American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 223 Crimson Demon God

In London, Hellboy and two helpers rushed into the church angrily. His adoptive father, Professor Bloom, was captured by the resurrected Blood Queen.

Yes, in the past few days, the Blood Queen has been successfully resurrected, and Hellboy failed to stop her.

"Anu N Rama, son of Satan, you are finally here."

The Blood Queen, who was only covered in transparent gauze clothes, said excitedly: "You will destroy this damn world with me."

"Blood Queen, let go of my father."

Hellboy roared and rushed towards the Blood Queen. At this moment, a pig monster rushed out and knocked Hellboy away hard.

Then, Hellboy and the pig monster fought in the church, and Hellboy was completely at a disadvantage.

The Blood Queen couldn't help but shake her head. As the son of Satan, Hellboy shouldn't be so weak. The problem is that he has been suppressing his demonic nature, causing most of the demonic power to sleep.

"All this is caused by this bad old man."

The Blood Queen turned to look at Professor Bloom, her eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

However, the Blood Queen did not take action immediately. She was waiting for the order. Once the order came, she would immediately kill Professor Bloom and let Hellboy complete his transformation and become the real son of Satan.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called sons of Satan are not really descendants of Satan. Many demon kings like to call themselves Satan, such as Marduk.

Demon kings appeared one after another at the earth's space node. They shouted to Ancient One: "Ancient One, this time, you will never be able to stop us."

"You guys have said this many times."

Gu Yi said calmly: "Every time you finish speaking, you will be beaten by me, and this time will be no exception."

The demon kings are furious, we don’t want to lose face, right? They raised their hands high, and countless demons poured into the protective circle like a tide, launching a final attack. here we go.

When the Celestial Gathering officially arrives, there will be a lot of flaws in Karma Taj's protective formation. At that time, they will completely destroy the protective formation, enter the earth, and do whatever they want.

Ancient One shouted: "The decisive battle has begun, stop the demon army."

"Yes, Master Supreme."

The Kama Taj mages agreed in unison, even Strange was no exception. Several days of bloody battles did not defeat him, but made him mature quickly.

Strange no longer complains about anything, because complaining is useless. If you want to survive, you must focus all your energy on fighting.

Reborn in Hell, this time Satanish leads the demons to contain Andrew.

Andrew asked in shock: "Are you the only one? Satanish, do you have a grudge against them and were pushed out by them to be used as cannon fodder?"

"I think so."

Satanish, who is all green and has a face on his head and abdomen, said with deep approval: "Actually, I refused at first, but they offered too much."

Andrew asked: "In other words, they think you can contain me?"

"I can't contain you, I can only contain your men."

Satanish pointed upward and said with a smile, "But there is someone above me."

"Is there anyone up there?"

Andrew raised his head and saw that the sky suddenly turned dark red. Even he felt depressed.

"The Crimson Demon, Cytorak."

Andrew's face looked a little solemn. The Crimson Demon God Cytorak is a multiverse-level existence. In the Crimson Universe, he can even defeat Galactus, one of the five creation gods.

"Cytorak, do you want to be my enemy?"

Andrew asked coldly. He was a little puzzled. Cytorac was known as a homebody, why would he come to this troubled water?

Cytorak's dull voice came from above: "You have a powerful warrior, and so do I. Let them fight."

Cytorak has no interest in conquering the world, collecting souls or anything like that. He only likes to fight, or watch others fight.

"Mighty warrior? You mean Hulk?"

Andrew suddenly realized that he couldn't help but glance at Satanish. This guy really knew how to use his strength to gain strength.

"Cytorak, if you want to play, I will accompany you."

After thinking about it, Andrew said: "But how about we add a little bonus?"

"If you lose, the dinosaur army will be mine."

Cytorak nodded, he was very interested in those dinosaurs, they were all powerful warriors.


Andrew did not refuse. The dinosaur army can be rebuilt without any problem. He said: "If you lose, I will be reborn as a spell caster in hell in the future. I can borrow your power to cast magic. I will bear the cost."

It is normal to borrow power from Cyttorak to perform magic. Kama Taj's magic 'Crimson Chain of Cyttorak' borrows power from him.

Cytorak readily agreed: "Okay."

"Do you mind if I bet too?"

Satanish smiled and said: "Mechanical Demon King, if the Crimson Demon wins, I want a hundred Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I know you can make more."

"No problem, if I win, one hundred thousand souls."

"Too many, up to fifty thousand."

"Yes, but you must ensure that the fifty thousand souls are intact."

"no problem."

After the negotiation was over, with a flash of red light, a figure with unimaginable muscles appeared on the battlefield with a bang, kicking up a lot of dust.

This figure has more exaggerated muscles than the Hulk and can be called a devil's muscular man. In addition, he wears a red armor and a red helmet on his head, with a ruby ​​embedded in the center of the helmet.

This man is Cytorak's warrior Red Tank - the ruby ​​on Red Tank's forehead is a special gem that contains Cytorak's magic power. Anyone who touches the gem will gain magic power and turn into a Red Tank.

Of course, only true warriors can survive the magic of Cytorak. If the will is not strong enough, it will explode in an instant.

Andrew called Hulk over and asked, "Hulk, are you sure you can beat the opponent?"

"Silly big guy, simple."

Hulk carried the Adamantium alloy hammer and said with a look of disdain. He, Hulk, is a genius with both strength and wisdom. What does it mean to be just a big fool?

Andrew said: "Very well, go ahead and beat him to death for me, for the sake of rebirth in hell."

"give it to me."

Hulk hammered his chest and rushed towards the red tank with a bang.

Seeing this, Red Tank let out a low roar, used both feet to slam into Hulk like a Mercedes-Benz car.

Boom, the two behemoths collided violently, and a shock wave swept across the entire place, and some weak demons were even blown down.

Immediately afterwards, Hulk flew away, fell to the ground and kept sliding, and a deep ravine appeared on the ground.

Red Tank clenched his fists and roared, declaring his strength. Hulk was furious, smashed his fists on the ground, got up and rushed towards Red Tank again.

Satanish smiled and said: "When the red tank charges, no one can stop it. Mechanical Demon King, your general is indeed very powerful, but it is still far behind the red tank."

"Why are you in such a hurry? Let them fight for a while."

Andrew said lightly that he has confidence in Hulk, and Hulk's hammer is extraordinary. Even if there is an accident, Hulk can easily defeat the Red Tank as long as he uses the function of the hammer.

"No matter how long we fight, the outcome will not change, just like this celestial gathering. Mechanical Demon King, you are on the wrong side."

Satanish smiled coldly and shouted to the demons: "What are you waiting for? Destroy the mechanical army."

Satanish not only wants to contain Andrew, but also the Peace Knights to prevent them from going to London to disrupt the situation.

The demons roared in unison and rushed towards the mechanical legion. Under the command of Frank, the mechanical legion bravely faced them.

The mechanical army is fearless.

Andrew thought for a while, then a projection came out of his body and said to Satanish: "The person who said this last time has been turned into scum by me. Satanish, you will be next."

"Mechanical Demon King, don't think that killing Mephisto is a big deal. After all, you are just a new Demon King."

Satanish sneered, divided it into a thousand, and attacked Andrew's projection densely.

Projection versus projection, Satanish didn't think he could beat Andrew. After all, he had lived tens of thousands of years longer than Andrew.

A pair of red glasses appeared out of thin air in front of Andrew's eyes. Then, the glasses lit up with red light, and two terrifying lasers swept forward. Wherever they passed, all Satanish clones were split into two and turned into energy and disappeared.

This is the ability of the mutant Cyclops, which Teslak copied using instruments some time ago.

The more mutant abilities Teslac copies, the stronger Andrew becomes. Mechanical magic is closely related to the technology of rebirth in hell.

Upon seeing this, Satanish immediately distorted the space, suddenly appeared in front of Andrew, and hit Andrew with a punch that shattered the earth.

"Who gave you the courage to use space magic in front of me?"

Andrew smiled disdainfully and controlled the distorted space to rebound. Satanish hurriedly turned into green mist and fled aside, reuniting together.

Andrew raised his hand, and countless energy cannons appeared behind him, blasting densely at Satanish.

"This guy is much stronger than a year ago. How did he do it?"

Satanish hurriedly dodged, and then, dense green lightning flew out of him and shot at the energy cannon.

Andrew distorted the space and all the green lightning disappeared. He was indeed the new Demon King, but that did not mean that he was weaker than the old Demon King.

He is the man who wants to become the Lord of Hell.

Cytorak watched all this quietly, and he was very interested in Andrew's mechanical magic.

Let’s not mention the actions of the devils for the moment, London and Greenwich.

"Rosanne has contacted me. I will broadcast live in Greenwich on behalf of Clarion TV. You don't have to worry about my safety. I will never die before the live broadcast is completed."

Unlike others, Daisy has no idea of ​​evacuating at all. The reason why she became famous in the first place was because of the Battle of Frost Giants. Now that there is a better opportunity in front of her, how could she give up?

"I can gain at least one million followers today."

Looking at the crazy increase in the number of fans, Daisy's eyes almost disappeared from laughter. As for danger, she had long forgotten about it.

"The wages of avarice is death."

Andrew shook his head. At this moment, he sensed something, raised his head, and saw eight huge circles of light appearing at different locations over London.

Behind the aperture are different worlds, some full of magma, some ice and snow, and some magnificent.

The gathering of celestial bodies has officially begun. The eight apertures slowly become larger while gathering towards Greenwich. At the end, they will line up in a straight line, completely connecting the nine realms.

"Wow, have you seen it? The celestial convergence has officially begun."

Daisy shouted, and at this moment, a space ripple flashed through, and the car beside her suddenly disappeared.

Daisy was startled, and Roshan, who was connected to her, said hurriedly: "The space in London is beginning to be chaotic. Everyone, please be careful not to move around. In addition, try not to stand on the street, as something may fall." Come down."

The citizens blocking the street were shocked and fled into nearby buildings. At this moment, along with space ripples, a large number of Frost Giants and Fire Giants appeared in different places in London.

The celestial body convergence begins, and it is easy for the Frost Giants and Fire Giants to enter the earth.

"Our mission is to kill all the people on Earth. Thanos said that doing so will retaliate against Asgard."

The Frost Giants and Fire Giants had no nonsense and killed everyone on sight. Along with the roaring ice and the blazing fire, the citizens of London were killed one after another.

"Kill these damn aliens."

The agents and soldiers immediately became red-eyed when they saw the tragic situation on the street. They raised their weapons and shot wildly at the Frost Giants and Fire Giants.

The soldiers were all equipped with heavy firepower, while the agents were all equipped with energy guns. Even the Frost Giants and Fire Giants were beaten back and even died tragically on the spot.

The Frost Giant and Fire Giant were furious and immediately fought back. Ice cones and flames roared out one after another, taking away the lives of agents and soldiers.

This war has been intense from the beginning. Both sides have only one idea, which is to kill all the enemies on the opposite side.

What, what are the police doing? Well, they're mainly responsible for moving people.

At this time, a dagger-shaped main ship flew out of the aperture and slowly landed on the riverside in Greenwich. Then, a large number of dagger battleships broke away from the main ship and flew in all directions.

"Destroy the city."

The dark elves in the dagger battleship showed no courtesy and fired energy cannons at the tall buildings below.

Boom boom boom, high-rise buildings exploded continuously, bricks, stones and glass fragments flew everywhere. The people in the building screamed wildly and kept running away.

Soon, in the black smoke of the explosion, a building collapsed to the right. Then, with a bang, the building hit another building. The two buildings shook violently at the same time, and countless glass fragments and dust fell crazily.

The people in the building grabbed the things next to them and trembled. Who will save us?

"Fury, Tony, destroy those battleships immediately, they are too dangerous."

Steve hurriedly shouted: "Others, follow me to attack the main ship. Given its size, if it fires energy cannons, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I'll go with you. Jarvis will control the unmanned suit to deal with the alien warships."

Tony said that he, Tony Stark, must be on the most important battlefield. After all, he is the most handsome boy on earth.

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