American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1981 Encounter on a narrow road

The remaining consciousness of the world in Andrew's body shook, and he replied: "The collision of two time and space fluctuations has nothing to do with me, it is purely a coincidence. After the collision, I affect the world and allow you to travel to the time and space that is most beneficial to you.

This move cost a lot of the world's favor, and I hope you can replenish it as soon as possible. "

"The time and space that is most beneficial to me? This world is indeed very beneficial to me."

Andrew smiled and ordered: "War Armor, fly to the sky, monitor the surroundings, look for enemies, and be ready to respond to me at any time."

The armor nodded, flew into the sky, and at the same time entered stealth mode.

Then, Andrew walked outside the alley, preparing to be chased by the T1000. When the time comes, Sarah will come to rescue him, so that he can contact Sarah.

At the same time, Andrew's body asked the others: "What's your situation now?"

"We are now in 2017 and are being hunted by the Demon Lords of Power."

Ganata cursed and said: "For some reason, we teleported together. By the way, why is it 2017?"

"Are you in 2017?"

Andrew thought for a while and said: "King of Kung Fu, how long until Genesis is officially launched?"

Genesis is Skynet. The plot of "Terminator 5", to put it simply, is that Sarah, Carl Reiss, and T800 traveled to 2017, fought against the modified John Connor, also known as T3000, and finally succeeded in destroying it. The story of Skynet.

However, there is an Easter egg left behind. Skynet is not dead, he is still alive, and then, uh, then it is gone, because the movie was a hit, so "Terminator 6" directly became another parallel time and space. Then, he pounced harder.

Andrew shook his head secretly: "I'm most annoyed by these guys who dig holes but don't fill them. The market decides everything."

"About two days."

The King of Kung Fu said: "I have invaded the network of this world. It is better to live in modern society. There are cameras and the Internet everywhere, and you can know everything about the world casually. Unlike before, it is useless even if you have all-powerful abilities. "

After Andrew's transformation, the King of Kung Fu can be regarded as a small intelligent system, so it can invade the global network.

“The more advanced technology becomes, the weaker privacy becomes.”

Andrew shook his head and said: "The launch of Genesis is a fixed event, and the time should not be changed. You should think of ways to save your lives first, and I will go to the future to support you as soon as possible.

By the way, if you encounter any danger, you can throw Wade out to block the gun. "

"BOSS, I'm listening."

Wade complained: "Also, you have to pay extra to block the gun. Even if you are the BOSS, you still have to pay."

Everyone laughed, and the King of Kung Fu said: "No problem, we should be able to hold on for two days, so we can survive as soon as possible."

On the other side, Sithorne and the others soon discovered Andrew's absence and were very surprised. Sithorne chased the King of Kung Fu and others while asking: "Indigo, where is the Machine Demon King?"

"In a certain era in the past, the specific time has not been analyzed yet."

Indigo said, at this moment, the sound of death sounded: "In 1984, I was also there, I am now the T1000 model, looking for the Machine Demon King.

However, this does not seem to be the era we stayed in before, it should be the year 1984 in parallel time and space. "

Death was eliminated in the battle. The Crimson Demon God said to give him a chance. He was originally supposed to go to 91 years, but now time and space have changed, and his return time has become 84 years.

"Are you looking for the Machine Demon King? Death, your consciousness has been disturbed by the machine. Leave quickly."

Thanos hurriedly said: "You should go to Sarah in this world, not go to the Machine Demon King to die."

"I seem to be really affected by the program. The program asked me to find Carl Reiss and kill him in advance. Well, Skynet in this world actually knew in advance that Carl Reiss would return to the past?"

Death was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said, "I'll run away first and contact you later."

"Okay, be careful."

Everyone nodded, and Sithorn asked: "Indigo, how long will it take for you to officially go online and start Judgment Day? Can it be brought forward?"

Indigo replied: "I will not be able to go online until two days later. It cannot be changed. The devil wants to protect me and cannot support you for the time being."

"It's okay. With our power, we should be able to kill Hogs and those people. After all, the Machine Demon King is not here, and there is one of them who is holding back."

Sithorn said, and everyone laughed. There was no doubt that he was talking about that bastard Wade.

"Indigo, get ready at the headquarters and get as many guards and stronger forces as possible. We will deal with the minions of the Machine Demon King first, and then we will besiege the Machine Demon King."

Sithorn said, Indigo nodded, and he said: "Although I am not online yet and cannot connect to the global network, Lord Demon can do many things."

"Leave it to me, I promise to give the Machine Demon King a surprise."

The demon clone said, and Sithorn nodded. Then, he was no longer distracted and concentrated on chasing Hogs and others. Of course, he would not kill Hogs and Ganata, but the King of Kung Fu and Wade must Be eliminated.

Especially the guy named Wade, I have wanted to kill him for a long time. This is not a business matter, this is purely a personal grudge.

In the past, there was a police car near the alley. It was originally going to drive to the alley where Andrew was. Suddenly, the policeman in the police car suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove in another direction.

This policeman looks exactly like the White Ghost. Of course, it is not a real policeman, but a T1000 - it was this look from the beginning, and death did not change anything on purpose.

"BOSS, there is a police car nearby, and the policeman in the car is a T1000 Terminator. It was originally going to find you, but it suddenly drove away for some reason."

The armor locked the car immediately and reported to Andrew. Andrew was a little surprised, but then he realized that it was death - if it were an ordinary T1000, it would not run away at all, it would just come over and die stupidly.

"Death, you are so unfortunate."

Andrew smiled and said: "I originally wanted Sarah to come to rescue me and strengthen our relationship, but now I have no choice. Armor, come and pick me up."

Soon, the armor fell from the sky, and then opened from the middle. Andrew walked into the armor. The armor quickly closed. Then, Andrew flew into the sky, raised his hand, and fired a missile at the escaping car.

The missile hit the car with a long tail. Death yelled and jumped out of the car to escape. Then, the missile hit the car and exploded with a roar. The car was filled with flames and rolled forward.

As soon as Death got up, he saw Andrew falling from the sky, landing in superhero style, and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Death, it seems you are very unlucky."

Andrew straightened up and said with a smile. Death stood up and said with a sneer: "Do you think I don't know you will find me? Mechanical Demon King, it is true that I am not an old silver coin like you, but don't underestimate me. ah."

Andrew was stunned and quickly scanned for death. After a moment, he said: "I didn't expect you to split into two groups."

Death smiled proudly, his body quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a child. It turned out that after being reminded by Thanos, he immediately realized that he was in great danger.

Therefore, Death cut the bottom of the car while preparing to retreat. Then, he quietly sent half of his body from the bottom of the car into the sewer. At this moment, the other half of the body had escaped far away.

Why not escape with more bodies? The reason is simple. Half of it must be left, otherwise it will be impossible to maintain its form and hide it from Andrew—the previous Him had an empty body inside.

"Mechanical Demon King, you are indeed very smart, but don't treat everyone else as fools."

Death sneered: "Let's play slowly."

After saying that, Death's entire body exploded, and a large amount of liquid metal shot out in all directions. For him, any bit of liquid metal that could escape would be profitable.

"It's a good idea, but unfortunately, the technology is too backward. War armor, lock all water drops, don't miss a drop."

Andrew immediately rushed forward, his arm turned into a suction tube, and quickly sucked in the surrounding liquid metal.

For liquid metal robots, every drop of liquid metal has a CPU. This is true, but it cannot turn into a villain and escape quickly with every drop of liquid metal. T1000 does not have that strong ability.

A single drop of liquid metal can only exist in the form of a water droplet. Although it can move, it does so very slowly, so Andrew can suck them all up before they escape.

"It seems that the other half of the body will be completely annihilated. Forget it, it's good to be able to escape half of it. By the way, the Crimson Demon God is trying to trick me, right? He must be trying to trick me, right?"

The other half of the dead body complained secretly. Of course, he did not question the Crimson Demon God. After all, it was very rare for someone to give him a chance.

"While the Machine Demon King is dealing with my other half, I'll quickly find Sarah and get rid of her. Uh, she should still be in that restaurant, right?"

Death emerged from the sewer, taking the shape of a little boy (the original look, which Death was too lazy to modify).

Then, Death took advantage of the child to trick a kind-hearted passerby into stopping, opening the car door and asking: "Kid, where are your family members?"

Death smiled, easily dispatched of the kind passerby, threw his body into the sewer, and then drove to the restaurant.

Halfway through the road, Death suddenly sensed the signals of other Terminators in front of him, or two. He couldn't help but was stunned. He hurriedly looked ahead and saw a large truck driving this way. The driver was a very heroic-looking man. woman.

"Sarah, she is Sarah, the Sarah of parallel time and space."

Although Sarah's appearance changed, Death intuitively told Death that this woman was Sarah. He immediately lowered the window and waited for the large truck to pass by, then jumped out and lay on the side of the truck.

Then, Death turned into liquid metal and sneaked into the compartment of the truck through the gap in the body. In the compartment, an elderly T800 was sitting upright. At the same time, a large sack was placed next to it. Inside the sack was an incapacitated man. T800.

"What's going on?"

Death looked confused, why did an old T800 come out? Also, why is there a T800 that has been defeated?

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