At this time, the wolf discovered one thing, that is, Little Red Riding Hood saw them 'chatting', so she did not disturb them and continued to walk towards her grandma's house.

The wolf suddenly became anxious. Just as it was about to speak, another piece of roast meat flew towards it. It subconsciously pounced on the roast meat and bit into it. Then, it swallowed the roast meat into its belly. There was no other way, it was so fragrant.

After eating, the wolf reacted and glared at Andrew, I am a wolf, not a dog, don't feed me, you bastard, although it is indeed delicious.


Seeing the wolf swallowing the roast, Andrew smiled and continued writing something in his notebook.

Fan Hexin and others watched quietly. They believed in Director Tianjian. The other party must have deep intentions in doing this. They only needed to wait for Director Tianjian's order.

In contrast, Sithorn and the others are much more nervous. Although they don't know Andrew's intentions, it is definitely not a good thing for them and must be stopped.

"How to disrupt the action of the Machine Demon King?"

Sithorn's heart moved, and he suddenly shouted to Little Red Riding Hood: "Little Red Riding Hood, the surrounding scenery is so beautiful, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, why don't you play a little longer?"

Sithorn's mind is very simple. If Andrew wants to stop the plot from progressing, then he will let the plot develop smoothly.

"Is the scenery so beautiful?"

Little Red Riding Hood was stunned when she heard this, and then she asked warily: "Are you trying to lure me away and then deal with my grandma? Oops, I actually told you my grandma's address. I was so stupid."

Sithorn was stunned, is this the plot? Wade laughed loudly and asked you to speak randomly. You said it was a dark and strange world. How could it be exactly the same as a fairy tale?

When the wolf heard what Little Red Riding Hood said, he shouted loudly, regardless of what Andrew wrote in his notes: "Who are you, who dare to take advantage of Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother? As a member of the forest, I will never allow this to happen."

Little Red Riding Hood looked grateful: "Mr. Wolf, you are such a good wolf."

Looking at the righteous wolf and the grateful Little Red Riding Hood, everyone was confused. Is this development a bit too weird?

Sithorne's expression changed. He was about to explain when Andrew suddenly said: "You have misunderstood. He is not trying to get your grandmother's idea. He is trying to get your idea. He wants you to stay here and then sneak attack you."

"I see."

Little Red Riding Hood suddenly realized, she said: "You are a bad person, I will not let you succeed."

After saying that, Little Red Riding Hood quickly ran away in the direction of her grandmother's house, followed by the wolf, looking back at Sithorn as she ran, as if to be wary of him.

Sithorne's whole body was not well, and Death asked: "Sithorne, do we want to catch up?"

Sithorn hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Catch up. If things go wrong, kill Little Red Riding Hood and restart the story."

Even if the two Heavenly Father Gods do not join forces, they can still kill the characters in the story. However, this cannot awaken Indigo. To awaken Indigo, two Heavenly Father Gods must take action at the same time to break the shackles.

In fact, without Wade, the heavenly father, Sithorn would not take such risks, but with Wade here, taking some risks is nothing. After all, Wade is the heavenly father and has some world authority, so he can completely Strength defeats cleverness.

Just like the tortoise and the hare before, others are trapped in the story and cannot escape at all, but Wade can come in and out at will, and even beat the rabbit into a plant rabbit.

This is because Wade is the Father God, has complete power of rules, and also has world authority, which can compete with the rules of the tortoise and the hare itself.

The same is true for the story of "Little Red Riding Hood". If something goes wrong, Wade can forcefully break the situation - let Wade deal with Superman and Van Helsing. He will procrastinate and work hard, but he will definitely not hold back against Little Red Riding Hood. As we all know, Wade is the most Likes to bully the weak.

With such a trump card, Sithorn can naturally take some risks. Moreover, given the current situation, the sooner he can rescue Indigo, the better. He can't keep wasting time here.


Everyone nodded and followed Sithorne to catch up. Van Helsing and others looked at Andrew and asked him what to do.

Andrew smiled and said: "Of course we will follow. After what happened just now, the initiative is in our hands."

"Initiative? That's right."

Everyone nodded and followed Andrew to catch up. After they left, many wild flowers around them began to wither. This was a means arranged by Sithorn in advance to confirm Andrew's actions.

After the flowers, plants and trees withered, a group of people reappeared, and it was Andrew and others.

Andrew smiled and said: "Sithorn and the others are going to be in trouble. They think that with Wade here, they can be unscrupulous, but they don't know..."

"But you don't know what?"

Everyone was very dissatisfied when they saw that Andrew didn't go on and deliberately kept the secret. Starlight Anne urged directly, and Andrew said: "But I don't know that in this world, you must not despise fairy tales. If you don't say this, we will go back to attack the Insect King and fight for the victory." He killed.

Five insect kings are under great pressure. If we can kill one in advance, our chances of winning will increase a lot. "

After everyone heard this, they didn't ask any more questions and left with Andrew - anyway, their phantoms were still chasing Sithorn and the others, so they didn't have to worry about nothing to show for it.

"By the way, remember to respond to your phantoms so that Sithorn and the others don't find anything wrong."

Andrew thought of something and ordered, and everyone nodded. Van Helsing and Starlight Anne are both Heavenly Father Gods, and it is not difficult for them to control their clones.

Huey was close, so Andrew asked Van Helsing to carry him on his back so he could concentrate entirely on the Phantom.

These phantoms are created with special powers. Sithorn and the others cannot see through them. After all, they are not Heavenly Father. As for Wade, if he is serious about sensing, he can see through them. The problem is, when he is serious, ?

On the other side, Andrew and others (Phantom), Sithorn and others chased Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, and arrived outside grandma's house one after another.

"Grandma, it's me. Open the door quickly. There are bad guys chasing me."

Little Red Riding Hood shouted in horror, and her grandmother's weak voice immediately came from the house: "Little Red Riding Hood? I'll open the door right away. Come in quickly."

With that said, grandma got up and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Little Red Riding Hood immediately ran in, followed closely by the wolf. It was full of excitement. It was great to sneak in so easily.

The next second, the wolf's entire body froze, because in the room, in addition to Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, there was also a hunter. The hunter, who was supposed to appear after Little Red Riding Hood was eaten, appeared in Grandma's room in advance.

"Little Red Riding Hood, you did a good job in luring the wolf over. I have wanted to kill this wolf for a long time, so I can make a pair of wolf-skin boots."

The hunter said excitedly. The wolf was completely confused. This was a trap. He coveted Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma, but he didn't know that the hunter also coveted him.

The wolf wanted to escape, but faced the hunter's shotgun, it did not dare to move at all. It stood there honestly and wanted to cry. It said that wolves are the most cunning and cunning creatures. These humans are more powerful than themselves. Cunning, more insidious, okay?

"Don't worry, there are others behind you, and this time, we can make a big profit."

Little Red Riding Hood said with a smile as she closed the door, without any trace of the innocence she had before. This is the real her.

In addition, what happens in the house cannot be seen by people outside. This is the rule.

After the door was closed, Sithorne and Andrew jumped over the fence one after another and rushed to the door. Then Sithorne shouted: "Little Red Riding Hood, we are not bad people, please open the door and let's talk."

The wolf next to you is the bad guy, so be careful not to be attacked by it. "

The wolf who was raising his hands and turning into a 'lamb wolf' was speechless. Am I the bad guy? you sure?

"Mr. Wolf is not a bad person. Ah, Mr. Wolf, why did you bite me?"

Little Red Riding Hood shouted in mock horror, and then Grandma yelled in a weak tone: "Let go of my granddaughter, you damn wolf."

After the grandmother finished speaking, the three of them looked at the wolf at the same time. The hunter also aimed his shotgun at the wolf's head. The wolf blinked. What does it mean?

Immediately, the wolf reacted and shouted with a ferocious look: "Old woman, get out of here, hahaha, Little Red Riding Hood, you are so stupid, you actually think that I am a good wolf."

The wolf performs so hard for two purposes. One is to let the hunter let it go, and the other is to trap Sithorne and the others. When he is unlucky, it is quite good to have others unlucky with him. thing.

Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma were very satisfied with the wolf's performance. Then, everyone continued to act, and Little Red Riding Hood shouted for help: "Save me, come and save me, the door is not closed."

Sithorn and others looked at each other, hesitating a little. At this moment, Andrew rushed up with a group of people, preparing to break down the door and rescue people.

Seeing this, Sithorn without saying a word, rushed to the door and entered, and then, uh, then, they were all sucked into the house.

The little match girl was no exception. Her body was sucked in by a force. At this moment, a feather fell on her and she stopped involuntarily.

The little girl looked at Andrew in surprise, wondering why he saved her? She could sense that the feather that saved her came from Andrew.

"Go to me and let's talk about missiles, nuclear bombs, annihilation bombs, anti-matter bombs and the like. You will never be disappointed."

Andrew said, and then he laughed at Sithorn in the room and said: "Sithorn, you are indeed an idiot. Enjoy it slowly and remember to keep your grace."

The next second, under the incredible gazes of Sithorn and others, Andrew and the others all disappeared, leaving only their laughter.

"It's a phantom. How is this possible? The only thing that can hide it from us is the power of Heavenly Father God. The problem is that the Machine Demon King is not Heavenly Father God now, and Superman, not to mention he is outside, even if he is in the forest, he is You don’t know these things.”

Sithorne was shocked, and Death said: "Ignore the matter about the Mechanical Demon King for now. I think we are in trouble."

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