The Lord of Chaos continued: "Not only will you become stronger, but other fire dragons will also be strengthened and even open up to wisdom. By then, you will have become a truly intelligent race, and will no longer be beasts that drink blood.

You are the dragon clan, the dragon clan that stands proudly above all races. "

"A truly intelligent race? Dragon race?"

The fire dragon's eyes are bright. If it was ignorant before, it would definitely not care about these things, but now that it has wisdom, many of its ideas have become different.

For example, the fire dragon has a sense of shame, a sense of glory, and a sense of racial responsibility.

"My lord, you can tell me whatever you want to do."

The fire dragon said respectfully. The Lord of Chaos was very satisfied and began to teach the fire dragon what to do. The first step was to eliminate humans first.

According to the original plot development of this world, the hero and heroine will kill the leader of the fire dragon, the only male dragon, in London, and then wait for the fire dragon clan to automatically decline.

However, due to the intervention of the Lord of Chaos, everything changed. Although the hero and heroine struggled desperately, they were still burned alive by the fire dragon leader. Once they died, although there were still some humans alive, humans had lost the possibility of dominating the earth. .

To put it simply, the earth has changed its protagonist, from the original human beings to the fire dragon clan.

Then, the leader of the fire dragon collected materials on the earth, and with the help of the Lord of Chaos, he successfully built a magic circle that absorbed the power of the world.

This behavior is equivalent to the general manager of the company betraying the company and taking the company's funds for his own use. Of course, it will be counterattacked by the consciousness of the world. However, with the help of the Lord of Chaos, this is not a problem at all. The strength of the Fire Dragon Clan has increased rapidly.

"Unfortunately, the time is too short and there is no way to solve the backlash. Otherwise, the power of a world would be enough for the leader of the fire dragon to break through to the Heavenly Father God."

Although everything goes well, the Lord of Chaos still feels a little regretful. If he is given enough time, he can turn the fire dragon leader into the patron saint of that world. By then, the fire dragon leader will definitely break through the Father God.

However, the current situation is almost enough. When the new world and the earth are forcibly merged, I will use chaos magic to transfer the fire dragon clan to the earth, and then help them awaken their superpowers, so that they can greatly improve with the help of superpowers. strength.

In this way, you will have a very powerful force on your hands, making it much easier to do things.

More importantly, these fire dragons can bring great fear to the world, and fear will bring chaos, endless chaos.

In addition, it is not difficult at all for the master of the superpower to awaken the fire dragon's powers. Chaos magic can easily solve this problem.

"It's a waste of a trump card, so naturally you have to supplement it from other aspects."

The Lord of Chaos shook his head and said to the Lord of Order: "Van Helsing World, you have to get it done as soon as possible. The Machine Demon King is not that easy to deal with. Without the support of a world, we may not be able to defeat him."

"I'm already working on it."

The Lord of Order said: "The faith in Van Helsing's world is getting stronger and stronger now. When it reaches a certain level, I will let the angels from heaven descend to earth to completely harvest this world and turn it into our weapon."

The Lord of Chaos nodded and said: "Very good, the one who laughs last is the winner, and we will definitely laugh last."

"Isn't that a matter of course?" The Lord of Order laughed. They had prepared so much, how could they lose?

New York, Chinese restaurant, Andrew, Samantha, Ashley, Blair, finally all go home.

These days, they were busy fighting monsters and then rescuing people. Now that the situation is a little more stable, they came back to take a rest.

"I wonder how uncle is doing. He is so old and keeps saving people. What if he dies suddenly on the way?"

Ashley said dissatisfiedly, her voice full of concern for Andrew. Blair sighed and said worriedly: "Uncle maybe knows that he doesn't have much time, so he takes advantage of this last moment to save more people." .

It's all our fault that we are so useless, we can't even protect our uncle, and we need him to save us in turn. If it hadn't been for that desperate effort, he wouldn't have aged so fast. "

"I will never let uncle die. I will definitely find a way to make him recover."

Ashley clenched her fists and shouted loudly, and Blair also said: "Me too, angels have healing abilities. I will try my best to understand the rules and understand the healing abilities to the extreme. By then, I may be able to understand the ability to resurrect. ”

"Resurrection? Blair, your ability is still useful."

Ashley said sourly: "No wonder uncle dotes on you even more."

Blair said, "Isn't it that uncle loves you more? He spends obviously more time with you than with me."

"That's because I took the initiative and you were too passive."

Ashley said, and Tsunade on the side was speechless. Are these two women too powerful in their ability to bend buildings? One second, I was worried about Andrew's aging and life and death, and the next second, it turned into that matter.

"How can that scumbag die so easily? He won't die even if the world is destroyed."

Tsunade yawned and lay down on the table to sleep. Although she had recovered, the power of opening the eighth door was too great, and she was still a little unenergetic.

Just then, Andrew and Samantha came back, followed by a turtle about the size of a puppy, which was the Earth Turtle.

Ashley heard the noise and hurriedly ran to the door with Blair to greet Andrew. Unexpectedly, after she came out, she saw two 'strangers' and asked in surprise: "Handsome guy, who are you? Uh, you look familiar. ”

Samantha next to Andrew laughed. She posed and asked Ashley: "Ashley, who do you think I am?"

"When I see you like this, I know you are not a serious woman."

Ashley looked at Samantha with a look of disgust on her face: "But, you look familiar, are we classmates?"

This time, it was Andrew's turn to laugh. Samantha glared at Ashley and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"Where are you serious? If you want to be serious, you won't even go to high school, travel across the country, marry a man midway, and get pregnant with Ashley early?"

Andrew complained, and Samantha rolled her eyes. What kind of background was revealed? Ashley was shocked when she heard this. She pointed at Samantha and asked, "Mom? How is this possible?"

Immediately, Ashley reacted, pointed at Andrew, and asked in surprise: "Uncle?"

Ashley was not only shocked, but also a little panicked. Her uncle and mother suddenly turned eighteen years old and came back together very closely. Could something have happened?

"Yes, it's us."

Andrew smiled and said: "Uncle, I have told you a long time ago that I am only twenty years old. You have always not believed it. Do you believe it now?"

"Uncle, are you back to health?"

Blair asked happily, and was a little speechless at the same time. She and Ashley were worried before, fearing that Andrew would die suddenly outside. As a result, he would turn back to twenty years old. He looked very good, so why couldn't you just call and let him know? ?

"It's just some recovery, not all recovery."

Andrew shook his head and said, "I believe you want to know everything about me. Today, I won't pretend anymore and will tell you everything clearly."

"Uncle, I will definitely believe you this time."

Ashley said, while quietly pushing Samantha aside, she held Andrew's arm, and Blair held the other side very skillfully.

Samantha was a little speechless, shall I go? Well, of course I can't leave, I still have to listen to the story.

"Ashley, your words have no credibility at all."

Andrew complained, and then, surrounded by the two women, he returned to the living room. When Tsunade saw their looks, she wanted to leave in disgust.

"Don't leave yet."

Andrew stopped Tsunade and said, "The first thing I want to tell you is that some time ago, your yokozuna sister became my girlfriend."


Ashley, Blair, and Samantha were all stunned at the same time. They never expected that Andrew would actually have an affair with Tsunade. Aren't they just a boss-employee relationship?

No, they ignored it. There was something obviously wrong with Tsunade being so powerful but staying as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. Moreover, Tsunade was very beautiful. In particular, one part was particularly big, even bigger than Ashley and Blair is still big enough to suit someone's taste.

The reason why they haven't thought about this is because Tsunade is too lazy, so lazy that they think no one will bother her.

Seeing Andrew announce this, Tsunade was a little surprised. She thought Andrew would keep hiding it. After all, telling the truth might cause him to capsize.

Of course, in her heart, Tsunade felt very happy. Although she was reluctant, she was also that guy's girlfriend, so why should she hide?

Tsunade took out the sapphire earrings given by Andrew and put them on openly. Now that things had happened, there was no need to pretend.

Seeing the sapphire earrings, Ashley, Blair, and Samantha glared at Andrew at the same time. Andrew glanced at Samantha with a half-smile. Samantha suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She didn't seem to have any position to get angry?

Andrew was afraid that he would not die today, so he continued: "The second thing is, I really have dozens of girlfriends, I'm not kidding."

"I originally planned to ask you about this, but I didn't expect you to be so frank. No, you've always been so frank. It's because we don't believe it."

Ashley said with complicated eyes, but did not let go of Andrew's arm. Instead, she hugged him tighter, as if she was afraid of being snatched away.

The same is true for Blair. In fact, the impact of this incident on them is not too great. On the one hand, they already share Andrew.

The difference between two girlfriends and dozens of girlfriends is not that big. Well, okay, it’s actually quite big, but it’s definitely smaller than the difference between one girlfriend and dozens of girlfriends. It’s still much smaller.

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