American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2277 Fire Dragon

"We will not lose, let alone join any alliance of losers."

Sithorn's words made the Lord of Chaos very dissatisfied. He said: "I have ways to contain those Heavenly Father Gods, but you must also contribute. It cannot be just me and the Lord of Order."

"Of course we will do our part. No one hates the Machine Demon more than us, and no one wants to win more than us."

Sithorne was overjoyed when he heard this and said hurriedly: "Lord of Chaos, please tell me your plan first, and I'll see how we can cooperate?"

"no problem."

The Lord of Chaos nodded and said: "To contain those Heavenly Father Gods, we need to pull a world to the main universe in advance."

Sithorn expressed confusion: "Pull a world to the main universe in advance?"

"Yes, the main universe has a special physique that attracts other worlds. It has been several months since the last world fusion, and the next world is coming soon."

The Lord of Chaos said that this was something he and the Lord of Order sensed together. Although these two people have been suppressed by Andrew, their true strength is still quite powerful.

The Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos were suppressed by Andrew. It was because Andrew was too strong, not because the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos were too weak.

"World fusion?"

Sithorn was stunned for a moment, then realized it and said with a smile: "I have been in the supernatural disaster all the time, and I have forgotten that every few months, a new world will be integrated into the main universe, and then a disaster will break out."

The disaster caused by the supernatural world this time is a disaster of the main universe itself and has nothing to do with world fusion. Therefore, world fusion disasters will still happen.

"According to what the Lord of Order and I sensed, the small world integrated into the main universe this time is not too powerful."

The Lord of Chaos continued: "Therefore, if we want to hold back those Heavenly Father Gods, we need to do something, otherwise, the disaster of world integration will be easily solved by them."

"As the people on earth gradually become stronger, the world fusion disaster will become weaker and weaker. In a few years, it may become the copy that the superpowers expect."

Sithorn thought of something and sighed: "A group of superpowers are waiting to enter the dungeon, and at the same time they are loudly recruiting teammates, just like playing a game."

"That won't happen because the Earth doesn't have that long life."

The Lord of Chaos said: "Don't change the subject. This new world conflicts with the Earth of the main universe and cannot be integrated into the Earth. Under normal circumstances, it will become a small subsidiary world.

Let's join forces to forcibly integrate this small world into the earth. "

"Is it possible to forcibly integrate a small world into the earth?"

Sithorn was stunned. He couldn't do this. In fact, he couldn't do anything in terms of world integration, not to mention forcibly integrating, not even predicting it.

In comparison, the Crimson Demon God is powerful and can even enter the small world in advance. Unfortunately, he is unwilling to cooperate and tell everyone the method. Otherwise, defeating the Machine Demon King will be just around the corner.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it. I can forcefully confuse the future of the small world and change it from being attached to the small world to integrating into the earth."

The Lord of Chaos said proudly, and Sithorn snorted secretly. These newcomers are always so arrogant. If it were not for the sake of the overall situation, they would have been repaired long ago.

Sithorn asked: "Lord of Chaos, what will be the consequences of doing this?"

"It's very simple. Forcibly integrating a new world that cannot be integrated into the earth will lead to serious conflicts between the two. At that time, some places will disappear directly, and some places will be forcibly integrated. In short, many people will die."

The Lord of Chaos said: "If the Mechanical Demon King does not want this to happen, he must send a large number of Heavenly Father Gods to prevent the small worlds from forcibly merging. In this way, not only can the Heavenly Father Gods that have appeared be contained, but also the remaining Mechanical Demon King can be forced out. Father God.”

Sithorn's eyes lit up: "What a great way."

"Of course it's a good method. This was originally one of my trump cards. Unfortunately, because you are too incompetent, I can only use it in advance."

The Lord of Chaos snorted coldly: "If used during the final battle, it is very likely to destroy the earth. Even if it cannot be destroyed, it can distract the mechanical demon king and even use his body to carry the small world, and then be beaten to death by us. "

"Well, that's exactly what a superhero would do, which is a shame."

Sithorn also felt a little pity. He said: "The problem is, if we don't use it in advance, we may have no advantage at all in the decisive battle."

"It seems that the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order are not very honest. They have secretly prepared a lot of trump cards. They have to figure out their arrangements. After all, after defeating the Machine Demon King, it will be my turn to fight them."

Sithorn secretly thought, of course, he will not do any damage, but he still has the overall perspective - mainly because the Machine Demon King is too scary.

"This should be done sooner rather than later."

The Lord of Chaos said: "I will arrange a special magic circle. When the time comes, you will input the magic into it. Together, we will change the future of the small world and integrate it into the earth earlier.

This is a huge project. Not only the devils and you have to input magic power, but the devil kings under you also have to participate in it. "

Sithorn glanced at the Lord of Chaos suspiciously, and the Lord of Chaos said disdainfully: "I will not lose sight of the overall situation like you. There is nothing wrong with the magic circle. You can check it yourself."

There is indeed nothing wrong with the magic circle, and it will not come with a curse, but it will remember everyone's magic aura. When they fall out in the future, the Lord of Chaos will have a greater advantage.

"Okay, I'll go back and tell the demons. I believe they will agree."

Sithon nodded and said, "As long as we can contain the Father God, the rest will be easy. We can create a lot of killing and stir up all kinds of chaos. When the decisive battle breaks out, the earth will definitely be an extremely chaotic world."

"That's inevitable."

The Lord of Chaos nodded, and then Sithon left. The Lord of Chaos snorted, and a light curtain appeared in front of him. In the light curtain, there was a scene of a small world. There is no doubt that this small world is the new world that is about to be integrated into the earth.

This small world is a very desolate earth, but it is not ancient, but modern. In the abandoned city, there are only a lot of burned buildings and weeds, and no people can be seen at all.

What's more surprising is that there are many giant dragons flying in the sky. Obviously, the masters of this world are no longer humans, but those giant dragons.

The history of this small world is very simple. One year, archaeologists dug a fire dragon underground, and then the fire dragon was resurrected and led a large number of dragons to fight against humans.

In the end, humans were defeated. Some were burned to death, some became food for fire dragons, and the rest hid in some places to survive, while fire dragons occupied the world.

However, these fire dragons are not very intelligent. They are still wild beasts. They cannot produce food by themselves. They can only eat humans and the gifts of nature.

As for how such a group of fire dragons defeated humans? That depends on one's own opinion.

"Although these fire dragons can defeat humans, their strength is not too strong. At least, they are not as strong as the Father God. However, they have great potential."

The Lord of Chaos looked at the largest black dragon in the dragon group. It was the only male dragon in the fire dragon group. As for the other dragons, they were all female dragons. Humans also knew this and had been trying to kill this male dragon. Unfortunately, they never succeeded.

"The first thing is to help you open your spiritual wisdom."

The Lord of Chaos looked at his branch. A flower bloomed on the branch, and then a fruit grew in the flower. Then, the Lord of Chaos sent the fruit to the fire dragon.

The fire dragon was startled when it looked at the fruit that suddenly appeared. It was about to spit fire to burn the fruit, but suddenly it smelled the fragrance of the fruit and instinctively swallowed the fruit into its mouth. Although it had a certain amount of wisdom, it was still a beast after all.

The Lord of Chaos nodded with satisfaction. This fruit could open the wisdom of the fire dragon and leave a mark in the fire dragon's soul. This fire dragon would completely obey His orders.

After the fire dragon swallowed the fruit, its cloudy eyes gradually became clear. At the same time, its brain became much more flexible. Thinking back to the past, it felt so stupid.

"Why didn't I stop the group of humans from escaping before? Instead, I set fire to the vegetable garden?"

"Uh, is this ghost place where dragons live? Too miserable, I want to enslave humans, let them build a castle for me, let them serve me, and at the same time, raise a large number of humans, so that I don't have to worry about having no food to eat.

Even better, those humans can feed themselves. Tsk, tsk, they are really perfect slaves."

The more the fire dragon thought about it, the more excited it became. It felt that a brand new world had opened up in front of it.

"Your idea is good, but you are too weak to keep what you have."

The voice of the Lord of Chaos rang in the fire dragon's mind: "You must become stronger, and at the same time, lead your race to become stronger. Only in this way can you achieve your goal."

The fire dragon felt that the voice of the Lord of Chaos was very close, and couldn't help asking: "Did you give me the fruit?"

"It's me, I will bring you a new life."

The Lord of Chaos said that because the fire dragon had taken his fruit, the persuasion process was very simple. Not long after, the fire dragon knelt on the ground and shouted: "The dragon has been wandering for half a lifetime and has not met a wise master. If you don't abandon me..."

Uh, sorry, I messed up the words. In short, the fire dragon declared his submission and regarded the Lord of Chaos as a god, which was much higher than a foster father or something.

The fire dragon asked respectfully: "My Lord, how can I improve my strength?"

"It's very simple, draw the power of the world."

The Lord of Chaos said: "Anyway, this world is destined to be destroyed, there is no need to keep it, you first lead your fire dragon army to kill all humans and completely become the master of the earth.

Then, I will give you a magic circle, you use this magic circle to draw the power of the world, then your strength will increase wildly, and you will become a true dragon king, the king of fire dragons."

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