American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1869 Entering the City

"No problem, no problem."

The big fat man was full of fear of Andrew. He took the silver coin and sat down honestly. Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Then, he glanced at Princess Jasmine and turned around to leave.

Seeing this, Princess Jasmine hurriedly caught up with Andrew and said, "First of all, thank you for saving me. Secondly, I don't think I was wrong. Those children are hungry."

"According to what you said, if there is a man who is very eager to get a woman, can I just steal someone else's wife and give it to him?"

Andrew asked. Princess Jasmine was stunned, and then shouted: "These are two completely different things. I am doing good things."

"It's the same thing. Those children are hungry and you give them food. This is indeed a good thing. There is no problem with that."

Andrew said: “But the premise is that the food must be your own, or you bought it with money. If you steal other people’s food and give it to those children, to put it bluntly, it is a crime.

Girl, you have committed a crime, do you know that? "

"Have I committed a crime?"

Princess Jasmine was dumbfounded. How could she, a majestic princess, commit a crime by giving out big cakes to a few children?

Princess Jasmine was very dissatisfied and argued with Andrew while walking forward. When Aladdin saw that he had no chance to appear, he sighed in disappointment. For some reason, he felt that he had lost something important.

At this moment, a little girl suddenly appeared in front of Aladdin and asked extremely cutely: "Excuse me, do you want to buy my..., ahem, please, can you do something for me?"

This little girl was the little match girl, and Andrew asked her to help him get Aladdin.

"Little sister, what do you want me to do for you?"

Aladdin knelt down and asked kindly. Although he was a thief, he was not a bad person, and he was very kind to the little girl. A few days ago, he stole something and exchanged it for a bag of dates. He didn't even have enough for himself. He ate, but gave half of it to other beggars.

"Come and tell me."

The little match girl resisted the urge to sell matches and led Aladdin aside. Then she took out a bag, which made a jingling sound. Aladdin's eyes lit up. Judging from his many years of stealing experience, it contained It's all silver coins.

The monkey named Abu even climbed down from Aladdin and was about to steal something from the little match girl. Aladdin saw this and hurriedly stopped him. No matter how bad he was, he would never steal something from a child.

"Two things."

The little match girl said: "For half of the silver coins here, you agree to a condition. I won't talk about this condition now, but I will talk about it later."

"no problem."

Aladdin said happily, on the one hand, he didn't think he had anything particularly valuable, he was just a thief, and people here called him a street rat.

On the other hand, he could definitely default on his debt. Although Aladdin wouldn't steal the child's things, he still had no problem defaulting on his debt.

Unfortunately, Aladdin didn't know that after he agreed to this condition, his soul fell into the control of Andrew - Andrew's magical power was hidden in the little match girl.

Then, Andrew deprived Aladdin of the favor of the world and transferred it to Alice. Alice was amazed that the BOSS was so efficient.

The little match girl continued: "Very good. The other half of the silver coin will be for you to go to the palace and steal Princess Jasmine's big cat."

"Princess Jasmine's big cat?"

Aladdin was stunned. He thought for a while and said, "This is not an easy task. You have to pay more."

The little match girl threw the bag of silver coins to Aladdin and said, "No problem, I will give you another bag of silver coins when the matter is done. Remember, you will get it tonight."

"No problem, you can trust Aladdin, he never disappoints."

Aladdin caught the silver coin and said excitedly. The little match girl nodded, turned and left. She was afraid that if she didn't leave, she couldn't help but sell Aladdin the match.

"It seems I'm lucky today. It's just a big cat, and I got so many silver coins."

Aladdin was so excited that he opened the bag, took out a silver coin and threw it to Abu, and said: "Abu, let's go have a good meal. It's been a long time since we've eaten mutton. This time, let's eat a whole one."

Abu was very happy with the silver coins. Of course he didn't eat mutton, but he did eat bananas. Bananas imported from other places are very expensive.

"I hope he won't be frightened when he sees the big cat."

Andrew sensed the situation on the little match girl's side and smiled slightly. Then, he said to Princess Jasmine beside him: "Girl, you don't have to fight with me. You just want to steal without asking. That's right.

If everyone in this country were like you, what would happen? "

"This country will be better."

Princess Jasmine said, and Andrew smiled and asked, "Are you sure?"


Princess Jasmine was about to nod, but then she reacted and said awkwardly: "I'm not sure."

"Are you sure you're still so loud?"

Andrew complained, he said: "It's absolutely okay if you want to help people, but you shouldn't help people in this way. Besides, there are so many beggars in the city, how many people can you help?"

Princess Jasmine looked at the beggars around her and sighed: "I never knew there were so many beggars in the city. I always thought that everyone in this kingdom lived a good life."

"I've been to many countries. Although this city is a bit outdated, overall, it's pretty good."

Andrew said: "We, desert kingdoms, are short of supplies and it is impossible for everyone to live well."

Princess Jasmine asked: "Is there really nothing we can do? These beggars and those children are so pitiful."

Andrew smiled and said, "Yes, marry me the princess of your country, and I will ensure that everyone will live a good life."

"If you dream, the princess will not marry you."

Princess Jasmine snorted coldly: "For ten thousand dollars, even if the princess really marries you, why do you want the people in this country to live a good life?"

"With my ability."

Andrew said: "If the princess marries me, I will be the king of this country. Then, the first thing I will do is to develop the fishing industry. Agrabah is a country by the sea, but you do not pay attention to the resources on the sea. .

This is why I say you are a bit old-fashioned. Your king is old and wants to maintain the status quo and does not dare to change. "

Princess Jasmine was a little dissatisfied with Andrew's contempt for her father, but she also knew that Andrew was right and the Sudan was really old.

Then, Andrew continued to talk. He was the savior of many worlds. It was easy to fool a little girl. Princess Jasmine's eyes lit up when she heard this. She wished she could marry her princess to this man immediately and let him save the country.

"Hey, wait, I think I'm the princess?"

Princess Jasmine secretly complained. She looked at Andrew and sighed. To be honest, she had a good impression of Andrew. On the one hand, he was handsome, and on the other hand, he was talented and kind-hearted. He had helped her before. .

But Princess Jasmine cannot marry Andrew because she can only marry a prince. This is the same rule as a woman cannot be a sultan.

"It would be great if he were a prince."

Princess Jasmine sighed in her heart. At this moment, drums sounded in the distance, and at the same time, someone shouted: "Prince Anders is here."

"Prince Anders?"

Princess Jasmine was immediately shocked, because next, she was going to dress up and meet Prince Anders. In short, it was a blind date.

"Sir, it's a pleasure chatting with you. I hope we have another chance to meet."

Princess Jasmine bowed and left in a hurry. Andrew didn't stop her. He smiled and returned to the prince's team.

The little match girl came back a long time ago. She asked puzzledly: "Why do you have to make things so troublesome? You can easily take over this kingdom. By then, let alone the princess, you can let them take over the whole city." All beauties are presented.”

"Am I that kind of animal?"

Andrew complained, he said: "Until we find what we want, we cannot let people know about our existence, and everything must be low-key."

"Are you sure you are keeping a low profile now?"

The little match girl complained. At this time, the prince's servants entered the city with great fanfare, blowing trumpets and beating drums.

At the same time, a large number of servants carried various precious items, such as silk from the East, rare fruits, gold, silver and jewelry, etc.

This behavior is to show one's wealth and explain to the people that the prince who comes to propose marriage is rich, so that the people will be satisfied.

If you are a poor prince, what qualifications do you have to marry their beautiful princess? Moreover, if a poor prince becomes their king, it means that their life will become very bad in the future.

"The behavior is justified, so, it's low-key."

Andrew didn't say much. On the way, he saw Aladdin and the monkey Abu looking at him enviously, and secretly complained: "At this time, what Aladdin is thinking about is, can Peter take his place, or should he be a man?"

Immediately, Andrew shook his head. With him here, Aladdin would have no chance of becoming a prince. However, he was not a bad person, so Andrew would not treat him badly. He could still have a rich life.

The Sultan stood at the gate to greet Andrew personally. Next to him was a man wearing a red robe, holding a viper scepter, and a parrot on his shoulder. This man's name was Jafar. He was a wizard and the second-largest figure in the kingdom. At the same time, he is also the main villain of the movie.

"This prince looks good, I hope my daughter will like it."

The Sultan looked at Andrew walking over and sighed. Jafar shook his head and said: "Sultan, with all due respect, your daughter does not want to marry anyone. She wants to become the new Sultan, so she will not agree to this prince. , even though he’s pretty good.”

"A woman cannot become a sultan. I will definitely let her get married."

The Sultan said with an ugly face that he hoped his daughter would be happy. In his opinion, marrying a prince meant happiness.

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