"Yes, BOSS, uh, BOSS, I don't seem to have any particularly powerful killer moves suitable for sneak attacks?"

Hearing Andrew's order, Poseidon nodded immediately, and then, he said awkwardly: "My killer moves are all quite powerful, for example, summoning the ocean to attack, which is not suitable for sneak attacks."

"It's not a big problem, I'll teach you one."

Andrew said: "You use the power of the ocean to condense the Trident of Poseidon, and then control the explosion of the Trident of Poseidon to severely damage the enemy.

You are the original owner of the Trident. It is not difficult for you to condense the Trident with the power of the ocean. You do this..."

After listening to Andrew's teachings, Poseidon nodded first, and then complained: "BOSS, I am not the original owner of the Trident, I am also the owner of the Trident now."

It is obvious that Poseidon is asking Andrew for the Trident. He used to be an enemy, so of course he couldn't ask for it, but now he is Andrew's subordinate, and he is still very loyal, so he can naturally ask for it with confidence.

I even sold my life to you. What's the problem with taking back the artifact that belongs to me?

"Don't worry. When the superpower era is over, I will let Perseus return the trident to you. Your nephew's biggest hobby in life is to be a fisherman. He has no interest in the trident and can't even use it to grill fish."

Andrew said. Poseidon was relieved and speechless after hearing this. Grilling fish with a trident? What a talent.

It takes a lot of time for others to learn the rule ability of condensing the trident, but Poseidon doesn't need it, because He knows the trident very well. Soon, He condensed a trident with almost the same power as the artifact.

Then, Poseidon took the trident, turned into sea water, quietly went underground, and then hid on the ground under the King of Negativity, waiting for the opportunity.

As for the ground, there is still a phantom left, which will not be discovered as long as it is not touched by anyone.

The Negative King did not notice Poseidon and the trident, because he had no time to care about other people. Several star gods put great pressure on him, not to mention that there was also a star god who was sneaking up on him.

"If you have the guts, you can fight me one-on-one."

The Negative King could not help but curse: "If you want to be the boss of the No. 5 compound tree, it is useless to be mean and shameless."

"First of all, I am not interested in being the boss of the No. 5 compound tree, because in this world, there is only one person who is qualified to be our boss and lead us to fulfill our destiny, and that is my BOSS."

The star god said indifferently: "Secondly, don't say that you are righteous. The reason you are here is not because Zeus is seriously injured. Do you want to take the opportunity to sneak attack him?"

"That's right, Negative King, don't pretend to be noble, you are nothing."

Zeus cursed when he heard this. He was too frustrated in this battle. If he was not seriously injured, how could he fall to this point?

If Zeus had not been seriously injured, the Negative King's clone might not be his opponent in a one-on-one fight with Zeus. After all, Zeus was the future God King.

The Negative King was a little embarrassed. He was about to continue speaking when the God of Stars suddenly released the star beam in his hand. The Negative King's face changed and he quickly shrank, trying to avoid the star beam.

Just as the Negative King shrank, a ball of sea water suddenly emerged from the ground. Then, Poseidon rushed out of the sea water with a trident in his hand and stabbed the Negative King's chest fiercely.


The Negative King was shocked and didn't even care to distinguish whether the other party was a man or a woman. He hurriedly condensed a large amount of anger power in his chest and turned it into an angry armor to resist the damage of the trident.

Who knew that when the trident touched the angry breastplate, it suddenly exploded with a bang, and all the energy was blasted towards the Negative King, even the Negative King was blown away.

This is not over yet. Several starlight gods simultaneously controlled the starlight thunder to fall on the Negative King. Although the Negative King tried his best to resist, he was still bombed. With the sound of explosions, his whole body was shrouded in starlight.

Seeing this, Kaguya Otsutsuki's face changed, and she immediately controlled Susanoo to leave the Buddha and go there to save the Negative King.

The female commander released a killer move, blasted away the distracted Zeus, and flew quickly in the direction of the Negative King.

The star god flew in the direction of the Negative King while shouting: "Stop them."

Zeus was a little stunned. The reason was very simple. Why did Poseidon suddenly regain his strength? Uh, no, this is not the key. The key is, why did Poseidon become a woman? How could my brother become a girl?

"Speaking of which, this female version of Poseidon is pretty."

Zeus' heart was shaken. Those who have read Greek mythology know what kind of character this guy is. It is normal to have thoughts about Poseidon.

At this time, the loud shout of the God of Stars awakened Zeus. He cursed, and thunder burst out from his body, turning into a lightning spear, and threw it fiercely at the female commander.

For the sake of her own life, the female commander had to avoid it first. Of course, he certainly didn't care in his heart, after all, it was just acting.

As for Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Susanoo he sent was intercepted by Poseidon, and he and the Buddha were entangled by the black dragon.

Soon, the starlight dissipated, and the broken body of the Negative King fell straight down. The Negative King was indignant, but he also knew that he had lost this time. He sent a message to the Tree of Life and the female commander, while preparing to self-destruct.

"Tree of Life, Rita, you retreat, you can't lose here."

It is nothing if the King of Negativity loses one clone. After all, he still has many clones. But if the tree of life and the female leader are lost here, then it is a real loss.

At this moment, the God of Stars suddenly appeared next to the Negative King, and a large amount of starlight formed a small world, preparing to seal the Negative King.

The King of Negativity's expression changed drastically. He really didn't mind losing a clone, but he really minded being captured. Because the last two clones were captured, he had two more curses on him, and he still can't solve them. If there is one more, Negative The king said, I want to die.

Unfortunately, no matter how unwilling the King of Negativity is, it is useless. After all, the God of Stars has been preparing for a long time, and his small world has successfully sealed the King of Negativity.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and added another curse material. The King of Negativity is really too generous. Keep going and strive to empty out the King of Negativity's wealth one day.

"The King of Negativity! Damn it, let's go."

Kaguya Otsutsuki was very decisive when she saw that the King of Negativity was sealed. She controlled Daibutsu and Susana to attack the enemy, shuttled through space by herself, grabbed the arm of the female leader, and prepared to escape with him.

Zeus wanted to intercept, but was severely lacking in strength and could not do anything. The Black Dragon and Poseidon were both blocked and could not use their hands free.

Although the Star God took action, it was blocked by Kaguya Otsutsuki. He did not pursue it because all targets had been completed.

Then, the God of Stars, the Black Dragon, and Poseidon joined forces to kill the Buddha and Susana. The battle in the underworld was completely over. Of course, the matter was not over yet.

"Poseidon, how come you recovered and turned into a beautiful woman?"

Zeus walked up to Poseidon, looked at him curiously, and asked at the same time. The main reason why he came here was to fight on the same front with Poseidon against the God of Stars and the Black Dragon. After all, they also had evil intentions.

Poseidon was very unhappy with Zeus's gaze and punched him away. Zeus was confused and didn't understand why Poseidon would attack him? No matter from which aspect, at this time, they have no reason to fall out, right?

"God of the Stars, seal this guy up quickly, it's so disgusting."

Poseidon shouted: "I'm going to check on Hades. He should be able to move."

"No need. Although I haven't recovered my combat ability yet, my movement is no longer a problem."

Hades got up and walked towards this side, asking in surprise: "Poseidon, why did you become a woman?"

"Of course it's because of BOSS. Now, I am the most loyal minister under BOSS."

Poseidon said proudly, and the God of Stars, who was about to attack Zeus, said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? I am the most loyal minister under BOSS."

"In terms of loyalty, I am no worse than anyone else, including you."

Poseidon snorted coldly. Although he had just been born not long ago, he knew very well that if he wanted to live well, he must improve his status in Andrew's heart. Therefore, he had to determine the position of the most loyal minister.

The God of Stars was trembling with anger. The Black Dragon was watching the fun. He wished the God of Stars bad luck. This guy was such a loser. He would disgrace their No. 5 Compound Tree.

"Speaking of which, BOSS actually turned Poseidon into a woman. Not only did his appearance change, but his personality also changed. Isn't this incredible?"

The black dragon secretly thought, in comparison, Poseidon becoming loyal is a trivial matter.

Hades was also surprised. Isn't the King of Superpowers too powerful? Not only turned Poseidon into a real woman, but also made him die?

"Well, it won't be the King of Superpowers who sacrifices himself... Anyway, there is nothing wrong with following the King of Superpowers."

Hades shook his head and did not think deeply. After all, he was not the Hades in the myth who was used to wind and rain.

Compared to others, Zeus was dumbfounded. It didn't matter that his brother turned into a girl. Why did Hades and Poseidon betray him? Wasn't it good before? What happened?

"Something's wrong, something very wrong."

Zeus was a smart man, so he didn't question anything, but quietly retreated, preparing to escape from the underworld. If he didn't escape, the consequences would be serious.

Hades sensed something and said: "Zeus, you don't have to work in vain. The underworld is blocked by me. Just because the tree of life can come in, it doesn't mean you can go out."

Zeus looked at Hades speechlessly. This guy is really a cheat. The methods he arranged are completely useless against the enemy and only have an effect on his own people. What is this, beating up my teammates?

At this moment, the God of the Stars struck the seal he had arranged on Zeus. Zeus wanted to resist, but Poseidon raised his hand, and all the ocean power in his body went wild, making him completely unable to resist.

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