American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1868 Princess Jasmine

The treasure that the Desert Insect King wants is probably a magic lamp. This magic lamp is very powerful. The lamp god claims to be the most powerful creature in the universe and is likely to have the strength of the Father God.

Therefore, Andrew must get this magic lamp before the Desert Insect King. At the same time, Andrew must persuade these desert kingdoms to believe in the goddess Alice to prevent them from being sacrificed by those bastards in Sithorn.

"real or fake?"

Hearing Andrew's words, the little match girl looked suspicious. Andrew didn't explain much. He touched his chin and said: "I think it is necessary for me to play the role of a prince. If I am not a prince, I will not even be qualified to enter the palace."

"And you said you're not here for the princess?"

The little match girl complained: "If you want to play the role of a prince, the two of us are not enough. The prince must have many servants and a lot of property used to propose marriage."

"It's not a big problem. Let's find a real prince in exchange and let him give me his identity as a prince for a short time."

Andrew said that the identity of a prince is necessary. On the one hand, he can enter the palace, and on the other hand, his true identity will not be discovered by the Desert Insect King.

Andrew's avatar is a one-time Father God, so he cannot conflict with the Desert Insect King before getting the magic lamp.

As for the Insect King, he is an important chess piece for Andrew and will be used to plot against the Insect Master in the future. Therefore, it should be used as little as possible - the less it is used, the fewer flaws it will have.

Through the sensing ability of Heavenly Father God, Andrew quickly found a suitable prince. His name was Prince Anders, who was traveling to Agrabah on a sailboat.

Andrew took the little match girl and silently entered Prince Anders' cabin. The prince was changing clothes and preparing to enter Agrabah to propose marriage to Princess Jasmine.

As for whether it can happen, it depends on whether Princess Jasmine likes Prince Anders. His dowry is a kingdom, so of course she has the right to choose.

"I'll sell him matches, blow him up, and then you'll take his place and enter Agrabah."

The little match girl said, and Andrew shook his head: "No, although Prince Anders is a bit stupid, he is not a bad person. You cannot use this method. I am a positive person."

The little match girl curled her lips. As a strange creature, she has no concept of good and evil. Her goal in life is very simple. She keeps selling matches and makes stronger and stronger explosives, preferably to blow up the world.

Of course, the little match girl didn't dare to do anything without permission. She had been taught a lesson by Andrew several times before. More importantly, she knew that her life was in Andrew's hands - she was young and was deceived by this guy who claimed to be a positive person. .

Andrew wasted no time. With a twist of his finger, Prince Anders' consciousness was pulled into an illusion. Then, a huge god appeared in the sky with divine light.


Prince Anders was so frightened that he knelt down directly, because the god Andrew transformed was the god he believed in.

"You decide whether to make a deal or not?"

Andrew said: "I am going to borrow your identity. Afterwards, I will return the identity to you, and you will live a hundred years, never get sick in your life, and die without any disease at the age of a hundred."

Prince Anders's eyes lit up. He had no doubts about the authenticity and said excitedly: "Of course it's no problem. Uh, can I make one more request?"

Andrew said: "Say."

"When I'm a hundred years old, that thing will still be usable. Yes, it'll be just as useful as it is now."

Prince Anders said, Andrew was speechless, you young man, you have great ideas, he said: "As you wish."

The next second, the illusion collapsed, and Prince Anders disappeared, but he was thrown into a special place in a certain kingdom by Andrew.

Then, Andrew transformed into Prince Anders, officially replacing the other person's identity - it was still the same, except for Princess Jasmine, no one else could see his true face.

"If you want to marry Princess Molly, you must destroy her first encounter with Aladdin."

Andrew touched his chin and thought to himself: "The problem is, if Aladdin doesn't enter the palace, the villain won't take him to find the magic lamp."

According to the plot, Princess Jasmine would secretly walk out of the palace because of the boredom of the palace. Then, she saw that several children had nothing to eat and felt very pitiful. She took away the big cakes from the stall and gave them to those children. The problem was, she didn't I paid and didn’t bring any money.

The stall owner was very angry and wanted to take away Princess Jasmine's bracelet to pay off the debt. This bracelet was left to her by the princess's mother. Of course she was unwilling. During the struggle between the two parties, Aladdin appeared and fled with the princess. In the end, they escaped from capture. And thus a relationship was established.

This version of Aladdin is a street thief who makes a living by stealing, but he is not very evil-minded, it can only be said that he is forced by life.

After that, Aladdin went to the palace to find the princess - he didn't know Jasmine was the princess and thought she was the princess' maid. After that, Aladdin was caught by the villain and forced him to find the magic lamp.

After Aladdin found the magic lamp, he gave it to the villain. As a result, the villain committed suicide and tried to trick Aladdin, causing Aladdin to take the magic lamp back.

After that, Aladdin made a wish to the magic lamp, turned into a prince, and returned to the palace to pursue Princess Jasmine. In the end, he and the princess joined forces to defeat the villain and save the world. That's pretty much it.

"Hey, wait a minute, I remember that the villain turned into a genie in the end. In this case, wouldn't there be two magic lamps? That's still wrong. A magic lamp can make magic lamps. If he keeps making magic lamps, wouldn't he become a god? Lantern Corps?”

Andrew was a little shocked. Even if it is a fairy tale, it must adhere to the Basic Law, right? Even beings like demons cannot do this in order to mass-produce Heavenly Father God.

Immediately, Andrew shook his head and stopped thinking so much. He threw away the clothes he was wearing and changed into clothes worn by ordinary people. Then, he rowed a small wooden boat and rushed to Agrabah in advance to prepare to cut off the beard.

On the other side, the Desert Insect King and the Half Insect King have begun to search for treasures. Because half of the magic crystals were given to the Half Insect King, the Desert Insect King has not returned to its peak state, but it has almost recovered, at least 70% of its original strength. .

The same goes for Half Insect King. His body has recovered and is no longer only half.

"Can't you pinpoint the specific location of the treasure?"

The Desert Insect King of the Half Insect Dynasty asked. The Desert Insect King shook his head and said: "There is a force that is disturbing me. However, I can sense it. It is in this area. If we search carefully, we will definitely find it."

"Okay, by the way, don't make too much noise. Although Wade has become one of our own now, Superman is still chasing us, and the Machine Demon King is definitely looking for us too."

Half Insect King said: "The Mechanical Demon King is an old silver coin, we must be careful."

"It is indeed an old silver coin. Each of those demon kings is more cruel and cunning than the last, but they still fall into his hands. By the way, are all the positive characters today so powerful?"

The Desert Insect King complains that the positive characters are better at calculating than the negative characters. Where do you think this leaves the villain to reason?

"Times have changed."

The Insect King shrugged. The fact that his boss is an old silver coin is quite reassuring. After all, it means that their side will not lose. In addition, the positive person should be reputable, right? Uh, there should be, right?

"No matter what era, we Zerg are the most powerful."

The Desert Insect King snorted coldly, and then the two Insect Kings continued to search for treasures nearby. However, treasures like magic lamps require opportunity to obtain, and cannot be found by wandering around a few times.

The main city of Agrabah is very lively and full of people. In one of the markets, Princess Jasmine, wearing a cloak, ran out of the palace and was shopping. To her, everything outside was very new and made her reluctant to leave.

The Sultan's wife, Princess Jasmine's mother, was assassinated more than ten years ago. Therefore, the Sultan cared very much about his only daughter and kept her in the palace every day. This made Princess Jasmine full of curiosity about the outside world. Today she finally couldn't bear it anymore. Live and escape.

"It's so annoying to have blind dates with those princes every day. Why can't women be sultans?"

Princess Jasmine was full of dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, this was a rule that even her father Sultan recognized, let alone others. She had no way to change this and could only express her dissatisfaction by rejecting those princes.

Of course, this is also because Princess Jasmine looks down on those princes.

"Don't worry about those troubles, just take a walk outside."

Princess Jasmine shook her head. At this time, she saw a few children on the roadside, staring intently at a big cake stall. Knowing that they were hungry, the kind princess directly gave the big cakes from the cake stall to the children. , the children happily took the pie and ran away.

Princess Jasmine was very happy. She felt that she had done a good thing. At this moment, she was pulled by a big fat man. The big fat man shouted dissatisfied: "You actually stole my pie?"

Princess Jasmine shouted: "I didn't steal, those children are very hungry."

"That's none of my business. I only see you stealing my pie. Give me money. If you don't have any money, keep your bracelet."

The fat man looked at the bracelet on Princess Jasmine's wrist, his eyes turned green. He could tell that the bracelet was very valuable, so he felt greedy in his heart. Princess Jasmine was naturally unwilling to give it to her. When the fat man saw this, he stepped forward and wanted to rob it.

Aladdin, who happened to be passing by, saw this and immediately wanted to step forward to help. On his shoulders stood the very smart monkey Abu. At the same time, he was wearing red clothes and a hat, and he looked very smart.

At this moment, a big hand grabbed the big fat man's arm. With a little force, the big fat man let out a shrill scream and couldn't help but let go of Princess Jasmine's hand.

"It's her fault that she didn't give her money and she took your pie, but it's your fault that you took her bracelet."

The person who came was none other than Andrew. He let go of the big fat man's arm, took out a silver coin, and said, "This silver coin will buy you a piece of cake. This is the end of the matter. Is there any problem?"

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