American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1974 Rendezvous


Wade's performance made everyone curse in unison. Even though they were all robots now, they still felt sick.

Sithorne looked even more unhappy. If Wade had cooperated obediently, they would have defeated the Machine Demon King by summoning characters from other worlds. But now, this ability has become the Machine Demon King's trump card.

"I see, Machine Demon King, your technological capabilities must be subject to certain restrictions, otherwise, this bet will be meaningless."

The Crimson Demon said, and Andrew had already expected this. He said, "Okay, I only use Iron Man's technology, and I don't use any other people's technology."

"Iron Man's technology is too outrageous, no way."

Sithorn objected, and Andrew sneered: "Iron Man is just a mortal who often suffers from kidney failure. What's so outrageous?"

Sithorne wanted to say something else, but the Crimson Demon nodded and said, "Yes, Iron Man is indeed just a mortal. You can use Iron Man's technology, but it cannot exceed this scope."

"no problem."

Andrew nodded, Sithorne and the others looked ugly. The Machine Demon King could use Iron Man's technology, and their combat effectiveness suddenly increased significantly.

Indigo said: "You don't have to worry too much. In that era, the Mechanical Demon King couldn't use too powerful technology. It's not enough to just have technology, you also need supporting things."

Howard's wisdom is not inferior to that of Iron Man, but he cannot create the Iron Armor because of the limitations of the times - the new elements of the Ark Reactor were left to Tony by Howard.

"We cannot underestimate the Mechanical Demon King. We must find him as soon as possible and kill him, or kill Sarah. The longer time passes, the stronger the Mechanical Demon King will become."

Sithorn said, everyone nodded, and their clones all increased their search efforts, striving to find Andrew and Sarah as soon as possible.

After escaping for a distance, Sarah Connor gradually calmed down. She asked loudly in Andrew's ear: "Who are you and why do people want to kill me?"

"We'll talk about it after we get to our destination. Please believe that I don't mean any harm."

Andrew shouted that Sarah actually didn't trust Andrew very much, but now that she was on a high-speed motorcycle, she didn't dare to make any move until it stopped.

At this moment, Andrew suddenly slowed down and stopped in a small alley. Sarah looked shocked. It couldn't be such a coincidence. What did you think?

Then, Andrew got out of the car, handed a helmet to Sarah, and said, "Put it on, I didn't care about it just to escape, but now it's safe, I must put it on."

"You stopped suddenly just to make me wear a helmet?" Sarah's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

"of course not."

Andrew smiled and said: "Ha, you look pretty good, you were just joking, we stopped because the killer knew what kind of car we were driving, and he would definitely let people look for this car, so we have to change cars. "

If nothing else goes wrong, Thanos and the others will use the power of ordinary people to find them, and when ordinary people are looking for people, the model of the motorcycle is undoubtedly a clue.

"Is the killer very powerful? Well, I think we should go to the police station. The police will protect us."

Sarah was shocked. She thought of something and suggested. Andrew said: "The police can't protect you. Find a car and leave first. Then I will tell you everything in detail. Please don't worry, I am not a bad person." "

As a savior, Andrew has saved so many people, so he naturally has a corresponding aura, plus he looks good, so Sarah chose to believe him. She sighed: "If you told me that this was just a misunderstanding, then I would very happy.

I really don’t think I’m qualified to have someone hire a killer to kill me. In other words, am I really worth that much money? "

"If it were me, I wouldn't find a killer."

While hiding the motorcycle with a cloth bag found in the garbage dump, Andrew said: "I will give you the money to find the killer, and then let you commit suicide."

"How can I be so greedy for money? Well, I am indeed greedy for money, but I will not be stupid enough to commit suicide. Who would be so stupid?"

Sarah complained that it was normal for her to be greedy for money because she was poor. Which poor person is not greedy for money?

"I have a guy named Wade who knows how to do it, and he's very happy."

Andrew smiled, and soon he hid the motorcycle, and then he took Sarah to the parking lot.

Andrew searched around and found a car with a lot of dust. This meant that the owner of the car was not in a hurry to use the car and would not find the car missing in a short time and run to the police.

Then, Andrew took out a card and marked the car door a few times, and the door opened directly.

This was not over yet. Then, Andrew got into the car. Soon, the car started and he said to Sarah: "Okay, get in the car."

Sarah was stunned and asked, "Are you stealing a car?"

Andrew said: "Otherwise? Today is a special situation. I usually don't bother to drive a car that usually costs less than one million US dollars."

"Is that the point? The point is, how do you steal a car?"

Sarah complained, what good person would steal a car? By the way, did I trust the wrong person?

"The situation is urgent. Let's steal a car first and make up for it later. Get in the car quickly. The killer might be after you."

Andrew urged. Sarah hesitated for a moment, then cautiously got into the car, subconsciously moving her body away from Andrew. This meant that her trust in Andrew was declining.

This is normal. There is no killer now, and Andrew has stolen a car again. Of course Sarah has suspicions. In fact, it is not easy for her to get into the car.

Andrew didn't pay attention to this matter, quickly closed the door and drove. Soon, he took Sarah to a warehouse in Los Angeles. As soon as he and Sarah got out of the car, three figures jumped out of the hiding place one after another.

These three people are none other than the TX model Hogs, Ganata, and the T1000 model Kung Fu King.

Sarah was frightened by these three people and subconsciously wanted to escape back into the car. However, the car door had been closed by Andrew and she could not go back.

"Sarah Connor, don't be nervous, you're on your own."

Andrew said: "Don't you want to know why you are being hunted? Let me tell you clearly now, you don't have to be afraid, because fear is useless. After all, you are already here, hehehe."

While Andrew was speaking, the door of the warehouse slowly closed. Sarah was dumbfounded and her hands were shaking with fear. Did she fall into a wolf's den? What's worse is that he came here of his own free will.

"Sure enough, even handsome guys are not worthy of belief."

Sarah shouted in her heart. At this moment, Ganata complained: "Boss, are you fooling me again? When will you change your bad character?"

"When you stop eating."

Andrew said: "Sarah Connor, it's just a joke, don't be so nervous, but the truth you want to know is very outrageous, so I want to let you see something first.

Don't be too scared and don't scream. It's late at night and it's easy to disturb others. "


Sarah was stunned, and then glared at Andrew. Do you think it’s funny? Andrew nodded: "Yes, I do think it's funny."

Sarah was speechless, while the others rolled their eyes. The character of the Machine Demon King was as bad as ever.

"Okay, let's not waste time." Andrew said: "King of Kung Fu, turn into Sarah."

The King of Kung Fu nodded, and his body first turned into liquid metal, and then turned into the appearance of Sarah. Sarah's eyes widened, and she was stunned on the spot. Then, she screamed subconsciously, and kept retreating away from the King of Kung Fu. king.

"Why did you back away?"

A familiar voice sounded behind Sarah. Sarah turned her head and saw another one of herself standing behind her. She became more and more frightened and kept shouting.

"BOSS, now I know why you like to play tricks on others. It's quite fun."

Ganata changed back to her original appearance and said with a smile. Hogus said helplessly: "You are almost done. If she is scared to death, Sithorn and the others will probably die laughing."

"I didn't mean to scare her. This process must go through. It's just a matter of precedence."

Andrew shook his head. Seeing that these people had no intention of harming her, Sarah reluctantly calmed down. Then, she shouted: "What the hell is going on here?"

"The thing is like this..."

Andrew told the story again, and then he said: "I am a subordinate of your son John Connor. These three are robots conquered by our resistance. We traveled together from the future to this era in order to protect you.

The one who was chasing you before was the Terminator sent by Skynet. "

Sarah looked confused. She felt that she might spend this night in shock all her life. She shouted: "My son? I don't even have a boyfriend, okay?"

"Future son."

Andrew smiled and said: "These robots are enough to prove my words. Ms. Connor, whether you believe it or not, you are in danger now. Only we can protect you."

Sarah glanced at Andrew first, and then at the others. Her mind was filled with confusion. She waved her hands and said, "I just want to be quiet now."

"Then you take a rest first."

Andrew said: "Hogs, keep an eye out in case Sithorn and the others come looking for you. Ganata, the King of Kung Fu, come here and let me study it. I'll see if I can upgrade your functions?"

"BOSS, what you said is so vulgar."

Ganata complained, and she said: "Also, are you sure you are suitable to study me?"

"You're just a machine now, what's wrong with that?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and asked Hogs to guard the goal. Then, he began to study the functions of TX and T1000. Among them, T1000 was made entirely of liquid metal and had very special functions. Although its combat effectiveness was not as good as that of TX, its potential was far superior to that of the other.

Seeing Andrew taking apart the Ganata and studying it, Sarah gradually calmed down, looking at the robot that was impossible to appear in this era, she couldn't help but have a thought in her mind: "Is everything they said true? My son is the savior of mankind?”

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