American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 195 Fleet Destruction

At this time, the small submarine discovered the Tonys and the three men who were chasing them, and immediately changed its direction and fired particle waves at the Tonys and the others one after another.

"Resolve them as quickly as possible."

Tony shouted while avoiding the particle fluctuations. Scarlett and Rhodes nodded and launched an attack on the small battleship.

In the large submarine, McCarron kept screaming. When he saw his bloody self in the mirror, he shouted angrily: "I want them dead, Rex, activate the self-destruct device and bury them all under the sea."


The medical officer did not refuse. The base had been discovered. Keeping it would only benefit the enemy.

Then, the medical officer activated the self-destruct device, and the passage connecting the base to the ice cave above immediately began to boom and explode, and the entire base was shaking.

"not good."

When Natasha saw the red light on the screen, she ignored the mission and hurriedly shouted to everyone: "They have activated the self-destruct program. We must evacuate the base immediately."

Human Torch cursed: "Self-destruction? Shet, why do all villains use this trick?"

"Everyone gather towards me, Scarlett, come back and take us away."

Steve hesitated and shouted to Scarlett: "Without your teleportation, we wouldn't have time to escape the base."

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

Scarlett nodded, turned around and flew back.

When Tony saw this, he sighed and said, "Rod, let's go back and help, so that Scarlett won't be entangled by the guards."

Rhodes asked: "What should McAllen do, just let them go?"

Tony said: "Of course not, I put a tracking device under a small submarine. General Hawke, when will your submarine fleet arrive?"

"We are approaching the North Pole. Send me the tracking signal and my fleet will stop that bastard McCarran."

General Hawke shouted: "The American military is not that easy to fool."

"hope so."

Tony snorted and returned to the base with Rhodes.

Seeing Tony and Rhodes leaving, the small submarine immediately returned to the big submarine and continued to escort them.

Soon, everyone gathered together again. The snake demons had no emotions and only knew to obey orders. They ignored the collapsing base and tried their best to intercept the superheroes.

Seeing this, Steve retreated into the next room with everyone. Then, the Electron controlled the door system and closed the door, blocking most of the snake demons from outside.

Several snake demons came in together, and everyone joined forces to eliminate them all as quickly as possible.

Natasha looked at the slab and shouted: "The ice is collapsing, we must leave immediately."

Steve glanced at Natasha and shouted to Scarlett: "Scarlett."

"Teleport immediately."

Scarlett nodded and teleported away with everyone. Not long after they left, the ice above fell down, burying the entire base.

On the ice field, Human Torch looked at the cracked ice in the distance and sighed: "Rich people are good, just blow up the base for fun."

Rhodes rolled his eyes: "That's the military's money."

Steve looked at Natasha and asked, "Natasha, should you explain?"

"You have your mission and I have mine. Unfortunately, neither of our missions have been completed."

Natasha sighed, the base was destroyed too quickly and she didn't copy much information.

Steve said: "Next time, I hope you can inform me in advance."

Natasha said: "If you have sufficient authority, I will inform you. If you don't, I'm sorry, I can't violate SHIELD's regulations."

"Natasha can't be trusted."

Steve shook his head secretly. Natasha obviously recognized SHIELD's approach and she was not suitable to join his team.

"Hopefully the special forces side can stop McCarran."

Tony looked at the sky and said, "I also hope that SHIELD won't let things slip."

"It's over."

Dr. Banner and Rhodes looked up to the sky and sighed at the same time, and Tony's old face darkened. These two bastards, although I have been slapped in the face often recently, it is impossible to be slapped in the face every time, right?

Inside the large submarine, McCarran was still wailing, and the medical officer took out a red medicine from the box and prepared to inject McCarran.

McAllen instinctively sensed something was wrong and tried to struggle, but was pushed down on the chair by the medical officer. Then, the medical officer forcibly injected red medicine into McAllen's body from his neck.

McCarron's pain disappeared quickly, but he felt no joy. He touched his hard face and screamed: "What did you do to me?"

"McAllen, your name will be Distro from now on."

The medical officer pushed the mirror to McAllen with a smile on his face. McAllen found that his head turned into a gray metal head, and at the same time, his hair completely disappeared.

"I have become like my ancestor, who was punished by the French and always wore an iron mask."

McCarron laughed miserably, and then he roared and rushed towards the medical officer, trying to kill him. The medical officer was already prepared and took out an instrument and pressed it. McCarron fell to the ground in pain.

The medical officer smiled disdainfully, walked to the side, took off the respirator, and replaced it with a brand new respiratory mask.

Then, the medical officer said excitedly: "From now on, call me Commander."

Medical Officer Rex has officially ‘evolved’ into Cobra Commander Rex.

Not long after the commander seized power, the special forces fleet appeared on the radar. The commander smiled disdainfully and put a nano warhead into the submarine's launcher.

This nano-warhead is smaller than the previous nano-warhead, and contains only 100,000 nano-worms. It was secretly made by the commander with investment from oil interest groups.

Although the number is small, this nano warhead has one advantage - the commander can control the nano bugs inside and let them gnaw whoever they want.

"McAllen, surrender, otherwise, you will be buried in this cold seabed."

Soon, a submarine fleet consisting of dozens of submarines appeared in front of the large submarine, threatening with confidence.

The commander smiled disdainfully, pressed his finger, and the nano warhead roared out.

Three minutes later, the entire submarine fleet was annihilated, all submarines were eaten by nanobugs, and a large number of American soldiers were killed.


The commander led the fleet and left this sea area triumphantly. Their Cobra era had come.

"What, the entire submarine force was wiped out?"

Scarlett couldn't help but cover her mouth. The heavy artillery and other special elites all lost their voices. The special forces were established and there had never been such a large number of casualties.

Dr. Banner and Rhodes turned to look at Tony at the same time, and Tony cursed: "What does it have to do with me? Isn't SHIELD very successful in intercepting missiles?"

Natasha said: "In fact, they initially tried to separate the nano-warheads, but failed. In the end, they could only destroy the nano-warheads together."

"Nick Fury is so greedy."

Tony snorted coldly, and said with an ugly face: "McAllen must be caught as soon as possible, otherwise he will create more nano-warheads, and then the whole world will be in danger."

"The question is, how to catch him? We don't even know where he is now."

The Human Torch said irritably, and Gwen said, "If there are clothes that McCarran has worn recently, Crane might be able to find him."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they hurriedly contacted Nick Fury. Nick Fury immediately sent people to search McCarran's residence and company.

Unfortunately, it was later verified that those clothes were unusable and Qianzhihe was unable to find McCarran.

Let's not talk about it for the moment. On the ice sheet, Tony thought for a while, called General Hawke, and said, "General Hawke, I want all the information on the nanobugs, including the raw materials. Maybe I can find McCarran by tracking the raw materials."

"I will send the information to you immediately."

General Hawke nodded without any hesitation. He gritted his teeth and said, "We must catch that bastard McCarran and avenge the soldiers."

Scarlett and others said bitterly: "We will definitely catch him."

Soon, the information came over and Tony read it carefully. After a while, he said to Dr. Reed: "Dr. Reed, I hope you will study nanobugs with me and find a way to crack them as soon as possible.

In addition, I formally invite you to join my Earth Armor Project. The Earth is becoming more and more dangerous and we must provide it with more protection.

In return, I will invest in your company. "

Tony never believed Dr. Reed's rumors. SHIELD had invested in Dr. Reed for so long and nothing happened, right? At most, the headquarters was smashed, the director was hospitalized, the director resigned, a large number of agents died, and Quinjets often fell down.

"no problem."

Dr. Reed nodded immediately, and Circuit Breaker on the side asked: "Can I join? The Earth Armor Project sounds very interesting."

"You are welcome to join."

Tony nodded. The Earth Armor Project requires a large number of outstanding talents. Circuit Breaker can develop a memory extraction device, which will definitely meet the requirements.

"We will definitely catch McCarron in the shortest possible time and make him pay the price."

The next day, 'President Ellis' loudly said at the press conference: "In addition, I promise you that the nano bomb incident will never happen again."

The public did not believe President Ellis's promise at all. Some people even ridiculed on the Internet: "Bragging again, you'd better protect yourself first and don't be kidnapped again."

President Ellis's reputation was not high to begin with. After he was kidnapped last time, his reputation dropped to a freezing point. Now the people have no expectations of him at all.

It is worth mentioning that the people also have little expectations for the U.S. military - they have the same virtue as the incompetent president, haven't they seen that even the submarine fleet was destroyed?

People only believe in superheroes now!

"This guy's reputation is too bad, right?"

President Zatan looked unhappy. Fortunately, his reputation did not affect the power at hand, let alone their plans.

Then, President Zatan called General Hawke to the White House and said straight to the point: "General Hawke, many people have opinions about you."

General Hawke said: "I know, I will find McCarran as soon as possible and give everyone an explanation."

"I believe you, but in order to answer to those people, I need to send you a deputy."

President Zatan said: "Don't worry, he will not cause trouble. The special forces are still under your full command. When you catch McCarran, I will transfer him immediately."

President Zatan's purpose is simple, to put a nail into the special forces.

General Hawke thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

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