American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1979 New Plan

Everyone rolled their eyes, and Wade continued: "In addition, I can't tell you their next plan. It won't work if you add more money. It really won't work. You must not add more money."

When Wade spoke, he opened the pockets of his clothes. The meaning was obvious. Everyone was speechless. This guy is a real dog.

"If you think too much, they will not tell you their next plan at all. You will soon receive a reminder that you have been kicked out of the chat group by the group owner."

Andrew complained, and Wade was about to speak when he suddenly said with an unhappy face: "Those guys really kicked me."

It was perfectly normal for Sithorn and the others to kick Wade away. After Sithorn and the others escaped, they immediately asked Wade why they didn't escape together.

Wade is an 'honest man' and confessed that he had surrendered, and also detailed the reasons why the King of Kung Fu accepted his surrender.

Sithorn and the others gritted their teeth in anger, wishing to kill this guy. They had never seen anyone cheating their teammates like this.

What makes them even more depressed is that they can't punish Wade. On the one hand, this guy is not afraid of death at all and is a lunatic. On the other hand, they have to ask Wade to help next, so there is no way. Going too far - what if the opponent throws the whole thing?

Therefore, the only thing Sithorn and the others can do is to kick Wade out of the chat group. As for the clone, just let it go. Otherwise, what else can happen?

Then, the remaining people continued to chat, and Indigo said: "You are too weak, I will help you strengthen it, the effect should not be worse than the strengthening of the Machine Demon King.

Because the Mechanical Demon King has limited materials, and I have everything here. "

"Leave it to you."

Seth nodded, and then he asked Sithorn: "What should we do next?"

"We cannot give the Machine Demon King time to develop, otherwise, his combat effectiveness will increase infinitely."

Sithorn thought for a while and said: "After we strengthened it, we immediately returned to 1984 and continued to fight the Machine Demon King. Even if we couldn't win, we would still entangle him so that he could not develop and break his fate.

We have Future World and Skynet as our rear, and they are getting stronger as we fight. The Machine Demon King's development speed will definitely not be as fast as ours. By then, we will be able to drag him to death. "

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and must rush back as soon as possible, not allowing the Mechanical Demon King to have time to develop. If it takes a few years, no, a few months to develop, then they can basically go to sleep.

Death thought for a while and asked Indigo: "Indigo, what are the rules of time and space in this universe? Can we go back to the previous battlefield directly?"

"Of course not, that would cause a time and space conflict."

Indigo shook his head and said: "You can only return to 84 years later twelve hours after you escaped, and you cannot go back to a previous time."

"Twelve hours? I hope the Machine Demon King won't develop any outrageous functions."

Sithorn shook his head and said: "Indigo, strengthen us as soon as possible, and then we will go back immediately."

Indigo nodded, and when they finished strengthening and were about to return to the past, Indigo suddenly shouted: "Someone is preparing to travel to the year 1997, it should be the Machine Demon King and the others."

Everyone was stunned: "The Machine Demon King did not stop developing, but went to 97 years?"

Setting the time back for a moment after Sithorn and the others escaped, Andrew thought for a moment and said, "If nothing else happens, after Sithorn and the others are strengthened, they will come back to us as soon as possible and continue to stop us."

"Isn't this too shameless?"

Ganata blinked and complained: "They were beaten away by us, went back to the future and strengthened, appeared again, were beaten away again, appeared again..., this cycle repeats, not to mention that they are strengthened every time, even if they are not strengthened, , we will also be exhausted."

"We are robots. We will not die from exhaustion. We will only run out of power and be forced to shut down."

Wade first introduced science in a serious manner, and then said with a look of disdain: "It's terrible to be uneducated. Miss, you don't even have a primary school diploma, do you?"

Ganata kicked Wade away angrily. Do I need you to educate me? As for a primary school diploma, well, it seems that there really isn’t one.

"not that simple."

Andrew shook his head and said: "According to the time rules of this world, they can only return again after twelve hours. In other words, we have twelve hours."

"Twelve hours? Will the two sides continue to escalate and fight in the future? It's so boring."

Ganata said, and Andrew shook his head again. He said: "Of course not. Next, let's go to 97 years, the day when Judgment Day happened."

"Going to 1997?"

Everyone was stunned, and Hoggs reminded: "Mechanical Demon King, we don't have a time machine. Even if we want to go to 1997, we can't go."

"Don't worry, I can build a time machine. Iron Man once built it."

Andrew took out a damaged chip and said: "This is Death's chip. I can use it to start the time machine. I have to say that Death is really a good man. He sacrifices himself to help everyone."

In fact, time machines are not difficult to obtain in the Terminator series of movies. In "Terminator 5", the T800 built a very crude time machine that allowed the male and female protagonists to travel to 2017. We will talk about this later.

"BOSS, why do you want to go to 1997? Not 1991?"

Ganata asked in confusion: "Didn't the information you sent me before say that Skynet will send T1000 to hunt down John Connor in 1991?

If we don't protect John Connor, will he be killed by the T1000? If the protagonist is killed, it will definitely have an impact on your decision to break your fate, right? "

"The protagonist being killed will of course have an impact on my decision to break my fate. The problem is, there will be no more John Connor."

Andrew shook his head and everyone was stunned. Wade ran over and said excitedly: "Boss, are you finally dying? No problem, I can fight for free."

Andrew kicked Wade away and explained: "With the help of world consciousness, I intercepted the fate of Carl Reiss, John Connor's father, and became the father of the savior.

The problem is, I don't want to have descendants for the time being, so John Connor won't be born. "

Andrew has never been interested in having offspring, otherwise Franklin would have been born long ago. As for Alessa, she is just an adopted daughter.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The other reason is: if John Connor is born, the entire destiny will form a closed loop. If Andrew wants to break fate, he must destroy this closed loop.

"If John Connor is not born, what will happen to the human resistance in the future?"

Hogs asked, and Andrew said: "The human resistance army in the future will still be led by someone. This is not a big problem. Let's not talk about it for the time being. Let's pack it up and prepare to build a time machine. This matter requires Lir's cooperation. "


Everyone stopped talking nonsense and began to clean up the battlefield, while Andrew went to find Lear and asked him to provide money and efforts to support everyone in building the time machine.

"Of course, no problem. I'm happy to save the world with you all."

Lear immediately said that he did not want Judgment Day to happen, and his life was still in Andrew's hands.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and asked Lear to purchase a large amount of supplies, materials to build a time machine, and materials to make the armor more powerful.

This time there were twelve hours, which was enough for Lear to buy more supplies. Lear didn't waste any time and went to buy the supplies immediately. In order to avoid accidents, Andrew specially asked the King of Kung Fu to follow him.

After Leer left, Andrew said to Sarah: "Sarah, you can go back, you are safe."

Sarah's favor from the world has fallen on Andrew. Of course, it is not the ability of the Mechanical Demon King. He does not have this ability now, but the remaining world consciousness.

The remaining world consciousness has always been in Andrew's body. After Sarah agreed to Andrew's request, the world consciousness stripped the world's favor from her.

And this favor from the world has restored a lot of the strength of world consciousness.

"Is it safe?"

Sarah was stunned for a moment, and then she asked: "Is it safe like this? Well, about John Connor, the savior..."

"You will give birth to John Connor."

Andrew smiled and said that after he finished dealing with the Crimson Demon God, he would come back to discuss this issue with Sarah. He didn't have the time or the mood now.

Although Andrew had a way to get Sarah to voluntarily devote herself to him within the next twelve hours, it was boring. This kind of thing still had to be emotional, and Andrew had no shortage of women.

"That's good."

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, and then she asked hopefully: "Well, can you tell me what John's father is like? Well, I'm mainly afraid of delaying the great cause of saving the world."

Andrew couldn't help laughing. Sarah was embarrassed. Even she blushed a little. Andrew said: "Look at my face, John's father looks similar to me."

"Huh? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Sarah was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily. Andrew shook his head, said nothing more, and asked someone to send Sarah away and talk about it later.

As for Sarah's troubles, such as being chased by the police, Andrew will help solve them. This is not difficult for him at all, so I won't say more.

"BOSS, actually, it's okay if you work overtime."

Wade said with a vulgar look, and Andrew hit him on the head and said, "You think I am like you, only for a few seconds?"

"Nonsense. After I became Heavenly Father God, I have been promoted for more than ten seconds. I am at least as powerful as the people of the Six Kingdoms."

Wade shouted dissatisfied, and Andrew gestured with his middle finger and said: "Don't waste time, while I'm free now, I'll transform you, and then you go over there and devour the remains of death. There's a lot of liquid metal on it, which is enough for you." recover."

Wade chuckled and said: "In this case, wouldn't Death and I become one? That guy Thanos must be very jealous."

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