American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 27 Canary Equipment

It was still Times Square. Because of the seriousness of the situation, the resolute-faced Chief George Stacey led the ESU SWAT team to personally rush over for support. Under the fierce firepower of the SWAT team, even the Lizard Man had to take cover.

Of course, this is also because the lizard men have run out of potions. Otherwise, if a bottle of potion is thrown at them, the SWAT team will be useless.

George was directing next to the police car. Suddenly, he heard his daughter's voice: "Dad."

George turned his head and saw his daughter Gwen running towards this side. He asked in shock and anger: "Gwen, what are you doing here? Leave quickly."


Gwen rushed to George, took out a tube of blue potion and handed it to George, saying, "I have an antidote here that can turn the lizard man back into a human."


George was overjoyed and hurriedly took the potion and asked, "How many potions do you have?"

"Just one."

Gwen was a little embarrassed. She thought that Dr. Connors was the only enemy, so she only made one. She said: "The Osborne Group has ready-made tools, and I can make a large number of potions in a short time.

By the way, the Osborn Group has a Canary device that can create a medicinal mist that covers the whole city. With it, a single potion can turn all the lizardmen back to their original appearance. "

"Very good."

George was overjoyed. He returned the medicine to Gwen and said to the SWAT captain beside him: "Take two people to escort her to the Osborne Group and use that equipment to launch the medicine mist."

The SWAT captain immediately said: "Yes."

Gwen said: "Dad, the Canary equipment must be used with permission from the city hall. The city hall said it is too dangerous."

"Ignore it, use it immediately, I will bear any consequences."

George said decisively that as a director, he was promoted based on his ability and merit.

"Dad, be careful."

Gwen admired such a father and got into the SWAT captain's car to go to the Osborne Group.

As soon as Gwen left, Howard rushed out with a group of robots. When the lizard man saw the black suit, he thought Iron Man was coming, and immediately grabbed a car next to him and threw it at Howard.

"Now I don't even need to provoke."

Howard chuckled, pulled out the big ax behind him, and slashed hard. The car split into two and flew in both directions. Then, Howard shouted and rushed towards the lizard man with a roar.

The robots did not participate in the battle. They picked up the injured and poisoned people who had signed the contract and moved them outside. A man with scales on his body asked dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you save me?"

"The United States is a capital society. In this society, if you want to get anything, you must pay a price. This is common sense."

A robot replied indifferently. Then, they rescued dozens of contractors to a safe place, injected them with antidote, and the contractors quickly turned back to normal people.

The contractors were overjoyed and even cried with joy. Although they didn't know what was going on, they were fine.

Reborn Hell's service never disappoints.

Similar situations occurred in other places where lizardmen were raging, and the number of souls possessed by the rebirth hell increased rapidly.

At the same time, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, Coulson shouted: "Director, we found Dr. Connors. He is fighting Spider-Man near the Osborn Group."

"Spider-Man? Turn the screen around."

Nick Fury was a little stunned and shouted hurriedly. Soon, a scene of Spider-Man fighting Dr. Lizard appeared on the screen. Different from the last time, this time Spider-Man was obviously at a disadvantage and was beaten by Dr. Lizard flying around.

"Is Dr. Connors getting older?"

Nick Fury asked suspiciously. Last time, Dr. Connors was only more than three meters tall, but this time, the height was obviously more than four meters.

"It seems that his strength has become stronger."

Coulson nodded solemnly. During this period, in addition to developing his own race, Dr. Lizard also sucked a lot of blood from the rat race, which greatly increased his strength.

However, this is not without cost. Dr. Lizard's body is gradually transforming into a vampire. It won't be long before he completely loses his soul and becomes a magical creature.

Nick Fury thought for a while and said: "Dr. Connors' destination should be the Osborne Group. The question is, why is he going to the Osborne Group? Check it quickly."

Coulson quickly flipped through the information. After a moment, his expression changed and he said: "It's the Canary device. Dr. Connors's purpose is the Canary device."

After reading the information about the Canary device, Nick Fury also changed his expression and hurriedly relayed the news to Iron Man: "We must stop Dr. Connors, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"I'll be there right away."

Iron Man blasted the lizard man in front of him with a pulse cannon, and sprayed flames from his feet and flew quickly towards the Osborn Group. The lizard man got up and was about to chase after him, when a group of robots appeared in front of him.

The ancestor of the blood race is named Dracula. He is the first vampire and has the concept of absolute immortality. He came to North America hundreds of years ago and left behind a huge altar.

This altar is located in the suburbs of New York. At this moment, everyone thinks that Dickon Faith, who is on his way, is already in the altar. At the same time, the twelve pure-blood elders and Blade have also been moved here.

"The group of humans staring at me must have thought I was on my way, but they didn't know that the person giving the speech was just my stand-in."

Dickon Faith sneered: "I don't know what human beings are planning? We want to destroy them, and they also want to destroy us. Unfortunately, they don't know how powerful our blood race is. In their eyes, the so-called blood god , it’s probably just a joke.”

Quicksilver said: "They don't know that the joke in their eyes is enough to destroy mankind."

"Let's begin. I will sacrifice the twelve pure-blood elders and the Sunwalker Blade to become the greatest blood god."

Dickon Faith stood in the middle of the altar and shouted loudly. Mercury nodded enthusiastically and tied the twelve pure-blood elders to the twelve pillars nearby.

The pure-blood elder cursed: "You will kill us, Dickon Faith, you will kill the entire vampire race."

"No, I will make the vampires the masters of the earth."

Dickon Faith raised his hands in the air, extremely excited. At the same time, above the altar, the Sunwalker Blade was pushed into the coffin by his mother (Dickon's woman). A large amount of blood gushes out of the coffin and penetrates along the formation lines. The altar below.

The ceremony officially begins.

Outside the altar, the robot Whitters carrying a box and a silver sword strode towards the altar. When the vampire guarding the door saw him, he asked in shock: "What the hell is this?"

"This is a revenge machine from hell."

Whitters grinned, raised his left hand, and a silver ball shot out from his palm. The next second, the silver ball exploded, and countless flying needles shot out quickly, piercing the bodies of dozens of vampires.

The vampires turned to ashes and disappeared with expressions of disbelief.

"High technology, I like this body so much."

Whitters laughed loudly, kicked open the altar door and walked in.

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