American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1975 Cooperation

As soon as this idea came to her mind, Sarah suddenly felt a little proud and proud. I am so awesome, right? I actually gave birth to a savior? I wonder who his father is and whether he is handsome or not?

"If nothing else, my destiny will completely change from now on."

Sarah thought of something and sighed, but instead of feeling sorry for herself, she began to think seriously about what to do next.

Sarah Connor is a very strong woman, or a female warrior. The reason why John Connor became the savior is entirely because of Sarah's words and deeds.

If it were other women here, they would either feel sorry for themselves and cry, or they would not accept it all and find a way to escape. But Sarah didn't do that. She was indeed panicked at first, but after she calmed down, she approached Andrew and asked about the future. All kinds of details.

On the one hand, it is to verify whether what Andrew said is true or false, on the other hand, it is to prepare for the future.

"Your son, John Connor, the savior, has a title called prophet. He knows many things, as if he can predict things."

Andrew said casually, and Sarah was stunned. Her son knew a lot of things. Could it be that she told him? Is there something wrong with this?

There is nothing wrong with this. This is the setting of the Terminator. John Connor sent Carl Reese back in time to save his mother. As a result, Carl stayed with his mother and gave birth to him.

At the same time, Sarah learned many things from Carl. She told these things to John Connor, and John Connor became the savior. How to say, the whole thing is a closed loop.

While Andrew was studying the mechanical soldiers, Sithorne and the others gathered together. However, Indigo and the demon clone were not there, and there were only five other people, namely the three members of the Losers Alliance and Wade and Thanos.

Indigo has not yet appeared on the stage. As for the demon clone, he is not in this time and space. Moreover, he is in a state of transformation and has not turned into T3000.

This is because T3000 is too strong, and the Crimson Demon God designed some obstacles for it to avoid imbalance between the two sides. The Crimson Demon God still cares about fairness.

It's an unfair game, it's not fun to play, it's that simple.

"Can't find it. The Machine Demon King should be hiding. With his methods, it will be difficult for us to find him."

Thanos said with an ugly expression, and Sithorne said: "Don't worry, the goal of the Machine Demon King is to break fate, so he will definitely go to Cybertron Company, and we will wait for him there.

As for Sarah Connor, she is actually not too important. We are not from Skynet. Our goal is to prevent the Machine Demon from breaking his destiny. "

"That's true."

Everyone nodded, and at this moment, a strong figure walked towards them from a distance, and everyone suddenly became alert. When the man approached, they discovered that the person who came was actually the Demon King of Power.

The Power Demon was wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses. He looked very cool. Sithorn asked: "Power Demon, how did you find us?"

"All robots have tracking devices on them. You can't sense them, but I can because I was sent by Skynet."

The Power Demon King said, of course, the distance cannot be too far. After all, there is no Skynet or satellite matrix in this era.

"Really? Then you can easily find the Machine Demon King and the others?"

Sithorne's eyes lit up, and the Power Demon King shook his head: "No, their signal has been blocked from the beginning. If nothing else, the Machine Demon King should have guessed this. With his method, blocking the signal is simple. "

"It would be such a pity."

Sithorn sighed, but this is normal. Mechanical Demon King, with his name there, how could such a method be hidden from him?

"It's a pity. I found some clues that should be related to the Mechanical Demon King. Do you want to join forces with me to deal with the Mechanical Demon King?"

Power Demon asked. Everyone was happy when they heard this. Sithorn asked: "Power Demon, do you want to cooperate with us?"

The reason Sithorn asked this was because the Power Demon was notoriously a loner in Hell. The Power Demon explained: "If possible, I don't want to cooperate with you, but there are four people on the Machine Demon. personal.

If I, a backward robot, rushes over hastily, there will be no other end than being dismantled into parts. "

Although the Power Demon King is arrogant, he is not the kind of person without self-awareness. He is a backward T800 model. Although it has been strengthened, the Machine Demon King has two TXs and one T1000, plus the Machine Demon King himself. What do you think? No chance of winning.

Therefore, the Power Demon came to Sithorn and the others to cooperate, which is the same as the Power Demon forming an alliance.

Everyone suddenly realized that this was indeed the case. Wade said: "You have a second fate. You will be modified by the Machine Demon King and become his person."

"If the Machine Demon King has this ability, I don't mind."

The Demon King of Power said: "No time is wasted, if you guys have no objections, we will set off immediately."

"Okay, where is the Machine Demon King?"

Sithorn and others nodded, and then they followed the Power Demon towards the Ford truck outside. The Power Demon led the way and introduced:

"I found out that Leal, the boss of Cybertron Company, suddenly paid a large price to collect some special materials, and then took his bodyguard to a certain place. If nothing else, the Machine Demon King should have found him."

"The Machine Demon King is looking for the boss of Cybertron Corporation? That's right. If he wants to break his fate, he must deal with Cybertron Corporation."

Sithorn thought for a while and said: "If I guessed correctly, he should have used Lear to collect supplies and build steel armor, and at the same time, lured Lear out to kill him. Without Lear, Cybertron Corporation would definitely It will be greatly affected.”

"It may not be to kill, it may be to persuade."

Thanos expressed different opinions. He said: "No one wants Judgment Day to happen, even the boss of Cybertron Company. The Machine Demon King can completely persuade the other party to give up Cybertron Company. In this way, he may be able to break his fate."

"If fate is so easy to break, how could the Crimson Demon God use it as a bet?"

Sithorn shook his head and said: "No matter what the Machine Demon wants to do, in short, we can't let him get his wish. Speaking of which, Power Demon, why don't you stop Lear?"

"Because when I found out about it, it was already too late."

The Power Demon King said: "I first went to find Sarah and found that she had been rescued by the Machine Demon King. Then I paid attention to Cybertron Company. When I found some clues, Leal had already brought supplies to find the Machine Demon King.

I finally found out where Lear was going from Lear's secretary. The Machine Demon King was going to assemble his armor, so he probably wouldn't leave so soon. We might still have time. "

"hope so."

Sithorn nodded, and soon, several people came to the truck. The Power Demon opened the back door, which was full of arms, including RPGs and six-barreled machine guns.

"Power Demon King, that's good. He actually collected so many weapons?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the Power Demon King said: "I have a phobia of insufficient firepower. Unfortunately, the time is too short and I can't get more advanced weapons from the military."

"First go to the Machine Demon King. If that fails, we will go to the military to get arms."

Sithorn said, and then the group quickly got into the car and set off, rushing to Lille's location.

The door of a certain warehouse opened, and several fully armed bodyguards filed in. They saw that only Andrew and Sarah were inside, and they made a safety gesture.

Then, Leal walked into the warehouse escorted by a group of bodyguards, followed by several people pushing a super large box, which contained what Andrew wanted.

"Do you really have the system I want?"

When Leal saw Andrew, he frowned a little, not because Andrew was Asian, but because Andrew was too young and didn't look like someone who could design a graphics system?

"Of course, but let's do something else first."

Andrew smiled slightly, and the next second, a figure appeared on the wall of the warehouse, throwing the wooden block in his hand at an astonishing speed. Bang bang bang, six bodyguards were hit in the head and fainted on the spot.

There is no doubt that the one who took action was the King of Kung Fu. As a master of Kung Fu, even without Qi, his hidden weapon skills were outstanding.

The other bodyguards were shocked and raised their guns one after another. At this moment, two figures jumped down from above and knocked down the remaining bodyguards with three strikes.

Before Lille could react, all the bodyguards fell down. He immediately raised his hands and said, "I surrender. Everything here will be given to you."

"It's originally mine, how can you give it to me?"

Andrew looked puzzled, and Sarah looked at this guy speechlessly. Is this really a positive person?

Lear was very confused. At this time, Andrew smiled and said: "It's just a joke. Don't worry, although you have committed a heinous crime, we will not kill you. Okay, Ganata, Hogs, take the box with you. Let's go first." transfer.

The chairman of the board makes too much noise when buying things, and others may find out about it and follow him. "


Hogs and Ganata nodded, and then, without wasting time, everyone pushed the box and Lille to the truck that had been prepared outside.

Then, Hogs opened the rear door, and Ganata easily picked up the several-ton box. Lear was stunned. Is this a female superhero from the comics? Can he actually pick up something weighing several tons with his bare hands?

"Don't be too surprised, because there will be something more surprising soon."

Andrew smiled and let Leal climb into the truck. Then the others got in, and then Hoggs drove away quickly.

More than half an hour after Andrew and others left, Sithorne and the others arrived belatedly. They saw the bodyguards everywhere and knew that Andrew and the others had left.

"As expected of the Mechanical Demon King, he is so cautious."

The Power Demon snorted coldly, and Sithorn said: "It's not a big problem. They have only left for about half an hour. There are many clues left. We should be able to find them by following these clues."

Although they no longer have magic, Sithorn and the others are all robots. With the power of their processors, they can analyze many subtle things, which is better than the top tracking experts.

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