American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 196 Kidnapped for the Fourth Time

"very good."

President Zatan nodded with satisfaction. Next, he will not make any big moves for the time being, because he has to deal with the Secret Service first and replace all the agents with Cobra people.

That's right, Cobra's people, President Zatan, White Ghost, and Spitfire are actually the Commander's people. McCarron is just a self-righteous fool.

"Once we're done with the Secret Service, it's time for the superheroes."

President Zatan's eyes flashed. If he wants to rule the world, superheroes are the biggest obstacle and must be solved in advance.

In a mysterious place, the commander contacted Whitehall through a Middle Easterner. He said straight to the point: "I agree to exchange the nano warhead for the violent agent in your hands."

Whitehall smiled and said: "Very good, let's make an appointment at a time and place to trade. In addition, if you want to deal with superheroes, we can help you with some small favors."

"It seems like everyone hates superheroes."

The commander said: "I am happy to cooperate with you."

After talking with Whitehall, the commander called McCarran over and ordered: "Let the oil interest group find some people to protest at the gate of Stark Group. The reason must be defensible."

McCarron asked in confusion: "What do you want to do?"

The commander sneered: "Distro, haven't you adapted to your new identity yet?"

McCarron felt a chill in his heart and said hurriedly: "I understand, I will immediately find someone to protest at the gate of Stark Group.

The reasons are easy to find, because New Energy lost its job, was affected by Iron Man's battle, Stark Group sold arms to terrorists in the past, etc., etc. "

"Selling arms to terrorists? That's the reason."

The commander thought for a while and said: "Let them protest at the door of the Stark Group for a long time. No matter what conditions the Stark Group offers, don't agree."

McCarron didn't ask any more questions and nodded: "Okay."

The commander continued: "In addition, bribers attack superheroes on the Internet and in the media, saying that they have too much power and that they are unsafe factors in society. In short, they are trying their best to pour dirty water on them."

"In fact, there are people doing this all the time, and a lot of people don't like superheroes."

"I'm going to let the oil interests attack superheroes as much as they can, because they don't have anything but money," McCarron said.

The commander nodded and said: "Very good, these people will become the gravediggers of superheroes."

Time flies, and soon, it’s December. In the past two months, although SHIELD, Special Forces, and Stark Group have been frantically investigating McCarran’s traces, nothing has been found. The other party seems to have disappeared from the world. generally.

Tony and the others are very worried about this. The calmer Macallan is now, the more terrifying it will be when it breaks out in the future.

Unfortunately, it was useless to worry. They could not find McCarron and they could only defend passively.

At noon that day, Tony Stark and Captain America were invited to the White House to meet with President Ellis.

On the lawn in front of the White House, Tony came out of his uniform and said to Steve who was walking over with an unhappy look on his face: "Why does President Ellis insist that we go to the White House? Is there anything we can't talk about on the phone?"

In the past two months, Tony has been working overtime in addition to investigating McCarran. Unfortunately, the nanobugs are extremely technological, and even he cannot develop a crack method in a short time.

However, Tony was not completely fruitless. He found a lot of inspiration from nano bugs, and the nano suit has begun to see the light of day.

"When I develop the nano-suit, I must talk to the guy from the Peace Knights and let him know that I, Tony Stark, am the number one genius on earth."

Tony thought to himself that he didn't know that Howard was also researching nano-suits, and the progress was much faster than him.

Steve smiled and said, "Maybe there is something important, Tony. It's not a bad thing to go out for a walk. How long has it been since you went out?"

"Going out?"

Tony became even more unhappy when he heard this: "There are people protesting at the door of Stark Tower every day. It's better not to go out."

"Are those people still protesting?"

Steve was surprised. People have been protesting in front of the Stark Group since two months ago - their homes were destroyed by terrorists using Stark Group weapons, so they came to the Stark Group for compensation. .

In fact, this happened a few years ago, when Obadiah was still there and he sold a large amount of arms to terrorists.

Tony still feels a little guilty about this incident, so he is willing to compensate those protesters. The problem is, those protesters are asking for American identity and millions in compensation.

Naturally, Tony would not accept blackmail and directly handed the matter to the public relations department. Unexpectedly, those protesters were very stubborn and are still protesting today.

"There is someone behind them. Pepper is checking. Let's go in without saying anything."

Tony shook his head and went to the President's Office with Steve. As for the steel suit, he stayed outside and was on automatic alert.

This is the White House, there is no danger.

At the door of the President's Office, an agent said to Tony and Steve: "Sorry, you two, please hand over your mobile phones."

Tony frowned: "Why didn't we have this rule before?"

"New director, new rules, I don't want to either, but there are orders from above and I must abide by them."

The agent looked helpless. He pointed to the table behind the door and said, "The mobile phone will be placed on that table. You can see it at any time. Don't worry, we will never move it."

Tony was a little surprised: "New director? The Secret Service has changed its director?"

The agent nodded and said, "The old director has retired."


Tony was a little confused, but didn't think much about it. After all, it was none of his business. He took out his mobile phone and put it on the table beside him, and stepped into the President's Office with Steve.

Tony didn't know that as soon as his phone was placed on the table, the device under the table began to operate and secretly invaded his phone.

Jarvis discovered the intrusion immediately and began to intercept it. At this moment, a large number of viruses rushed into its system, making its system extremely chaotic.

These viruses were created by Ivan during his lifetime - he was always thinking about how to deal with Tony, and Jarvis was also one of his targets.

After Whitehall cooperated with the commander, he sold many good things to the commander, and the virus was one of them.

Tony didn't know that much. After shaking hands with President Ellis, he asked: "Your Excellency, what do you want to see us for?"

"Of course I have something to do. How else would I dare to invite a busy person like you?"

President Zatan smiled, asked the two of them to sit down, and then said, "I invite you here because I want to know something about King Andrew."

"Andrew Wang?"

Tony and Steve were both shocked, and Tony asked: "What's wrong with him? Hasn't he been picking up girls and watching shows?"

"He's not just picking up girls."

President Zatan motioned to his secretary to serve coffee to the two of them, and then asked: "Did you read the annual report two days ago? KuaiDou Company has become the most influential media platform in the world.

In addition, Bugle TV has expanded wildly in recent years, and its reputation and scale are no less than those of some established TV stations.

Also, Andrew Wang is already the richest man in the world, but he keeps a low profile and has not announced it. "

Steve was puzzled: "What's the problem with this?"

"Of course there is a problem. King Andrew is not a human, he is an angel. An angel controls the public opinion of the earth. Many people are worried."

President Zatan said: "Don't get me wrong. I don't want to deal with Andrew Wang. I just want to know more about him. For example, why did he start KuaiDou? Why did he develop Clarion TV?"

"Maybe it's because he thinks it's fun."

Tony took a sip of coffee and said, "You don't have to worry about anything. Although that guy has a bad personality, he has no ill intentions towards the earth. In fact, he protected the earth several times before being punished."

"I also believe he meant no harm, but some people don't."

Seeing Tony drink the coffee, President Zatan's eyes lit up with joy, and he said with a smile - Andrew Wang was just an excuse, his real purpose was to make Tony and Steve drink the spiked coffee.

Tony and Steve never thought that the president in front of them was fake, and they told him a lot about Andrew Wang.

"In short, don't offend that guy. On the one hand, that guy is a petty person. On the other hand, although he was punished, he is still an angel."

Tony said: "Also, he has many friends, such as the black-robed mage who once appeared. If he offends him, not to mention the United States, even the earth will be in danger."


President Zatan looked confused. I was just making up an excuse. Why did such a terrifying guy suddenly appear?

President Zatan asked hurriedly: "Is it true or false?"

"Really, the reason why the red-haired girl Scarlett became a magic apprentice is because he helped introduce her."

Steve nodded and said: "As an angel, it's normal to know a magician, the devil of hell and so on."

"The Demon King of Hell?"

Tony and President Zatan were speechless. How could it be normal for an angel to know the devil of hell?

"Fortunately, I didn't intend to touch Andrew Wang."

President Zatan secretly lamented that Andrew Wang was the richest man in the world and controlled Kuaishou and Xiaoxiao TV stations. Even if he did not have the status of an angel, no one would dare to touch him.

This is a world of capital.

Tony finished a cup of coffee and asked, "This coffee is good, where can I buy it?"

"There's no place to buy it."

President Zatan smiled and said: "This is special coffee with nanoworms added to it."


Tony and Steve were stunned at the same time, and then they were startled. They wanted to stand up, but when they were halfway up, their bodies suddenly became uncontrollable and they collapsed on the chair.

President Zatan raised his right hand with a smile on his face, holding a nanobug controller on it.

Tony shouted with the last of his strength, "Jarvis."

Under normal circumstances, Jarvis would immediately control the Mark suit to rescue people. Unfortunately, this time, Jarvis made no movement at all.

Not only was Jarvis silent, but the agents outside were also silent, as if they didn't hear their voices at all.

Steve struggled and asked: "President Ellis, what do you want to do?"

"Do what I have to do."

President Zatan smiled and said: "Captain, the commander admires you very much. He wants you to become Cobra Captain."


Steve was confused. Hydra hadn't been solved yet, so why did another cobra show up? Also, how much do you like snakes?

Soon, the two of them collapsed on the chairs, completely unable to move or even speak. President Zatan was very satisfied and turned around and shouted: "White Ghost, you can come out now."

Accompanied by the voice of President Zatan, Tony Stark disguised as White Ghost and Steve disguised as Cobra Soldier came out of the room - nano-disguise masks.


Tony cursed in his mind. Although he didn't know what these guys were planning, it must be very bad.

Then, the white ghost and the fake Steve walked up to the two of them and quickly took off their clothes.

"Don't worry, I just want your clothes, I'm not interested in you."

Seeing Tony's frightened eyes, White Ghost said angrily. Then, while getting dressed, he asked President Zatan: "You can find anyone for this job, why do you have to do it from me?"

"Because this job is important."

President Zatan said: "Don't worry, you only need to play for a few hours. By then, our Iron Man will become the most wanted criminal in the United States."

"All right."

White Ghost nodded and asked, "Is the steel suit okay?"

President Zatan handed a small box to White Ghost and said, "No problem, take this with you. It will crack the system of the Iron Suit. Jarvis is paralyzed and cannot stop you."

"very good."

White Ghost took the box with satisfaction. It is worth mentioning that although he used a disguise mask, his temperament was completely different from Tony. However, this did not affect the plan.

Then, President Zatan ordered the fake Steve: "After you go out, ride the captain's motorcycle back to New York to attend the event. When things break out, you hide and change back to your original appearance. Do you understand?"

Fake Steve nodded: "Understood."

"Okay, you start taking action. Soon, superheroes will disappear in America."

President Zatan nodded with satisfaction and said: "Once the superheroes disappear, no one can stop our plan."


White Ghost and the fake Steve nodded at the same time, and then they left the President's Office carrying the box. Before White Ghost left, he also took Tony's mobile phone and acted out the whole scene.

Tony and Steve were very anxious. This group of people was obviously planning a big conspiracy. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything, not even move.

"Send them to the underground bunker."

President Zatan ordered, and the agent next to him nodded, and sent the two people to the underground bunker through the secret passage.

As soon as the two entered the bunker, they saw President Ellis, who was wearing a white vest and had a sallow complexion. They were stunned for a moment, and then realized that the president above was a fake.

Tony cursed secretly: "Shet, even the president is fake these days? What else can make people feel at ease?"

President Ellis was shocked when he saw Tony and Steve. Then he sighed and said to Tony: "Tony, I didn't expect that even you would be kidnapped. We really have the same problem."

"Who shares the same problem with you, you unlucky president."

Tony cursed in his heart, his face as dark as anything - he was kidnapped again, for the fourth time. It seemed that he would never be able to get rid of the title of kidnapper in his life.

Tony would rather lose a billion dollars than be kidnapped again, but unfortunately, this is not his turn.

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