American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 293 Undercover

"The BOSS's reputation is really terrifying."

Seeing Pierce's reaction, Garrett secretly sighed. On the other side, Rumlow saw that the obstruction failed and led everyone back to the defensive shield.

Tony ignored Andrew's contempt. He pointed at the group of rats rushing over and asked loudly: "Evil... Kung Fu Master, can you get rid of these rats?"

Andrew jumped onto Gwen's palm and said, "Are you kidding me? With my small arms and legs, how can I possibly deal with so many rats?"

Everyone was greatly disappointed when they heard this. At this moment, Andrew added: "However, it is not a big problem to stop them for a few minutes."


Everyone was speechless, and Tony complained: "Please finish your sentence next time."

Steve said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, please help me."


Andrew raised his hand and clapped his hands in the direction of the rats. Then he wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said, "Okay, I'm done helping. I'm really tired."

Everyone looked confused. Are you being a little too perfunctory? How about some special effects? Nowadays, no one watches movies without special effects. Even love movies have to add special effects.

Also, you just raised your hand, what's the point of being tired?

"My ripple palm can affect them for five minutes. After five minutes, they will return to normal. Remember, don't attack them at will. If you attack, you must kill them with one hit, otherwise, they will return to normal."

After Andrew finished explaining, he turned to Spider-Woman and said: "Spider-Woman, this time the consumption is too great. I will take a rest for at least three months. During this period, you should be careful.

By the way, saying I love you a hundred times a day can speed up my recovery. The deeper the emotion, the faster the recovery. "

After saying that, before Gwen could get angry, Andrew transformed back into a statue - he gave Gwen this statue mainly to control the situation and gain more benefits, and it would not always exist.

"Let's not talk about the weird recovery conditions. What did you do once you appeared on the scene?"

Gwen complained, and so did the superheroes and the audience. Why do they feel like this guy is here to make fun of people?

"Look at those rats."

At this moment, Nick Fury shouted in surprise, and everyone turned their heads hurriedly to see the rats running wildly, swaying left and right in place as if they were drunk, which looked very funny.

"I understand, the master uses it to beat the cow across the mountain. His energy penetrates into the brains of the rats in the form of ripples, interfering with their nerves and making them unable to control their bodies."

Jessica clapped her hands and said excitedly - because she admired Andrew, she watched a lot of kung fu movies. In America, kung fu movies actually have a large audience.


Tony was a little confused. He complained: "Why do you think your statement is so scientific? It is completely impossible to refute."

"This should be the truth."

Everyone nodded. Jessica was very proud. Do you think I watched so many kung fu movies in vain? It's a pity that I can't become a disciple of Andrew, otherwise it would be great. How about learning the plot of a movie and kneeling in front of his house for three days and three nights?

"How powerful is this?"

The audience was stunned, Spider-Woman's boyfriend is so powerful? With a single palm, he blocked the army of rats that the superheroes could not deal with.

Many people shout in their hearts: "Master, I want to learn kung fu."

"I almost believe it."

Reborn in Hell, Andrew couldn't help but complain, it was so damning that the masked villain had some blood power. He had previously used the blood power to interfere with the blood of rats, making them unable to control their bodies.

Nick Fury shouted: "Don't waste time, we only have five minutes, continue to attack the defensive shield."

Tony said: "Okay, everyone, work harder, Dr. Banner, you go kill the mouse. The guy just said that it must be killed with one blow."

"give it to me."

Dr. Banner nodded, raised the high-frequency concussion sword, and pierced the head of a mouse with one sword.

At the same time, others tried their best to attack the defensive shield. Pierce exhaled and said, "Fortunately, it's only five minutes. After five minutes, everything will return to normal."

Zola said arrogantly: "Don't say five minutes, even five months, they can't even think of breaking the defensive shield."

Garrett rolled his eyes, "Five months? We'll all be starving by then."

Just when Dr. Banner was killing the mouse and others were frantically attacking the defensive shield, a green figure ran from a distance, it was Hulk.

Hulk didn't want to wait any longer. If he waited any longer, the battle would be over, and that guy Howard would trick people.

Everyone was surprised when they quickly discovered the running Hulk. Tony complained: "Big man, did you come a little too late?"

"Hulk, I don't need you now."

Dr. Banner said arrogantly: "Also, you are the original man. I, Bruce Banner, am a super genius."

Hulk jumped up when he heard this, and landed in front of Dr. Banner with a bang. Dr. Banner looked at Hulk who only reached his calves, and smiled more and more happily.

"Little Hulk, you are no longer my opponent."

Dr. Banner said proudly that he finally proved himself that he, Bruce Banner, was stronger and more important than the Hulk.

"Little Hulk?"

Hulk was furious when he heard this and activated the Adamantium alloy hammer in his hand. Then, he quickly grew in size in Dr. Banner's shocked eyes. In the blink of an eye, he became taller than Dr. Banner, looking down from a high position. By Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner was stunned. Hulk could become so big? No, his clothes and hammer have also gotten bigger. What's going on?

"Pym particles?"

Hawkeye looked shocked. Yes, Hulk used Pym particles. There was always a tube of Pym particles hidden in his hammer.

When Hulk and Red Tank fought, Andrew said that Hulk would win. This was the reason.

In addition, Hulk is physically strong and will not suffer any side effects from getting bigger.

Andrew shook his head: "Actually, if Hulk completely masters the power of anger, he can become a giant."

This was not over yet. Then, Hulk activated the ruby ​​​​on the Adamantium alloy hammer, and his already huge body swelled again. At the same time, a layer of red armor appeared on the outside of the body, looking extremely powerful.

Dr. Banner was a little dumbfounded: "What kind of technology is this?"

"Bitch, this is magic."

With a look of contempt on his face, Hulk raised his foot and stomped hard on the rats next to him. Several violent rats were trampled into pulp.

Then, the ground rumbled, shook, and cracked, and a large number of violent giant rats fell into the cracks. Then, a building in the distance collapsed, kicking up a lot of dust.

"The Hulk is invincible!"

Hulk raised his arms and shouted loudly, his voice rolling around like thunder. Those who are a little brave may be scared to death.


Whether it was superheroes, Hydra, or the audience in front of the screen, they were all stunned. Isn't Hulk too powerful? It's like a god descending.

Dr. Banner was even more dumbfounded. What about the 'Banner's Revenge' that was promised? Why is Hulk so powerful? What asshole wrote the script?

"Little Banner."

Then, Hulk raised his hand and patted Dr. Banner's shoulder. He didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He used a little too much force, and Dr. Banner's mechanical arm detached from his body and fell off with a bang. On the ground, a puff of dust kicked up.

"Still, weakling."

Hulk smiled disdainfully and strode towards the defensive shield. Every step made the ground shake violently and left a deep footprint on the ground.


Dr. Banner's face turned red with anger. There was no doubt that Hulk had become a super bastard.

"I want to build a bigger mecha, and I must defeat the Hulk."

Dr. Banner shouted frantically that he would never allow himself to be weaker than Hulk, it would hurt his self-esteem.

Hulk was in a good mood. He walked to the defensive shield, raised his hammer, and shouted: "Get out of the way, I'll do it."

Everyone stopped and looked at Hulk with hope. This authentic Hulk was much more reliable than the comedian over there.

Looking at Hulk, who was as tall as a mountain and covered in muscles, Pierce couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, turned to Dr. Zola and asked: "Can the defensive shield block it?"

Dr. Zola said confidently: "No problem, it can definitely be blocked."

"That's good," Pierce said.

At this time, Hulk's hammer thundered down as if the god was angry, and hit the defensive cover hard. A shock wave suddenly erupted from the impact point, sweeping around like a hurricane. Nick Fury was almost thrown away, but luckily Black Widow was in time. catch him.

Even the defensive shield formed by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube shook violently, but it was just a vibration, and the defensive shield did not break.


Pierce breathed a sigh of relief. When Hulk saw this, he roared and kept swinging the Adamantium alloy hammer and smashing it. Shock waves emerged one after another. The surrounding trees were directly uprooted by the strong wind. At the same time, a large amount of water from the artificial lake flew into the sky and turned into rainwater.

Everyone was staggering around, hurriedly looking for a place to escape the violent air waves. Nick Fury looked at the Black Widow who pulled him into the building with one hand, and asked with a gloomy face: "When did you become an enhanced person?"

Natasha shrugged: "When I fought the Titans, I didn't tell you because I never made up the reasons, and there's no need to make them up now."

Nick Fury asked: "Is it related to the Demon King? You suddenly asked the Demon King to help you before, which means you have been in contact with the Demon King a long time ago."

"Maybe so."

Natasha said that the human enhancement potion was given to her by Yelena, who worked for the Demon King, and the strengthening potion was indeed related to the Demon King.

If it were normal, Nick Fury would definitely get to the bottom of it, but now, he sighed, let the devil be the devil, as long as it is not Hydra.

Damn Hydra.

"It's useless, big man. No matter how hard you smash it, the defensive shield will not be broken. The Cosmic Cube is an eternal energy source."

Zola said arrogantly. At this moment, the Universe Rubik's Cube suddenly sent out a message: "The energy consumption is too high and the balance is about to be exhausted. Please recharge in time to ensure the smooth operation of the Rubik's Cube."


Hydra, as well as the superheroes outside, were stunned at the same time, and even Hulk stopped bombarding.

"Is this thing for recharge?"

Tony blinked. Although he had experienced many things, this was the first time he had seen such an outrageous thing.

Steve complained: "Could it be that the Red Skull was abandoned by the Cosmic Cube because he had no money to recharge?"

"Did I just hallucinate?"

Pierce asked Garrett with a dull look on his face, and Garrett said, "I may be hallucinating like you."

Pierce turned his head and roared angrily: "Nick Fury, what's going on? What did you do in the Cube?"


Nick Fury walked out of the building with an excited look on his face. It was great that someone had been tricked by the Cube like him.

Nick Fury said: "I didn't do it, and I don't know exactly who did it.

In short, if you want to use the Cosmic Cube, you must first recharge it. In the past two years, I have invested a lot of money in it. Pierce, your biggest mistake is to use the Cosmic Cube as a trump card.

Congratulations on being cheated, hahaha. "

"Fake, you didn't report such an important thing? You bastard."

Pierce was furious and hurriedly asked the Cosmic Rubik's Cube: "How to recharge? In U.S. dollars?"

"No US dollars, only souls, vibranium, technology..."

A light curtain popped up from the Cosmic Cube, and Pierce hurriedly stepped forward to check the content on the light screen.

Nick Fury shouted: "Break the shield before they recharge."


Everyone was excited and attacked the defensive shield frantically.

"The Hulk is invincible."

Hulk also joined the attack, and cracks quickly appeared in the defensive shield because there was not enough energy support.


Pierce was anxious and had nothing else to recharge at this time. He shouted: "I recharge with the souls of Hydra soldiers."

"You need to get the consent of the Hydra soldiers or knock them out before you can recharge."

The Tesseract said, and Pierce said grimly: "They will agree, long live Hydra."

"Long live Hydra."

A large number of Hydra soldiers raised their hands and shouted fanatically, and the Cosmic Cube said: "The conditions are met, start recharging."

The superheroes' expressions changed drastically when they heard this. Once the recharge is completed, they will definitely lose.

"Hydra can't lose."

Pierce shouted loudly, and everyone's hearts sank. Damn it, it only took a few seconds to break the defensive shield, but it was still too late.

The audience was also silent. Will we still lose in the end?

At this moment, there was a loud gunshot, and a bloody hole appeared on Pierce's head. He looked at Garrett who fired the gun in disbelief, and fell down. He did not understand what happened until his death.

Garrett said coolly: "I'm sorry, I'm undercover."


Both the enemy and us were stunned at the same time, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube prompted: "An accident has occurred, and the recharge will be stopped."

Tony laughed and scolded: "Old bastard, I thought you had rebelled again. I forgive you for not doing anything before.

You old bastard, you did it beautifully. "


The superheroes shouted that Garrett fired the most critical shot at the most critical moment.

"so cool."

The audience applauded wildly. At this moment, they completely remembered Garrett's figure.


Hydra reacted and fired wildly at Garrett and the agents around him. Garrett was well prepared and immediately hid behind the instrument.

Hydra was about to chase Garrett, when the defensive shield shattered like glass, and the superheroes came in. Hulk took the lead and kicked George Gorilla away.

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