American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 224 Fierce Battle

"Set off."

Steve didn't waste any time and led a group of superheroes to the river not far away.

At the same time, the special forces, led by Duke, went to support SHIELD agents and the British army.

"All Quinjets take off, target, alien battleship, Shet, didn't Thor say that Asgard is the only one in the Nine Realms that has battleships?"

Nick Fury shouted an order, and the English military also activated fighter planes, flying into the sky together with Quinjet aircraft and unmanned suits, and fired missiles and energy cannons at the Dagger battleship.

Seeing this, the dark elves controlled the dagger warship to avoid attacks, especially energy attacks. As for large-caliber bullets and missiles, they didn't care much. The reason was simple. Bullets and missiles could not break the warship's own defensive shield at all.

"Destroy these earth natives."

Then, the dark elves counterattacked, shooting out a large number of energy beams densely. Quinjets and military fighter planes turned into fireballs one after another and fell from the sky.

The unmanned suits were more flexible and barely escaped the energy beam. Under the control of Jarvis, they continued to attack the dagger battleship. Unfortunately, because of the poor firepower, they could only barely contain the opponent.

Andrew shook his head: "Planet level, interstellar level, a word difference, a huge difference."


Nick Fury gritted his teeth bitterly. Although Earth's technology has been developing, it is still too slow.

"Wow, it turns out that aliens also have battleships. They are not all primitive aborigines. Our fighter planes are no match for them."

Daisy continued the live broadcast without knowing whether to live or die. At this time, she saw the superheroes rushing towards this side. She was overjoyed and immediately pointed the camera at the superheroes.

"Ma'am, please leave immediately."

Steve noticed Daisy and thought she looked familiar, so he hurriedly asked her to leave. Unfortunately, Daisy ignored her completely.

Steve had no choice but to ignore it. Soon, a group of superheroes came to the river. They were about to launch an attack. Five tall cursed warriors wearing ferocious armors jumped from the main ship one after another, and thundered down on them. Ahead, a lot of dirt was kicked up.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and their intuition told them that these five cursed warriors were very dangerous.

Steve stepped forward on behalf of everyone and shouted: "I don't know who you are, please leave the earth immediately."

The five cursed warriors ignored Steve. At this time, a voice sounded from above: "They can't leave the earth because they want to destroy the earth."

Everyone looked up and saw Loki and a woman standing on the flying boat, looking at them with a smile on their faces.

"Shet, Loki, are you causing trouble again?"

Tony gritted his teeth and cursed: "This time, I will never let you leave the earth alive."

Hawkeye said bitterly: "Add me one more."

"You seem to hate me. This is my honor. Super heroes, I give you a big gift."

Loki smiled slightly and stepped aside so that everyone could see Lorelei behind him.


When they saw Lorelai, both men and women present were all struck by what a beautiful woman they are.

The difference is that women simply think that the other person is good-looking, uh, maybe a little envious and jealous, while men obviously have obsession in their eyes.

Scarlett, the red-haired woman, realized something was wrong and hurriedly shouted: "If there is a problem, don't look at her."

While Scarlett was shouting, Spider-Woman Gwen raised her hand and Lorelei shot a ball of spider silk to seal her mouth.

Gwen felt that she had to do this, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

Lorelai was about to turn the men into her puppets when her mouth was suddenly sealed. She became furious and hurriedly raised her hand to grab the spider silk on her mouth.

At this moment, a large number of high-temperature crossbow arrows were fired at Lorelei, but it was Scarlett who launched the attack.

Lorelai hurriedly controlled the flying boat to avoid it. Scarlett continued to attack while flying towards Lorelai, not giving her a chance to get rid of the spider silk.

When Loki saw this, he had no intention of helping Lorelei. He flew back to the main ship wrapped in black energy and walked towards the altar.

Today, his task is to control the altar.

Andrew looked disappointed. He also wanted to take a picture of the superheroes turning into licking dogs, but he didn't expect that Lorelei was interrupted before she could show off her power.

Andrew sighed: "I blame myself for training Gwen and Scarlett to be too strong."

"Useless Asgardian magic."

The Cursed Warriors smiled disdainfully. They never expected Lorelai to succeed from the beginning. They no longer wasted time and strode towards the superheroes.

"Be careful, they are not simple."

Steve raised his shield and shouted loudly, everyone nodded and stood ready.

"I'll try them first."

The stone man was very conscious of being a human shield and took the initiative to rush towards the cursed warriors.

The leading Cursed Warrior smiled disdainfully, and punched the charging stone man like a meteor hitting the earth.

The stone man hurriedly raised his arms to resist. With a bang, he was thrown hundreds of meters away and rolled on the ground.


Tony and Rhodes' expressions changed slightly, and six micro-missiles popped up from behind at the same time. Then, the micro-missiles hit the Cursed Warrior with their long tails.

Boom, boom... The micro-missiles exploded one after another, and flames and black smoke rose into the sky.

"Is it effective?"

Everyone looked at the cursed warrior. Soon, the black smoke dissipated. Although the cursed warrior was a little embarrassed, he was obviously not injured.

"Super hero?"

The Cursed Warrior looked contemptuous. Human Torch did not believe in evil. He flew into the air, pushed with both hands, and two balls of flame roared down towards the Cursed Warrior.

The Cursed Warrior didn't even try to hide and kicked a big rock towards the Thunderbolt. Susan quickly used a defensive shield to block the big rock.

Bang, the defensive cover shook violently, and then the big stone bounced back and fell to the ground with a bang.

Susan's expression changed slightly, she was so powerful.

"Kill them."

The cursed warriors no longer waste time and rush forward to fight with the superheroes.

Dr. Banner's fist and the cursed warrior's fist hit each other's chest at the same time. Then, Dr. Banner screamed and flew backwards, falling heavily to the ground, while the cursed warrior only took a few steps back. The gap between the two sides was clear at a glance.

Dr. Reed wanted to use his body to bind the Cursed Warrior. Who knows, the Cursed Warrior's hands were as hot as lava. If Steve hadn't smashed the shield over in time, Dr. Reed might have been burned to death.

Tony was caught off guard and used a laser to sneak attack the Cursed Warrior, trying to split him in two. Unfortunately, the laser got stuck in the opponent's bones. Then, the Cursed Warrior kicked Tony's suit slightly and deformed it.

Although there are many superheroes, they are at a disadvantage as soon as they meet. They are no match for the five cursed warriors.

This is normal. Every cursed warrior is stronger than Thor. What's even more frightening is that they will continue to heal themselves before their life force is exhausted.

The scene of the superheroes being at a disadvantage was broadcast live by Daisy. The citizens couldn't help but feel a little desperate. Even the superheroes couldn't do it. Who else could save them?

At this moment, the situation in London is getting worse and worse - a large number of fire giants, frost giants, and monsters appear on the streets of London one after another, attacking humans crazily.

Although the agents and soldiers worked hard and desperately, facing more and more enemies, they gradually became overwhelmed.

To make matters worse, the Dagger Battleship no longer struggled with the unmanned suits and concentrated on destroying the buildings in the city. Flames and black smoke were everywhere in London, as if hell was coming.

"Fortunately we retreated quickly."

The Prime Minister of England and others looked at the tragic situation in the city, feeling angry and thankful at the same time - after they made the decision, they immediately took a helicopter to evacuate, and the rabbit could not run as fast as them.

"You can escape the space-based disaster, but you can't escape the gathering of celestial bodies and harvest time."

Andrew smiled slightly and pulled the desperate citizens into the illusion to sign the contract.

It is worth mentioning that the contract this time is the same as the one when Mephisto invaded New York. There is no guarantee that you will be saved. You can sign it or not.

In a desperate situation, the people had no choice but to sign soul contracts with the succubi. Then, a large number of robots descended from the sky and took the contractors to a safe place.

Satanish restrained the main force of the Peace Knights, and ordinary robots were not affected.


The dark elves, fire giants, and frost giants saw the robot running out to save people and immediately attacked the robot.

Their goal is to kill everyone on earth they see.

"court death."

The Black Widow Legion flew out from the aperture in the sky with a large number of Chitauri biochemical soldiers on flying motorcycles, and launched an attack on the Fire Giants and Frost Giants who dared to attack the robots.

As energy beams roared down, a large number of fire giants and frost giants were declared dead.

Chitauri biochemical soldiers are the standard equipment of the new Lunar battleship of the Peace Knights, responsible for low-level work and cannon fodder.

At the same time, Yelena flew to a dagger battleship, and the high-temperature short blade popped out, piercing the defensive shield and piercing the battleship.

Then, Yelena's feet spurted out flames and flew upwards quickly. The high-temperature short blade tore open a larger and larger hole in the battleship.

Boom, the battleship exploded, falling downwards with flames and black smoke.

"Contain my troops? I have bases everywhere. Have you contained them?"

Andrew snorted coldly. He put down the teacup and asked, "You've been staring at me for so long, why don't you take action?"

Before Andrew finished speaking, Loki and an altar filled with black energy suddenly appeared in front of him. Then, the black energy rose into the sky and turned into a demon barrier to seal Andrew inside.

It is worth mentioning that there are many souls wailing on the Demon King's Barrier. They are London citizens who were killed before. The more people die, the stronger the barrier becomes.

"Mechanical Demon King, you are indeed very powerful, but no matter how strong you are, you cannot destroy the barriers set up by so many demon kings."

Loki said arrogantly, and Andrew sneered: "Really? Let's see."

After saying that, a large number of turrets appeared out of thin air around them, firing energy cannons wildly at the barrier.

"One man is like an army."

Loki's eyes lit up, Demon King, I want to learn magic.

Under the attack of the energy cannon, the barrier shook violently, but unfortunately, that was all. The barrier that the demon kings had spent a lot of time setting up could obviously not be destroyed so easily.

This devil's barrier can stop Andrew for at least an hour.

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