"It's difficult. Everyone wants the commander's nanobug technology. As long as he surrenders, both the White House and SHIELD will protect him."

Tony sighed, unlike those stupid soldiers, a super scientist would receive preferential treatment wherever he went.

The reason SHIELD implemented the "Paperclip" plan in the first place was because it was greedy for the wisdom and knowledge of German scientists. As a result, it was parasitized by Hydra.

"I know, so I want to kill him during the fight."

Scarlett said: "People like this are a scourge when they are alive, and we don't know how many people will be killed in the future."

"I'll help you."

Steve didn't talk nonsense and nodded: "If such a person is kept alive by his good food and drink, I will not be able to sleep peacefully."

"Thank you Captain."

Scarlett nodded, and then they both looked at Tony. Tony said, "Look at what I did. Do I look so merciless? This guy has done me a terrible job. Kill him quickly."


The three people quickly discussed the plan, and after a while, Tony summoned a new unmanned suit to park next to it.

Then, Scarlett flew into the sky and shouted: "Everyone, stay away."

After saying that, Scarlett raised her left hand and fired a high-temperature crossbow bolt at the commander frantically. Duke and others hurriedly avoided it. The commander avoided while condensing electric light and shot at the incoming high-temperature crossbow bolt.

Steve took the opportunity to slam the shield against the commander's head. With a bang, the commander staggered back.

Tony pushed forward with both hands, and the unmanned suit was divided into several parts and quickly equipped on the commander. Then, the unmanned suit flew into the sky with the commander.

"Tony, no."

Hill knew what Tony wanted to do and shouted loudly. Tony rolled his eyes secretly. Sure enough, SHIELD was coveting the commander's nanobugs.

Tony did not move, but Scarlett moved, and a meter-long high-temperature crossbow bolt roared out, instantly piercing the commander's chest. Then, the high-temperature crossbow bolt and the steel suit exploded simultaneously.

"What beautiful fireworks."

Looking at the fireball in the sky, Scarlett, Tony, and Steve nodded with satisfaction at the same time, this guy deserves to die.


Seeing that the commander was blown to pieces and couldn't die anymore, Hill couldn't help but cursed, but he couldn't get angry. After all, the commander was the enemy, and he hadn't surrendered yet.

Hill sighed and ordered: "Try to capture other cobras alive. We need to find their lair."

"A good death."

Many people cheered, and the audience went crazy with praise. Such a guy should die without a burial place.

Except for President Ellis, the other presidents had no regrets about the commander's death, and were even a little happy. After all, even if the other party did not die, his skills would not be their turn.

"It's better not to tell Anna about this."

Duke shook his head and pretended he had never seen Rex. Anyway, he was buried four years ago.


Nick Fury and Pierce sighed at the same time, they both wanted to put the commander in SHIELD prison and obtain his technology.

Unfortunately, the superheroes were so cruel that they blew up the commander to pieces.

"well done."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He still liked Scarlett's character. Then, he raised his hand and took the commander's soul into the rebirth hell.

Andrew is very interested in the Commander's nanobug technology and super human potion.

Thinking of something, Andrew looked towards the Cobra headquarters, which had been completely taken over by Hydra.

By the way, is the Hydra in this world a little too strong? When the Insight Project comes online, can the Avengers really stop it?

"If you can't stop it...even better, you can harvest more souls."

Andrew smiled, he was looking forward to the day when Hydra broke out.

At this point, the crisis is almost over. The presidents came over to thank the superheroes and specially told them: "If you are not happy in the United States, you are welcome to come to our country. You will be treated well and we can even grant you a knighthood."

Spider-Woman, would you like to come to our country? The prince in our country is very handsome. What, if you don’t like men, then the princess is fine too. "

Spider-Woman looked confused, the adult world is so dirty.

Kaisuo expressed his interest in the princess with excitement, but in the end, no president paid him any attention.

President Ellis, who had just woken up, saw this scene through live broadcast. His nose was almost crooked with anger, and he quickly asked the warship to pick up the presidents.

A bunch of bastards came to his house by prying through the wall.

American audiences are also very angry. Those are American superheroes. Audiences from other countries look down upon them. Didn’t you treat them as wanted criminals before?

America doesn't deserve superheroes.

The international war of words broke out again.

The presidents had finished building up their goodwill and did not stay any longer. After all, America was too dangerous, so their own country was better. In this life, they never wanted to step into American territory again.

God knows what catastrophe will happen to America next?

The rest of the finishing work was left to SHIELD and the military. With the help of Scarlett, the superheroes teleported back to New York.

After such a big battle, they just want to take a good rest.

Of course, Tony couldn't rest. He had to hold a press conference, appease Pepper, and seek compensation from the military. There were many things to do.

"Twelve big cities have obtained a total of more than two million souls, which is quite impressive. In addition, this time we also obtained nano bugs, super human potions, and particle wave gun technology. The harvest is very good."

Andrew considered the gains this time and nodded with satisfaction. It would be great if other villains could be as powerful as the Commander.

At this time, Scarlett teleported to the tea room. She looked at Andrew with a somewhat embarrassed expression and didn't know what to say.

Andrew asked: "Why that look? I'm the victim."

"What nonsense?"

Scarlett was ashamed and angry. She glared at Andrew and asked, "Why is your magic so powerful? It can even make me have excess magic."

Andrew answered honestly: "Because I am the Demon King of Hell, and my life level is higher than yours."

"The Demon King of Hell?"

Scarlett naturally didn't believe it, and she complained: "If you are really the devil of hell, then hell can be closed. You only drink tea and watch theater all day long."

Andrew smiled and said: "That's just a disguise. I have just harvested more than two million souls. Among all the demon kings of hell, I have the best performance. The will of hell is preparing to award me the award for the most progressive demon king in hell."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth and asked, "What will we do in the future?"

Andrew asked: "You don't want to be responsible?"

Scarlett was filled with shame and anger. At this moment, Andrew grabbed her wrist and turned it around, holding her in his arms.

"You are so bold. You are not even a formal magician, yet you dare to leave your body and enter someone else's body."

Andrew said: "Let me help you sort out your soul to avoid any sequelae."

"How to comb it?"

"What do you think?"

"Cobra's conspiracy has been foiled by us..."

The next day, President Ellis held a press conference to announce the Cobra incident. At the same time, he announced that he would personally award medals to the superheroes in a few days.

"The president is so incompetent, the White House is so incompetent, the military is so incompetent, but superheroes are still reliable, and they saved the world once again."

People ridiculed him online. President Ellis was kidnapped twice in a row, and his reputation completely dropped to the bottom. No one took him seriously.

President Ellis himself also knew about this. He sighed in the President's Office: "It is definitely impossible to be re-elected. Now I just hope not to be kidnapped again and to successfully complete this term."

The staff were speechless. Isn't this request too humble? Come on, you are the President of the United States.

However, if you think about it carefully, given the situation in the United States in the past two years, it will not be easy at all for President Ellis to successfully complete his term.

Maybe one day, he will really be kidnapped again.

A bodyguard whispered: "Speaking of which, there seems to be a betting game over there in the casino. Bet on whether you and Tony Stark will be kidnapped next year?"

Everyone became more and more speechless. President Ellis had a toothache. How could he have thought so badly that he came to be the president?

President Ellis clapped his hands and said: "Hurry up and find ways to improve my support rate. The support rate is too low and my power is shrinking significantly."

The staff have come up with a lot of ideas, but they are basically of no use. President Ellis's current situation is not generally bad.

At this time, a staff member with two beards said slowly: "Your Excellency, I have a way to greatly increase your support rate and even help you be re-elected."

President Ellis asked suspiciously: "Can I still be re-elected in this situation?"

The staff member nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you stick to one route. The superhero route."

President Ellis asked, "Superhero route? What do you mean?"

"This incident has made people even more enthusiastic about superheroes, which can be seen from the continued boom in sales of superhero peripherals."

The staff said: "The people have been completely disappointed with the White House and the military, and they now only believe in superheroes.

In addition, the performance of the government and the military this time has let the people know that the higher-ups do not like superheroes, and are even hostile to superheroes. "

President Ellis said a little impatiently: "Get to the point."

"The point is, at this time, if you stand up and fully support superheroes, the people will support you and vote for you."

The staff member smiled and said: "Because you can ensure the safety of superheroes. If superheroes are safe, they will be safe, and the world will be safe.

To put it simply, use superheroes to canvass votes for yourself, increase your support rate, and achieve re-election. It doesn’t matter if the people don’t like you, as long as they like superheroes. "

President Ellis was a little moved, and another staff member retorted: "The problem is that this will make other senior officials dissatisfied. In addition, superheroes are not conducive to our rule, and big problems will occur."

"Without superheroes, this world would have been destroyed long ago."

The bearded staff member snorted coldly and said: "As for the dissatisfaction of other high-level officials, does that matter? Will they help the President be re-elected?"

"They were eager to drag me down."

President Ellis snorted and said: "The problem is that public support alone is not enough. If I want to secure this position, I also need the support of capital."

"Your Excellency, you seem to have forgotten who the current richest man in the world is?"

The bearded staff member smiled and said: "With the financial resources of Rebirth Group and Stark Group, you don't have to worry about funding problems at all.

In addition, the Rebirth Group controls Kuaishou and Xiaojiao TV stations. In terms of controlling public opinion, they are no worse than those old TV stations. "

After a pause, the bearded staff member whispered: "Your Excellency, whether it is the Rebirth Group or the Stark Group, they are very generous."

President Ellis's eyes brightened as he listened. He said, "I want to think about it carefully. Please help me make an appointment with Mr. Wang and Tony Stark. I want to talk to them."

The bearded staff member nodded: "No problem."

After the meeting, the bearded staff quietly called the invisible woman Susan and said: "President Ellis is already interested. I believe he will accept my proposal."

Susan nodded: "Very good, I promise you that the farm will be transferred to you as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

The bearded staff member was overjoyed. He was not lying. The Rebirth Group was really generous.

At the Rebirth Group, Susan put down the phone and sighed to Pepper: "I used to hate this kind of behind-the-scenes operation. Unexpectedly, now I have become the kind of person I hated the most before."

"Miss Susan, who is getting younger and younger as she lives, looks like a twenty-year-old girl. This is called growth."

Pepper said with envy: "Let me tell you, what kind of cosmetics are you using? The effect is too good, right?"

"I never use makeup."

Susan smiled and said: "In a few days, we will meet with President Ellis to finalize this matter. Superheroes need the support of the president.

In addition, we jointly established a company to help superheroes. "

Pepper nodded: "Okay, Tony will come over then."

Susan asked in shock: "Your tone is a little wrong, Pepper, did you and Tony quarrel?"

"I wanted him to give up being a superhero, but he didn't want to. We had a big fight, and now we're in the middle of a cold war."

Pepper sighed helplessly and said, "When I met him, he was a playboy who didn't care about anything.

I never thought that one day he would become a superhero with a strong sense of responsibility and the safety of the world on his shoulders.

Like you, Tony has become the person he once hated the most. "

Susan smiled and said: "Ms. Pepper, the wrinkles on her face are getting more and more because of her anger. This is called growing up."

Pepper gave Susan a roll of her eyes and sighed secretly. She actually liked the current Tony better than the original Tony. The problem was that she didn't want to help Tony collect his body one day.

It's not that Pepper is unfounded. The first time doesn't count. After becoming a superhero, Tony has been kidnapped three times. He can't be so lucky every time!

In this incident, whether it is the United States, other countries, or SHIELD, the losses are not small.

However, Nick Fury was not at all distressed because the World Security Council was very satisfied with their performance this time.

S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered Cobra's conspiracy in time and used a space carrier to kill two snake kings. It was a remarkable feat. The World Security Council decided to increase its support for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Simply put, provide more funding.

Nick Fury invested all these funds into the Insight Project. He was very confident that the Insight Project would be able to better protect the world.

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