American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2344 Destruction

Ashley is talking about using the rules of the fire of anger to erode the space defense shield. The power of her rules is very powerful. Even the space defense shield can be eroded, but it takes time.

"One minute?"

Everyone had a headache. It was not difficult to protect Ashley for one minute, but it was almost impossible for her to come into contact with the space defense cover for one minute, because this meant that Ashley would become a fixed target, and the monsters would definitely Attack her like crazy.

At that time, everyone can only try their best to resist the attack for Ashley, and even have to be a target. This is not difficult, it is very difficult.

"This method has a low chance of success."

Namikaze Minato shook his head, Dave nodded in agreement, but Blair was moved in his heart and said: "Ashley, if I separate your hands from your body, can your hands continue to use abilities?"

Ashley asked in confusion: "The hand is separated from the body? Blair, how can you still control it after breaking it?"

"You should have read the One Piece manga. It's equivalent to splitting a fruit into pieces. I have a way to achieve a similar effect."

Blair explained: "In this case, can you continue to use your abilities?"

"Bucky's ability?"

Ashley thought for a while and said: "As long as you gather the power of supernatural powers in your arm in advance, it should be possible. However, what is the difference between a hand and a person? If not, it will still be discovered?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

When Ashley said yes, Blair was immediately overjoyed. She said, "Dave, I want you to use magic to completely cover Ashley's hand and hide all the fluctuations. Can you do it?"

Dave nodded first, and then asked: "Of course, but when Ashley erodes, will there be any fluctuations?"

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no fluctuations."

Ashley and Blair both laughed. If there were fluctuations, how could they be so mean? When Ashley and Blair were sparring before, Blair had no idea that his angelic shadow had been eroded.

What, the outcome of their competition? It doesn't matter who wins or loses, because they were taken to catch the rapist by Tsunade, so I won't go into details about the specific process. Anyway, Wonder Woman Diana ran away immediately afterwards. She had no choice but to save her face.

"That's easy."

Dave smiled and said: "However, although there is no fluctuation on Ashley's side, there is a certain fluctuation in the magic, and it may be discovered."

Blair said: "So, we have to take the initiative to attract the enemy's attention. As long as it lasts for one minute, Ashley can open the defensive cover and let us in."

"Without Ashley being discovered, one minute will definitely be fine."

Namikaze Minato said excitedly, and everyone nodded in agreement. Blair explained: "This method cannot be leaked. Other cities may be able to use it."

"It doesn't matter if it leaks. As long as you get inside and destroy the altar, I have a way to crack the space defense shield."

Namikaze Minato said confidently, once inside, you will naturally know the secrets of the space defense shield and the altar. With Namikaze Minato's talent, it is not difficult to crack them.

"Me too."

Dave shouted, no matter whether it works or not, he can't lose face and must express his position. Besides, he is the reincarnation of Merlin. There is no reason why Namikaze Minato can do it but he can't.

"That's better, let's get started."

Blair said happily, and then she put her hands on Ashley's arms. Ashley's arms separated from her body and flew to the side. There was no blood at the break, as if it was born that way.

Ashley feels very strange. She can control both her body and her arms, as if she has two brains.

Then, Dave used magic to hide Ashley's arm. This was not over yet. He also used magic to create a new arm for Ashley to prevent the enemy from seeing the flaw.

Of course, this new arm is just a look. Once it is attacked, or Ashley attacks with it, it will disappear. Ashley nodded and decided to become a mage for a while and not participate in close combat.

After preparations were completed, everyone started to take action. Namikaze Minato used Flying Thunder God to bring everyone to the space defense cover. Then, everyone launched an attack on the space defense cover.

"Rasengan." Namikaze Minato continued to roll the balls, this was his signature ninjutsu.

"The fire dragon roars." A large amount of black flames burst out from Ashley's body, forming a dark fire dragon in the air, spitting flames towards the space defense cover.

"Angel Holy Sword." Blair put his hands together, and a holy sword hundreds of meters long appeared in the air, slashing hard at the space defense shield.

"Infinite plasma balls." Dave rolled out a large number of plasma balls with his hands and blasted them towards the target one after another.

The four people joined forces to attack, and the space defense shield kept vibrating. Unfortunately, it was useless, because these attacks were transferred to other spaces, and the space defense shield quickly returned to normal.

The Bone Demon who was guarding the defensive shield smiled disdainfully when he saw this: "You humans have been preparing for so long, and this is it?"

Namikaze Minato and the others did not answer, but frantically attacked the space defense shield. On the surface, it seemed that they wanted to forcefully break the defense shield with the most violent attack, but in fact, they were covering for Ashley.

Namikaze Minato and the others succeeded, and the bone demon didn't notice the problem at all. It sneered, slapped its hands on the ground hard, and dense bone spurs emerged from the ground crazily and stabbed at everyone.

Wings appeared behind Ashley and Blair at the same time, and they flew high into the sky. Dave's clothes floated automatically, taking him to the sky. As for Minato Namikaze, he escaped from the attack range with a flying thunder god.

"It's just a few bones, what's that?"

Ashley shouted, and the fire dragon roared down from the sky, burning all the bones into ashes with flames. At this moment, a large number of bone spurs roared towards them. It was the bone demon who led the guards to attack.

The space defense shield is very magical. It can only defend the outside but not the inside. Therefore, Ashley's attacks will be blocked by the defense shield, but the attacks of the bone demons can penetrate the defense shield and attack Ashley and others.

One minute passed quickly in the fierce battle between the two sides. Ashley suddenly sent a signal with mental fluctuations. Everyone was overjoyed. Ashley succeeded.

Then, everyone remained silent and quietly approached Minato Namikaze with the help of the battle. Then, Ashley controlled the space defense shield and a small crack appeared - because of time, she only eroded it a little bit.

Although it was just a small crack, it was enough for Minato Namikaze. He used the Flying Thunder God Technique to lead everyone through the crack and into the altar.

"How is it possible?"

The Bone Demon's face changed drastically. He couldn't figure out why this happened. Before it could do anything, Blair released a huge cursed dragon.

The cursed dragon roared and swung its tail vigorously. The white bone guards were broken one after another, and the bones flew around. Then, the dragon's tail hit the Bone Demon fiercely.

The Bone Demon roared, and his palms grew wildly, trying to grab the dragon's tail. At this moment, an uncontrollable huge anger suddenly surged in its heart, making it want to destroy everything around it. It was Ashley's anger control.

This is not over yet. A pair of eyes full of justice appeared in front of the Bone Demon. The Bone Demon's mind popped up... uh, nothing popped up. On the one hand, the Bone Demon had just taken shape not long ago and had no chance to do bad things at all.

On the other hand, the Bone Demon is a negative aura, and it does not think that what they do is bad. Their values ​​are completely different from those of humans.

Although the Eye of Judgment did not play any role, it also made the Bone Demon sluggish for a while. Coupled with the control of the Fire of Rage, the Bone Demon lost the opportunity to fight back and was hit hard by the dragon's tail. The whole person flew out and even left the space defense shield.

While everyone was attacking the Bone Demon, Minato Namikaze took the opportunity to put the super bomb on the altar. Then, Dave used the invisible hand to gather everyone around Minato Namikaze.

At the same time, the cursed dragon turned into a ray of light and flew into Blair's palm. It was transformed by Andrew. In addition to its own abilities, it also has many special abilities.

"I am the most handsome guy in the ninja world."

Minato Namikaze endured the embarrassment and shouted loudly. At the same time, he launched the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared.

As soon as Minato Namikaze finished shouting, several super bombs swelled wildly, even becoming larger than the altar. Then, these bombs exploded with a bang, the altar was instantly shattered, and the light column and the space defense shield disappeared at the same time.

The fighting soldiers, the people in the city, and the audience in front of the screen saw this scene, and they were stunned at first, and then cheered together.

Great, the teleportation beam was broken. Next, there will be no more monsters. As long as the monsters in the city are cleared, Berlin will be safe again.

Although no one knows who did this, the people are very grateful to them. As expected, you can always trust superheroes.


The bone demon roared in pain. It could not accept the destruction of the altar it protected. It looked at Minato Namikaze and others and shouted, "I will kill you."

The Minato Namikaze team smiled slightly and went forward to besiege the bone demon. After 30 seconds, the bone demon was torn into a pile of bones.

"Marvin, you take people to clean up these bones and clean up the remaining monsters. We will go to New Delhi first."

Dave shouted. The situation in New Delhi was very bad. There was no time to go to the other two cities. We must go to New Delhi for support first.

"You go. We will go to support you as soon as we clean up the monsters."

Marvin shouted. He was very excited now. He didn't expect Minato Namikaze and others to actually break the altar, and so quickly. It was really great.

Not only Marvin could not think of it, but Sithoen and the others could not think of it either. Sithoen originally thought that the four altars would never be broken, but not long after, the facts slapped him in the face.

"This is impossible. The space defense shield is equivalent to a reduced version of the earth protection. How could it be broken so easily?"

Sithoen was shocked and angry. You know, the earth protection can withstand the attacks of hundreds of fire dragons. Even if the space defense shield was almost broken, there was no reason for it to be destroyed by four people, right?

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