American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1695 God comes

"The world must change, but not in your way."

Pete shouted: "Even if you strip away all the rich people's money, so what? If you do this, it will only lead to the collapse of social order. By then, the people at the bottom will die more miserably."

Peter came from a political family. Although he disliked these things due to his personality and did not participate much, he knew many things through his ears and eyes.

Not to mention, Peter now works as a bodyguard next to Nathan every day. This job exposes him to a lot of darkness and inside stories - a powerful country must be filled with endless darkness behind the glamor.

Peter hated these darkness and even had the idea of ​​killing all the high-level officials, but in the end, he did not do so because he knew very well that no matter how bad the order was, it was better than no order at all.

Once order collapses, only the people will suffer. If you want to change the world, Nathan's path is the right one.


Joseph obviously couldn't listen to Peter's words. He shouted: "As long as we kill those black-hearted executives and share their resources equally with everyone, the world will become a very beautiful place."

"You're so naive, and rightly so, you're a nerd."

Peter shook his head and said: "Joseph, I agree with your ideal, but I don't agree with your approach. Thank you for your rule ability. I will use this rule ability to protect the world."

As Peter spoke, the darkness on him quickly dissipated. Joseph roared, but it was of no use. His soul and body were completely controlled by Peter.

Then, Peter opened his eyes and raised his hand to point to a large tree in the distance. The tree withered quickly. Then, he pointed to the weeds on the side, which were growing crazily.

This is Pete depriving the tree of its vitality and giving it to the weeds, causing them to grow wildly.

"The ability to rule is really wonderful."

Peter looked amazed. At this time, Andrew's voice came from next to him: "Destroy the trees, and you will be fined one thousand dollars. In addition, you have to shovel all these weeds."

Peter's proud expression froze for a moment, and he said awkwardly: "I will restore them immediately."

After speaking, Peter transferred the vitality of the weeds back to the big tree, but to his expectation, the weeds withered completely, while the big tree was half dead.

"The transfer process will cause a lot of consumption, and it is impossible to transfer it perfectly. Just like the energy transfer in the food chain, it is only about 20%."

Andrew said: “Of course, this is also because of the limitations of Joseph’s rule ability, which is, after all, an incomplete rule ability.

Peter, the monsters' rule abilities are very powerful, but not so powerful that they can crush everything. They are just external forces. Your focus should be on understanding the rules of imitation, which is the most powerful. "

"I understand, I will not sacrifice the good for the bad."

Peter nodded, and then he said gratefully: "BOSS, thank you for choosing such a suitable target for me."

Joseph is similar to Peter in terms of character and experience. Therefore, it is not too difficult for Peter to fuse him. It is definitely not that easy to replace him with other monsters.

A good start is half the success. With this successful experience, Peter will be much smoother in the future.

"At the beginning, you always have to give some discounts, otherwise why would you jump into the trap?"

Andrew laughed, and Peter complained: "Am I playing some web game? BOSS, I have a question, how did you find a goal that suits me so well?"

"Because of fate."

Andrew said inscrutably. His good daughter Alessa passed the information to Andrew, and Andrew asked the artificial intelligence to retrieve the most suitable one. Then, Alessa sent Joseph to fight, and Joseph was captured. Everything was as simple as that.

Peter didn't doubt anything. He kept using the rule ability and tried to imitate it as soon as possible. This was much easier than simply imitating. Peter was confident that he would master this rule ability within a month.

At that time, Andrew will find other monsters to come over and let Peter continue to imitate until he successfully masters the rules of imitation and is promoted to God the Father.

And Andrew will also master the rules of imitation through Pete. With his understanding of the rules, the upper limit is far higher than that of Pete.

Looking at Pete who was practicing hard, Andrew nodded with satisfaction. The employees were so motivated, why worry about not being able to drive a sports car every day? Ahem, why worry about not succeeding in your great cause? We are serious people.

At this time, an unscrupulous guy called Andrew: "BOSS, I had a dream."

"Is it none of your business to have a dream? Also, don't tell me that I'm in your dream. It's so disgusting."

Andrew looked disgusted: "Finally, inter-dimensional calls are very expensive. Let's get straight to the point. Do you believe I have a two-way charge? The person making the call has to pay, and the person answering the phone also has to pay."

"It doesn't matter, you will be reimbursed anyway."

Van Helsing laughed loudly and said: "I dreamed about Gabriel in this universe. He told me that God has come to the world and asked me to pay more attention in the world to avoid any problems."

"God has come to earth?"

Andrew was a little shocked. He said: "The God of this world is finally willing to show up? I have been looking for the God of your world for a long time, but He is still hiding in heaven and does not show up. I don't know if he has been disfigured and has no face to see anyone." .”

"How dare you blaspheme God?"

Gabriel's roar came from the phone, and Andrew said: "I am also God, what's wrong with blaspheming Him? When is it our God's internal affairs, when will it be your turn as an archangel to protest?"

Gabriel was choked instantly. He really couldn't refute such a strong reason. He cursed secretly, why can such a guy become God?

"Hahaha, this is the first time I have seen Gabriel being criticized like this."

Van Helsing laughed again and said: "BOSS, God is the top heavenly Father God. He has come to the world. The problem is very serious. We must find Him as soon as possible.

I asked that Gabriel, but he hesitated and refused to say why God came to earth. He only asked me to pay more attention. Also, He said that He cannot easily come to earth, so we can only rely on ourselves. "

"I hate this kind of pushy guy the most."

Andrew made a sound, and said: "Since Gabriel is looking for you, I will leave this matter to you. You find God, and I will talk to Him."

"BOSS, are you the legendary blame-shifter?"

Van Helsing complained, and Andrew dug his ears and said, "I didn't hear what you were saying just now. Can you say it again?"

"I said, BOSS, I understand, I will complete the mission."

Van Helsing rolled his eyes and said, who is the boss who pays wages? Being a younger brother must be harder, but the beauties in New York have suffered, and for a while they can no longer realize their dreams with their idols.

The merciful Van Helsing felt great pain for the loss of the beauties. Alas, there was nothing he could do, he was such a philanthropic person.

"Be more careful. No matter what you say, you are still the reincarnation of an archangel. In addition, I will grant you a sum of funds, so you can spend it as much as you like."

Andrew said, when he heard that there was a special fund, Van Helsing's eyes lit up and he immediately promised to complete the task. As we all know, the so-called special fund means to spend it casually.

After hanging up the phone, Andrew touched his chin. God came to earth. Which movie is this plot? It must be handled well, otherwise there may be trouble. God's strength will never be worse than that of the devil.

"Artificial intelligence, monitor the world, find the whereabouts of God."

Andrew ordered: "Uh, no, you can't find God. Look for things related to God. For example, the sea suddenly parted, everyone won the lottery when they bought it, and so on."

The artificial intelligence responded: "Yes, BOSS, retrieving and analyzing."

Andrew nodded and put the matter aside for the time being. He glanced at Peter, who was practicing his rules ability, and turned to find Claire, ready to teach her and let her understand where her shortcomings were.

Andrew's departure did not affect Peter. He had been transferring the vitality of the weeds. However, the rule ability was extremely consumed. It didn't take long for him to become weak and had to rest.

"Joseph, I have to say that your ability is really useful. I will make good use of this ability and take your share to protect the world together."

Peter murmured to himself, Joseph snorted coldly, still trying to persuade Peter to go his way, and Peter shrugged, not wavering at all.

"It's a pity that such a genius and such a good girlfriend turned into a monster. Wow, his girlfriend's figure is really... ahem, I can't look at it. I'm a good person."

Peter was a little embarrassed, especially since Joseph kept roaring in his mind. He sighed, when will the spring that belongs to him arrive? The requirements are not high, as long as the figure is no worse than that of a supermodel.

Earth, New York, Van Helsing accepted the mission and drove his newly purchased sports car around the city. Gabriel complained: "Are you working, or are you showing off the sports car you just bought?"

"It's both. Such a good car would be wasted if you don't take it out and run it."

Van Helsing smiled and said: "If nothing else happens, God should be in New York. I have your angelic power. If He uses his power, there is a high possibility that I can sense the fluctuations."

Gabriel asked, "How did you know He would be in New York?"

“Because God is needed most here.”

Van Helsing said: “God is merciful, and He will come to the places where He is most needed, show His miracles, and save His believers.

Well, I made up all the above. I don’t know if God is really kind, but I think the probability of Him being in New York is the highest. "

"Of course God is merciful and prefers you humans, otherwise you would have been exterminated long ago."

Gabriel snorted coldly: "It seems that God is indeed in New York. We must find Him as soon as possible. When God comes to the world, there must be something big. We must help God save the world."

Van Helsing said: "The God who saves the world is called Director Tianjian. As for this God, maybe he is here to travel."

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