American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1621 Detailed Arrangement

"Let go of Alessa, Mechanical Demon King."

The demon clone finally teleported over. Seeing that Alessa had been defeated, he immediately swung his sword and slashed at Andrew. The sword was full of negative aura, which was upsetting.

Andrew grabbed Alessa's head and quickly backed away. He sighed in his heart and said, "The fishing plan was successful, but unfortunately, I caught a useless fish."

Alessa was puzzled: "A useless fish?"

"I originally wanted to fish out the true forms of Sithorn and the others, but as a result, those three guys are now more stubborn than the other."

Andrew shook his head: "If they show up in person, I can join forces with you to completely solve one of them. Hey, it would be interesting if they knew your true identity.

It's a pity that in the end, only the devil's clone was fished out. Alessa, it seems that you have to continue to be an undercover agent. The devil's clone is not worth revealing your identity. It would be such a waste. "

Andrew can deal with this clone by himself, and there is no need for a sneak attack from Alessa.

Alessa was convinced: "That is, the eldest daughter of my majestic Mechanical Demon King is just a clone and is not qualified to be my trophy."

Andrew continued: "Alessa, next, I will pretend to beat you seriously, and you will find an opportunity to let the Fallen Demon King or the devil take you back. Then, you will sneak attack on the Fallen Demon King, use the fallen wings, and completely devour you. Drop Him."

"Wow, Dad, your idea is so insidious. It doesn't look like a positive person at all."

Alessa complained, and He said: "I don't mind doing this, but I can't do it, right? That's the fallen devil."

"You can do it, because the devil will help you."

Andrew smiled and said: "Next, the devil will definitely contact you and lure you to join his camp with various benefits. You should not agree at first and insist on following the fallen devil.

In this way, in the end, the devil will definitely say that he will help you replace the Fallen Demon King and become the leader of the Fallen Alliance. "

Alessa asked in confusion: "How do you know He will say this?"

"Because of the fallen wings, under normal circumstances, you cannot replace the fallen devil. It is normal for the devils to devour each other, but the power they can inherit is very small. Moreover, the fallen devil is not that easy to deal with. Even if it is a demon, you will not be completely sure."

Andrew explained: “But it’s completely different if you have fallen wings. The fallen wings are part of the fallen devil, which means that you can use them to perfectly swallow the power of the fallen devil.

Not only that, with the fallen wings, it will become easy to plot against the fallen devil, and it can even ensure that he cannot escape.

I can see this, and although the devil is a little worse than me, he can definitely see it as well, so he will definitely use this condition to seduce you.

This is also of great benefit to Him. At that time, the Fallen Alliance will completely listen to His words and will not be just allies like they are now. "

After a pause, Andrew added: "In addition, my body will seriously injure the fallen demon king in hell. When the time comes, the demon will not miss the opportunity."

"To put it simply, the devil wants to use me to annex the entire Fallen Alliance. In this way, he will make a lot of money."

Alessa understood, and he said: "But he didn't expect that I am actually the eldest daughter of the Machine Demon King, and everything he did was to help the enemy, just like helping me to be promoted to the Demon King before.

Haha, Dad, I am looking forward to it now. Their expressions will be wonderful when they know my true identity. "

"I am looking forward too."

Andrew smiled and said: "Alessa, after becoming an undercover agent, don't inform me of the information. Your role is very important and cannot be leaked easily.

In the end, your backstab must make the devil, or one of the guys in the Losers Alliance, completely fall. Only in this way will it be worthy of your status. "

"Dad, I will not let you down, nor will I be sorry for my identity."

Alessa said excitedly that he liked this undercover plan. As for the danger, he was not afraid of it, even if he died, he believed that even if he died, his father would have a way to resurrect him.

Alessa believed 100% in Andrew. After all, he was his father, an omnipotent father.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. The conversation between the two seemed long, but because it was an exchange of consciousness, it only lasted a moment. The devil's second sword had just struck.

When the demon saw that Andrew did not fight back, but kept attacking Alessa, he became a little anxious and shouted loudly: "Mechanical Demon King, aren't you very arrogant? Why are you running away?"

"Because you don't need me to deal with you."

Andrew smiled slightly, and the demon was about to speak. Suddenly, a shield flashing with holy light flew through the space and hit him hard.

The demon hurriedly avoided, and the shield kept flashing in the air and hit the demon one after another. The demon seized the opportunity and split the shield away with a sword, and the holy light on it was directly split apart.

The shield spun in the air and flew back into the hands of the soldier boy. Next to him stood Van Helsing, who was holding the Archangel Sword. The holy light on the shield before was blessed by him.

Apparently, Van Helsing and Soldier Boy have defeated Gabriel and turned him back into the Archangel Sword.

What is the process like? It's very simple. In the projection of heaven, Van Helsing ignored the hymns of the angels around him and made a standard prayer gesture on his chest. Then, he sensed the source of light, and then, through the source of light, searched for the location of heaven.

Heaven is closely related to the source of light. Through the source of light, heaven can be sensed. This is what Gabriel once taught Van Helsing.

Van Helsing doesn't know how to use Gabriel's projection of heaven, but that's not important. All he wants is for heaven to cast its eyes on him.

"God, I don't know if you are truly merciful and almighty, but I believe that you will not watch Gabriel go astray, even if he is not the Gabriel of this world."

Van Helsing prayed in a low voice. Only the soldier boy next to him could hear what he was praying. He couldn't help but complain: "Are you sure God won't kill you directly? Not only did you not kneel down, but you also questioned God."

"Not sure. By the way, if you are so close to me, I will kill you by then."

Van Helsing complained and continued to pray. The prayers of ordinary people cannot be heard in heaven, but Van Helsing is the Father God and is connected to heaven through the source of light. The God of this world can naturally hear it.

God did not talk to Van Helsing. He only taught Van Helsing the magic of heaven projection in detail. In addition, he also taught two other super-level light magics.

Van Helsing was overjoyed. The soldier boy was right. Gabriel's paradise was not the real paradise, but his own paradise. This can be seen from God helping Van Helsing.

"Heavenly projection!"

Van Helsing immediately cast his magic, and the power of heaven was drawn to him, forming a new heaven according to his ideas.

After this new paradise appeared, Gabriel's paradise immediately began to collapse. Gabriel shouted in disbelief: "How is it possible? Why are you projecting heaven?

Even if you know how to project heaven, why can your projection of heaven break my projection of heaven? There's no reason for this. Whether it's holy power or experience, I'm better than you. "

"The closer the projection of heaven is to the essence of heaven, the stronger its power. Gabriel, my heaven can destroy your heaven, which is enough to prove that I am right."

Van Helsing said proudly. The soldier boy looked at the angels in bikinis filling the sky and couldn't help but complain: "Are you sure? This is actually hell. This must be hell, right?"

"Isn't this paradise? What man doesn't like bikinis?"

Van Helsing laughed loudly. Such a paradise can destroy Gabriel's paradise. You can imagine how bad Gabriel's paradise is.

As Gabriel's paradise collapsed, his body was also disintegrating. He smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know if you are right, but it is obvious that I must be wrong, because God can never be wrong. .”

“Why must God be absolutely right?”

Van Helsing snorted, and the soldier boy immediately took a step aside to avoid being affected by a lightning strike.

"As expected, I still don't like you."

Gabriel snorted coldly, and his steel body quickly transformed into the Archangel Sword. Then, Van Helsing canceled the heaven projection and returned to Silent Hill with Soldier Boy.

As soon as the two returned, they saw the devil slashing Andrew. Without saying a word, they immediately attacked the devil.

That's it, Soldier Boy and Van Helsing team up to deal with the demon, while Andrew continues to stir up hellfire in an effort to destroy Alessa once and for all.

Alessa 'tried' various abilities, but because of Sharon's presence, they all failed. Her angry face was ferocious. Of course, it was all staged.


Rose was very worried about Sharon, and Odin said: "Don't worry, Andrew is very humane in what he does. Your daughter will be fine. Even if she dies, he can resurrect one for you."

"Can it really be resurrected? Uh, is the resurrected Sharon still Sharon?"

Rose was a little confused, but she did not interfere with Andrew, nor did she force Odin to save Alessa. This woman was strong, rational, and a pretty good woman.

"It seems that it still failed."

Sithorn sighed, Alessa was defeated too quickly, and the demon was defeated before he came. Of course, this cannot be blamed on Alessa. The main reason is that the mechanical demon is too strong. Alessa, as a new demon king, has already performed very well. Can.

In addition, Sithorne did not expect that Gabriel would lose to Van Helsing and Soldier Boy. Gabriel was a majestic archangel, but he actually lost to two new demon kings, and he lost in a short period of time. Regarding this, Sithorn said, Gabriel, please withdraw from the group.

"If it fails completely, the losses will be huge."

The devil said with an ugly face: "My clone, Alessa, the people of the motherland, and even the fallen demon king will all fall. At that time, the war in hell may collapse because of this."

Sithorn said: "Don't worry, it's not that serious. If we retreat with all our strength, we can still save some people."

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