American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1856 The Story of Little Red Riding Hood

"There are two ways to get Indigo out of the seal. One is to guess which one is Indigo. Then, the two Heavenly Father Gods join forces to kill him, and Indigo can regain his freedom."

Wade said: "But you can't guess wrong, because the death of any one of the five characters will cause the plot to restart. This is why in the tortoise and the hare, I don't kill the rabbit, I just beat it into a plant rabbit."

Hearing Wade's words, Alessa couldn't help but complain: "Wow, are you so cruel that you won't even let the rabbit go?"

"The rabbit is so delicious, how can I let it go?"

Wade swallowed and said. Sithorn was too lazy to pay attention to his tricks and asked: "Then, just kill them one by one. It's only five characters in total, and it can be restarted four times at most."

"Of course not."

Wade shook his head and said: "If the plot ends, Indigo's identity will not change, but if it is restarted with murder, Indigo will be reincarnated randomly.

For example, if you kill Little Red Riding Hood in this round, Indigo might be reincarnated into Little Red Riding Hood in the next round. "

"In other words, it's one-fifth every time."

Death was speechless, and he complained: "Why do you make things so troublesome?"

"Of course because we don't want anyone to rescue Him, what's the problem with that?"

Wade said confidently, and everyone was speechless. On the surface, there is indeed no problem. The problem is, you and Indigo are the same, brothers.

Alessa asked: "Wade, didn't you say there are two ways? What is the other way?"

"Another way is to let this weird story collapse. At that time, Indigo will automatically be free."

Wade said: "But this is obviously impossible, even those of us with permission, don't know how to make the weird story collapse."

Sithorne and others felt a headache after hearing this. They lowered their heads and thought about what to do. It was not easy to save Indigo.

On the other side, Van Helsing said: "It's a good thing for us that things are so troublesome. We just need to stop Sithorne and the others and kill the five main characters.

Moreover, with Superman around, it would be impossible for them to gather two Heavenly Father Gods, because Superman can contain one. "

"It's a pity that the Insect King has recovered his strength, otherwise, I can kill him."

The long-haired superman said regretfully: "Speaking of which, how could he recover to the strength of his heyday so quickly? Logically speaking, the injuries sustained by the five of them would take a long time to recover."

"It should be that Sithorn sacrificed a city to restore the strength of the Insect King. Those dead souls were the people who were sacrificed."

Andrew said with a solemn expression. The long-haired Superman was stunned when he heard this, and then roared: "Wade, is what Director Tianjian said true?"

Wade waved his hands hastily: "It was Sithorn who did it. It has nothing to do with me. I am innocent."

"Is it true? Wade, I misjudged you. You actually stood by and watched such a heartless thing?"

The long-haired Superman was furious. Except for a few supermen, most supermen had a strong sense of justice, and the long-haired Superman was no exception. When he heard that Sithorne and the others had killed an entire city, he couldn't help it and headed west. Thorne pounced on him, wanting to kill him completely.

The Insect King immediately stopped in front of Sithorn and was pushed back by him. The two old rivals started fighting again.

Seeing this, the others all made fighting gestures. The war was about to break out. At this moment, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly said: "Well, can you give way, I will go over first, and you will fight later? My grandma is sick, and I want to send her away." Biscuits and wine for her.”

This is not a normal 'Grandma Wolf' story. It is normal for Little Red Riding Hood to have the courage to speak. Andrew thought for a while and said: "Get out of the way and let Little Red Riding Hood go in first."

Sithorn glanced at Andrew and chose to get out of the way. Little Red Riding Hood politely thanked her, and then she ran happily into the forest with her basket in hand.

"Follow me."

Andrew said, everyone followed Little Red Riding Hood, Sithorne and the others followed closely behind, leaving only the long-haired Superman and the Insect King still fighting outside the forest.

"BOSS, what are we going to do next?"

Van Helsing sent a message and asked: "Our goal is to prevent Indigo from being released, as long as we prevent Sithorn and the others from entering the forest.

Although they have Wade on their side, I have a way to contain him. That guy is not really a bad person, he is just a simple psycho. "

"The problem is, with our current strength, it is impossible to kill them. Wade will not allow this to happen."

Andrew shook his head and said: "In this case, if a war breaks out, we will be pinned here and unable to do anything else.

As for Sithorn, there are still many people who have not come, such as the people from the motherland, General Zod, etc. If we are contained here, as time goes by, Sithorn will definitely let the people from the motherland attack the forest kingdom. , when the time comes, my body may not be able to protect so many people. "

"That's true."

Van Helsing nodded. Although Wade could contain him, he would definitely take action once Sithorne and the others were in danger.

"Let's follow up first and see the details of this weird story."

Andrew said: "Any weird story has great dangers, and we might be able to take advantage of those dangers to kill Sithorn and the others.

Even if they can't, they can still sabotage their rescue of Indigo. In any case, Indigo cannot be released. Even if he is really released, he must be severely injured to prevent him from causing trouble to Alice. "

"The problem is, they are in danger, and so are we."

Van Helsing complained about what he was thinking of and asked: "By the way, did the long-haired Superman tell me what this weird story is about?"

Andrew said: "I didn't say it because he didn't know."

At the same time, Sithorn also asked Wade the same question. Wade also replied that he didn't know. Death was speechless. He complained: "How could you not know?"

"Why do I know?"

Wade asked back, he said: "At that time, Superman and I attacked Indigo, and Indigo was briefly knocked unconscious by us. In order to prevent him from waking up, we immediately threw him in as soon as we discovered the weird story.

Then, the weird story began to reorganize, and it would take a lot of time in between. I didn’t mind staying and watching, but Superman had to hunt down those insect kings, so after we were sure there was no problem, we left directly.

In addition, the weird story now is different from before because of the added variable of indigo. "

"In this case, we can only take one step and see what happens."

Sithorne sighed and said, "Wade, please stop messing around for a while. Do whatever we ask you to do."

"No problem. I, Wade, am a professional. I promise to obey orders and complete tasks so that you can give me good reviews."

Wade immediately expressed his stance. Everyone looked at each other and sighed. They knew at a glance that it was unreliable. However, there was no other way now but to do this.

"How will the Machine Demon King solve this problem? He will definitely stop us from saving Indigo?"

Alessa asked, Sithorn glanced at Andrew and the others, and said, "Don't worry, let's read the weird story first. Starting a fight at this time will only be a waste of time.

Of course, we can't be careless. They must be thinking about how to trick us with weird stories, but they don't know that we can also trick them with weird stories.

It's a pity that the Mechanical Demon King himself didn't come. Otherwise, I would have given him a taste of what it feels like to race against a turtle. "

Speaking of this, the three Sithorne looked at Wade with deep resentment, and Wade laughed and pretended not to see it.

In this way, Andrew's side and Sithorne's side fell into a strange peace, and everyone followed Little Red Riding Hood, waiting for the plot to begin.

Fortunately, it was a dark and weird version of Little Red Riding Hood. If it were a normal version of Little Red Riding Hood, she would probably be trembling with fear when seeing such people following her.

Little Red Riding Hood didn't care about the people behind her at all. She jumped up and down carrying the basket and went to find her sick grandmother. At this time, a wolf walking upright appeared in front. When he saw Little Red Riding Hood, he said hello: "Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood." Where are you going?”

"Good morning, Mr. Wolf."

Little Red Riding Hood waved her hand and said, "I'm going to find my grandma. Her house is under three big oak trees, and there is a fence next to it. You should know."

"This little girl has something wrong with her brain. She actually gave out her address."

Wade complained behind him, and everyone looked at him speechlessly. Isn't it a bit boring for you to find logic in a fairy tale?

"Of course I know."

The wolf thought, Little Red Riding Hood was very delicious, and he had to think of a way to devour her and her grandmother together.

"First trick Little Red Riding Hood away, then pretend to be Little Red Riding Hood and eat her grandma. When Little Red Riding Hood comes to the door, I will eat her again. Hahaha, I am really a genius."

The wolf thought of a way and was very proud of it. Just when it was about to speak, Andrew appeared beside it and asked: "Why don't you just pounce on it? Can't you catch up with a little girl?"

The wolf looked at Andrew and asked dissatisfiedly: "Whether I can catch up with the little girl or not, what does it have to do with you? Also, who are you?"

"It turns out you really can't catch up with the little girl."

Andrew took a note and wrote down: "There is a useless wolf in the forest. It can't even catch up with a little girl. It is a shame among wolves. After entering the forest, don't be afraid of it. If you are interested, you can try to feed it.

Dogs are the product of domesticated wolves. In theory, it should be possible for this wolf to be domesticated into a dog. "

The wolf was so angry that he roared: "How dare you call me a disgrace? And call me a dog?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't scold you. I was telling the truth. This is not a scolding."

As Andrew spoke, he threw a piece of fragrant barbecue to the side, and the wolf subconsciously pounced on it and bit the barbecue.

Andrew praised: "Well done."

The wolf smiled subconsciously, then reacted, threw the barbecue on the ground, and roared: "I am not a dog."

"You are indeed not a dog now."

Andrew said. The wolf nodded at first, then reacted and glared at Andrew. This man was really annoying.

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