American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 210 Reversal

"Not only is the password troublesome, it's also troublesome to grab the box. The commander is a super human who can discharge electricity and sound waves. It's easy to destroy the control box."

Scarlett said helplessly: "In addition, the control box can be detonated by voice control."


Everyone cursed, what kind of villain is this? Isn't it too disgusting? Why can't they be like the villains in the movies, with flaws everywhere?

"We cannot delay this situation any longer and must find a way to resolve this dilemma."

Nick Fury said: "I'm definitely not going to agree to his terms, but those presidents can't tell."

Susan said expressionlessly: "It's okay, President Ellis will definitely not agree, because he has been knocked unconscious by Jessica, and now there is a big fight in the White House, with superheroes fighting the military.

Shet, Jessica, stop tearing down the pillars of the White House, they will really collapse, and I won’t be able to afford the compensation if I sell you. "


Everyone looked confused, and then Tony said: "He is indeed a good man. If you let Jessica continue to dismantle it, it will really fall apart. I will pay for it."

Everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes. Isn't it great to be rich? Well, being rich seems really great.

At this time, an idea suddenly came to Scarlett's mind. She thought for a while and used magic to transmit a voice to Circuit Breaker: "Circuit Breaker, have you brought that memory-reading device? Well, you can just speak in a low voice. , I can hear it.”

"Bring it."

Circuit Breaker nodded. The device was not big and he always carried it with him. As a scientist, he likes to carry all his products in his bag.

Scarlett asked again: "Can you find the password through that device?"

Circuit Breaker nodded again: "If you are alive, you can 100% find it. If you are dead, as long as it doesn't take more than a few minutes, you can also find it."

Scarlett felt happy and said: "Very good, circuit breaker, prepare the device."

Circuit Breaker immediately agreed: "No problem, I will start preparations right away."

Then, Scarlett magically sent a message to Tony alone: ​​"Mr. Stark, I have a plan, please cooperate with me."

In order to avoid the commander becoming suspicious, Tony nodded without any trace and said nothing.

At this moment, the French president used a loudspeaker to ask loudly: "How do we know if you will stop the nanoworms?"


Many people cursed, and the French president obviously wanted to accept it.

The presidents all stayed away from the French president, as if they disdained his company.

Facing the dissatisfied eyes of everyone, the French President said awkwardly: "I didn't make a decision, I just asked casually. Is it not illegal to ask?"

"What I want is to rule the world. What good will it do to me if the world is destroyed?"

The commander smiled and said: "As a scientist, I have no interest in returning to primitive society. I promise you that as long as the superhero dies and you let me go, I will short-circuit all the nanobugs immediately."

"It's now."

Taking advantage of the commander's distraction, Scarlett and Tony Stark rushed towards him as fast as possible at the same time.

While Scarlett was charging, she fired the crossbow in her left hand one after another, targeting the commander's right hand holding the control box.

At the same time, Tony Stark moved his hands forward, obviously trying to grab the control box.

"It seems that he is unwilling to give up and wants to snatch the box and crack it by force."

The commander sneered and controlled the aircraft to tilt, easily avoiding the high-temperature crossbow bolts. Then, he raised his foot and prepared to kick Tony away.

"He succeeded without breaking the control box immediately."

Scarlett felt happy, and her soul suddenly rushed out of her body and flew into the commander's body.

The commander couldn't control his body for an instant and stood there stupidly, motionless. Tony rushed to his side, picked him up and quickly flew towards the island.

"Is this girl so reckless?"

Andrew couldn't help but shake his head. It was a very dangerous act to rush one's soul into someone else's body. It could cause chaos in the least, or destroy the soul in the worst.

Fortunately, Scarlett's soul contains Andrew's magic power, so it's not a big problem to support her for a few minutes - if she doesn't heal the magic, her soul will fall into chaos within a minute.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked by the sudden change. Hill hurriedly asked: "Tony, what are you going to do?"

Tony had no time to explain. As he flew down, he shouted: "Circuit breaker, don't tell me you're not ready. Scarlett said she won't last long."

"Don't worry, I'll never let go."

While adjusting the instrument, the circuit breaker shouted: "It's ready, you can start at any time."

"very good."

Tony placed the commander in front of Circuit Breaker. Circuit Breaker took off the commander's helmet and inserted two probes into the commander's head. Then, he quickly operated on the instrument.

Tony didn't waste any time. He used the commander's fingerprint to open the controller and quickly studied the system to see if he could crack the password.

After a moment, Tony put down the controller helplessly. The commander had taken multiple insurance measures to forcefully crack the password, or enter the password at will. There would only be one result, and that was the controller exploding.

Tony said: "Circuit breaker, I hope your device is not boastful, otherwise you will be in trouble this time."

Circuit Breaker ignored Tony and quickly searched the Commander's memory.

"Protect the circuit breaker and keep others away."

Steve shouted, and everyone rushed over to guard the circuit breaker. They opened the parachute and said, "Pay special attention to the President of France."

"Understood." The four big turtles shouted in unison.

The French President's face is a bit dark. It's over now. His support rate must have dropped significantly. He feels aggrieved. I'm really just asking, am I the kind of person who surrenders casually?

Other presidents sneered, "What French traditions do you have that we don't know about?"

"Rex, what's Rex?"

After the commander's helmet was taken off, Duke recognized the other person and shouted in alarm. Seeing that he recognized the commander, Heavy Artillery immediately stepped forward to stop him: "Brother, no matter what the situation, you must not disturb the circuit breaker now."

Duke looked dazed and said: "I know, how could it be Rex? He should be dead."

A minute later, the circuit breaker held the instrument and shouted: "Mr. Stark, the password is 1033448982..."


Tony wrote down all the passwords and entered them quickly. The paracord on the side wanted to speak, but Rhodes hurriedly covered his mouth. At this time, you must not disturb Tony, otherwise he will become a world sinner in a minute.

After a moment, Tony pressed the button in the middle of the controller. Everyone was about to cheer when Tony raised his head and said with an embarrassed look, "Sorry, I entered it wrong. The controller will explode immediately."

Everyone present was stunned at the same time. At this time, you actually made a mistake?

At this moment, Tony laughed and said, "I'm kidding you, how could I, Tony Stark, remember the wrong numbers? I succeeded!"


Everyone has only one idea now, rush up and beat Tony hard. This bastard, is this something that can be joked about? Didn’t you see that the presidents over there were so frightened that they were about to have heart attacks?

The moment Tony pressed the button, the nanobugs in twelve cities short-circuited at the same time and disappeared.

When the fleeing people saw that things were back to normal, they couldn't help but kneel down and cry with joy. It was finally over.

"it's over."

Andrew was very satisfied with this harvest. He nodded and let Alice control all the robots to leave.

On the island, Natasha said bitterly: "I suggest that everyone stop buying Stark Group products and let this bastard go bankrupt."

"Support, I couldn't afford it anyway."

He opened the parachute and shouted, and everyone laughed. At this time, Scarlett's slightly transparent soul flew out of the commander's body and shouted: "Commander has super self-healing and will recover soon. You guys are ready to fight." Prepare."

After saying that, Scarlett flew back to her body as fast as possible.

"Preparing for battle?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then laughed at the same time. Just in time, they were so angry that they had nowhere to vent their anger.

Commander, weren't you a cow just now and a threat to the whole world? Now let me show you our fists.

"I can't wait."

He said while clenching his fists to open the parachute. At this moment, the commander suddenly opened his eyes. Because the memory was read, his consciousness was a little confused. However, the instinct was still there, and he immediately raised his head twice. Remove the stinging needle.

After opening the parachute, the heavy artillery immediately raised its foot and stepped hard on the commander. The commander turned on the ground to avoid the attack. Then, he grabbed the two people's feet and lifted them hard, and they fell to the ground with a bang at the same time.

Tony hurriedly fired the pulse cannon at the commander. The commander rolled to avoid it and at the same time pulled out the nano grenade from his waist and threw it at Tony.

Bang, a large number of nano bugs flew out and gnawed at Tony's suit.


Tony cursed and hurriedly separated from the suit. Then, the suit flew into the sky with nano bugs and exploded.

The commander took the opportunity to jump up from the ground, punched Duke away, turned around and ran towards the seaside.

At this moment, a bolt of electricity hit the commander. The commander's whole body became numb and he stopped in place. Everyone took the opportunity to swarm up and surround the commander.

The commander is very strong, with super strength, super healing, and super speed, but no matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Facing a group of 'hungry' macho men, he quickly falls at a disadvantage.

"Save the commander."

The Cobra soldiers immediately controlled the small submarine and rushed to rescue people, but McCarran and the others did not move.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm the most disloyal here, let me tell you."

McCarron said: "The commander is dead, let's run."


White Ghost and Spitfire nodded at the same time. They were able to betray McCarran in the first place, and now they can naturally betray the commander.

As a result, a small submarine went in the opposite direction of everyone and fled at high speed into the distance.

"Get us."

McCarron took out a special cell phone and shouted for help. A moment later, Whitehall's voice rang: "You run south, someone will pick you up."

White Ghost and Feihuo looked at each other. It seemed that McCarron had already betrayed the commander. They hesitated and said nothing.

Next, they will be wanted around the world and need a strong backer.

"Stop those midget submarines."

Hill shouted orders, and Quinjet fighters and submarine fleets launched attacks one after another.

At this time, support from the Human Torch and the Washington General Administration arrived and immediately joined the battle, and Cobra's submarines were blown up one after another.

"Mr. Stark, Captain, I want to kill the Commander."

Scarlett flew down from the sky and whispered to Tony and Steve: "He killed many people, including comrades in the special forces. I want him to die."

Scarlett was born in the military, and she didn't have so many thoughts of the Holy Mother - revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge, it's that simple.

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