"With every loss comes a gain. Their sacrifices are worth it. The Council has agreed to a full-scale war against the vampires."

Nick Fury came over and said excitedly that after planning for so long, he would finally succeed, and vampires would end in his hands.

Iron Man was a little dissatisfied with Nick Fury's approach: "Those people are not willing to be sacrificed by you."

Nick Fury said: "The facts will prove that I am right. Okay, don't waste time, Coulson, order all the teams to take action and use the new weapons developed to eliminate all vampires."

"Yes, Director."

Coulson immediately went to give the order, and the already prepared S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, led by senior agents such as Melinda May, John Garrett, and Victoria Hand, took action with weapons specifically designed to deal with vampires.

Several vampires were wreaking havoc, and a grenade was thrown over them. The next thing they knew, the grenade exploded, and dazzling ultraviolet rays bloomed, turning several vampires into ashes instantly.

This is an ultraviolet grenade developed by Tony Stark. It is a great weapon against vampires. In addition, there are thermometers to detect vampires, armored vehicles equipped with ultraviolet lights, etc. This time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is armed to the teeth.

Tony asked impatiently: "When should I act?"

"Your target is Dickon Faith. Wait until he enters the altar before you take action. I will kill him and the twelve pure-blood elders. By then, the vampires will be in pieces."

Nick Fury said, looking at the one-sided battle on the screen, his eyes were full of pride. Everything was under his control. He, Nick Fury, would continue to protect mankind.

Just when Nick Fury was proud, suddenly, a call came in: "Director, it's bad, there are a lot of lizard people in the city."


Nick Fury was shocked and hurriedly asked the technical department to bring in the footage of the lizard man.

In Times Square, citizens were shopping happily as usual. At this moment, the manhole cover was pushed open, and then, a man wearing rags crawled out of the sewer.

"Where did the homeless guy come from? It stinks."

Pedestrians looked disgusted and walked away from the man. The man grinned and said: "I am not a tramp. I am a lower-level rat tribe than a tramp. However, today, I am here to help you."

After saying that, the lizard man slammed the green potion in his hand to the ground. As the glass shattered, a large amount of green mist flew out. Pedestrians who were exposed to the green mist fell down in pain, and their bodies gradually turned green, and even scales appeared.

The patrolman was startled and hurriedly pointed his gun at the rat clan and shouted: "Kneel down."

The rat clan roared, and his body quickly swelled and deformed. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a green lizard man more than two meters tall. Then, he rushed in front of the patrolman despite the bullets of the patrolman, and slapped him with one palm. Flying, when the patrolman landed, his body was deformed.

The rats laughed heartily and threw potions at the crowd one after another. This happened in dozens of places in New York City.

New York is in chaos.

"So many lizard people? Are they still causing trouble at this time?"

Nick Fury's expression turned extremely ugly, and he no longer had the high-spiritedness that he had in control of everything before.

"People who are exposed to the medicine are turning into lizard-men. They must be stopped immediately, otherwise the problem will become bigger and bigger."

Iron Man shouted: "I'm going to rush over right away, Nick Fury, how many agents do you have on hand? The small firepower of the police can't stop the lizard men. Those lizard men can even overturn a police car."

"I only have one reserve team left, Coulson. Immediately notify the military and ask them to send people into New York. In addition, order the headquarters to send Quinjet fighters for support."

Nick Fury said. Iron Man glanced at Nick Fury with disappointment, activated his suit and prepared to leave. It would take at least an hour for the military to enter the city. In such a long time, the lizard people might even give birth to children.

Nick Fury saw this and hurriedly shouted: "Tony, these lizard people should just attract our attention. Dr. Connors may have other conspiracies."

"I'll go to the scene first. If you discover his conspiracy, notify me immediately."

Iron Man nodded and flew away quickly. Coulson asked Nick Fury: "What should we do now? Is the original plan still implemented?"

"We must implement it. We have been preparing for so long and we cannot fall short."

Nick Fury said: "Barton, you replace Iron Man and kill Dickon Firth."

Hawkeye Barton replied: "No problem."

"Damn lizard people."

Nick Fury looked at the screen and cursed bitterly: "All teams, defeat the vampires as quickly as possible, and then go deal with the lizardmen. Coulson, you lead the intelligence team to find Dr. Connors."

Nick Fury's initial order was to completely eliminate the vampires in New York City, but now it has become to defeat them first.


Each team responded one after another, but this time Dickon called many vampires to come to New York. Even if SHIELD was equipped with superior equipment, it would be difficult to defeat them all in a short time.

The agents are far more powerful than vampires, but their numbers are too few.

The stories of vampires and lizardmen have been posted on the Internet one after another, and major TV stations have reported around with helicopters. New York citizens are frightened and angry. What is going on? It's a vampire and a lizardman. Is it a doomsday crisis?

In the Rebirth Building, Andrew looked at the TV and sighed: "There are not only vampires, but also lizard people. It's really lively."

"The Peace Knights are ready to rescue people. Ignore the vampires for now and focus on saving those infected by the lizard potion."

Andrew ordered that those people must not want to become monsters themselves, and the success rate of signing a soul contract is very high.

What, Andrew has the antidote? Of course, the beautiful and smart Miss Gwen has prepared the antidote, and Teslak has transformed it into another potion to ensure that no one will find any clues.

Howard asked hesitantly: "When we rescue people, can we kill the lizard people by the way?"

Andrew knew what Howard meant, and he said: "If he attacks you, kill him. If he doesn't touch you, don't touch them either. We are pacifists."

Howard nodded: "Understood."

"It looks like I'm going to have to work overtime tonight. Speaking of which, recruiting customer service must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. I can't do it by myself every time."

Andrew thought of something and looked outside the window, where the black widow Natasha was busy.

Andrew's eyes lit up: "Black Widow? If I remember correctly, there is a Black Widow Army in this world."

"Why does the director ask me to stay here and work overtime? Overtime, overtime, I am an agent, not an office worker."

Natasha looked depressed. She had been working overtime every day in the past few months. What was even more unpleasant was that that bastard Andrew Wang always pushed Susan's work to him in the name of cultivating himself, and then took Su with him. Shan goes out on a date.

If this continues, Natasha might be able to go undercover and become the president of Rebirth Group. Well, should she just change her job?

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