What Death didn't know was that this old Terminator adopted Sarah from childhood and brought her up. He was considered Sarah's adoptive father. In addition, he knew everything from the beginning and told Sarah everything.

In other words, the elderly terminator and Sarah knew that the T800 would come tonight, and they also knew that Carl Reis would come tonight, so they went to deal with the T800 first, and then quickly rushed to Carl Reis's location. , ready to rescue him.

Although he didn't know these things, it didn't stop Death from sneaking into the damaged T800's body. Then, he used liquid metal to quickly repair the T800's system.

Soon, the T800 was repaired, and at the same time, it was completely controlled by Death. Death smiled slightly, controlled the T800, and kicked the elderly Terminator aside.

Bang, the old Terminator was kicked by Death. His whole body broke through the rear door and flew out, rolling on the road.


Sarah in the front heard the voice from behind and couldn't help but turn around and shout, Death wasted no time, breaking the barrier between the car and the front of the car with one punch, then, his steel hands grabbed Sarah's face, trying to pin her down. Obstacles are crushed alive.

If it were Sarah in the previous world, she would definitely not be able to fight back, but Sarah in this world has received strict training from the elderly Terminator and is a qualified warrior.

Therefore, although the attack came unexpectedly, Sarah did not panic. She calmly turned the steering wheel to the right, and the truck suddenly turned. Death flew up uncontrollably, hit the carriage and fell off.

Sarah successfully escaped the death crisis. She knew that she had no advantage in fighting in the van, so she directly picked up the combat backpack next to her, opened the door and jumped out.

Due to the sudden change of direction, the speed of the truck dropped significantly. Therefore, although Sarah rolled on the ground repeatedly, she had skin injuries. Then, she endured the pain and took out the shotgun from her bag and aimed it at the truck in front.

"This Sarah is a little different."

The death control T800's body jumped out of the truck and smashed the ground with a bang. Then, without any nonsense, he strode directly towards Sarah.

"go to hell."

Sarah fired at Death repeatedly, and the bullets hit Death, who was forced to retreat. He snorted, raised his hand, and a silver light roared out, hitting the shotgun. The shotgun exploded directly, and parts flew everywhere.

Then, Death swung again, and the silver light shot towards Sarah's head. Once it hit, Sarah would definitely die, but Sarah had no time to dodge because of the disintegration of the shotgun.

Seeing that Sarah was about to die, at the critical moment, a figure fell from the sky, blocking the silver light. The silver light bounced back with a clang, and landed on the ground, but it was a silver finger.

Looking at the golden figure in front of her, Sarah was shocked. Didn't her father say there was such a robot?

"Machine Demon King!"

Death's expression changed, and he immediately turned around and ran away. He cursed in his heart, how could the Machine Demon King catch up so quickly?

"Of course it's because I knew Sarah was nearby, so I came as soon as possible."

Andrew knew what Death was thinking, and sneered secretly. Then, he raised both hands at the same time, and his left hand separated from his arm, looking for the two silver little fingers on the ground that were trying to escape.

At the same time, Andrew launched an attack with his right hand, and a bolt of lightning fell on Death's back and exploded, then quickly spread throughout Death's body.

Death became unable to move. Although he recovered quickly, Andrew had already caught up, and a large number of silver threads whizzed out, tightly binding Death's body.

These silver threads are naturally the liquid metal on the T1000. Andrew not only made it his own, but also slightly upgraded it.

What, accomplished so many things in such a short period of time? Haha, there is no way, genius can do whatever he wants.

"Is this okay?"

Death cursed, and a ball of liquid metal flew out of T800's chest, turning into a little boy and preparing to escape. At this moment, Andrew's right hand sprayed out a large amount of liquid nitrogen white gas, and Death was quickly frozen.

Then, Andrew put his hand on Death and quickly modified and assimilated his CPU. Death cursed hatefully: "Mechanical Demon King, you will definitely lose this time."

"Miss Death, who has lost twice, you look ugly now, far worse than the comics Wade gave me."

Andrew said with a smile. When Death heard this, he was so angry that he almost exploded with anger. Whether it was the Machine Demon King or Wade, they were both bastards.

What else did Death want to scold? His body was completely assimilated by Andrew, and at the same time, his consciousness dissipated. In other words, she failed again.


The body of death cursed loudly. The Crimson Demon God glanced at him and said nothing. He gave him two chances but failed. This person is no longer qualified to participate in the game.

After solving Death, Andrew thawed it, and then his arm turned into a suction tube, sucking in all the remaining body of Death.

These liquid metals are very valuable and can be used as weapons or to enhance armor. The reason why T1000 is not popular is because the materials are too difficult to find.

Then, Andrew turned around and saw Sarah pointing a gun at him and asked: "Madam, is this how you treat your savior?"

"I'm grateful you saved me, but who are you?"

Sarah asked warily, Andrew smiled slightly, put on a cool pose, and said, "I am Iron Man!"

"Iron Man? Your name is quite direct. It can be seen that you are indeed an Iron Man. What model am I asking about? Where do you come from?"

Sarah said, Andrew shook his head, raised his hand, and fired a pulse cannon. Sarah's automatic rifle was directly broken. She couldn't help but curse, why is her gun so broken today?

Sarah stepped back, trying to reach for other weapons. At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell on her, and her whole body was paralyzed, unable to move.

Andrew approached Sarah and said: "Who am I, you ask? Sarah Connor, I am your future husband. In the next twenty-four hours, we will join together and give birth to the savior John Conner." Accept.”

Sarah, who was originally very nervous, was stunned when she heard this, and then asked in shock: "Are you Carl Reiss? Didn't Dad say you are an ordinary human being? Why are you a robot? Well, can a human and a robot have children?"

Andrew smiled slightly and opened the control armor. Then, he walked out, spread his hands, and said: "Apart from being handsome, cool, with a good figure, and a smart mind, I am indeed an ordinary person."

"How can this be ordinary?"

Sarah complained, and then she realized that it was not a robot, but an external armor. She looked at the armor and asked curiously: "What kind of armor is this, and it can be worn on the body? Isn't it so cool?"

"This is a battle armor, or a battle suit."

Andrew said: "One thing I'm very surprised about is what I said, why are you not surprised at all? Did you already know that I would come?"

"Who are you? The real Carl Reiss would not know his relationship with Sarah."

A dull voice sounded, and Andrew turned his head and saw that the elderly Terminator, who had injuries on his body and metal in several places, chased after him and looked at Andrew warily.

"T800? I'm really curious about what's going on with you?"

Andrew glanced at the gathered soy sauce people and said: "Leave here first and go to a safe place to talk. You and I both have a lot of doubts.

However, two things are for sure, I am really Carl Reiss, and you are really my wife, Sarah Connor. "

"Who is your wife? I am just with you..."

Sarah blushed and retorted. She had been taken by the elderly terminator to train her skills since she was a child. At the same time, she avoided being hunted. Let alone fall in love, she had not even communicated with men a few times.

"You just had sexual intimacy with me, right?"

Andrew asked with a smile, Sarah's face turned redder, and the elderly terminator's face was a little dark. Isn't it good for you to tease my daughter like this in front of me? What, you are my daughter’s destined husband? Well, then it’s no wonder that there’s no problem.

The elderly terminator stepped forward and said: "Leave first and find a place where we can have a good chat."

The elderly terminators have lived for more than ten years and have real emotions - it was mentioned in "Terminator 2" that terminators have the ability to learn, but Skynet limits their ability in this regard, because what Skynet needs is Cannon fodder and soldiers are not members of the tribe who have the same ego as themselves.

The governor in "Terminator 2" developed certain emotions in just a few days after being released from restraints by John Connor. The elderly Terminator has lived for so many years. Except that his body is made of steel, he is not much like a human in other aspects. the difference.

Andrew glanced at the elderly Terminator, said nothing more, and returned to the armor. Then, he tied the T800 with chains and quickly flew away from here.

"That's cool, Dad, is this future technology too?"

Looking at the flying armor, Sarah's eyes lit up. She had been hunted since she was a child and had a serious lack of sense of security. If she could have such a armor that could fly and fight, it would definitely ensure her safety.

"I have never seen such a battle armor in the future. Its technology surpasses Skynet technology."

The old terminator shook his head and said, "Let's leave first. The police are probably coming soon."

"Okay, by the way, Dad, is he really Carl Reiss?"

Sarah nodded and asked a little shyly while packing up the things on the floor. The elderly terminator felt a little heartbroken, even though he had no heart - it seemed that his cabbage was about to be eaten by a wild boar.

"There's nothing wrong with the appearance, it's him."

The old terminator said: "But in other respects, it's completely different. However, Sarah, weren't you unwilling to be paired with Karl according to your original destiny?"

Sarah was indeed unwilling. After all, she had to do something with a man she had never met before in order to save the world. Who could accept this?

Not to mention, after waiting for something, this man will die soon, and then he will be a widow for the rest of his life.

Sarah had always wanted to resist fate, her own fate, and the fate that would come on Judgment Day. However, Sarah suddenly felt that the fate in front of her didn't seem too bad?

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