American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1978 Assimilation

Indigo thought for a while and said: "I have developed a time machine here. I will modify it and it should be able to guide them.

Well, to be precise, it is the Demon King who attracts the power. Only he has the mark of Skynet on his body. Others do not have it and cannot be led. "

"This is easy to handle, just let the Demon King of Power take them with him."

Death nodded, contacted Sithorn and the Power Demon King, and told them about this matter. Sithorne and the Power Demon King had no objections to this. After all, their current situation was very bad.

Bygone eras.

While Andrew was attacking Death, others were also fighting. The plasma cannon in Hogs' hand was fully charged, and he blasted the Power Demon King who had just gotten up.

The Power Demon looked clumsy, but he nimbly avoided the plasma ball, which blasted a big hole in the ground.

Hogs wanted to continue attacking, but the power demon, with his whole body in tatters, rushed over and punched him hard in the chest. Hogs raised his hand to block, and with a bang, he took several steps back.

Hoggs said, "Your power is wrong. According to the information given to me by the Machine Demon King, the power of TX should be stronger than the power of T800."

"I'm a modified version, can't I?"

The Demon King of Power snorted coldly and launched attacks at Hoggs one after another. Hoggs faced him without fear. The two met head-on, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. The fight was extremely fierce.

It goes without saying that the Power Demon King is very good at close combat, but Hogseth is not weak either. Although he is the ancestor of white magic, Master Gu Yi knows that Emperor Weishan is also proficient in close combat.

Ganata also fired a plasma cannon at Seth on the ground. Seth's reaction was a little slower. His arm was hit and exploded. A large number of parts flew around. Seth cursed, turned around and ran away.

Ganata was about to chase Seth, Sithorne and Thanos, who had broken their arms, fell from the sky. When they saw the battle, they immediately came over to help Seth deal with Ganata.


Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Ganata couldn't help laughing: "Three people with broken arms, are you from Brokeback Mountain? It's so fun, mechanical Brokeback Mountain, a forbidden love that transcends race and gender."

Sithorne, Seth, and Thanos looked at their empty right arms, their faces a little dark. Sithorne shouted: "Kill the Machine Demon Lord before she comes back."

Seth and Thanos nodded, and together with Sithorn, they besieged Ganata. Ganata smiled, and her feet shot into the sky. Then, she stood in the sky, raised her fingers at Sithorn and the three of them and said provocatively: "Come on, come on, haha, you didn't expect me to fly, did you?"

"How can she fly?"

Sithorne and the three were confused. Although Skynet's Terminator robots were very powerful, none of them could fly. The reason why Ganata could fly was because Andrew had transformed her.

"It turns out you can't fly."

Ganata smiled arrogantly, and then she took out a six-barreled machine gun from her back. While shouting, she fired wildly at Sithorn and the three of them, who hurriedly avoided it.

Ganata became more and more excited. It was not common for two multi-dimensional beings to have a chance to fight.

On the other side, Wade was unable to maintain his shape due to the high temperature and was forced to move forward in a liquid state. He crawled for a long time and finally escaped from the flames. Then, he slowly stood up and prepared to change back to his original appearance.

To be honest, Wade is very satisfied with this liquid metal body, because it can restore his handsome appearance, so that some guys with poor vision will not say that he is ugly every day. He looks super handsome, okay?

But this time, Wade failed to change back to his original appearance. There seemed to be something extra in his body. He said in shock: "What's going on? Who got into my body. Have you paid the rent?"

"Of course it's me, who else could it be?"

The voice of the King of Kung Fu came from Wade's body, and he said: "Honestly, Wade, why does your body stink so much? Aren't you a liquid metal robot?"

"You are the one who stinks, your whole family stinks."

Wade cursed first, and then asked in shock: "BOSS, what are you doing here in my body? Wait, when did you enter my body? Wow, I suddenly feel a little shy."

"Enter? Your word is disgusting. Also, don't pretend to be innocent. We all know your background."

The King of Kung Fu cursed angrily: "I have been lurking underground. I installed the landmines for you before. After you escaped, I merged with you quietly. You were in a high-temperature liquid state at the time, so you didn't notice me. "

Wade asked again: "That's it, no, you haven't answered me yet, what do you want to do?"

"What to do? Of course, to assimilate you and turn you into my new body."

The King of Kung Fu said: "Have you not noticed that your body is becoming out of control? No, you can't notice it because I am cooperating with you."

Along with the voice of the King of Kung Fu, Wade felt that most of his body had lost its senses, as if he had been taken away by the King of Kung Fu.

"BOSS, you are so insidious, you can't be a positive person like this."

Wade's expression changed, and he hurriedly controlled the liquid metal that still belonged to him to gather together. Then, this part of the liquid metal broke away from his body and tried to escape.

At this moment, the Kung Fu King's body suddenly wrapped around Wade's body. The Kung Fu King smiled and said: "Since I tell you, it means that I am 100% sure to devour you, how can I let you escape?

Wade, be my nutrition and I will remember you. "

"One hundred percent sure?"

Wade snorted coldly and said arrogantly: "BOSS, I bet you can't swallow me. How about that? Do you dare to bet?"

Wade's tone was as if he was the winner, quite arrogant.

The King of Kung Fu was stunned. Wade was so confident? It's impossible. Wade has no chance of winning in this situation. Moreover, in a minute or two, he will be able to completely assimilate him.

The King of Kung Fu has been transformed by Andrew and has a strong assimilation ability, which the original T1000 does not have, so Wade will never be able to defeat him.

It has to be said that technology is the primary productive force.

"Do you think you can scare me? Today the King of Heaven is here, and you will be assimilated by me."

The King of Kung Fu snorted, and Wade said: "I said, I will never be assimilated by you, because I will... choose to surrender."

"Surrender? You surrender? Should I say, is it worthy of you?"

The King of Kung Fu was stunned for a moment, and then he complained: "Even if you choose to surrender, I don't have to accept it, you are still dead."

"BOSS, if you kill me, I will most likely continue to appear in other eras, just like death. In turn, I surrender. With my character, this clone will definitely follow you in the future and will be loyal."

Wade said: "In this way, you will not only reduce one opponent, but also add one subordinate and make a lot of money. What reason do you have for not accepting my surrender?"

"What you said... really makes sense. Wait, you're not fake Wade, are you? You're so organized? Don't tell me that your mental illness is gone?"

The King of Kung Fu complained, and Wade said: "My name is Da Zhi Ruo Fool. BOSS, I told you, you can't kill me. By the way, if you want me to surrender, you must double my salary, otherwise, I won't surrender."

"I don't know if you are stupid or not, but you must be a bitch, okay, I accept your surrender."

The King of Kung Fu rolled his eyes and released his hold on Wade, who fell to the ground and transformed into a child version of Wade.

At the same time, Wade's original body became the Kung Fu King. Not only was it the same as before, but it also had an extra sword, which meant that he had excess liquid metal.

"Boss, you went too far. You actually robbed so many things?"

Wade had a resentful look on his face. The King of Kung Fu kicked Wade away angrily. Then, he didn't waste time and took his long sword towards Sithorn, Seth, and Thanos who had already thought of a way to counterattack Ganata. The three of them rushed.

At the same time, Andrew, who killed Death, also rushed over. Sithorn, Seth, and Thanos looked very ugly. They did not expect that the outcome of this battle would be so bad.

After all, they underestimated Andrew. Andrew not only created the Mark Armor, but also transformed Ganata, Hogs and the King of Kung Fu. For example, he made Ganata fly and the King of Kung Fu could assimilate other liquid metals. .

Coupled with an ambush, Sithorn and the others were completely defeated. Sithorn gritted his teeth and prepared to retreat with everyone. However, the Mechanical Demon King and the others could fly, so it would not be that easy to escape.

At this moment, good news came from their bodies, and everyone was immediately overjoyed. The Power Demon grabbed Hogs and threw him far away, and then ran towards Sithorn and the others.

The three of Sithorne also quickly approached Thanos. Sithorne glanced at Wade specifically and was very confused. Didn't he call him to gather? Why was he motionless and even had time to pick his nose? Fake, why do you, a robot, pick its nostrils?

Although Andrew didn't know what these people were planning, he would definitely not let them get their wish. A dazzling light lit up his chest, and then, a huge pulse cannon blasted towards the Power Demon King.

Andrew could see that the Power Demon was the key. The Power Demon gritted his teeth and did not dodge. Instead, he took off his head and threw it towards Sithorn and the others.

Then, the body of the Power Demon King was torn into pieces by the pulse cannon, but at the same time, his head fell into Sithorn's hands smoothly, and then, with a burst of time and space fluctuations, three people and one head disappeared at the same time.

"What happened? Why did they disappear?"

Ganata fell from the sky and asked in confusion. Just as Andrew was about to speak, Wade shouted: "It was made by Indigo Skynet. He will transform the time machine in the future so that the time machine can bring the Demon King of Power back."

"I see."

Andrew suddenly realized that as an artificial intelligence, Indigo also had strong technological capabilities, so it was normal to transform the time machine.

"Since you know, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ganata shouted dissatisfied to Wade, who shrugged and said: "Although I have surrendered now, I was one of Death and the others before. I definitely cannot betray Death and them. I still have this professional ethics." of."

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