Chapter 2345: Reinforcement

Then, Xisong cast the magic of fate, trying to restore the previous events and figure out how Minato Namikaze and the others broke the space defense shield. If this matter is not figured out, other defense shields will also have problems.

At this moment, a powerful force interfered with fate, causing Xisong's magic to fail.

Xisong vaguely saw the eyes of the Mechanical Demon King looking over here, and hurriedly cut off the magic, and Andrew's eyes disappeared.

"Damn the Mechanical Demon King, he has to contain the Lord of Order and resist the forced fusion of the world, how can he still have so much spare energy?"

Xisong couldn't help cursing, He thought about it, contacted the No. 5 compound tree Scar, and said: "Scar, send a few more commanders to New Delhi, the altar there cannot be broken."

"Because you are harvesting souls crazily there?"

Scar sneered, Xisong, Scar understood the little thoughts of the demons, wasn't it just borrowing his soldiers to harvest souls by himself?

"Ska, don't forget that our souls are split 50-50."

Sithon snorted coldly, Scar said: "The souls obtained by the Negative Legion and the Demon Legion are indeed split 50-50, but those terrorists you cultivated don't seem to plan to share my soul, right?"

"Those are just a small number, not worth mentioning."

Sithon said lightly: "Although for you, whether the Negative Legion wins or loses this time, it doesn't matter, but anyway, victory is better than defeat.

If the altar in New Delhi is broken again, the situation will collapse. By then, the altars in other cities will not be able to be saved, and the war will end soon."

After a pause, Sithon continued: "The war ends so quickly, and there is not much garbage to clean up. For you, there is still some impact, right?"

Sika did not deny that the purpose of His sending troops this time was, on the one hand, to collect souls to enhance strength, and on the other hand, to clean up garbage so that he could absorb negative aura more smoothly.

The more garbage is cleaned up, the faster Scar absorbs it. Originally, He thought there was no problem in this regard. After all, with the strength of the negative army, they can definitely fight for a long time, enough to clean up the garbage, but he didn't expect that an altar would be broken so soon.

If this continues, the garbage cleaned up will be far from enough. By then, he may have to start another war, which is too troublesome and easy to leak His existence.

Scar, the old silver coin, only plans to start two wars, one is now, and the other is a decisive battle, leading the endless negative army to completely unify the universe.

"In addition, if the battle situation collapses at this time, the King of Superpowers will be rescued."

Sithon continued: "At that time, everything we have worked hard to arrange will be in vain, so, Scar, you must send more troops to help deal with Minato Namikaze's team."

"I will send more troops to deal with that team in New Delhi."

Skar did not refuse again, and said: "However, Sithon, you also need to send more troops, at least add one more strong man, and attack Minato Namikaze's team with my people."

In fact, Scar is not short of a strong man, but this attitude must be shown, otherwise he will be treated as a sucker.

The reason why the devil has been fleeced by Sithon is because every time, he will listen to Sithon's advice, and never ask for conditions.

"No problem, a master will come to help. Also, don't put your hope on the space defense shield. It has been breached once and is not trustworthy."

Sithoen nodded. With Scar's reinforcements, it would be no problem to stop Namikaze Minato's team. Sithoen's goal was not to destroy Namikaze Minato and his team, but to prevent them from destroying the altar. Of course, if they could be destroyed, that would be the best.

After finishing the communication with Scar, Xisong contacted the Lord of Chaos and asked: "How is the King of Superpowers? The situation may change. We must get rid of the King of Superpowers as soon as possible. In this way, even if the war fails this time, it is no big deal. After all, our main goal has been achieved." "We are still in an advantageous position now, right? Do you think so far?" The Lord of Chaos couldn't help but complain. Xisong shook his head and said, "I'm used to it. Anyway, the King of Superpowers must die." "Don't worry, the King of Superpowers is dead. He has found the spiritual crystal that controls the chaos monster, but he doesn't know that I have attached a super-level chaos magic to the spiritual crystal." The Lord of Chaos sneered: "This super-level chaos magic will pull the King of Superpowers into a hundred illusions at the same time. In these hundred illusions, he will experience a hundred different lives. Each one is full of ups and downs and is wonderful.

For example, he was originally a slave, but later he rose up and became an emperor, or he was originally an abandoned girl, but later he grew up to be a empress. In short, each one is the protagonist. ”

Sisson’s eyes lit up: "One hundred, and there are men and women?"

"It seems you understand."

The Lord of Chaos smiled and said: "When the illusion ends, one hundred new personalities will return to the body, plus the power of chaos in the spiritual crystal, he will be lucky to become a madman. The greater possibility is that he will directly destroy himself and become a living dead. ”

"The King of Superpowers is dead."

Sisson nodded with satisfaction. If it was the kind of Father God who had lived for thousands of years, this trick would be useless. The problem is that although the King of Superpowers is also the Father God, he was a quick success, and his real age is only in his twenties.

How can a personality formed in more than twenty years of life be able to withstand the personality of a hundred protagonists? Among these one hundred protagonists, there might be a god-level personality that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Unless the King of Superpowers is the reincarnation of an old monster that is tens of thousands of years old, it is impossible for him to remain immortal.

Sithorn was completely relieved and went to hell to find a master from the devil. What, didn’t he have a master himself?

Of course there are experts in Sithorne, but it feels so bad to use your own things, while other people's things are free.

Although the devil was reluctant, after thinking about it, he still asked Alessa to send out a monster with the power of rules. Alessa was speechless, why was it me who got hurt?

New Delhi.

Dave used the teleportation array and brought Namikaze Minato, Ashley, and Blair to the roof of a building. As soon as they came here, they immediately smelled the pungent smell of blood. When they turned around, they saw corpses and blood everywhere. .

Not only that, there were a large number of casualties in the city, and raging monster and demon armies could be seen everywhere. As for the official soldiers and superpowers, they had been defeated and were struggling to their death.

Today's New Delhi is almost like a hell on earth. Thanks to the Great World of Superpowers, the number of superpowers has greatly increased, and the people have a certain ability to resist, otherwise they will die more.

"The situation is worse than what was said before. Those idiots above made a wrong decision and how many people were killed?"

Ashley cursed unhappily, and Minato Namikaze said: "I believe they don't want to either. Let's not talk about this. Let's destroy the demon portal first, and then destroy the altar.

After these two places are resolved, Marvin and the others will probably arrive. By then, we will work together to deal with the monsters in the city and save the people. Time is tight, so we must speed up. "


Everyone nodded. As for why the demon portal was destroyed first instead of the altar? Naturally, because they had just destroyed an altar, the other party would definitely be more vigilant, so they attacked the demon portal first.

However, the demons and negative monsters were not as stupid as Namikaze Minato and the others thought. When they teleported over, they were greeted by five commanders and a yawning monster - members of the Alessa Monster Legion.

These five negative leaders do not include the bomb demon. The bomb demon has to protect the altar and cannot escape casually.

"He's really here."

A commander sneered, and Namikaze Minato and others looked ugly. They didn't expect to be accurately calculated by the opponent. It was really troublesome. It seemed that a big battle was unavoidable.

"Originally we had no chance to come to Earth, but because you killed the Bone Demon and destroyed the altar, we had the chance to come up."

One of the five commanders, the female commander with a look that has brought disaster to the country and the people, said with a sweet smile: "I have to thank you all. Which of you is interested in dating me?"

This female leader is made up of countless women's resentments about why they are not beautiful. Therefore, she is very beautiful and has the power of charm rules. Most men cannot get rid of her charm.


Ashley and Blair cursed at the same time. Although Namikaze Minato thought the other party was very beautiful, he still looked away. On the one hand, he was determined, and on the other hand, he was loyal to his wife.

Dave can't do it. This guy is essentially an otaku and a bitch. Although he likes Betty very much, he hasn't caught her yet. Now that such a beautiful woman appears in front of him and has the rules of charm, Dave's eyes are straight. .

This woman is so beautiful.

"Looks like someone wants to date me."

The female commander smiled and waved to Dave. At the same time, her voice appeared in Dave's mind: "Kill Namikaze Minato in front of you, and I will be yours. You can do whatever you want."

The female leader said these words with her rules ability. Dave's eyes immediately became dull. There was only one thought left in his mind: "Kill Namikaze Minato and you can get her. You can do whatever you want." OK."

Dave's hands were raised, Minato Namikaze didn't notice this because he was standing behind everyone, he was looking at the demon portal, thinking about how to destroy it.

Although the demon portal is not protected by a space defense cover, there are a large number of skeletons entangled on the pillars on both sides of the portal. Once the portal is attacked, these skeletons will immediately fight back.

"Humans are nothing more than that."

Seeing Dave start to secretly condense magic, the female leader was very proud. As expected, she was the most powerful. She had to perform well and win the respect of the adults. Only in this way could she have a chance to seduce the adults.

Men conquer the world by force, and women conquer the world by men.

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