At this time, the female MUTO got up from the ground, roared and bumped into Andrew. Andrew snorted coldly, picked up the male MUTO and hit the female MUTO hard. The two MUTOs turned into rolling gourds at the same time, and kept rolling on the ground. scroll.

Andrew wasted no time and strode towards the two MUTOs. The male MUTO had lost the ability to fight back and lay on the ground wailing. The female MUTO, who could still fight, got up and roared at Andrew.

Seeing this, Andrew raised his hands, and countless holy lights condensed between his hands. Then, a beam of light dozens of meters thick roared out and hit the female Muto hard.

The female MUTO slid back quickly with a bang. A large number of buildings were smashed through and collapsed by it, and the entire neighborhood was shrouded in dust.

After a moment, the light beam disappeared, and the female Muto knelt on the ground, with traces of burns from the holy light all over her body.

The female Muto wailed. Just as she was about to get up, an explosion suddenly came from her body. She screamed, spitting out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground.

The previous light penetrated into the female MUTO's body and exploded. The female MUTO was strong on the outside but relatively fragile on the inside.

King Kong quietly stepped back to prevent the giant of light from staring at him, which was too cruel.

"Ghost Rider is invincible."

Seeing that both MUTOs were defeated, the audience and the soldiers on the sea cheered loudly at the same time. Even Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the Ghost Rider is still reliable.

"It would be great if Ghost Rider wasn't punished."

Nick Fury didn't know how many times he had sighed like this.

Dr. Serizawa looked suspicious of life. He knew that Ghost Rider was very powerful, but he never thought he would be so powerful.

It was said that only Titan beasts can deal with Titan beasts?

Vivian was very happy and kept clapping her hands. She had always been a fan of Ghost Rider, and this time she became a die-hard fan.

"Okay, let me think about it, how to open the door to hell?"

Andrew thought for a while, then slammed his hands on the ground. The ground suddenly became pitch black, and the two MUTOs sank involuntarily.

Natasha complained again: "Why would you, an angel, open the gate to hell?"

"This is obviously not a serious angel."

As Jessica spoke, she looked at Andrew with admiring eyes. It didn't matter whether he was serious or not. What was important was that the Ghost Rider was really strong, incomparably strong.

Even the Titans are no match for him, they are simply gods on earth.

Soon, the two MUTOs were taken into hell. Andrew closed the door of hell, his body quickly shrank, and the light gradually disappeared.

"it's over."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. He quickly raised his head and saw everyone looking at him.

Tony rolled his eyes, he couldn't be bothered to despise these guys anymore.


Andrew smiled and said: "Humans, I would like to advise you, if you seek death, you will really die."

After saying that, before anyone could ask anything, Andrew turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Everyone who was still immersed in excitement was stunned. Ghost Rider would not say this for no reason. In other words, this matter is not over yet.

"SHIELD, and the American military, why are you trying to die? Can't you just let us live in peace for a few days?"

The audience was shocked and angry. Will there be a Titan more terrifying than Muto next?

"I didn't do anything? The Titan control plan didn't even start."

Nick Fury felt that he was wronged. Although he did want to do something, the Titans' pot really had nothing to do with him.

At this time, the picture on the screen disappeared, and Luo Shan said: "This live broadcast ends here. If there are new developments, we will report to everyone immediately.

Please pay attention to Clarion TV, we are the TV station with the fastest and most accurate information. "

"Isn't this disaster too much?"

The audience sighed, and many people were on alert and ready to retreat. No one knew what would happen next.

"Oops, it's a mysterious force."

Tony thought of something, his expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted through the communicator: "Dr. Serizawa, quickly ask about the situation of the other Titans, maybe there is a problem."


Dr. Serizawa was also a little panicked and hurriedly called the headquarters and asked them to contact various bases. Soon, bad news came from the headquarters: "The Antarctic base has lost contact."

"What, Antarctic base?"

Dr. Serizawa's expression changed, and Tony asked hurriedly: "Are there also Titans in the Antarctic base?"

"Yes, Monster Zero. It has three heads, is huge, and is frozen in ice."

Dr. Serizawa remembered the direction Godzilla left before and suddenly realized: "No wonder Godzilla left. It sensed that there was a problem with Monster Zero. In other words, Monster Zero is more terrifying than Muto."


Everyone couldn't help but curse. As soon as they finished dealing with Muto, another even more terrifying Monster Zero appeared.

"Dr. Serizawa, immediately send me the information on the Antarctic base. In addition, check other bases. Information about the Titan beasts should have been leaked."

Tony shouted and Dr. Serizawa nodded: "Okay, I will send a combat squadron to the Antarctic immediately. Maybe I can stop those people in time."

Nick Fury said: "SHIELD and the military will also send fighter planes there immediately."

"Too slow, too late."

Tony shook his head. He controlled Veronica to fly to Scarlett and asked, "Red-haired girl, do you still have magic power?"

"I don't have much magic power left, so I can only teleport a few people with me."

Scarlett shook her head. She had already arranged the portal and opened it again, but her magic power had already been exhausted.

Steve walked over with a shield on his back and said: "Scarlett, take a few of us over immediately. Fury, let's go over first, and you can handle the rest."

"Okay." Nick Fury nodded.


Scarlett also nodded. She thought of something and used mental magic to say to King Kong: "King Kong, the battle is over, you can go home."

King Kong hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked towards the portal. He was shocked by the presence of the Giant of Light and wanted to go back and be quiet.

After King Kong returned, Scarlett closed the portal in advance. Nick Fury's eyelids jumped as he saw that half a billion dollars was gone.

Magic is really not something that poor people can afford.

"Let the World Council approve another billion. After this record, they should agree."

Fury secretly thought, why a billion? All I can say is that I understand everything.

Then, Scarlett took Iron Man, Steve, Hellboy, Electro, and Hawkeye Barton in Mark's suit and teleported to the ice and snow of Antarctica.

As for the others, they were left to clean up San Francisco. This battle caused the collapse of a large number of buildings in the city. Next, half of the city had to be rebuilt.

Of course, the most important thing is that people are fine.

After everyone left, Dr. Serizawa hurriedly called the major bases to ask them to be more alert. On the other hand, he mobilized as many manpower as possible to rescue the Antarctic base.

"Dr. Serizawa, I think we need to talk carefully. This matter is related to the security of the entire world."

The holographic projection of Nick Fury said to Dr. Serizawa, and the military people also looked at Dr. Serizawa with burning eyes.

Dr. Serizawa hesitated and said, "I can share some information with you, but the leadership must be in the hands of our Imperial Organization."

"Okay." Nick Fury and the military personnel nodded at the same time.


The entire base was occupied by Hydra, and Whitehall and a group of Hydras stood busy in front of an ice wall hundreds of meters high.

Inside the ice wall is Monster Zero, King Ghidorah, with three huge dragon heads clearly visible.

At this moment, some small holes have been made in the ice wall, and the nanoworms can enter Ghidorah's three heads through the small holes and control its brain.

"Not done yet?"

The white ghost in a white suit asked Whitehall. He, Spitfire, and McCarren had defected to Hydra after the commander's defeat.

SHIELD searched desperately for the three of them, but found nothing.

"Controlling Titans is much more difficult than controlling humans. It requires a large number of nanobugs and the analysis of their brain structures."

While controlling the instruments in front of him with the researchers, Whitehall shook his head and said: "In addition, the three heads of the three-headed dragon are independent, which means that each head must be controlled.

It is estimated that it will take at least one or two hours to complete. "

Bai Ghost frowned: "It's easy for things to happen after such a long time."

Whitehall was about to answer when the phone suddenly rang. It was Pierce. After hearing this, he sighed: "Magic is really like cheating."

White Ghost immediately said: "Magic? The red-haired woman is here?"

"Yes, redhead, Iron Man, Captain America, Hellboy, Electro, Human Torch."

Whitehall said: "There are not many people coming. If you go out to stop them, give me at least half an hour. By then, we can initially control the three-headed dragon.

Once the initial control is successful, it will be useless for anyone to come. The three-headed dragon will destroy all enemies for us. "

Everyone was very excited when they heard this. At this moment, Fei Huo suddenly asked: "Isn't it useless for the Ghost Rider to come?"


Everyone fell silent, and Whitehall said expressionlessly: "Act immediately."

"Leave it to us."

What else did Spitfire want to ask, but he was forcefully taken away by White Ghost, and went out with Bucky and others to intercept the superheroes.

"Ghost Rider?"

Whitehall frowned slightly. Even he felt that Ghost Rider was a bit confused. He originally thought that the army of violent creatures was enough to deal with him, but in the end, even the Titan beast was defeated by him.

This guy is simply not a human being, no, he is indeed not a human being, he is an angel.

"I'm afraid even our Hydra's god 'Hive' is no match for him."

Whitehall shook his head and concentrated on controlling the instrument.

Hydra is divided into two factions, one is the modern Hydra developed by the Red Skull, with Pierce as the leader, and the other is the original Hydra that has been passed down for thousands of years, with the leader being the previously expelled director Gideon Malik. .

The original Hydra existed for only one purpose, to welcome back their god, the King of the Inhumans, the Hive.

Putting these aside, in the base square, Hydra and the superheroes met head-on.

Bucky glanced at Tony and the others, and whispered: "Sir, we haven't found the Electro. He may sneak into the base, please be careful."

"Others attract attention, and the Electro attacks sneakily. It's really not creative at all."

Whitehall smiled disdainfully and asked the soldiers to place an instrument. Then, the instrument started, with countless currents flashing inside.

In the square, Tony looked at White Ghost and was furious. He shouted: "White Ghost, I finally found you. Today is the day you die."

"I seem to have heard this sentence somewhere? I remembered it. It was you who said it. Hey, why am I still alive now?"

White Ghost sneered, and Tony became furious and activated the energy cannon to shoot at White Ghost: "Destroy them as quickly as possible. No matter what, we must prevent them from controlling the Titan beast."

"Do you even need to say this?"

Hellboy spit out the cigar from his mouth and ran hard towards Bucky in the steel suit. Bucky didn't waste any time. He raised his hand and blasted Hellboy with a pulse cannon.

Hellboy blocked the pulse wave with the flaming Sword of the King. Then, he rushed in front of Bucky and slashed down with the Sword of the King.

Bucky hurriedly raised his left hand to block the King's Sword. Unexpectedly, the left arm of the suit was cut directly by the King's Sword. Fortunately, there was a metal left arm under the left arm, which barely blocked the King's Sword.

Then, Bucky's chest lit up with light, and a pulse cannon blasted Hellboy away and fell to the ground full of ice and snow.

"I hate this damn place."

Hellboy cursed, got up and rushed towards Bucky again. Bucky's feet spurted flames and flew into the sky. Then, six micro-missiles popped out from the back of the suit and hit Hellboy.

Hellboy waved the King's Sword vigorously, a flame roared out, and micro-missiles exploded in the air one after another.

Then, Hellboy shouted, and a pair of flaming wings appeared behind him, leading him to chase Bucky in the sky.

Bucky's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly mobilized two steel suits to help. Hellboy was very powerful, and he was no match.

After all, Hellboy is also a clone of the Demon King, possessing the ‘power of a thunder god’.

At the same time, other people were also fighting in the square. Although Hydra had many people, the superheroes were not vegetarians. The two sides went back and forth, and the fighting became more and more intense.

While Hydra's attention was completely attracted by the superheroes, Electro turned into lightning and sneaked into the base quietly from behind.

Then, Electro followed the map provided by Dr. Serizawa and found the ice wall that sealed Ghidorah.

"It must not be allowed to be controlled by mysterious forces. It is obviously more powerful than Muto."

Looking at the huge three-headed dragon Ghidorah, the Electro was shocked. He took a deep breath, turned into lightning, and rushed along the ground towards Whitehall who was controlling the instrument.

It was obvious that he planned to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

At this moment, the electric man suddenly felt a strong suction force. Before he had time to struggle, he was sucked in by the electric current instrument on the side.

Electro wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape the force field around him, and he couldn't even change back into his human form.

"Electric Man, are you here?"

While continuing to control the instrument, Whitehall said: "This instrument is specially designed for you. I am very interested in your ability. I will study your entire anatomy."

Whitehall didn't scare people, he was very good at dissection, and Skye's mother Jiaying was dissected entirely by him.

"A device researched specifically for me? This is impossible."

The electro-optical man's face appeared in the instrument, and he shouted in disbelief. If you want to develop this kind of instrument specifically for him, you must know him very well.

The problem is, his data is strictly confidential and only a handful of SHIELD executives can view it.

Thanks to Wasteland Wanderer, People in the Rain Cherish Tears, Jade Rat Linfeng Xuanyuan Cang, and the Cabbage Demon for this week’s reward

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