virus darts.

At the same time, a fist-sized red laser roared down from the air and penetrated Bucky's head, killing Bucky on the spot.

Two accidents happened suddenly. Tony and Spider-Man were both shocked. The Winter Soldier was saved and the Winter Soldier was killed. What happened?


Seeing Bucky's death, Steve ran to him angrily and hugged his body tightly.

At the same time, Howard fell from the sky in a black suit and landed in front of everyone.

"Captain, why do you want to save this guy?"

Tony's face was full of doubts, and then he asked Howard angrily: "Why did you want to kill him, and why did you go out of your way to do it before me?"

Tony was really angry because Howard took away his power to avenge his parents.

Howard said in a humble tone: "I like it, do you have any objections?"

"This old guy."

Andrew shook his head. The reason why Howard killed Bucky first was not just to tease his son, but more importantly, he didn't want his son and Steve to have conflicts over this matter.

Although Howard said he didn't care about Tony, in his heart, he loved Tony more than anyone else.


"Come, let's see if you've made any progress?"

Howard snorted, and the suit on his arm disappeared like running water, and then quickly recovered.

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