American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1708 Wishes Come True

"Technology changes life, I'm really a genius."

Bruce nodded with satisfaction and turned to go home. Grace was already impatient and called him in the room as soon as she heard the door closing.

When Bruce heard this, he opened his hands and leaned forward, and all his clothes flew away at the same time. Then, he walked into the room aggressively, letting the woman know how powerful God is.

Needless to say how powerful God is, with Bruce's one-click agreement, the entire New York City began to change.

First of all, on Van Helsing's side, all the women who had sex with him became younger, which caused them to exclaim and talk about it on the Internet.

Soon, these beauties discovered that they had all had a relationship with Van Helsing, so the beauties in the city went crazy and looked for Van Helsing, hoping to receive the power of angels and make themselves younger.

Van Helsing was looking beautiful when he suddenly felt a cold killing intent. He turned around quickly and saw Gabriel transforming into a human again. He said ferociously: "Van Helsing, I have wanted to kill you for a long time."

"Aren't you afraid?"

Van Helsing snorted coldly. The next second, the two of them disappeared at the same time, but they went to fight in a deserted place. Of course, Van Helsing did not forget about business and left a clone in place.

On the waist of the clone, there is an archangel sword, which is the clone left by Gabriel. The clone matches the clone, it is a perfect match.

At the same time, a tattooed man in a gang in New York was kneeling on the ground, praying to God. The person next to him complained: "Do you really believe in God? If God really has a spirit, bastards like us would have been there long ago. died."

"I believe in God. God will definitely hear my prayer and give me strength."

The tattooed man was talking. Suddenly, his body swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a three-meter-tall giant. He was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "God has heard my prayer.

Great God, I will definitely wipe out other gangs for you and conquer all the surrounding territories. "

The others were stunned. They looked at each other and immediately knelt down to pray together. Before long, all their wishes came true and their bodies became extremely strong.

Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed, and took up weapons one after another to find trouble with other gangs. The dark world tonight is destined to be very lively, because countless gang members have become enhanced people under the mercy of God.

At the same time, there are many people who have obtained superpowers. This is the era of superpowers. Many people are praying to have superpowers. Tonight, God’s great rewarder, everyone agrees.

Of course, although Bruce agreed to all of them, not all wishes could come true. For example, wishing for someone's death or the collapse of the wishing tower would not work. Wishing to summon a demon would also not work.

Only wishes that are positive and do not harm others can be realized. However, gang members' wishes to become stronger can be realized. After all, God 'doesn't know' that after these people become stronger, they will go out and kill people.

Simply put, God does not do bad things, and the wishing system will follow this rule.

In addition to the chaos in the dark world, other places are also in chaos. For example, someone makes a wish for a hundred horses, and then a large number of horses appear around his house, the street is completely blocked, and even a car accident occurs.

Also, someone made a wish to become a little plum, uh, a younger version. Then, the three little plums looked at each other in the street. I don’t know what happened, and a group of people gathered around to watch them and take pictures.

Some righteous people made a wish and wanted evidence of the congressmen's crimes. The next second, a large amount of evidence of the congressmen's crimes appeared on the Internet. The entire network was in chaos. The congressmen were trembling with fear, and some even committed suicide directly.

A guy who was afraid of chaos in the world wished that the city would be dark, all the lights would be dimmed, and even the moonlight would be shrouded in dark clouds, thus deepening the chaos in the city.

And this is just the beginning. As wishes continue to be realized, the city becomes more and more chaotic. The only good thing is that half of the people's wishes are to get rich, such as winning the jackpot.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of people will win the jackpot tomorrow at the same time, and then each of them will get forty dollars. There is no way, so many people can only get so little.

One can imagine how the people who won the lottery will react. These people will definitely cause chaos tomorrow.

Let's not say much for now. President Nathan, who was praying, suddenly felt full of energy, as if he could work for seven days and nights without taking a break.

"Great. God granted me my wish."

Nathan was overjoyed and immediately walked out of the nursing home and said: "Bring me the documents. Tonight, I have to work overtime. President of the United States, take the lead in working overtime. I love working overtime."

The Secret Service agents and staff looked at each other. Is this president crazy?

Director Newman also sensed the aura in the dark and hurriedly injected her daughter with compound No. 5. Her intuition told her that her daughter would awaken a powerful power.

On the other side, Billy was receiving Sithorn's teachings. Suddenly, his body quickly changed from monster form back to human form. At the same time, space fluctuations appeared around him, preparing to teleport him away.

This was Huey's wish coming into effect. Sithorne was stunned when he saw this, and hurriedly injected a large amount of magic power into Billy's body to prevent him from turning back into a human.

At the same time, the demon sensed spatial fluctuations in his territory and became furious, immediately waving his hand to cut off the spatial transmission.

But it didn't end there. A big hand full of divine feeling emerged from the void, grabbing the transforming Billy and preparing to escape. The devil and Sithorn sneered at the same time and attacked the holy hand.

In the end, the big hand was broken up and turned into a piece of holy light. At this moment, all the holy light rushed into Billy's body and forcibly turned Billy back into a human. Billy fell to his knees with a confused look on his face. What happened to him? thing? Why does it feel like I'm having a long nightmare?

"Damn it."

Sithorn looked very ugly. Although he didn't let Billy escape, Billy turned back into a human, which was now in trouble.

"That power just now was from God?"

The devil appeared next to Sithorn and asked puzzledly: "Why would he save Billy? There is no reason at all? Billy doesn't look like a devout believer in this way.

To put it another way, even if he was a truly devout believer, God would not have spent so much power to come to hell to save him, because God knew very well that He could not save Billy. "

"There is indeed something wrong. God has no reason to do such a loss-making and mindless thing."

Sithorn nodded and said, "Something may have happened to the Earth. We will monitor the Earth, especially New York, and see what happens."


The devil nodded first, then looked at the confused Billy and asked: "How to deal with this guy?"

Sithorn glanced at Billy and was about to speak when Billy suddenly stood up and said with an evil look on his face: "How to deal with it? Is it necessary to deal with it? What is the difference between me now and before?"

Sithorn asked: "Are you sure there is really no difference?"

"Of course there is no difference. Although I have turned back into a human being, for some unknown reason, my ability still exists, and it has become purer. My chance of breaking through to Heavenly Father God is at least 20% greater."

Billy said: "As for my personality, it hasn't changed. As long as I can kill people from my motherland, I can do anything. I'm not a good person to begin with, am I?"

Sithorn said: "I think it would be better to turn you back into a monster."

"Okay, I don't mind, as long as you can kill people from the motherland."

Billy said very happily, and the devil and Sithorn nodded after hearing the words. Then, they called the monster queen Alessa and asked her to turn Billy into a monster again.

Alessa tried it, shook her head and said: "No, he has extremely huge sacred power in his body. I can't turn him into a monster again. If I force the transformation, he will die.

By the way, is this guy the reincarnation of an angel? Otherwise, why would there be such rich, pure, and sacred angelic power? Even more divine than Van Helsing's angelic powers. "

"Because it's the power of God."

Sithorn was not too disappointed. This was what he expected. God came to save people, so how could they be easily changed back? Does God have no face?

Alessa shrugged and asked, "God? It seems quite complicated. What should we do now?"

Sithorn thought for a while and said to Billy: "I will continue to help you ascend to Heavenly Father God, but you have to kill Starlight Anne."

Sithorne knew a long time ago that Starlight Anne was related to Andrew. Billy killed Starlight Anne. No matter what he thought, he could only follow them to death because he and the Machine Demon King were mortal enemies.

"No problem, I was going to kill her."

Billy agreed without any hesitation. Sithorn and the devil nodded at the same time. From the current point of view, there was nothing wrong with Billy.

Of course, if there is no problem, there is no problem. You still have to do what you need to do. This is basic courtesy.

Billy still stood there evilly, no one knew what he was thinking, but one thing was certain, he was determined to kill the people of his motherland, and no one could stop him.

Leaving aside the matter of hell, the invisible man's wish also came true. His body was transformed by the divine power and turned into another material, the material of light, which not only made him invisible, but also emitted rays of light.

In addition, Andrew had previously integrated several powers into the invisible man, and the invisible man's strength has skyrocketed. Of course, he is still not God the Heavenly Father, and the God the Heavenly Father is not that good.

"I've become stronger, and more importantly, I can keep getting stronger."

The invisible man looked at his hands, excited. Although he was still a little far away from Director Tianjian, at least he had some hope.

Moreover, it is not necessary to defeat Director Tianjian. When he becomes as powerful as the people of the motherland, he will make a small request - to peek into the women's toilet. I think Director Tianjian will not refuse.

As a Heavenly Father, as long as you meet his small request, he will serve you wholeheartedly. What reason do you have to refuse? That is God the Father!

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