American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 245 Ghidorah

"Child, nothing is impossible in this world..."

Whitehall smiled and said to the Electro-optical man. At this moment, the instrument monitoring Ghidorah's brainwaves suddenly fluctuated violently.

Whitehall's expression changed and he shouted hurriedly: "The three-headed dragon is waking up. Immediately use nanobugs to forcefully control its nerve center so that it cannot resist."


The researchers immediately followed suit, and with a flash of his eyes, the electro-optical man secretly converted his current into a magnetic field.

Electro has been pursuing progress and electromagnetic integration. He wants to become as powerful as Magneto.

Electro has never told anyone else about this, so neither SHIELD nor Hydra knows about it.

Whitehall and others were in a hurry to control Ghidorah and did not notice Electro's small movements. As they operated, the nanobugs gradually eroded Ghidorah's nerve center.

At this moment, tiny yellow electric lights lit up in Ghidorah's brain, and the nanobugs were destroyed one after another.

The nanobugs used to control the brain are purely mechanical bugs, and high-voltage electricity is a great threat to them. Of course, under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about this problem. After all, most living creatures do not have high voltages in their heads. electricity.

Unfortunately, Ghidorah is an exception. It can control bioelectricity and a large number of nanobugs are destroyed.

Ghidorah's consciousness became more and more clear, and it even opened three pairs of lantern-sized eyes, looking down at the Hydra below like a god.

"Man, it releases electricity."

Whitehall looked at Ghidorah with fascination. This Titan beast was more perfect than he imagined - neither he nor the Imperial Organization knew Ghidorah's abilities.

In fact, in addition to the yellow electricity, Ghidorah also has the ability to regenerate. Even if his head is cut off, he can grow another one.

The Hydra soldier on the side shouted hurriedly: "Sir, Monster Zero has awakened and the nanobugs have failed. We must evacuate immediately."

"Then evacuate, take the Lightning Man with you, and go out. There will always be something to gain."

Whitehall said calmly, and the Hydra soldiers nodded. Then, they packed up their instruments and prepared to evacuate.

At this moment, the instrument imprisoning the electro-optical man suddenly exploded with a loud bang, and electric current shot wildly around him. Several Hydra soldiers were electrocuted to death on the spot.

The Electric Man appeared in the air and sneered at Whitehall: "Old man, you are right, nothing in this world is impossible."

"Deal with him."

Whitehall looked a little ugly and shouted loudly as he ran towards the steel suit - he was a cautious man and had specially reserved a steel suit for himself.

The two Hydra-enhanced soldiers immediately rushed towards the Electron Man. The Electron Man smiled disdainfully and shot out two little finger-thick electric currents, penetrating their chests and leaving two scorched holes.

Then, a current spread from the feet of the Electro to Whitehall, and Whitehall twitched and fell to the ground.

"You should put on the steel suit early in the morning."

Electro sneered, and the other Hydra soldiers saw this and hurried over to save Whitehall.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound from above. Everyone looked up and saw a large number of cracks on the ice wall. What was even worse was that these cracks continued to expand.

The electro-optical man's eyes flashed, and he used electric current to pull Whitehall to fly outward. At the same time, he waved his electric whip to destroy the surrounding steel frames. The steel frames fell with a crash, blocking the Hydra soldiers.

In the base square, both sides who were fighting felt violent vibrations on the ground at the same time, and couldn't help but stop. After a moment, the ground rumbled and cracked, and the yellow light below was faintly visible.

The expressions of the superheroes changed and they hurriedly flew up to escape from the area.

"It should be the three-headed dragon that has awakened."

Feihuo shouted excitedly. White Ghost frowned and asked using the communicator: "Sir, why haven't you come out yet?"

Whitehall didn't respond, and White Ghost's heart suddenly crossed. Could something have happened? He thought for a moment, pulled up the flying fire, and used the aircraft to escape far away.

It's more important to save your own life first.

The other Hydras were more loyal and prepared to rush into the base to rescue Whitehall. At this moment, the base began to collapse, and the soldiers had no choice but to retreat first.

Soon, the entire base collapsed, forming a huge pit. Yellow lightning was everywhere in the pit, making everyone tremble in fear.

Tony swallowed and said, "Obviously, Monster Zero has awakened, and it is more powerful than Muto."

"I can tell without you having to tell me."

Hellboy rolled his eyes and said, "The question is, is it controlled by that mysterious force?"

"Probably not. If it was really controlled, it wouldn't cause such a big battle."

Steve shook his head. At this time, three golden dragon heads with sharp horns poked out of the pit. They shook off the ice shards on their heads and roared excitedly.

Everyone's expressions changed. Whether it was the superheroes or Hydra, they all hurriedly backed away. The Titan creature's temper was not good.

"Ghidora appears."

Andrew looked at the Antarctic, looking a little excited. He was very satisfied with Ghidorah. When this matter was over, he would capture Ghidorah as a mount.

The majestic Demon King of Hell naturally needs a suitable mount. Of course, it is not an ordinary Ghidorah, but a mechanical Ghidorah.

Andrew murmured to himself: "The earth is too small, Titans, you should follow me to conquer hell and the sea of ​​stars."

"Monster Zero!"

Dr. Serizawa looked at the screen transmitted back by Steve and others and said, "Don't worry too much, Godzilla will deal with Monster Zero."

"It's Godzilla again."

Everyone rolled their eyes. They didn't have any good impressions of that damn fat man. After all, that guy let them off the hook last time, which almost led to their entire army being annihilated.

At this time, Ghidorah noticed the Hydra soldiers around him, immediately flapped his wings and flew out of the pit, flying quickly towards Hydra.

Ghidorah is very vindictive.

Only then did everyone see Ghidorah's appearance clearly. In addition to three heads, it also had two tails. In addition, it was about 150 meters long and weighed about 140,000 tons, which was heavier than Godzilla. Heavy, a real big guy.

When the Hydra soldiers saw Ghidorah chasing after them, they hurriedly accelerated their escape. Unfortunately, some of them did not have steel suits and were quickly caught up by Ghidorah.

Then, Ghidorah opened his mouth and swallowed a group of Hydra soldiers including their equipment.

"Shet, this guy can actually eat people?"

Tony was shocked. Muto does not eat people, it is only interested in nuclear bombs, and Ghidorah, it can eat people.

Seeing Ghidorah eating people, the remaining Hydra soldiers were filled with souls and fled to the ice sea next to them as fast as possible.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with the steel suit, Ghidorah roared, and his three necks lit up yellow at the same time.

Then, a large amount of yellow lightning erupted from Ghidorah's mouth, blasting towards the escaping Hydra soldiers.

Under the powerful current, the Hydra soldiers collectively fell to the ground with black smoke. Except for Bucky, White Ghost, and Spitfire, the three desperate warriors, the other Hydras died at the same time.

The superheroes were shocked. The three-headed dragon's combat power was beyond the limit, and it could even release lightning.

Dr. Serizawa was also stunned. Monster Zero is so powerful.

After dealing with the Hydra soldiers, Ghidorah turned his attention to Tony and the others. He didn't waste any time, flapping his wings vigorously and rushed over.

Tony and others ran away in a hurry, but Steve, Hawkeye and the others were too slow and were quickly caught up by Ghidorah. Then, one of Ghidorah's heads hit Steve hard.

Steve jumped to the side and narrowly avoided the attack. Ghidorah swept across his neck. Steve immediately raised his shield and was swept away.

The other two heads of Ghidorah bit Scarlett and Hellboy. Scarlett used magic to increase her speed and dodge in time.

Hellboy cursed, flapped his wings and flew into the air, and struck Ghidorah's head hard with the king's sword.

Even Ghidorah's head was hurt by the king's sword. It roared and bit Hellboy with three heads at the same time.

Hellboy hurriedly avoided, but unfortunately, he was hit by Ghidorah's head, flying sideways and collapsing the iceberg next to him.


Hellboy yelled and got up from the ground. Seeing that Ghidorah wanted to continue attacking, the others hurriedly attacked Ghidorah to divert its attention.

Ghidorah was furious, and yellow light emitted from his neck again. Everyone was shocked. At this critical moment, a blue atomic breath hit Ghidorah hard, causing Ghidorah to retreat repeatedly.

Everyone turned around and saw Godzilla, a fat man from the deep sea who was hundreds of meters high, stepping on the ice and walking towards them menacingly.

"This time, it kept its promise."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Tony said: "Dr. Serizawa, your god is here."

"I saw it."

Dr. Serizawa was very excited. His guess was correct. Godzilla was not running away. He had more important things to do.

Ghidorah and Godzilla are old rivals. Seeing it, he was extremely angry and excited, and immediately flapped his wings and rushed towards it.

Godzilla roared angrily and struggled to meet him. The next second, the two giant beasts collided with each other, forming a violent air wave, and ice and snow flew around.

Then, Godzilla grabbed one of Ghidorah's heads with his short hands and slammed it onto the ice. With a bang, the ice cracked on the spot.

Ghidorah's other two heads were furious and bit Godzilla fiercely. Godzilla roared angrily and swung his tail to knock Ghidorah's two heads away.

Then, Godzilla opened his mouth and bit Ghidorah's neck. Ghidorah was in pain and hit Godzilla with both claws of his hind limbs. Godzilla fell down with a roar, and the entire ice surface shook.

Ghidorah took the opportunity to pounce on Godzilla, and Godzilla used his tail to fight him off. Then, Godzilla got up, and his coral-like dorsal fins lit up with dazzling blue lights starting from his tail.

Seeing this, Ghidorah's neck also lit up with yellow light. After a moment, Godzilla opened his mouth, and his blue atomic breath blasted towards Ghidorah's chest again.

Ghidorah opened his mouth at the same time, and three lightning beams slammed into Godzilla. Godzilla was thrown back and his atomic breath swept across the surrounding area, cutting open all the ice and icebergs.

Soon, Godzilla's atomic breath stopped, and Ghidorah rushed forward with great ferocity, beating Godzilla back step by step.

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