American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2621 Datafication

"Zeus, don't forget, the divine power in you comes from me."

Poseidon sneered: "Also, if you dare to look around again, be careful I'll dig out your eyes. Zeus, don't be so disgusting."

"It's really disgusting."

The God of Stars nodded in agreement. Then, he used starlight to seal Zeus. Zeus asked in shock and anger: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Facing Zeus's question, the God of Stars and others were too lazy to answer. They just looked at him with sneers. Zeus gritted his teeth. He no longer hesitated and started to contact Andrew.

This is normal. Now, Zeus is in a desperate situation. His only way to break the situation is to ask Andrew to come here to save him. As for what happens next, we will wait until it happens, and he can't care about it now.

Saving your life is the most important thing. If you drink poison to quench your thirst, drink poison to quench your thirst. Survive first.

To be honest, Zeus's mind is full of confusion now. He has no idea why the two brothers suddenly betrayed him, let alone why he ended up in such a situation. He is the future God-King!

Not long after Zeus called Andrew, his consciousness was pulled into the illusion. Andrew sat on the throne of the God King, looked at Zeus, and said, "It's finally your turn. After I deal with you, I can call it a day."

As soon as Zeus came to the illusion, he immediately knew that this was Mount Olympus. When he saw Andrew sitting on the throne of the God King, he was a little dissatisfied. Of course, now was not the time to care about this. He asked in amazement: "King of supernatural powers, finally "It's my turn, what do you mean?"

"Do you really want to know why Poseidon and Hades betrayed you?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Also, Black Dragon, where did the God of Stars come from? Why did he suddenly appear in the underworld?"

"Yes, I really want to know, eh, wait..."

Zeus nodded first, then thought of something, and shouted in horror: "You are the BOSS mentioned by the God of Stars and the Black Dragon? Is it because of you that Hades and Poseidon betrayed?

How is this possible? You actually secretly subdued the other No. 5 compound trees, and asked Hades and Poseidon to betray me? "

Zeus really couldn't understand all this. You know, Hades and Poseidon hated the King of Superpowers just like him. How could they join the King of Superpowers? Still looking loyal?

"Of course it's me. Who else can do this besides me?"

Andrew said domineeringly: "Zeus, although I know you will not surrender, according to the procedure, I still have to persuade you to surrender first. After all, I am a civilized person and cannot be punished without teaching.

I will give you a chance to surrender to me sincerely. Otherwise, I can only use some means. You should know that my means will not be simple. "

Zeus was hesitant. He was concerned about face and did not want to surrender, but he was also afraid of death and did not dare to sacrifice himself for justice. In this case, he could only hesitate and remain silent, unable to do anything else.

Seeing this, Andrew smiled and said: "It seems that you are still unwilling to surrender to me sincerely, so don't blame me for being rude."

Zeus was shocked and asked: "What do you want to do, turn me into a puppet? Like the King of Negativity?"

Andrew said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, my methods are much more ruthless than the King of Negativity."

Zeus looked at Andrew speechlessly, how can I feel relieved when you say this? He said: "King of supernatural powers, haven't I surrendered to you?"

"What I want is to surrender sincerely, instead of thinking of plotting against me behind my back every time."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Now, Hades and Poseidon have sincerely surrendered, and you are the only one left. Forget it, I won't persuade you anymore. It's useless. Alice, let's get started."

"Yes, the King of Superpowers."

Alice's voice sounded, and then a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Zeus. Then, a large number of green codes of zeros and ones appeared on Zeus.

As the green code spread, Zeus's body began to gradually disappear and turned into a code. He shouted in shock: "King of Superpowers, what are you doing?"

"Digitalize you."

Andrew said: "You should know that Director Tianjian has a game space with many data characters. Some game characters even possess ordinary people and become superheroes with them.

Since data characters can become entities, appear in reality, and even fight, then it is natural that real characters can also be turned into data.

Zeus, I plan to transform you into a data character. At that time, you can only obey my orders, because you will never be able to escape the control of Director Tianjian. Director Tianjian and Alice can make you disappear with just one thought. "

"King of superpowers, do you dare?"

Zeus shouted in shock and anger. At the same time, he struggled hard to escape from this area. Unfortunately, he overthought. In his current situation, it was impossible to escape from the green light.

Zeus was now seriously injured, on the verge of death, and was sealed, so he had no power to resist at all.

"What am I afraid of?"

Andrew sneered, and Alice asked in confusion: "BOSS, why did you wait until now to do this? In fact, they could have been forcibly converted long ago.

Although they are Heavenly Father Gods, the conversion success rate is very high, as long as they have no resistance in advance. "

"On the one hand, it's because I'm the king of supernatural powers now, not the director of Sky Sword, so it's hard for me to use the abilities of Director Tian Sword."

Andrew said: "On the other hand, Zeus is the No. 5 compound tree and the protagonist of destiny, so digitization may not be useful for him.

This is why I chose to use other methods to deal with Hades and Poseidon. As for Zeus, this guy is too difficult to deal with. I can only try to use digitization.

Of course, part of the reason is that I am worried that digitization will affect Zeus's potential and the favor of the universe. The speed of digitization of life is much slower than before. After all, even the essence has changed. "

"Boss, you should know that as a completely rational artificial intelligence, I don't believe in fate, protagonists and the like. "

Alice said: "According to my calculations, Zeus has a 90% chance of being digitized by me. With such a high probability, it is almost impossible to fail. "

"Only 90% is high? If it's not 98%, I usually don't dare to take action. "

Andrew looked disgusted and said: "Wait and see, if it can be successfully transformed, it will be the best. If not, we will activate the backup plan. Although the backup plan will greatly weaken Zeus's strength, it doesn't matter so much.

I must get all the No. 5 compound trees. Only when I gather the No. 5 compound trees can I use destiny to become the true king of superpowers. "

The King of Superpowers is not only powerful, but also extremely noble. He is the king of all superpowers. How can he not be noble?

It is impossible to become the King of Superpowers. Only Andrew can do it in the whole universe.

On the one hand, there is a big guy behind Andrew, that is, Director Tianjian. This big guy is not only powerful, but also has more than one billion superpowers. In short, he has laid the most solid foundation for Andrew.

On the other hand, Andrew is lucky to encounter the superpower era. Superpowers are like pigs on the wind, flying up like crazy.

Andrew has been Collecting the favor of the universe, so the improvement speed is very fast. Later, he successively conquered the No. 5 compound tree, and the improvement speed was even more like cheating. Well, the divine power of destiny is indeed cheating.

However, this is not enough. If Andrew wants to become the king of superpowers, he must gather nine No. 5 compound trees and become the destiny protagonist of this era. Otherwise, even if he succeeds, it will be imperfect.

This is why Andrew has put so much thought on the No. 5 compound tree. Simply put, conquering them is a must.

Alice complained: "BOSS, do you know? Every time I hear your 98% success rate, I want to pour water on your head."

"So gentle? Others want to beat me up. "

Andrew laughed, Alice was speechless, you are not ashamed, but proud?

Zeus naturally couldn't hear the conversation between Andrew and Alice. He saw his body disappearing and his soul was flying. Although he always loved face, at this time, he couldn't care about anything else.

Zeus shouted: "King of superpowers, I am willing to surrender sincerely. Let's talk about it. There is no need for data. This data will definitely affect my strength. "

Zeus is actually very greedy for life and afraid of death. He is so arrogant and so strong on the surface, all for face.

"Zeus, let me tell you a joke. "

Andrew laughed: "There is a god king named Zeus on the Greek God Mountain. He said that he would surrender to me sincerely? Hahaha, do you think this joke is funny?"

Zeus naturally didn't think it was funny. He shouted: "King of superpowers, no matter what conditions you put forward, I will agree to you. I promise to serve you obediently in the future. "

Andrew sneered secretly. Everyone knew that Zeus was just pretending to be nice. He was about to refuse, but suddenly thought of something. He didn't say anything, but held his chin with his hand and watched Zeus' transformation quietly.

Zeus was very anxious when he saw this, and continued to persuade Andrew. When half of his body disappeared, he was terrified and began to beg for mercy.

Unfortunately, Andrew still ignored him and looked like a thinker.

Alice was very happy to see that everything went well. She stepped up her efforts to transform Zeus as soon as possible and let Andrew know that the protagonist was not important at all.

But soon, Alice was slapped in the face - when Zeus only had a head left, Alice found that the dataization could not be completed.

Alice hurriedly looked for the reason, but she couldn't find the reason why Zeus's head couldn't be transformed. In short, the progress was stuck there. In Alice's sight, red alarm windows kept popping up.

"BOSS, give me some time, I will definitely find the reason, and then turn Zeus into a data life. "

Alice said that he was so active, on the one hand, he wanted to prove that his calculations were correct, and on the other hand, he wanted to subdue a Father God.

As mentioned before, Father God is never a cabbage, not to mention that Zeus is still a relatively powerful Father God. If he can be turned into a data life, the data space controlled by Alice will become more powerful.

Now in the virtual space, there are only Elsa, the Goddess of the Sea and a few Father Gods, which are far from enough.

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