Queen Maeve grabbed hold of Claire's flaw and rushed in front of her. Claire was startled and wanted to retreat. At this moment, Queen Maeve hit her wrist with the handle of the knife.

Claire was in pain, and the weapon fell to the ground with a clang. Then, Queen Maeve swept out with her kick, knocking Claire to the ground, ending the battle.

"Claire, you are making rapid progress, but your nature is still too kind and lacks aggression."

Queen Maeve stretched out her hand towards Claire and said: "When I approached you before, you should not retreat, but should fight back. Once you retreat, the initiative will be in my hands."

"I will improve next time."

Claire took Queen Maeve's hand and stood up. After all, she was not a sharp and strong woman. She was obviously not aggressive enough when fighting.

"Claire, when you go back, make a good summary of this defeat. Maeve will let you go, but other villains will not."

Andrew came over and said: "Don't underestimate those villains. Any mistake you make may cause your own death, or the death of people."

"I would never allow this to happen."

Claire loudly promised that she would not only be a superhero, but also a superhero who could protect everyone.

Then, Claire went back to summarize, and Andrew handed a bottle of water to Queen Maeve. Queen Maeve took it and said with a smile: "Director Tianjian, Mr. Savior, you are so passionate. Claire clearly has your breath. It’s still very rich.”

Andrew said righteously: "What do you mean by saying this? To tease me? Let me tell you, I am a serious person. Of course, if you insist on forcing yourself, as the savior, I will not resist to avoid hurting you. "

Queen Maeve pointed her middle finger directly. Although she can be both male and female, she still prefers women to men.

Moreover, Andrew should not step into this pit. Once he steps into it, he will probably not be able to climb out. By then, not only will he fall into it, but his women will also fall into it together, and they will suffer huge losses.

Queen Maeve thought of something and complained: "It's really hard to be your woman. Not only do I have to serve you at night, but I also have to be a superhero during the day and save the world with you."

"It is their own dream to be superheroes, I am not forcing them to become superheroes."

Andrew said: "As for serving at night, I don't like this word, because happiness is mutual. I won't tell you this. How do you master the power of the gods?"

A few years ago, after Andrew turned the wasteland into his own territory, he promoted Queen Maeve to the patron saint of this world.

After Queen Maeve became a god, she used her divine power to help build cities. Now the wasteland world has begun to revive, and even modern cities have appeared. Of course, this cannot be separated from the support of technology and resources from other worlds.

"It's not bad. I use my divine power to build every day. It's hard even if I'm not proficient at it."

Queen Maeve complained: "I should be the least godly god. Some workers even made me the god of construction and worshiped me before every start of work."

Speaking of this, Queen Maeve is really full of dark streaks. She is the dazzling Queen Maeve, and now she has become the goddess of construction.

"This shows that you are a real superhero."

Andrew said: "Only a true superhero will put aside fame and fortune and focus on doing things that are useful to the people."

"I'm just making up for my previous mistakes. I went astray once and will never go astray again."

Queen Maeve said that when she first debuted, she was full of passion, just like Starlight Annie now, but as time went by, she gradually degenerated and became a superhero who mainly focused on making money.

Fortunately, God allowed her to meet Andrew, and she regained her former passion and became a real superhero.

"very good."

Andrew said: "In addition to this world, I have several other worlds, and I want you to become the god of those worlds.

With so many worlds superimposed, you will become a powerful Heavenly Father. More importantly, I can call you to help me and fight with me. "

Queen Maeve was stunned: "Is this okay? The patron saint can only be in one world, right?"

"It's all my territory. If I say yes, of course it's okay."

Andrew said: "However, rights and obligations are equal. When you become a patron saint, you have to protect the world. If something goes wrong, you are likely to suffer backlash."

"Protecting the world is what I wanted to do, but now it's just a little more work."

Queen Maeve smiled and said: "That's fine. It should be a good thing to appreciate the scenery and beauties of other worlds."

Andrew complained: "What you said is not scumbag at all."

"This is to learn from you. You are my BOSS. Whatever you do, I will definitely follow."

Queen Maeve retorted plausibly, and Andrew laughed. This woman really refused to suffer any losses.

Letting Queen Maeve become a patron saint is something that Andrew has been planning for a long time. At the level of Heavenly Father God, quality is far more important than quantity. A more powerful Heavenly Father God is more cost-effective than several patron saints.

Of course, this is not that simple, it requires a lot of preparation, and it cannot be completed so quickly. Even if it is completed, Queen Maeve will need some time to become familiar with the new divine power.

However, this is not difficult for Queen Maeve. After all, she is a famous goddess of construction.

An hour later, Peter came back. He said very calmly: "BOSS, I am willing to merge with the monster."

Peter was not impassioned, but this showed his determination. No matter what happened, he could not change his belief that he would become God the Father and protect the world.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, he raised his hand, and a monster with dull eyes and many drug patterns on his face appeared next to him.

Alessa's monsters often appear in the hell battlefield, so it is not unusual for Andrew to catch the monster, and it will not arouse any suspicion.

Peter looked at the monster and exclaimed: "I know him, he is Dr. Joseph, who invented a new drug to treat diabetes, which is many times more effective than the drugs on the market.

He is recognized as the most likely expert to overcome diabetes. Unfortunately, he died during the monster disaster. Many people felt sorry for him. Unexpectedly, he did not die, but turned into a monster.

How can this be? He wants money, fame, good looks, and even a supermodel girlfriend. What reason would he have to become a monster? I don’t have any of these things, how can I still live well? "

"Why does the last sentence feel so sad?"

Andrew complained, he said: "Why Joseph turned into a monster, he will know when you fuse.

Peter, there must be extreme darkness behind the corruption of such a genius. If you are assimilated, you will become the next monster.

When the time comes, I will have to do something to you, and I believe you understand this. "

"I understand that my beliefs are not so easily assimilated."

Peter said, and then he stepped forward and held Joseph's shoulders, and the two instantly became one.

This step is just physical fusion. Peter's fusion power cannot merge the other's memory. Andrew raised his hand and touched his eyebrows gently, and the two people's memories merged immediately.

Then, Peter witnessed with his own eyes what a genius Joseph was. He had been a top academic student since he was a child. He was a child of other families and even received a full scholarship to go to college without spending a penny from his family.

After graduation, Joseph joined the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States to research new drugs for the treatment of diabetes. He wanted to use this new drug to benefit all mankind, so that all people with diabetes can use cheap and effective drugs.

Joseph relied on his own wisdom to successfully develop a new drug, but his dream did not come true because the patent for the drug did not belong to him, but to the pharmaceutical company where he worked.

Pharmaceutical companies significantly increased the price of this drug, making a lot of money and bringing Joseph a lot of praise. However, this was not what Joseph wanted. Ordinary people had no money to buy his new drug.

This made Joseph very painful. He repeatedly proposed to the company's senior executives to lower the selling price. Anyway, he would definitely make some money. Unfortunately, he was rejected time and time again. The senior executives even laughed at him in front of him for being too naive.

Although he was rich, famous, profitable, and had a supermodel girlfriend, Joseph was not happy at all. He repeatedly hit the wall, making his heart full of resentment and resentment towards those senior officials.

Joseph knew very well that as long as these people were around, even if they had a patent, it would be impossible to realize their dream, because they would never allow anyone to undermine their interests.

Under normal circumstances, even if Joseph is angry, he can't do anything except destroy himself, but when the world comes, Joseph becomes a monster and has the ability of rule: deprivation.

Deprivation is to strip away what the other party owns and transfer it to other people. For example, if the other party is very rich, after using this ability, the other party's money becomes someone else's.

This was Joseph's obsession. He wanted to deprive those at the top of everything and let the people get what they deserved, and that's exactly what he did.

Peter fell silent after reading Joseph's memory. Joseph was a kind and talented man. Unfortunately, the world was dark, so he could do nothing but become a monster.

"I'm not wrong. If you want to change the world, you must first kill those disgusting group executives."

Joseph's voice rang in Peter's mind: "You, like me, also want to protect the world. Let's join forces to change the world and make it fairer.

As long as all the money of the rich is given to the poor, the world will become a paradise, and no one will be able to afford medicine or see a doctor. "

Peter's soul gradually turns black, which means that he is being assimilated by Joseph, because he empathizes with it. If he were Joseph, he would be equally full of resentment.

However, this layer of blackness was quickly suppressed, and Peter's soul exuded a faint white light, which represented his firm belief.

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