American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 253 Power Gem

"You can't. I promised King Kong to take good care of you."

Andrew walked up to Jiya, touched her head and said, "I bless you in the name of the devil. Your body will recover and you will live a long life."

This is the deal King Kong offers to Andrew - Andrew takes care of Jia, and it fights for Andrew.

Everyone looked at Jiya with envy, but Jiya didn't care about it. She gestured anxiously, saying that she wanted to see King Kong.

"You can see King Kong every night after you fall asleep."

Andrew smiled and said: "Okay, tell me your decision."

"I'm willing to join the hell."

Dr. Serizawa nodded, and then he said to the others: "This is my personal decision. I have studied Titans all my life and don't want to leave them."

"I'll join in too."

Half of the people, including Vivian and Maya Hansen, chose to join, while the other half remained silent and did not agree.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and sent those who were unwilling to join out of the illusion. Then, he signed a contract with Dr. Serizawa and the others.

Titan's nanny, there you have it.

New York speakeasy.

Unlike the others, Whitehall recognized Carter immediately upon meeting her.

"Peggy Carter, I didn't expect you to regain your youth, but I don't know what price you paid?"

Whitehall, who was tied to a chair, sneered: "Conscience, or justice?"

"I'm not you, and I won't harm anyone just to regain my youth."

Carter snorted coldly: "Whitehall, or in other words, Reinhardt, let me tell you something. You have no human rights here. In addition, I really hope that you will be tougher on your mouth, so that I can torture you more." meeting."

"I also want to inform you of something."

Whitehall smiled: "I have injected nanoworms into my body. When the damage reaches a certain level, the pain sensation will be turned off.

Also, don’t expect to use any instrument to extract memories from my brain. The nanoworms will protect me, and you won’t get anything you want from me. "

"Shet, this guy is as cautious as ever."

Carter cursed in her heart, and she snorted coldly: "It's just nanobugs, I have plenty of ways to crack them."

"just you?"

Whitehall smiled contemptuously and said: "Peggy Carter, it won't be long before Hydra will rule the world. When the time comes, you will obediently let me out."

"We've got you," Carter said, "and there's no way you're going to make it."

Whitehall did not leak the information. He said: "Peggy Carter, how many disasters have occurred on the earth in the past two years? How many people have died?

Why is there a disaster? Because freedom, freedom is the biggest lie. If you want to quell the disaster, there is only one way to rule mankind with absolute order.

We are not harming the world, we are saving the world. Only Hydra can save mankind. "

"That's really nice to say, but it's a pity that it makes no sense."

Carter didn't bother to argue with Whitehall. She walked outside the room and called Tony and asked him to find a way to deal with the nanobugs.

Carter doesn't mind torture to extract confessions, but she doesn't intentionally torture people, and those are two completely different things.

"Nanobugs? These villains are disgusting."

Tony cursed and said: "I will find a way to solve this matter, Aunt Carter, we must deal with Hydra as soon as possible, they are becoming more and more dangerous."

Carter nodded: "I know that Hydra will definitely be destroyed."

In the vast universe, what are the indigenous planets most afraid of? Quite simply, the Mad Titan Thanos and the Space Pirates.

Space pirates are divided into two categories, one is called the predators, they form an alliance and abide by certain rules, for example, children cannot be trafficked, etc., and the other is committed to all kinds of evil, extremely vicious, and everything is based on profit.

The latter type of space pirates often plunder planets and even massacre cities. Because the universe is so large, it is difficult to track them, so they are very arrogant.

Black Point encountered a group of such space pirates. Fortunately, they received the news in advance and spent a lot of money to hire the Peace Knights, who have recently become famous in the galaxy, to come and help.

Even more fortunately, the famous space ranger, Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, happened to pass by, so this group of space pirates was out of luck.

In less than three minutes, the pirate group rushed into the street, and even the battleship fell to the ground and exploded with a roar.

After the battle, Yelena pretended to lead the black widows to perform a ceremony on the battlefield and secretly collect the souls of the pirates.

Carol was a blond woman with a square face wearing a red and blue uniform. She asked the city lord curiously: "What are they doing?"

"Praying for soul rest."

The city lord said: "The Peace Knights believe in the Parthian religion. They believe that no matter how bad they are in life, they are entitled to rest in peace after death. Therefore, after every battle, they will hold a ceremony to appease the soul of the dead."

"I see."

Carol was a little disapproving, but she didn't say much. After all, there is freedom of belief.

While dancing, Yelena yelled in the communication channel: "Which bastard designed such a complicated ceremony?"

Other Black Widows complained: "That bastard is you. You said it should be more complicated. It will be more ritualistic."

Another Black Widow said: "What's worse is that our rituals are already known to the galaxy and cannot be changed."

Yelena rolled her eyes fiercely: "Shet."

Carol watched for a while and was about to leave. Just then, her communicator rang. She took it out and saw that her expression changed slightly. It was actually a communication from the earth.

"There's something seriously wrong with the Earth, or Fury wouldn't have messaged me."

Carol had no nonsense, a bright light lit up on her body, rising into the sky like a shining meteor, and quickly disappeared.

This person is an existence that can physically travel across the universe.

"Leaving so soon? I still wanted to talk to her."

Seeing Carol leave, Yelena was a little disappointed. Carol was a big celebrity in the universe, and she was from Earth.

At this moment, Yelena's quantum communicator rang. After it was connected, the Black Widow who stayed on Xandar said: "The people BOSS wanted us to pay attention to were imprisoned in Klin Prison yesterday."

Yelena was a little dissatisfied: "Yesterday? Why was it a day late?"

Black Widow explained: "I just came to Xandar not long ago, and the intelligence network is not perfect."

"This kind of thing can't happen again in the future. We need to improve the intelligence network as soon as possible. We will find ways to fund it."

Yelena put down the phone and used magic props to contact Andrew: "BOSS, the Star-Lord, Gamora and others you mentioned have been imprisoned in Klin Prison.

In addition, we secretly hid an object with a space imprint into Klin Prison some time ago. You can teleport directly there. "

"well done."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. When the Peace Knights went overseas, he issued a secret mission to Yelena - to establish an intelligence station on Xandar and wait for the arrival of Star-Lord and others.

Each infinite gem can create a super strong person. Andrew cannot ignore the power gem. Even if he doesn't use it, he must find a place to seal it and not take advantage of the enemy.

"My biggest bargaining chips are two. One is the strength of the Hell Lord, and the other is knowing the plot. Mephisto and Marduk actually fell into this."

Andrew wasted no time and immediately teleported to Klin Prison. Then, he used the Space Stone to sense the Power Stone.

A moment later, Andrew found the power gem sealed in the cosmic spirit ball in the storage room.

Andrew raised his hand, and the space energy blocked the surrounding area. Then, he touched the spirit ball with his hand. The spirit ball quickly opened, and a sparkling purple gem appeared in front of him, which was the power gem.

"The power gem is easy to get."

Andrew was very satisfied and reached out to grab the power gem. The purple energy turned into lightning and swept through his body, which he forcibly suppressed.

"The fit is a bit poor. It seems that I am only suitable for space gems."

Andrew shook his head and didn't pay much attention to this matter, because the power gem can increase the power of other gems, that is to say, the power gem can be used as an amplifier of the space gem.

Next, of course, is the old rule - use the Infinity Gauntlet to create gem projections.

The Gem Projection possesses some of the power of the Power Gem, however, it will disappear once the energy inside is used up.

"I wonder who will be tricked this time, Thanos or Ronan?"

Andrew smiled, and then he put the gem projection into the cosmic spirit ball. With a touch of his hand, the spirit ball closed again and flew back to Star-Lord's bag.

Everything is unknown to God and unknown to ghosts.

After doing this, Andrew was about to leave. At this moment, there was a movement outside, but it was someone escaping from prison.

"It's quite a coincidence."

Andrew shook his head and did not go out to meet the people who teased the escorts. Anyway, he would meet them sooner or later, and maybe he would have a chance to see Star-Lord dance.

Not long after Andrew left, the future Guardians of the Galaxy successfully escaped from Krillin Prison on Star-Lord's Milano.

Star-Lord, who looked a little fatter, said arrogantly: "Nova Legion, I told you before, you can't lock me down, I am the famous Star-Lord."

"Famous? Never heard of it at all."

Raccoon Rocket, who had many wounds on his body, sneered that it was the product of an experiment, a bounty hunter, and a weapons expert.

"I'm Groot."

The tree man, which lacked water and was somewhat dry on the surface, slowly said that it was Groot. In addition, although it could only say this sentence, this sentence contained countless meanings, and Rocket could understand it.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are. I want to kill Ronan."

The one who spoke was Drax the Destroyer, who was shirtless, bald, and had many red lines on his body. His whole family was killed by Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire, and he hated Ronan deeply.

"Don't your conscience hurt when you tell lies with your eyes open?"

Star-Lord was heartbroken, and then he couldn't wait to ask the green-skinned woman in the seat behind him: "Where is the buyer? Let's go there quickly and make an agreement first. I will never sell it for less than four billion."

Rocket and Groot looked at the green-skinned, long-haired woman with bright eyes at the same time - her name was Gamora, she was Thanos' adopted daughter and she had betrayed Thanos.

Why do these weird people get together?

It's very simple. In order to snatch the cosmic spirit ball, Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot fought in Xandar, were captured by the Nova Corps, and were imprisoned in Klin Prison.

Afterwards, they break out of prison with Drax and it's that simple.

Drax shouted again: "I don't care about money anymore, I'm going to kill Ronan."

Gamora said: "The buyer is on Earth. Let's rush there as soon as possible. You can get everything you want there."

"Earth? Never heard of it?"

Rocket shook his head. Star-Lord was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then cursed loudly: "Earth? Gamora, you actually lied to me? If I had known that I didn't save you last night, you would be strangled to death by Drax."

Drax corrected: "I didn't want to strangle her to death, I wanted to stab her to death. You can't slander me."

Star-Lord complained: "What's the difference?"

"Lie to us?"

Rocket was furious when he heard this. He took out a gun that was larger than his body and pointed it at Gamora, shouting: "Woman, you dare to lie to me?"

"I'm not lying to you. Go to Earth and you can get whatever you want."

Gamora said sternly, unlike in the movie where she went to find the collector Tiwan in the Land of Nowhere, in this world, Gamora chose to take everyone to the earth.

The reason is very simple. Thanos failed twice on Earth, and he did not dare to enter the Earth at all, not even to the solar system.

In other words, the earth is Thanos' forbidden territory. In this case, Gamora naturally chooses to go to the earth.

It is worth mentioning that Gamora did not know that the Demon King of Hell was on the earth. She only knew that the earth had two super guardians, super guardians that even Thanos feared.

"Haha, it's exactly the same as what you said. Sorry, I happen to be an Earthling, 100% pure blood."

Star-Lord sneered: "Earth is just a remote indigenous planet. Let alone four billion. They don't even have an interstellar currency. All they have is war, chaos, and poverty."

"Are you from Earth? Why are you so weak?"

Gamora was a little surprised, but more disgusted. She said: "You know the Chitauri, right? They were completely wiped out on Earth. I assure you, Earth has everything you want.

As long as you give the cosmic spirit ball to the guardian there, not to mention four billion, the guardian can also satisfy you with other things, for example, killing Ronan. "

Drax shouted excitedly after hearing this: "Go to Earth, I will kill Ronan."

Star-Lord shouted: "Drax, don't be deceived by her. There are guardians of the earth. Their average quality is about the same as mine."

Rocket asked: "In other words, the people on Earth are a bunch of weak chickens like you?"

Star-Lord said gruffly: "I'm not a weakling."

Rocket sneered: "No matter how much you pretend to be a weakling, you can't pretend to be a strong man."

Star-Lord glared at Rocket and said to Gamora: "Gamora, stop lying to them. I know exactly what the earth is like. Let alone the Chitauri, they can't even hit my spaceship."

Gamora said: "I'm not lying to you. You must have heard of Captain Marvel. As far as I know, she is an Earthling."


Everyone was shocked. Star-Lord shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible. Captain Marvel is so powerful, how can he be from Earth?"

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