American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1707 One-click consent

"No, Ms. Death, you're too young to watch popcorn movies."

Hunter complained on the side: "A qualified popcorn movie must at least have a twist. For example, the people of the motherland are captured by aliens because of some things, and the aliens want to use him to create monsters.

Later, a female alien was attracted by the motherland and released him. With the joint efforts of the two, the alien fleet was finally defeated.

This is a standard popcorn movie. What the people of the motherland say is entirely their own YY, commonly known as daydreaming. "

"Nonsense, my motherland is invincible, how can it be possible to be captured?"

The motherland people immediately retorted. After a few years, the hunter completely became his confidant and knew about death. Therefore, the previous chat was a three-person chat group.

"The thing is, the movie needs a twist," Hunter said.

"But I don't need to. Just shoot it like this. I have the final say in my movie."

The people of the motherland shouted: "Death, let the most powerful prop master come over quickly, the script is almost finished, there are many things to discuss.

I am a native of my motherland and I am about to make headlines again. No one can stop me because I am a native of my motherland, hahaha. "

Death slapped his forehead. Why are all his men having problems? On the Nth day when I miss Thanos, this guy is better, loyal and capable.

Soon, the most powerful prop master was sent to the moon. He was very interested in the plan of the motherland. He wanted to create a movie that was more powerful than all previous movies.

"People of the motherland, why don't we just blow up the moon? Then you personally intercept those meteorites. This way, it will be more explosive and exciting."

The strongest tool master said excitedly, and the hunter looked at this guy speechlessly. He was indeed a monster, crazier than the people of his motherland.

Seeing that the people of the motherland were a little moved, the hunter hurriedly said: "People of the motherland, besides you, there are other superheroes on earth. If you want to blow up the moon, they will never turn a blind eye.

Also, don't forget Director Tianjian, he won't care if you act, but if you really make any big noise, he will definitely come to chat with you. "

"Do you think I'm afraid of Director Tianjian?"

The motherland snorted coldly and said: "I just can't let go of the moon. After all, it has been with me for decades. The moon is reserved. The most powerful prop master, you first get an alien fleet out."

By the way, do you want an artist? Future Group has all the support you want. I only have one request, perfection. "

"Can't it be blown up? Forget it. As for the fleet, I'll conjure up a few first and see if they suit you?"

The strongest prop master was a little disappointed, and then the three of them began to discuss the details of the movie. From time to time, the people from the motherland returned to Earth to go to the Future Group to work on the script and settings.

"Technology is so backward that neither the earth nor the moon can communicate."

The man from the motherland sighed, and then he thought of a problem. If the earth and the moon cannot communicate, how can he broadcast live?

Although it is possible to show a movie afterwards, it is not as thrilling as a live broadcast. In that case, the popularity will not be too high, which is why Andrew often does live broadcasts.

"I can only let death help. I hope he won't be angry."

The people of the motherland secretly thought that although he was also a Heavenly Father God, he was a very special God and could not do anything except fighting.

There is nothing we can do about it, the people of the motherland, Samuel and these Heavenly Father Gods have all become quick through brutal battles and lack the foundation of other Heavenly Father Gods - they are too young.

Although Death did not want to get involved in this mess, he could only agree to it after repeated requests from the people of the motherland. He shook his head, what is this?

"This time, I will succeed."

The man of the motherland thought with confidence, and then he flew towards the moon again. Unfortunately, he did not pray to God, otherwise, he might really succeed.

At night, Bruce returned home, and his wife Grace said mysteriously: "I went and took a measurement, and I have really gotten bigger. Do you think I will have awakened my powers? Otherwise, there is no reason why I can still be at this age." Get bigger.”

"You can't pass this level, can you?"

Bruce complained secretly, and said, "Have you awakened the power of breast enlargement? Is there such a power? I think you remembered it wrong before."

"Of course there is such a power, but this kind of power attack method seems unsightly."

Grace said worriedly: "This is not good. Although I really want the power, I don't want to use it to attack. It's too embarrassing. I wonder if God can give me a new power?"

Grace's words made Bruce's ears buzz again. He found an excuse to go to the toilet, and then kept whispering: "God, God, God..."

"Shouting God in the toilet, he is really unique."

Van Helsing couldn't help but complain, and Gabriel said with a cold face: "There is no sincerity at all, how could God care about him?"

The next second, Bruce disappeared directly, but was taken away by God. Van Helsing looked at Gabriel with a half-smile, and Gabriel shut himself up. Is there something wrong with the God of this world?

Soon, Bruce returned. He had figured out what those voices were. They were the prayers of the people. As God, he had to respond. This was his daily job.

"How can I answer all the prayers? I can't even hear them clearly."

Bruce complained, he thought for a while, found an excuse to go to the basement, and then said: "Turn all those prayers into documents, and I will read them slowly."

The next second, countless documents appeared in the basement, and even Bruce was covered up. Bruce hurriedly said: "Turn it into a note."

The files disappeared, notes were everywhere in the basement, and the number was increasing crazily. Bruce had to cancel the order. At this time, an idea flashed in his mind, and he sent all the prayers into the computer to form a prayer system.

Then, the computer loaded crazily, and Bruce finally stopped hearing the prayers. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "It seems that I have to work overtime tonight. I want to drink a cup of the best Colombian coffee."

Just as Bruce finished speaking, a farmer-like Old Mo appeared out of thin air next to him and poured him a cup of steaming top-quality coffee.

Then, Lao Mo nodded and disappeared from the basement. Van Helsing was speechless. This guy really enjoyed it. He waved, and Lao Mo appeared next to him and poured him a cup of coffee.

Then, Van Helsing waved his hand, preparing to make Old Mo disappear. Unexpectedly, Old Mo suddenly stretched out his hand and said in standard English: "Money."

"Why doesn't he have to give it and I have to give it?"

Van Helsing said angrily that he didn't care about money, there was a BOSS anyway, but he did mind unfair treatment.

Lao Mo said: "You can tell by looking at the materials on his body that he has no money. The price of any piece of clothing on your body cannot match the price of all the clothing in his life combined.

The money for two cups of coffee is all paid by you. You superpowers always call me and you must pay me. "

"You are really discerning."

Fan Helsing complained, took out a gold coin and gave it to Lao Mo. Lao Mo left with satisfaction. While drinking coffee, Fan Helsing sighed: "I've fallen, I've fallen. I used to save more, but now I don't want to wear clothes worth one hundred thousand dollars." Too embarrassed to go out.

This must be BOSS's fault. Who asked him to give me so much money? "

Gabriel complained: "Congratulations, you have almost caught up with your boss in terms of thickness of skin."

"This coffee tastes really good. I can do this next time."

Van Helsing didn't take it seriously and said with a satisfied look on his face. Bruce was also very satisfied. After drinking his coffee, he looked at the computer and found that it had been loaded, with a total of more than 1.7 million prayers.

"Wow, New Yorkers really can pray."

Bruce did some warm-up exercises and began to process these prayers. The process was very simple. He clicked on the prayers and entered YES without even looking at them.

At first, Bruce's hand speed was normal, but soon, his fingers were so fast that phantoms appeared, and the keyboard made a crackling sound. He didn't know which brand of keyboard it was, but the quality was so good.

"He really did this?"

Van Helsing wanted to complain, but there were so many complaints that he didn't know where to start. Gabriel shouted angrily: "How could he do this? Even writing NO to everything is better than saying yes. In this way, the world It’s going to be chaos.”

"Fortunately, God only gave him the power of New York. That is, if New York is destroyed, other places will not be affected."

"The people of New York are used to it anyway," Van Helsing said.

"Are your words like what a superhero should say?"

Gabriel said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Try to find a way to stop him. You can't watch him do bad things, right?"

"No, my mission is to monitor him, and I may not be able to stop him. He is God now."

Van Helsing shrugged. Since Director Tianjian and the real God didn't take action, what could he do?

Van Helsing was very self-aware and would not bear everything on his back. Then, he began to pray again, and the content of his prayers was the same as before.

"If you don't take action, it's just to get a wish, right?"

Gabriel complained. Of course, he also knew that Van Helsing was not that kind of person. He shook his head and made the same wish: "God, I pray to you, please allow me to transform, just like when I turned into a monster."

Bruce didn't know that much, and he was typing frantically with his fingers. At a glance, the keyboard was covered with hands. At the same time, Bruce's face was full of exaggerated expressions. It looked very funny and made people want to laugh.

This is where a certain famous meme comes from.

In this way, Bruce was busy for a full hour before he stopped. He took back his hands, exhaled, and was about to drink a cup of coffee to relax. At this moment, the computer popped up a prompt and the number of prayers increased to more than two million.

Bruce looked confused. He had been working hard for more than an hour, and the number of prayers increased instead of decreasing. So what the hell was he working on?

Bruce thought for a while, suddenly smiled, and designed a program to agree with one click. In other words, all prayers would be automatically agreed without him having to do anything manually.

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