In the sky, Ghidorah frantically extracted bioelectricity, and his whole body lit up with dazzling yellow light. Then, it opened its mouth, and a lightning beam several times thicker than before was blasted towards Andrew's location.

Whether he wins or loses depends on this blow.

Andrew smiled contemptuously, clasped his hands, and a portal appeared out of thin air. The lightning beam passed through the portal, whizzed down from above Ghidorah, and hit Ghidorah hard on the head.

Ghidorah wailed and fell down. Andrew circled his hands, and a huge portal appeared. Ghidorah fell into it and disappeared.

"Laton, you come in too."

Andrew ordered, and Raton was stunned. It said with consciousness: "Master, I am your pet."

"Just go in if I let you in, why is there all this nonsense?"

Andrew cursed impatiently, Laton did not dare to refute, and flew into the portal. Andrew waved his hand, and the portal disappeared.

Since then, the Titan disaster has completely subsided.

"it is finally over."

The superheroes and the audience cheered at the same time, and many even cried with joy. Nick Fury and Pierce leaned on their chairs at the same time and let out a big breath.

The world has once again returned to peace, which is gratifying.

Nick Fury thought of something and his eyes flickered: "Speaking of which, is the appearance of this black-robed mage related to those superheroes?"

"Done, call it a day."

Andrew took back the white-haired man and turned into mist and disappeared neatly. Really, he brushed off his clothes and hid his achievements and fame.

"Black-robed mage, you are the most handsome."

The whole world is shouting the name of the black-robed mage. Although we don't know why he came, there is no doubt that he saved the world once again.

Saved the world that was almost destroyed by humans themselves.

"Scarlett, your teacher is really too powerful, second only to Ghost Rider."

Jessica exclaimed: “This soul was not sold in vain.”

Luke Cage said: "Wake up, you are just adding to the story, Spider-Man, you are actually the one who saves the world."

"I did not do anything."

Spider-Man waved his hands hurriedly and said: "The one who saves the world is the black robed mage. He is really powerful."

Scarlett secretly thought: "One day, I will be as powerful as my teacher."

Steve stood up and said, "Okay, let's go rescue people. More than ten cities have been destroyed, and many places need our help."


The superheroes nodded, and then, with the help of Scarlett, they teleported to the disaster-stricken city for rescue.

In the Pacific Ocean, Ghidorah's two heads sank to the bottom of the sea, and blood poured out of the heads and merged into the surrounding seawater.

At this moment, a very slight spatial fluctuation appeared on the bottom of the sea. It resonated with Ghidorah's blood, and seemed to be locked onto something.

After a while, the spatial fluctuations disappeared, but the coordinates here have been locked by a certain world.

Humans don't know this. SHIELD and the American military are quickly rushing here to snatch Ghidorah's blood and head.

It's obvious that humans are starting to seek death again, even though they just almost destroyed the world because of seeking death.

This is what humans are.

Andrew was happy to hear this. At this moment, his demon body was beating Ghidorah in hell, and a group of Titan beasts were watching.

The Titans were originally very unruly, but when they saw Ghidorah being seriously injured and falling into hell, they all calmed down - even the king of monsters was so miserable, so they naturally chose to follow their heart.

Ghidorah is very strong, but it really is nothing in front of the Demon King of Hell. He was beaten like a pig's head. However, it was not Rodan. It refused to surrender and struggled desperately.

Andrew doesn't care about this. If he doesn't surrender for a day, he will fight for a day. If he doesn't surrender for a week, he will fight for a week. If he doesn't surrender for a month, he will kill him for meat and use the bones to refine the mechanical Ghidorah.

When Godzilla saw Ghidorah's miserable state, he felt lucky that he was no longer the king of monsters.

"I really want to fight, I really want to fight..."

Hulk saw so many Titans and kept running around excitedly. Howard exclaimed: "Nature is so amazing that even such monsters can be created."

Everyone nodded. The Titan beast was completely beyond their imagination. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there was such a big monster on the earth.

In short, all the Titan beasts fell into Andrew's hands. Over time, they will become Andrew's Titan army and fight for him in other hells.

"Those hell demon kings are unreliable. If you want to be the lord of hell, you can only push them sideways."

Andrew was thinking as he slapped Ghidorah away.

At the same time, Andrew on Earth was counting the harvest.

There is no doubt that the harvest this time is far greater than before!

First of all, souls, nearly 20 million souls were harvested this time!

Yes, nearly 20 million. You know, Andrew used to work hard for more than a year to get his total number of contracts to exceed 10 million. Now, it’s more than 10 million at a time.

Such a harvest is terrifying no matter what time it is. Of course, it is almost impossible to replicate unless there is another doomsday-level disaster.

In addition to souls, the biggest harvest is naturally more than a dozen Titan beasts and hundreds of Muto eggs, which will become the main force of rebirth in hell.

In addition, Andrew also harvested the souls of a group of superheroes, including Spider-Man, who has the potential of the Holy Spirit.

"Beyond that, there are oxygen destroyers."

Andrew murmured to himself that with his method, it was not difficult at all to get the design drawings of the Oxygen Destroyer. He didn't even need the devil's method. He just asked Alice to go to the other party's computer and browse around.

This thing is actually quite powerful and can come in handy at critical times. In addition, it does not pollute, which is different from nuclear bombs.


Andrew leaned back on the chair and drank tea leisurely. The earth is such a good place. It is full of talented people who speak well. I like it here very much.

This Titan disaster caused immeasurable economic losses. Several cities were even reduced to ruins, and the total number of casualties reached six figures.

The whole world is very angry, and everyone is condemning the U.S. military, including President Ellis. He declared that he would thoroughly clean up the military and never allow anything like this to happen again.

The U.S. military has become a street rat. Soldiers don't even dare to wear military uniforms and take to the streets. The whole world despises them, and many countries have asked the military for compensation.

Another aircraft carrier fleet was destroyed, coupled with the military's ruin, the reputation of the United States plummeted, and the position of the leader was shaky.

Of course, there will be no civil war on Earth. In fact, wars within the Earth have been decreasing.

There is no way, there are too many disasters, coupled with the invasion of demons and aliens, any sensible person knows that the earth needs to be united now.

This incident made the Imperial Organization officially appear in front of the public. However, this was the swan song of the Imperial Organization and they were about to disband.

Yes, it is about to be disbanded. This is normal. After all, all the Titans have disappeared.

Dr. Serizawa looked at the base full of information on Titans with a very sentimental look on his face. He had been studying Titans for a lifetime.

Others also looked lonely. Vivian said: "Teacher, what are you going to do next?"

"The United Nations is preparing to set up an alien research institution. They want to invite me to be the person in charge. If you are willing, you can come."

Dr. Serizawa said, and Vivian smiled: "Are they real aliens, or are they aliens that look like demons?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Dr. Serizawa was about to speak when suddenly all the top leaders of the Imperial Organization were pulled into the illusion.

"Where is this?"

Everyone was shocked. At this time, Vivian saw Maya Hansen and Giya standing aside and asked in surprise: "Why are you here too?"

"I don't know either. I was comforting Jiya and suddenly appeared here."

Maya Hansen hugged the scared Giya and said - the military betrayed its trust and caused Giya to lose her best friend.

Everyone was wondering when suddenly, a ball of human-shaped flame appeared out of thin air, and he said: "Hello, I am the Demon King of Hell."

"The Demon King of Hell?"

Everyone was startled, and many even backed away. Andrew smiled and said, "Don't be so scared, I don't usually eat people."

"General? In other words, he occasionally eats people."

Everyone became more and more panicked. Andrew smiled and said, "Let's get straight to the point. All the Titan beasts that the black-robed mage took away before are in my hell."

As he spoke, Andrew waved his hand, and a curtain of light appeared in the sky. Within the curtain of light were the Titans fighting in a melee.

That's right, the Titans are fighting in a melee, Ghidorah fights Godzilla, King Kong fights Raton, etc. Hulk keeps cheering on the side, and occasionally rushes in to kick Ghidorah.

"Do you have the Titan in your hands?"

Everyone was stunned, Jiya looked at King Kong excitedly, and it turned out that King Kong was not dead.

Dr. Serizawa was also very excited to see Godzilla again. Godzilla has always been a god in his heart.

"Yes, in my hand."

Andrew nodded: "You are experts on the Titans, so I would like to invite you to work in hell and continue to take care of the Titans."


Everyone was hesitant. They had feelings for the Titan. The problem was that they didn't want to die.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Andrew smiled and said: "I will prepare a mechanical body for you. After you fall asleep every day, you will enter the body of hell and take care of the Titan.

I will pay you wages in US dollars. In addition, you don’t have to worry about tax issues, I will help you solve them. "

"Salary, tax?"

After hearing what the Demon King said, everyone looked a little weird. Is there something wrong with this style of painting? Also, you, the devil, are too careful, right?

Vivian couldn't help but ask: "Do we have to agree?"

"Of course not, on a voluntary basis."

Andrew smiled and said: "If you don't want to, you can leave at any time, but you will lose the memory in the illusion.

If you are willing, you must sign a contract and you cannot tell anyone about hell. In addition, after your death, your soul will enter my hell. "

Everyone looked at each other and hesitated. At this time, Jia kept waving to Andrew. Her meaning was very clear. She wanted to enter hell and be with King Kong.

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